Attached: Capture.jpg (273x337, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Twice Japanese songs > Korean songs


Attached: 1496092506981.png (435x767, 527K)


cutest girl in the galaxy~

Attached: 61140982_472506183488894_73859611991474176_n.webm (480x270, 801K)

ksoo is too stupid for the military he’s gonna get shot day one

besides monsta x, which boy groups aren't filled with twinks?


Attached: 1536763143284.webm (500x500, 1.16M)

she should stop doing that

Attached: maxresdefault (6).jpg (1280x720, 79K)

Attached: 150627A009.jpg (1200x800, 845K)

Post feet you insufferable faggots.

gib remi gf thanks

two sluts

i'm sure soldier have other... use for him

Attached: DsbpRIeU8AA_25U.jpg_orig.jpg (1000x1286, 189K)

what the fuck cheap ass shoes are those?

I like nayeon.

Attached: IMG_20190528_113123.jpg (1910x2048, 389K)

fucking love it

Attached: DhMRDsmU8AA3vFb.jpg (800x1200, 157K)


not in a million years
its true for snsd though

I want to fuck nayeon

based purebro


Attached: IMG_20190427_155954.jpg (311x160, 18K)

meant for

>this is your average footfag

Attached: 1559162404855.webm (360x640, 2.56M)



Attached: 5f7183d484c65caa5cbbc2ea7098fb92936fed914b4dfe4c12e073ab961cd25a.jpg (1278x959, 110K)

i don't know but that's what people said here

based yejichad

Footfags are so creepy

Attached: 1531757684114.webm (510x906, 2.77M)


i'm actually going to vomit

I concur

Attached: Sana_axilla_YoY.jpg (1088x1500, 170K)


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Attached: 151031-029.jpg (1300x867, 866K)

Attached: mijoo_pits.jpg (1200x1920, 788K)

traditional korean girl

Attached: 33f279a4440e9385fb805ecbc10ced53c82cf134082290ec25679809f96ad3b3.jpg (1365x2048, 270K)


Yeonwoo and Nacy wasted their potential on Momoland.

Attached: images.jpg (407x753, 31K)

so boring in here without itzybros

I NEED to know what that Korean says in the bottle right so I can download all his Yeonwoo photos.

Attached: 1556311172071.webm (1080x1920, 3M)

virus don't click

Attached: taiwan pits.webm (642x1050, 774K)

i have no idea

Attached: 33223b12eb18f7ee362967ffeb6373620a27d985fed137dafb0f460317e7ac6a.jpg (1000x1500, 170K)

weren't good enough for bigger companies

Attached: DSC07313.jpg (1500x1001, 144K)

such based outfit

sup guys

Attached: 190530 우주소녀 설아 부탁해 아주대 4K WJSN.webm (866x1440, 2.73M)

Daily Dubu!

Attached: 1541725074299.jpg (1200x1800, 312K)

For a group that is not from the big 3 i think they actually did pretty good.

SF9 have decent height and frame, not as muscular though

I think Momoland is doing pretty good, no?

Attached: 1554703946984.jpg (1194x1590, 360K)

this is the shortest they go yet

Attached: shocked nodding.webm (586x674, 441K)

Attached: D7QZiN_XsAAD2tQ.jpg (911x1200, 223K)

the girls aren't getting money yet, but they are getting plenty of concerts

any sharkman in


YG: yes, we solicited prostitutes

also YG: we're such chads we didnt even have to pay them, they just had sex with us pls believe

Attached: D5NE-xAUwAApLqZ.jpg (1280x1920, 242K)


Attached: 1533148615839.webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

how come almost all of them have shapely butts

Attached: 161119072.jpg (1300x867, 838K)

Attached: yeonwoo debt.png (1440x810, 1.83M)

any squidman in


>yeonwoo isn't good enough
She's a better visual than at least 80% of the big 3 "visuals"

Attached: yeonwooy6s.jpg (495x619, 21K)

10 7

just 1 peek

Attached: 1504495743809.jpg (1500x1000, 846K)

yes friend we are always here

to be honest, she could easily pay her debt in less than 30 minutes

any dragonman in

any gryffindors in

they keep getting better every comeback

any yunaman in

Attached: 1550208019330.jpg (400x545, 56K)

then her timing sucks since the bigger groups had already debuted except bp. if she was a jyp trainee she maybe couldve gotten into itzy but jyp likes his loli visuals

any slugman in

Twice > SNSD
don't @ me losers

any liaman in

any kwonman in

i think yeonwoo looks too womanly for most current big3 groups
maybe she would fit RV, but that's about it

why do the biggest sluts look the most innocent?

