He considers himself a music fan but has never taken psychedelics

>he considers himself a music fan but has never taken psychedelics

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Other urls found in this thread:


I’ve taken LSD and mushrooms. It’s really not essential to being “a music fan”.

60s Bob Dylan is good fun on acid though, feels like he’s in the room ripping the piss out if you in person. Particularly Visions of Johanna.

I think it's essential to have a true appreciation for music
It just sounds so much richer and more meaningful

>another thread about cringey soi zoomers talking about drugs

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>he needs to alter his mind’s chemical state to appreciate music

Or maybe not an appreciation, but rather a connection
Come back once you've actually tried it, squares
They completely changed my life

>They completely changed my life

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>he thinks that's what OP is saying

take psychedelics, it'll really open your mind

>He considers himself trippy and cosmic because he likes music

>it'll really open your mind

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changed your life how? made you a pathetic degenerate that needs drugs to enjoy the shitty music you listen to? not something to brag about, bud

I'm a buff clean shaven right winger
Not soi at all


when will they learn?

Kind of agree. Since I've tried LSD I can distinct the sounds, Instruments and patterns of music a lot better. Helped me a lot with writing my own songs. Though it kinda robbed me of the magic of music.

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>i'm too autistic to have been in a situation to lightly experiment


*rips ass in your face*

>Since I've tried LSD I can distinct the sounds, Instruments and patterns of music a lot better
This is the stupidest most pretentious thing I've read on this board

I wouldn't even know where to get my hands on such things

not him, but i loved music before doing acid. when i listened to music on acid i just loved it even more, and i was much better at improvising on instruments
it's worth experiencing at least once

damn christians are fucking stupid

Except it's literally true
This song and the album it's from sounded insanely complex when I listened to it on lsd

But to anyone who isn't afraid to try it and enjoys music, I seriously recommend at least trying it once. Make sure you're in a comfortable place with a few people you trust (or do it by yourself if you think you'll be fine)

Lol, everyone makes different experiences with drugs.

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no they aren't. Christians are awesome, but people who judge an entire group because off one moron are pretty stupid though

Acid really does open your third eye or whatever you wanna call it if you do enough. It's like the combined energy and emotion of a room becomes permeable. You see and feel everything and you understand it more than you've understood everything. Music has never really been different for me though. Good music just helps the come up.

I've tried DMT 5 times, broke through each time using a silver surfer vaporizer, about 60-100mg doses.
Shrooms over 20 times, lemon tek method.
LSD over 50 times.
2cb twice, MDMA five times.
and now I've gotten sober and regret ever taking them.
MAYBE the first DMT trip was beneficial because it made me come to terms with death and not worry about time slipping by, but everything after that offered no benefit except a comfy evening.
What I did find though is that you can have much more profound experiences without these drugs, and if you use these drugs frequently (including weed) these profound sober experiences/epiphanies come less and less frequently. It gets to the point where you need to take shrooms or LSD ever few months just to satisfy the need for a spiritual experience.
It's not worth it. These drugs may color the map, but only through your own will and sober mind will you ever traverse the landscape.
People who think drugs are the answer: where are the fruits of your labor? Where is the positive result of drug abuse?
Joe Rogan? Lil Peep? Dubstep music festivals? Are these actually beneficial for our world?
Take a good look in the mirror, drugs turn you into a docile yuppie.

not that much tho

Isn’t LSD Illegal? How the fuck you guys getting it?

>christians are awesome
people on average aren't awesome. christians are just people with delusions like everyone (even atheists) else

just stop


OOOOoo gee idk maybe they buy it?

Big, big difference between psychedelics and "normie" drugs that you would expect a yuppie to do such as opiate, painkillers, alcohol. If anything, excessive psychedelic use leads you further and further away from a normal life. Look at syd barrett, brian wilson.... I agree with you that the more you do it the less beneficial it is

This, deep web shit is too confusing and scary for me and I don’t go outside much. I’ll never get to take some

I fucking hate LSD. I feel great for the first hour or so but it doesn't take long for me to get sick of the visuals to the point where they begin to literally revolt me, and I'm stuck with them for like 12 hours. Not to mention that it also turns me into a bumbling fucking idiot and I take 100x as long to complete the simplest of tasks. And it makes me violently depressed??? what the fuck is up with that??? Do I need to do it with other people? or just be in a better headspace before tripping? inb4 yes

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I just want LSD you fuckingniggers just give them to me you dumb faggots don’t deserve it. You’ll never contribute anything of value fuck off and give them to me you dumb cunts i’m 6’1 with football built. I could kill everybody here

might depend on where you live, but it's very easy to find a plug outside of the deep web in california. just seek out hippies

silk road :^)

What are you talking about?
Psychedelics are normie now, have you gone outside lately?
Literally every single Chad and Stacy are ordering DMT off the darknet and going to music festivals with body paint on.
Sobriety has become the new counter culture.

