RYM / Sonemic general

Post your profile, show off your curve, babble about high-profile users, tell us what you have been rating today and what you will rate in the following month, just let the good times flow.

Ask about our Skype group if you're interested.

Most importantly, get taste!

Attached: 9969.jpg (1280x1280, 234K)

Other urls found in this thread:


listening to kate bush atm... feeling feminine


Attached: bitch got a penis.png (300x300, 56K)

sal and lad look like goth porn stars lmao

biologically female users never put female in their profile because they want to be left alone, they know that attention from being female is degrading.
trans are the only ones who put female in their profile because they get a sexual exhibitionist rush from it and are desperate for validation


Attached: 1558828422483.png (1024x768, 376K)

Or you could just fuck off to RYM and talk about that shit there.

these threads have existed for like a decade. the discussion forums on rym are even worse than here

The more I read about music on Yea Forums, the less interested I'm in actual music.

Do you think Sonemic will actually ever happen? Will rym ever become Sonemic?

bayar looks exactly the same

>Ask about our Skype group if you're interested.
>skype in cy+4
hi lewis you weeaboo pedo fuck


i just realized that every rym titan is non-white and/or queer

rly makes u think


pls god gib me patrician transgf plssssssssssss

nah theres tons of cis white straight dudes

stfu tranny boy

what are these threads about? i checked the last one when it was up and i didnt understand 99% of the words

name uno

>inb4 lewis
slavs aren't white

the rateyourmusic community crosses over with the Yea Forums community sometimes and for the past several years this group of people have hates each other, loved each other, doxxed each other, memed each other, and forgiven each other....

karlhalliday, iloveyou, hardboiledbabe, the list just goes on and on.

when you put it that way, it really is a beautiful relationship

Just smoked a weedie and about to study the "s" row of katakana again. Damn it feels good to be a polymath.

hmm, i see, ive been on rym for several years but dont know any of these people

the people most talked about here either use Yea Forums and are active in these friends, are friends with people in these threads, or are obnoxious and post in comment boxes everywhere

Don't pit women against each other for your entertainment.
What are some cool songs about being nice?

Moon man - Crank Dat



My plan backfired.


>top right
you know those pictures of pornstars sucking dick where they shop out most of the dick so it looks like the chicks lower lip?

Anti-anti-white, anti-anti-male, and therefore totally unemployable.

Since adding the above sentence, one of the two people who have "friended" me on this site has unfriended me! Identity politics is truly the religion of capitalism.

true dawg

i really like him

more like gayar

he's really nice and a cutie

say what you want about trannies but at least it's a political ideology

Lobbing Off Your Dick Because Your Dad Wouldn't Let You Play With Barbies Is Not An Ideology

Still gotta listen to stage 6 from the caretaker sometime in the next few days.
Not sure what to expect desu.

Attached: 38A8A5E8-9967-4C15-958E-ED60430B26B3.jpg (4032x3024, 2.19M)

>tfw you find out the tranny you used to fuck on the side is a minor RYM personality

Not posting my account for obvious reasons. I didn't start using the site until last year and don't really interact with the community so I was pretty weirded out when I clicked on a random profile and saw her photo.


Attached: 220px-98.12.28_男達の別れ_Album_Art[1].jpg (220x215, 12K)


kennedi looks like such a cool dude.

Attached: 2019-05-30 17_25_04-Window.png (500x596, 604K)

s(he)'s a commie

Attached: kennedi commie.png (939x595, 940K)

how the hell do you fuck a disgusting wound? are you crazy? or did you take "her" dick up your ass?

What's some good hentai you've been enjoying?

almost every high profile rymer is marxist. i know for a fact that the female trio are all Marxists including ken

why is that?

Attached: 2019-05-30 17_32_27-Window.png (592x596, 823K)

you're so creepy, fuck off to r9k

"intellectual" types into art have historically almost always been marxist

i don't have those pictures saved, i just went to her instagram.

Attached: 936ab364e641b97cc1e83efd05a8ee83267cc7ea0fcf4da162e49419d32aed91.png (990x682, 308K)

she hates being posted here

she never once publicly acknowledged /rym/ bullying, good on her to be the bigger person

le anal

don't tell who you are, but what is "her" profile?

yeahshe thinks it would fuel the fire and she just wants to be normal online. i don't even think she's publicly acknowledged r9k

marxism provides an easy faux growth plate for a world view (its followers always tend to expand it beyond its narrow scope into a narrative of everything)

it's a bit sad that so many people fall for it so easily and think they found a deep meaning

tbf i wouldn't either. /r9k/ losers are the worst on the internet.