Attached: 190530 우주소녀 설아 부탁해 아주대 4K WJSN-.webm (1218x1440, 2.75M)

any dubuman in

Attached: D70wbQ2UwAA9QSt.jpg (1364x2048, 166K)

mandatory yoga lessons

Attached: gymyomi.jpg (411x607, 48K)


Attached: 52024249_2236308656609548_7641706442260274705_n.jpg (1080x1348, 135K)

>Yeonwoo and Nacy wasted their potential on Momoland.
I actually have to agree with this even though I like Momoland as a whole

Attached: 1547061689312.jpg (1200x800, 129K)

any jeongman in


I want Eunseo to tell me to die



starship is really the best
soon even the izone girls will have butts

I meant yuri but that works too


>no good posters in
I'm out

Attached: DazzlingMixedGermanshorthairedpointer.webm (810x1440, 2.97M)

as expected from bonar

just came home from work and was wondering why there are so many posters, the thread is almost always dead when i get home
then i realized that I worked different hours today and got home 7 hours later then what I usually do
hehe silly me

Attached: 1550710940577.jpg (1000x1500, 176K)

based exy bro

>so many posters
literally all me

they are so short wtf


Attached: 1554903321369.jpg (799x1200, 174K)

>that res

Attached: yeonwootwt.jpg (1364x2048, 270K)

anyone have the only good blackpink memeber lisa?
Nuest have Baekho
and TVXQ I guess

in the Philippines


word nancy is fat as fuck

thinking about her...

Attached: 1556906075741.jpg (800x1200, 205K)

Attached: 190530 우주소녀 설아 부탁해 아주대 4K WJSN--.webm (1000x1440, 2.7M)

word and +1

blackpink house episode 12 is the best even though my favorite scene was in episode 5

imagine having to deal with chuu 24/7

Attached: 1559234355782.webm (1280x720, 2.36M)

How can I be cool like my favorite kpop idol G-Dragon


damn Exy looks like THAT?

Attached: exy visual.webm (1080x1080, 1.76M)

wtf you guys never told me momoland covered dreamcatcher

Attached: 1534666788705.jpg (1200x675, 156K)

i'm scared of this comeback

muy basado

you just know they're running a train on her swampy ax wound

Attached: D1SKfqiUwAAi611.jpg (1800x2520, 725K)

I'm actually a sanabro, but yeonwoo is one of the best visuals in my opinion. A shame i can't see a brighter future for her on momoland.

Attached: IMG_20190530_134206.jpg (600x900, 78K)


feed jane

>"god damn her ass is so thicc"
>it's actually the flattest object in the universe

Attached: 190530_1.jpg (1000x667, 206K)

she might find some success in acting, who knows

My Aryan wife Kang Seulgi. We will move to a small village in the Bavarian Alps and have many Aryan children together.

Attached: 1542374176995.jpg (1000x666, 47K)

manager-nim in the back is like 'would you just get on the bus jesus christ lady...'


wow, shes beautiful

she can go to acting, modeling, etc
her visuals are too strong to be wasted

Post more eunseo

frusciante-hyung won't come back

Attached: sanasad.jpg (1049x1073, 167K)

you have any lisa?


Attached: B711D588-6023-4073-BA35-AB9E97E9AC1B.png (712x591, 425K)

>a brighter future
Yeonwoo must have at least 1000 betas giving her money/gifts 24/7.

Attached: 1534971523835.webm (627x400, 821K)

This but unironically

Attached: 1549064021868.jpg (1050x700, 232K)


Attached: F40564D8-7D97-4A37-A7C6-8A05C056E6FE.jpg (1366x2048, 419K)

Wow she is stunning

let the gods choose your wujuwife

Attached: 1536587372375.webm (830x720, 585K)

that would be perfect for her
historical dramas with gisaengs would fit her image pretty well


Attached: 1537227002857.webm (1280x720, 2.22M)


Attached: 1537289005197.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

My Indo-Aryan waifu जी ह्यो, from a small village in the Bengal Delta

Attached: 00230045.jpg (720x452, 59K)

baily dudu

Attached: 1558805673056.png (1258x1873, 3.58M)

please god, give me the pure member

Yes she is. This is the woman that will bear my future ubermensch 100% Aryan master race children

Attached: 1536627015410.png (800x533, 640K)

Attached: eunseo tear exy gulp.webm (1470x1080, 1.35M)



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Attached: 1555211170850.jpg (1364x2048, 216K)


Dased and budupilled

Attached: DUBUNNY.jpg (2048x1824, 850K)

Are there any natty girls in kpop?

you got the least pure

why did she say that?

