ITT: 10/10 albums from this year

ITT: 10/10 albums from this year

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I hated this


I was pretty disappointed by this. Arrival was a good jazz album from this year though.

You start. I'd love to hear a 10/10 album from this year because I sure haven't found one, though there's been plenty of really good shit.

Actually good jazz album coming through, not a 10 though

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that's like a 4/10 though
I really wish fantano stopped reviewing jazz, he's so bad at it

my boi
I should really listen to this considering I'm into sons of komet, the idea of just a Tuba for a whole album though is putting me off though


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he manages to keep it actually engaging throughout, the tracks with Moses Boyd and Nubya Garcia are absolutely mental as well

If y'all like the new London Jazz scene you have to listen the very best album from it, Binker and Moses - Alive in the East. From 2018, but imo head and shoulders above the rest of the scene - not to say the rest is bad.

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Binker and Moses was my AOTY last year yeah, one of the best live shows I've ever seen as well

It's amazing. Did you see them on tour or do you mean you were at the show that became the album? Either way I'm extremely jealous. Need them to come to the US and bring the harpist too. I don't usually do aoty rankings but I think it's mine from last year too. Might even be my favorite contemporary jazz album

Not for the recording just in London last year, but yeah that scene is just bursting atm

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What is this I can't figure out how to reverse image search on mobile

Waste of Space Orchestra - Syntheosis

You should still be sble to use the post menu. waste of space by orchestra syntheosis though

Nothing has been higher than a 7 this year. If you think otherwise you are emotionally a child.

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yea if you're 14 year old "i have depression" girl

this is two years old but since there's some jazz fans in this thread i thought i'd share it. some of the best i've heard in recent years. very fun and energetic.

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"This album is bad because of the target audience"