She has a dick still but I fucked her, not the other way around, I didn't think it was all that complicated. I used to rent an artist studio a couple years ago, she was living in a unit in the basement, didn't even clock her as trans for the first few months of interacting with her due to how small she is physically. Idk not gonna turn down boi pussy that's just sitting there waiting to be taken man

Why don’t you post more updated photos of these people?

they probably used the first ones they saw


Attached: 00.jpg (700x579, 66K)

only the sal one is old

i think they're friends

they're both great

hope it sees this bro

The fact that AntiWarhol now changes his fives biweekly tells me that he's starting to crack.

yeah but you're the one who actually checks his 5s biweekly

It's my homepage.

brattys a mentally ill shut-in neet that makes art
hardly intellectual. interesting but not intellectual


alright, this is funny

she's a visual artist. i dont think she does photography unless she recently started

what's that supposed to mean? are you trying to crack him?

post her art, i doubt it can hold a candle to the web wunderkid hardboiledbabe.

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i want them to have babies together desu. imagine how powerful

he's not into her kind and she's not into his kind

Attached: 4channer hypocrisy.jpg (500x688, 117K)

from bratty insta

Attached: 9A34D832-5D00-4956-9B37-A3644F663D05.jpg (750x746, 703K)

yeah sean is more into the kind of person with a creamy colon (male). while ken is more into the ripped jock type who listens to migos


Sal is ripped but he wouldn’t be caught dead listening to that nigger music.


>a true story
hbb is so phat that when she tried to khs it ripped a gigantic hole in her ceiling

and her suicide note was simply "ONIONS"

Attached: screenshot-thisishangingrockcomics.tumblr.com-2019.05.30-14-34-15.png (713x1462, 1.02M)

sal is the lowest scum of them all and listens to mompop unironically. that's worse.

sal is an oompa loompa

"im onions"

is it for sale? i want to do a cum tribute and then return to sender

based boomer

she's so pretty

I heard these fags ripped off Jason Aldean

trans girl, 19, leninist
i like noisy music, anime, video games, artsy horror films, professional wrestling, bats, cats, communism, nature, anatomy, psychology, philosophy, goth girls, being a goth girl, the glow of an old TV in a dark room, posting depressing things on facebook, and sleeping

Attached: 7322947.jpg (804x960, 132K)

she's cute

looks cool and much better than most

tumblr as fuck yikes!

fuck off


Attached: 1559164643145.jpg (621x800, 36K)

hope she sees this bro

bags under the eyes are cool user.........

>artsy horror films
hausu, suspiria, eraserhead, need I continue?



Bratty type of girl to draw hickies on herself

damn he would definitely fuck the living shit out of sal's tiny boipussy

based metal chad

isn't that /leftypol/'s admin who literally sucked some /r9k/ virgin's cock for money and got recorded doing that, then got posted on the internet, and the virgin later cried about regretting all of it because he said he wasn't gay?

less tumblr than a comic about being too fat for suicide

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wheres this from

shes funny

based totally not kennedi poster
Please let me fill your womb with classically-trained scaruffidrone babies. I'll fly over there if you'd like.

>into a narrative of everything
wow yeah it’s almost like the central premise behind marxism is that all of human history is the history of class struggle or something...

Attached: F3DE42ED-F9A1-4481-8223-FA2B158DF6A2.jpg (856x651, 26K)

yall weird


hi im your biggest fan

don't be mean to trans girls. hell, just don't be mean period.

i wrote you but you still ain't callin

This. Be nice to one another. Life is short.

yfw the majority of harassment itt is of a cis girl

Oh shit sorry didn't see this. The profile I'm talking about is miningtown but I'm pretty sure they used to go by another nick because all their comments are welcoming them back to the site. Idk don't want to put this person on blast it was just surreal

post your favourite underrated rymers guys. i nominate ~orchids

he cute

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I know her personally lol. Even funnier people on here were fapping to her pictures about a year ago, have fun having entire /rym/ envy you

These threads have made me realize that most of you girl crazy losers only use music as a crutch to posture online to people that are very much the same. I almost get second hand embarrassment just lurking these threads and seeing you bozos gossip about like old Jewish women.
Seek a change in personality, losers.

Was literally just about to post this.

just not funny

My Waco truther.


Antisemitism is NEVER okay.