She looks Indonesian...

blackpink have 4

my waifu

Attached: nosie timeline.jpg (964x1253, 255K)

how do I get nayeon to look at me like that

give me her name then

Attached: 1529502345540.png (873x1500, 1.57M)


Attached: seamonkey.jpg (739x415, 32K)


blackpink don't even have 4 biological females

>(S)exy and Nosie
My dick


What did Rose mean by this?

Attached: rose.jpg (457x821, 60K)

Attached: bona timeline.jpg (1663x808, 224K)

That’s why SEAmonkeys like twice

Just be the cameraman bro

Attached: IMG_20190528_112545.jpg (1200x1800, 306K)

wish eunseo would rape her members a little bit less

Attached: 1537959150549.jpg (1152x2048, 305K)


Attached: 1534969759121.jpg (750x750, 78K)

I wish eunseo would rape her members a little more

she's thanking ariana grande for the perfume i think


Attached: 1551360935935.jpg (2464x3880, 1.57M)

looks like I'm going to be dropping out of college to be a cameraman in korea

should add this pic, natty doubles

Attached: DaaAvxMUwAAl3gO.jpg (764x1024, 157K)


Attached: notashitskindesu.jpg (208x313, 11K)

Thaidols are the best idols

Attached: 1558144308464.jpg (900x1200, 197K)

W-wait is Momoland not doing well enough?

Are they in trouble?

Attached: yeoncuck.webm (1000x1268, 2.07M)

no one has

stop being mean to children

Attached: D7z--OrVUAAVSFi.jpg (1000x1500, 147K)

blackpink 4 way intersection

what do you mean? im out of the loop

Attached: 1510413596765.jpg (2016x2016, 517K)

Attached: 1556048389798.jpg (654x659, 65K)

Just follow your dreams

Attached: IMG_20190528_112649.jpg (1200x1438, 228K)

everyone says in the thread that they're not big enough or something

they're not going to break up right?

Attached: 5ac7b2b4d70fda7768468f45910dbf6512400170.webm (1080x1920, 2.92M)

I'm sorry, you're right.

Attached: scent_sana-1078666901167910912-20181228_230004-img2.jpg (1333x2000, 695K)

wish i could make friends like Yeri does

Attached: Yeri-16.png (628x516, 864K)

holy fffffffffuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkk

ImAlwaysHardMode 17 points
>Those fucking abs

necropig 27 points
>Wow, where have they been hiding?

JACKNROD272 27 points
>i like my tofu breaded and deep fried.

fapperramone 13 points
>She's a perfect gift

Cealh 7 points

SkaizE99 12 points
>when dubu's been at the top 3 but has been hiding all the time... Well, ain't gonna complain if she starts to show us

Attached: 1559055266286.jpg (640x960, 81K)

oh i dont know, i sure hope not
im too hot was good, it just wasn't as great as their previous hits so they should keep going but who knows whats going on behind the scenes

Attached: 1553516768264.jpg (1024x744, 100K)


I said it's difficult to find an asian with a big butt... I was amazed by the new generation of korean robots but I've come to realize is actually their pants that make it look so good, even my grandma in her grave will look pretty hot in these.

What a cutie

Attached: 1558368435892.webm (350x304, 276K)

literal Natty

Attached: e1499966122626.jpg (600x339, 34K)

Attached: D7pFhrxX4AIpD77.jpg (1197x1200, 298K)

too bad she got PS

who is this qt

Attached: Dah-A4TX0AALNrX.jpg (653x980, 114K)

>tfw you have youtube autoplay on for so long you have no idea what you're listening to anymore

just look at that gap

can someone post her more?

Attached: eunbin.jpg (375x577, 63K)


Attached: a5f7f072-63bb-11e8-82ea-2acc56ad2bf7_1280x720_153030.jpg (1200x800, 121K)

you cant even see anything

which kgirls have accepted Christ as their savior?



Attached: 1558082798703s.jpg (70x125, 2K)


Attached: 1545933998726.jpg (1080x1350, 107K)


nice thumbnail

not bait

how can i check unique melon listeners?

My God, I'm glad that kpop performance finished, it lasted 3 days.

Attached: JESUS LEAVES THE TOMB•l.jpg (450x602, 36K)

thinking about untainted virgins

which kgirls have accepted Chris as their savior?