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Did LSD a few times. I didn't feel like listening to music when I was tripping. I think the whole point of taking LSD is your own mind, not external stuff.

Some people like to take lsd at parties, raves. I can't fucking stand it. I need to be with like 5ish people that I know really well. I've never had a "bad trip" but I just don't enjoy noisy shit when I 've tripped. Also, get in a better headspace, probably more important than what I said before. If you go in depressed or with someone burdening your mind, that shit is what causes bad trips and freakouts

I'm not basing my judgement of an entire group of people off of one moron, this is just another drop in the sea of idiocy that is Christianity

Most of the evil and idiocy committed throughout Europe in the past millenium is directly attributable to Christianity and the ignorance of your average Christian

it's best to do it with some friends, just hanging out by nature with access to good music. none of that shit where you're gonna be a terrified weirdo

Chad and Stacy are trying molly MAYBE once or twice, acid is even rarer. None of the people in your picture are hardcore psychedelic users.

yea okay frien

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Dubs of truth.
Listening to music to LSD is a meme, I think because it's associated due to the hippie music festivals and the grateful dead, but I think literally any other drug is more music-friendly than LSD.

Don't listen to lyric heavy music
Boards of Canada and other similar stuff is great background music that sends your mind off on interesting tangents

completely wrong, bro.
Every single Chad and Stacy are taking shrooms, DMT, LSD, etc lately.
Did you go to Coachella? it was insane the amount of Chads I saw tripping balls and handing out free tabs they ordered online.
Psychedelics are extremely mainstream right now, which is further proof they offer little to no benefit.

Yeah, I love music on weed or molly, but LSD, I don't see the point.
I was always listening to instrumental electronic music while tripping, since it was always at electronic parties and raves (mostly psytrance, tech-trance, etc).
I just kept being distracted by my own thoughts to pay any attention to the music in the background, which was more like just noise.

>not altering his brain chemistry through sheer will alone

maybe if you weren't an obese 13 year old faggot who had even one friend, you'd be able to get some

As someone who has taken more acid and shrooms than you, this is complete bullshit

Weed is the music drug desu.

LSD is good with psytrance tho.

You know how memes from Yea Forums trickle onto the normie sites?
Part of the reason the resurgence is happening is because a lot of people have been trying and shilling them on here the past few years, me included
And normies taking them is a good thing
Maybe it'll snap them out of their mindless consumerism and obsession with status and their egos

alright CIA Nigger

It's not working.

don't try act like your're not a consumerist faggot yourself

boo hoo i post on Yea Forums i'm apart of le counter culture normies which they were as smart as mee

>Maybe it'll snap them out of their mindless consumerism and obsession with status and their egos
but taking drugs is just another form of having status and amplify their egos
"bro look at how much drug I have"

I’m a straight 20 year old who has some friends but I still can’t get any

user LSD has been around since before you were born.
What happened to the hippie generation?
They because wageslave consumerists.

Whenever I take acid I hella feel like I need to take a shit, but I don't actually need to take a shit, so I sit on the toilet for like 3 hours tryin to take a shit while tripping balls

acid sucks, 3/10, would not recommend

The criminals own all the drugs right now. You have to find dealers through your scumbag friends- they all sell out of frats or their moms' homes

Not yet
Give it time
Psychedelics aren't about the drug itself, but the experience
I've never seen anyone brag about being able to get them
Hippie culture was a psyop, but the drugs themselves were not

>trust the psychedelic plan bro
>hippies were just doing it wrong
Cmon lad. I've taken more psychedelics than you and I'm telling you through experience they will lead you nowhere.
You can keep abusing them, I don't care, but don't expect anything productive to come from it except maybe a subpar psychedelic bandcamp album and possibly mental illness.
I'm out peace

>Not yet
>Give it time
A loser hippie putting it off till tomorrow? Ya don't say.

You can get sheets mailed to your house for a few hundred, or enough to dose for four butts and you still whine?

