Oh you're such a pretty boy

>oh you're such a pretty boy
>oh you're such a pretty boy
>oh you're such a pretty boy
>you're so pretty!!

Okay what the fuck gives with this one? None of the members of Depeche Mode are gay. Vince Clarke isn't gay and went on to marry a lady. So why the fuck are there two gay tunes on the first Depeche album?

Attached: Speak and Spell.jpg (597x600, 96K)

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Didn't they say that they consider that their worst song?

Because they weren't living in meathead buttfuck America. It's amazing how many questions you can answer with that sentence isn't it

>why the fuck are there two gay tunes on the first Depeche album?

Attached: R-2882874-1358704008-1366.jpeg[1].jpg (600x600, 48K)

Straight people singing about being gay isn't normal anywhere.

As an American I laughed at that. As cheesy as those synths and lyrics are, I still like that album. Vince Clarke never really evolved, though. At least Martin Gore expanded into a pedophile pervert...

I think portions of their material played on untraditional sex, gender-bending, etc. e.g. the lyrics in "Something To Do" reference wearing some woman's dress and boots. However, I think they are workers' boots and an "oil-stained" dress or something like that.

Attached: some-great-reward-with-blasphemous-rumours-luc-lambert.jpg (493x572, 67K)

the song is about me. i am a pretty boy, you see

did someone say "pretty boy"???

>A group/artist's music must 100% represent the member's own opinions (or sexual orientations in this case)
Fucking retard OP at it again.

>vince clarke
>not gay
hold on a sec

Attached: DM.jpg (520x413, 68K)

I heard they don't like "It's Called A Heart" very much

He's really not though. He just has a way with a pop song.

Me, either.

Way with a pop song, for sure. I love his stuff but those videos are gayer than Elton John.

A classic:

Not to mention this:

LOL! I'm crying, here!
I loved that song in high school when I'd get some far away radio station out of San Francisco but I never had any cable for MTV or anything like that so I never saw that video before. Hahaha!
Loved Erasure.

I always wondered if the 'girl' Andy rescues in this video is a trap


>I always wondered if the 'girl' Andy rescues in this video is a trap

We've been on Yea Forums for too long. I love these songs but the videos are horrible. He's roasting Pedobear!

>Vince Clarke
I mean... Elton John married a woman... Looking at Vince's other work, I think it's safe to say there's some gay in there.

I remember seeing Dink open for 808 State. I didn't realize that name actually stood for something.

Vince is the synth king

Attached: vince-clarke-studio-birthday-july-3.jpg (671x590, 103K)

is he wearing a diaper?

A denim codpiece with a zipper

there are boys who are pretty and we should sing about them
is that hard to understand, pleb?