She's so hot

she's so hot

Attached: Carly-Rae-Jepsen-Dork-1.jpg (1500x2251, 205K)

Would love to have an orgasm in her vagina

grow some titties will ya

>self inserts in her love songs
is there a better feel?

very true

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inserting yourself inside her

she kind of pulls it off tbqh. gives her a synthetic Barbie doll look.
t. someone who usually doesn’t like small titties or flatass

Small tiddyz 4 life. Guys who need big tids have mommy issues.

but get legs and thighs are God tier

Attached: 26.jpg (865x1366, 940K)

she looks like a trap

Watersports ready!

and That's a Good Thing


>tfw not gay but like women with masculine features
>not into men
>not into traps
>the moment I see a penis, I go soft
She's perfect. I love women with strong features.

that looks like the incontinence wear they used to have in my nan's care home, I don't get fashion

>small tits
>no ass
>box body
>square hips

yikes, shit taste detected

Attached: a5c.gif (250x250, 449K)

>she's so hot

Attached: 1543204626252.jpg (1552x1199, 488K)

This man speak the tru tru


oh man she looks 53

she looks like a teacher giving a speech or something in front of an auditorium full of children

Mark my words. She's going to look better than most celebrities when that time comes. Women with her features tend to age very well.

Looks like a tranny but you do you.

ur a tranny

yup, she's a pretty lady.
try transmen?


h-how do you know

pretty face for a tranny


Attached: bitch got a penis.png (300x300, 56K)

Whats up with those stretch marks around her mouth?

nope. I prefer small tiddies and I have terrible mommy issues.

She's like37 those are wrinkles

she cute


Why is she in a plastic bag?

Because she is trash lmao

Awesome style

do you ever feel
like a plastic bag?