>the narrative of everything is actually physics, marxism is just a subset of it
that's how retarded you sound

Ellie Is Dat Ploymath, And Boi, She Bout To Do It! (BTFO A Transphobic Alt-Reich Nu-Male, That Is!)


Attached: RWJ_1814.jpg (233x311, 13K)

post more

gay_ has been laying low recently, what is that boi up to?

Attached: 0A9E7183-F8CD-469B-9AF9-E426A2019783.jpg (504x500, 80K)

horb gets banned and immediately gets replaced by this thing
it's literally just like the power structure of Al-Qaeda and ISIS - every time you wipe out a high-ranking insurgent another fanatical nutjob just takes their place
we will never escape the cycle

Ephebophile Like JMarvin

at least horb had decent taste. i miss horb..


>it's a GarbageNight episode

you totally missed what i was saying. this is about societal function and socioeconomics, none of which you seem to care about or know anything about.


who got a penis? bitch!


sal real talk what do you think about transgenderism


i completely agree and i'm glad to hear that

nu rym sucks

all women are queens


"bitch got a penis" as a phrase is pretty woke

this is so important


>bratty wearing a mini skirt


the amount of oc these threads churn out is scary. both lad and bratty need to be drawn skinnier, put lad in all black with skinny jeans and put bratty in a grandma dress with a flat chest

yes, applying marxism to everything related to sociology and economy is stupid

>lad in all black with skinny jeans

Attached: 1558729131465.jpg (1080x1080, 223K)

marx was the "neckbeard basement dweller" of his time so it makes sense he had no idea how the world works and it shows in painful clarity in his writing

>a loser


>Yes, I gossip about music autists on a Taiwanese claymation forum. How could you tell?

Attached: 462194AC-431B-4112-9B9B-F7B234DD5C3F.jpg (1080x1331, 97K)

hi ken

shes too pussy to post that. shes the only girl rymer to not come here and complain. someone here gave her props for that but to me it seems like weakness

albini ass lookin mf

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not when it’s a scientifically valid methodology

t. hasn’t read das kapital

redpill me on dorm sex

>scientifically valid methodology
Marxism is literal pseudo-science since it's not a falsifiable field of study.

>Wahhh you're weak for not entertaining gossiping losers.

The state of ya.

>scientifically valid

what up forum

Attached: Flying fuck.jpg (1200x1728, 490K)

simply incorrect
learn what scientific socialism is and then educate yourself from there

read das kapital

im too lazy to read though

yea that seems to be a recurring theme among right-wingers in general

>scientific socialism

Attached: w.png (1024x576, 53K)

books are obsolete in the age of youtube lectures

yeah nigga it was coined in the 1800s, do some research instead of mindlessly reacting to things you don’t understand.

I need prescription glasses (that i cant afford) and I have dyslexia plus adhd

looks like you haven't learned that you are equal, 10 years gulag

truly the beginning of an era

Attached: sal kratom.png (560x167, 18K)

The Marxist theory of history, in spite of the serious efforts of some of its founders and followers, ultimately adopted this soothsaying practice. In some of its earlier formulations (for example in Marx's analysis of the character of the 'coming social revolution') their predictions were testable, and in fact falsified. Yet instead of accepting the refutations the followers of Marx re-interpreted both the theory and the evidence in order to make them agree. In this way they rescued the theory from refutation; but they did so at the price of adopting a device which made it irrefutable. They thus gave a 'conventionalist twist' to the theory; and by this stratagem they destroyed its much advertised claim to scientific status.

>scientific socialism
It's scientific only in name, just like national socialism (which is not socialism).

The problem with Communism is it's just a teenager's knee-jerk reaction to waking up to the failures of capitalism while lacking the intelligence to counter with something that actually isn't the same shit

>jasmine tear
>cold showers
>dead cat

what's the next step of his masterplan

Philosopher of science, Karl Popper labelled Marxism a pseudoscience. He did this because his theory of demarcation stated that a theory is scientific if it is falsifiable. By this, he meant that the theory “sticks its neck out” at the possibility of being wrong, such that if it is shown to be wrong (by a disagreement with experiment), it is rejected. If it is not (yet) shown to be wrong, it is retained, or corroborated. Marxism (strictly dialectical materialism) does not satisfy this criterion; when a class struggle has not resulted in revolution, Marxists will say something like “the conditions were not right.” This is an evasion of being falsified (called an ad hoc justification in the lingo of philosophy of science). So Marxism is non-scientific or pseudoscientific.

hi, i'm no one. I get my kicks giving my opinion and rates on music online. what I say means nothing but it's good to hear myself talk anyway.

i'm a star now. i'm on the computer screen, and I just know that so-n-so knows what I mean.

