Thoughts on mf doom?

Attached: 220px-MF_Doom_-_Hultsfred_2011_(cropped).jpg (220x292, 17K)

>mfw I realize MMM...Food is 15 years old

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I think MF Doom is a pretty cool guy he goes being a Madvillain all caps and is not afraid of anything.

I haven’t listened to him and extensive amount but I think he’s really good rapper but sometimes he just says random words that rhyme together even if it doesn’t make sense (?)

I like him

doritos cheetos fritos

fans are cringe

>but sometimes he just says random words that rhyme together even if it doesn’t make sense (?)
Listen to Vaudeville Villain while reading the lyrics. He's a lot more coherent that at first seems.

doom is fine dunno why people keep calling him a motherfucker through

cool when I was 15 and didn't know how to have fun

why does he wear the mask?

to hide them chins

Attached: mfdoom-1506519977-640x427.jpg (640x427, 59K)

it's endearing... oh that MF DOOM

Nice reference

Top 5 best to ever do it

He is bretty good. The fans are annoying

best to enjoy Doom on your own and not read anything the fans type.

doritos cheetos fritos

As is true with most artists

i think it's something about hiding the scars the music industry gave him. probably not physical scars, but you never know.

how do you make a cool rhyme like doom or nas etc.? all i can rhyme is
"sniffy and spiffy" and that's about the extent of my ability.

he's a filthy n*gger

Best rappity rap hip-hopper