>I was originally born in New York City, but moved around a lot. When I left NYC to join the military, it was like a warzone, but when I came back it was like an episode of Will & Grace. Sure, we have better buildings now, but you pushed out all the original people! You didn’t really improve anything, you just added white people and erased all the black people.
I was originally born in New York City, but moved around a lot. When I left NYC to join the military...
Other urls found in this thread:
>added white people, erased black people
>bad thing
hes completely correct now remember white boys if you have a problem with him and you dont say it to his face you just proved that you all are scared white boys
I literally trained in Taekwondo for ten years. I could beat the shit out of this balding manlet.
he should live in chicago. they even demolished the projects you'd see when they showed the stadium at bulls games but the blacks are still there and are hard to get rid of. real niggas not like those nyc pussies
i wish the monkey people were smarter
One couldn't possibly hate him as much as he resents his fanbase. He's the one who has a problem.
He must have left to join the army in the late 00s. NY hasn't changed much since then, this nigga's trying to act like it was still the 90s.
>goes to Iraq
>compares nyc to a war zone
lol nigga what
It's called gentrification, it's a good thing.
Ok though guy
no it's not
see: San Francisco
>Hendricks has said his influences include Throbbing Gristle, Skinny Puppy, Carly Rae Jepsen, Hanson & the Backstreet Boys.
this nigga
Actually it is. All the gay people are being phased out by the rich nerds.
That's a pretty average body. Nothing special. It doesn't matter anyways though. It's more about technique and strategy than brute strength and size. I've fought dudes bigger than him and won because they didn't know how to fight. It just takes longer because they can take more hits. Death by a thousand cuts and all that jazz.
>you pushed out all the original people!
as well as all the artists, good cheap food, and nice architecture
The city is being transformed into a giant starbucks by all the rich nerds who hate going outside of their comfort zone, or outside at all for that matter. No one can afford to live there without making at least 80k a year and signing your soul over to become a corporate wage cucks.
At the same time, homelessness and crime are up relating directly to gentrification. Due to the increase in wealth, criminals drive for hours from places like Stockton to break into cars and homes. Same with the homeless, they want to leach off of all the prosperity.
they weren't forcing anyone out of new york when they made the move retard
>it was like a warzone, but when I came back it was like an episode of Will & Grace
>You didn’t really improve anything
that's a based taste desu
How are basedboys any better than gays?
yeah they were, by shitting the neighborhoods up and making them unlivable for white people
They aren't gay.
He's in denial. He's a gentrifier of Baltimore. You don't have to be white to gentrify.
I didn't know MC Ride was in the military
Love his music but he seems obnoxious as fuck, must be exhausting to be around
what do you think Exmilitary meant?
This, same with Vince staples. That freestyle he did with Kenny beats was so obnoxious Vince could not stop bringing up the fact Kenny is white
*lacerates hamstring*
nuttin personnel
Smh whypipo always be moving in and lowering the murder rate n shieet.
Vince is the biggest fucking loser in hip hop bar none and he’s so lucky he’s so black looking. Like if he looked stereotypical white or Asian instead of stereotypically black he’d never be taken seriously. He can only respond to anything with marvel movie level quips and brags about some vague dark past like a loser would brag about his gf who’s totally real but in a different school
sure, if you never leave manhattan
>you just added white people and erased all the black people
seems like asians, hispanics, and foreign born were added and some white and black people were removed
incorrect. Gays>mouthbreathers
this dude wishes he was Mc ride so bad. also, his tattoos suck fucking ballsack
This guy is a weirdo.
>his gay ass stereo chest piece
What a cornball. Even gayer when you compare it to rides giant grotesque fly
Gay people go against nature and only serve to destroy western civilization.