>Karl Popper

>Karl Popper was born in Vienna (then in Austria-Hungary) in 1902 to upper-middle-class parents. All of Popper's grandparents were Jewish

Jews are the race with the highest IQ, so it's not surprising.

I know who you are, I think, lol. I won't call you out because I know you're already paranoid enough.

Sal is so fucking cute

Sal is so fucking dumb


Hi everyone

Attached: 1551300195834.png (487x370, 124K)

pretty based curve ya got there, i'm not really a metal guy though

Thanks, what are you into?

mostly noise rock and post-hardcore (i'm not really sure what the difference between those is though)
here's my profile:

>make chart of esoteric releases from Japan
>the top ones are all anime and vidya OSTs
I lost my groan zone pic

That's awesome, ill give ya an add

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what's the skype group and what type of people go there

One on the bottem right looks like it's about get into a hotel elevator and somehow end up in the hotels water tank

just very funny

How tall is he?

wow, rym titan, such a title, I feel jealous now

>She has a dick

stop trying to force that - most are not that actually

Bitch Got A Penis

masculine af, would not do

>i'm so y

t. Embryo

>RYM / Sonemic general
Yeah, I was wanting to join a group masturbation session for a long time now

i thought you misogynists think onions makes you more feminine? why would you think a woman being onions is a bad thing?

onions raise test dont they


Open Society Foundations (OSF), formerly the Open Society Institute, is an international grantmaking network founded by business magnate George Soros.[1] Open Society Foundations financially support civil society groups around the world, with a stated aim of advancing justice, education, public health and independent media.[2][3] The group's name is inspired by Karl Popper's 1945 book The Open Society and Its Enemies.[4]

that's such a sad case, always upsets me when I think about it

just filled up another japanese womb with my highly potent slavic seed, ama

Attached: BasedLewis.jpg (960x960, 154K)

You Now Remember Deagger


all have better taste than you

remember that tier 1 users like classifriend and lad browse these threads

i bet you hate AW for not doing AMAs on here and choosing to remain a silent enigmatic figure as well.

and (You) aint one of them lmao, i bet you don't even to free improvisation FAGGOT BITCH

why would i be so stupid as to usernamedox myself?

what users in that first line should AMA, and what would you ask?

if fiddly dick decided to do an AMA on here, it would ruin the mystique and people would finally stop talking about him.

isn't that what he wanted all along?
no one you ever heard of, kid

just wanted to stay im still having a laugh at "female intellectual"

have sex


Attached: actually what ~_gay looks like irl this isn't sarah nyberg btw.jpg (600x450, 37K)

every time someone says that it just reaffirms woman's entire worth to be the hole between her legs

Eleanor is so fucking beautiful and I love that fur vest

bratty's such a fuckin' hoe
i love it

Your Favorite Ploymath - Bitch Got A STEM Degree

t. no gf

omg he's so hot

how can trans "women" even compete?

Attached: goddess.jpg (750x726, 64K)

she looks like a corpse wtf

>tfw no 4/10 RYMer bio-female to murder, embalm, and use as a sex doll

she looks like an angel wtf

hope she sees this bro

>shoulders wider than hips

That's Sarah Nyberg

bitch got a penis

who got a penis?

ive heard of all users

whom i

I sincerely hope that some, if not all, of you die sometime soon, very very soon.

got banned again

i wonder what orchids' diagnoses are

hope mods see this bro

Soros is based.

what happened to ~dzzytrll?

would unironically love top left unconditionally but i don't go to rym

dunno why you guys keep posting this, it's not ~_gay. she posted pics for trans visibility day and looks nothing like that. is it just a meme?

and no i'm not posting the pic

post the pic

i love the corpse look. does that sound bad?

i think he goes under ~myspaceisflat now




>blocked by jmarvin_orbiter
i have no idea what i did to deserve a block, and i don't think i have ever interacted with this user either, wtf


I'm so fucking glad social media wasn't a thing while I was a teenager.

lad is straight

>no difference between male and femme BAYAR

i wanna FUCK kennedi!

Attached: 1497133267603.jpg (750x546, 32K)

ken is not for lewd

why do rym threads attract such huge numbers of incels, waifu creeps and transphobes?
rym is such a comfy site mostly and so were the rym threads on mu once, but now it's like fallujah here

I've always had a great time with him on slsk

probably the only gay rymer i like

