I'm sorry, but this shit is straight up garbage so far

I'm sorry, but this shit is straight up garbage so far.

Goddammit Fenriz. I'd rather have old school Isengard.

Attached: cover-800x800.jpg (800x800, 286K)

WRONG, zoomer.

I'm 41, you stupid fucking leftist faggot

lmao fucking BOOMER

Damn right, you little whiney shithead. "UHHH! I CANT EVER BUY A HOME! THE WORLD IS RUINED FOR US! I CANT WORK 40 HR WORK WEEKS!!!!"

Faggot pussy

Someone's mad!

Stay mad and have a heart attack, you cretin.

calm the fuck down ojii-san

think about your blood pressure man

And you are still posting here and listening to Metal ? Gee, you certainly aged well friendo

Chill out guy

Metal is for real men, not little cissies.

butthurt zoomz

spotted the tranny

Go mow your lawn boomer

Hahahaha you have no power you little queerboy.
Metal is king and always will be king.

You're the tranny you little faggit.

This is probably the worst thread on the board and a serious contender for worst sitewide

>listening to Darkthrone after Ravishing Grimness

underground resistance was enjoyable for how cheesy it was but mostly agreed
sardonic wrath had a couple okay tracks too

>Yea Forums
>ever any use

zoomers btfo