Attached: cab00d3a23972aea2bf1acaec36add54.jpg (929x1400, 234K)


Attached: 1530683578145.webm (600x1080, 1.82M)

just compare here eyelids


Attached: sohee (4).jpg (1242x655, 107K)

Attached: D6h8gAoUwAERB6r.jpg (1082x1440, 214K)

I hit the wrong file unfortunately

Attached: 1558082798703.webm (810x1440, 2.91M)

eyelids don't count everyone does that

best mother daughter duo

Attached: D67krv2VUAAEytQ.jpg (1200x800, 116K)

Damn how much it triggers me when the cringy fatty average low-life weebs that post here start posting between themselves their cringy fantasies with le kpop-a-cap and your quality memes go lost while flooding the first page.

if eyelids don't count then Yeri is also natty

Attached: 35341718_616438682069290_6530348965836095488_n.jpg (480x480, 35K)

yomi wife when?

Attached: 2.jpg (2700x1800, 2.46M)

Attached: D71BaG4VsAAJrjH.jpg (2048x1364, 268K)


Attached: 1544523995635.jpg (1080x1349, 122K)

her body looks pretty nice here but when she posted those vacation photos to instagram her body looked terrible.... my brain is overloaded and cannot handle this


Attached: D5PY2h4U4AEyp0m.jpg (1366x2048, 505K)

there are plenty of idols with natty doubles and don't forget the monolid idols

She's lost weight and her vacation photos weren't particularly flattering angles

Attached: 1542937620712.jpg (1148x1425, 124K)

yeah 12 was the best i agree.
what was 5? the jetski episode?


Nice suplex.

black really hides the shape well, especially against a black backdrop like that

any sharkman in

Attached: binrin.webm (319x456, 1.64M)

nice choker

My Aryan wife Kang Seulgi is so beautiful

Attached: 1535873747858.jpg (2048x1438, 789K)

hey mr dj
don't stop the music

I like bunny

Attached: 1521126882308.webm (762x954, 999K)

shes my Aryan wife but WORD

Attached: vGfpccl.jpg (1000x1500, 605K)

here is my wife, she is also very based and redpilled

Attached: 1553985455469.jpg (1080x1350, 112K)

c u b

Attached: 1554440525027.jpg (1200x1800, 172K)

are kpg excited for the fromis comeback?

Attached: 1558286740923.jpg (1333x2000, 289K)

Attached: D71BaG4UEAEzlRV.jpg (2048x1364, 271K)


Based revluvChads

Attached: 1547643632019.jpg (1045x1200, 236K)

yes very much so

Attached: 1556230836995.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

damn i love white girls

Attached: 1542840211477.jpg (1000x1319, 155K)

Attached: 1556238931501.jpg (725x600, 102K)

whats the point of kpop if the idols arent actually my gf...

Attached: D7QrEBnUYAEZEN8.jpg (1200x675, 91K)

based, keep posting

kpopfags BTFO

joy is a literal goddess

Attached: D7pa6ZoUwAEQi2g.jpg (866x1200, 157K)

Yes and Megan can get it


Attached: dongdrink.webm (1067x600, 745K)

goddess of the fish people

Ari answered

Attached: 1543568709289.jpg (828x1472, 62K)


Attached: 190530 우주소녀 설아 부탁해 아주대 4K WJSN-W_k6Lbe8hXU.webm_snapshot_02.03_[2019.05.30_1 (3840x2160, 651K)

picking the worst girl yikes

Megan=can get it

shame about the face tho

Attached: Red-Velvet-Yeri-Joy-Seulgi-XPN.jpg (2400x1202, 457K)

Attached: Twiceboy goin' in on that ace.webm (720x720, 2.94M)

a lot of kpop girls will be your girlfriend for an hour for the right price


Attached: 1543283472062.jpg (1080x1350, 420K)

Why are disgusting western popshits continuously shilling BP?


Attached: 006lpPzYly1g3dkhcr80qj31qi13kqkd.jpg (2250x1424, 637K)

based chads

Attached: 1551317029385.jpg (530x708, 59K)

gowon tho

ive been taking too much suboxone and i cant poop. kpop for this feel?

she is assmogging everyone, amazing
i would never expect that from her

because she met them backstage at a festival they were all performing at, they probably talked for a while and she ended up liking them a lot because rosé it's impossible not to like rosé

must be the actual choabacabra, mods don't usually delete posts this aggressively.

she is too rich and famous now

really nice but i still like soobin's wide load the most

make it another bona's feet thread

who doesn't like giving rose a sugar cube and a head pat?

i can't believe mods are camping these threads to shoot chichubro on sight


reminder that bp and ariana are both under umg

new fromis sucks, now what

Attached: dayoung.webm (720x1280, 2.79M)

it's sad really they have no lives

Attached: D7ir7iGV4AATNjk.jpg (800x1200, 189K)
