New MadGibbs - Crime Pays

New MadGibbs - Crime Pays


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what an amazing song. Madlib never disappoints.

Not crazy about this one yet, but I'm still hype as fuck for the album. Took a little while for Piñata to grow on me and now it's in my top 5 rap albums

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Wew this is great. If Bandana is as consistent as Pinata it will be AOTY based on the singles.
Same for me, took a while but eventually went from a 7/10 to a 9/10.

so fucking hyped
this album is gonna be great

Really, really great. Banking on a classic. Need this to pick me up after Flamagra.

actually amazing

this is fucking mental

i love madgibbs so much. shame the limited edition vinyl doesnt ship to mu shitty cunt.

pinata is fucking garbage and unless this is twice as good i ain't listenin

Low quality bait

Amazing, gonna be AOTY across all genres

thanks for the input dipshit
took the dive and listened, it's alright but the forced vinyl peaking is annoying and his vocals are too sharp in the first half. some type of mixing problem.

>fucking garbage
>it’s alright

pinata is garbage as a whole
this non-pinata single is listenable

Crime Pays is so far the most mediocre Bandana single imo. Too inoffensive for Madlib.
Have you heard the last two singles?


I think Bandana is the best single so far. Listen to it if you haven’t.


you’re a non musician

ain't gotta be a musician to have ears buddy

Crime Pays Nigga

A madlib beat is only as good as its sample.
Because madlib basically just takes a sample and loops it with maybe some arbitrary chops mixed in.
This one is underwhelming.

opinions of non musicians don’t matter

He improves the samples.