I've gone from a sucidal wreck to a happy stable optimistic normie in just over a year with them, so I disagree
But you're free to believe what you like

i'll do it all before i die. that's what i tell myself.

i don't want schizophrenia no thanks

>only has less than one year of psychedelic experience
>is making threads about it
you're still a lightweight, user.
Make a thread in five-ten years. You have barely scratched the surface of this downward spiral.

then do it recreationally, don't overuse it and ruin it
i've suffered with psychosis, and lsd actually helped me get some perspective on things. no worsening of episodes

>doing psychedelics for such a long time
The point is to do them very rarely after long periods of self development, and then take the insight and integrate it into normal life over another long stretch of time
Yeah no shit regular use will disconnect you from society

glad LSD could help so much, sorry the other guys are sub 70 iq retards

I did that too, it's still not as effective as sobriety and transcendental meditation.
Every time you take a drug, even weed, it rewires your brains discovery mechanisms. It takes months to reset this effect.
during those months, you will have ZERO epiphanies while sober, ZERO spiritual experiences while sober, and the effectiveness of your meditation takes a huge plummet.
It's very harmful. You are better off getting sober and practicing Transcendental meditation twice a day for 20 minutes.
Transcendental meditation has been proven to reduce depression by 90% and leads to greater epiphanies than LSD will ever give you.

Got any sources for these claims?


psychedelics are fun and you can learn things from them but they are not at all essential to enjoying music.

Not to say you can't have great experiences listening to music on acid.

Eat a fistful of DPH right now you degenerate faggot

what if i don't want to fucking meditate

You are totally cherry picking unless this is a copypasta/bait.

Alexander shulgin was a phenomenal chemist and pharmacologist. Look at across history at the countless influential philosophers, scientists, and psychologists that either used their fair share of drugs or have advocated for their legalization.

Nah music is great. Listen to stuff you've never heard before. It sets an unexpected mood every time.

you have to be clear of doubt and worry before taking and make sure you are in a comfortable place where you won't be tempted to think negatively.

On one bad trip I was feeling amazing for the first two hours, until I got a text from my friend that ruined the rest of it. Even after the problem was resolved, I was full of anxiety for six terrible hours. My default state was one of discomfort. All my friends were enjoying themselves, so I was alone in hell. You gotta be careful with that.

There's only so much you can do, though. If you do all that and you still have a bad experience, acid might not be right for you ever. Might just be the way it is. I would recommend trying it with friends tho, it could distract you from spiraling into negative thought. Also note that different dosages will have different effects.

Then you're trying to use chemical byproduct to steal what you refuse to work towards.

Those are some nice voidrealms. I love their blotter it's just so distinctive and beautiful. I knew this Indian guy who sold pounds of ecstacy and sheets of Team Trust. Two blotters had me on my ass in the center of the void talking to God. If any user is on the fence about psychedelics I'd highly recommend taking the plunge. They've always worked for me.

i'm ok with that. i also do meditate sometimes actually, and i enjoy it in spite of smoking a lot of weed

wut is a voidrealm? some specific kind? I googled but all I get is reddit

You actually think the drugs lead them to these conclusions, and not the fact that they were already educated and most likely on the path to reaching those conclusions?
Many of these drug using scientists ended up going crazy and stopped their studies and started preaching about astrology.

Then the thing you'll have will always be a shitty counterfeit.

Agreed. There are people who enjoy experimenting with consciousness and those who don't. If you're in awe that ingesting chemicals can have profound effects on you then go for it. The worst that will happen is you're unhappy for 8 hours.

no u

Voidrealm is a brand that's popular on the danknet. The blotter posted in the OP is an example. That's what a voidrealm looks like. They're supposed to be among the best quality out there.

Any tips on how to deal with ego death
Every time my reality starts coming apart I get scared as hell

Did I say that I think that? You're absolutely right in your first sentence. To equate drug use with worthlessness though is just ignorant. Your second sentence is baseless.

just accept it. explore it, it's a unique experience.

Have you tried other psyches? I think the importance of individual brain chemistry is understated when people talk about the subjective effects of these drugs. For instance shrooms are a straight ticket to depression for me, but LSD is often euphoric and never more than slightly uncomfortable, and DMT has been extremely beneficial.

>he considers himself a music fan but has never read a book on the subject

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I think knowing how to ground yourself is really important. Having someone there with you who knows how to bring you down to earth would be an even greater asset. I don't think you can ever get to the point where you're completely comfortable in that space. You can't think the drugs out of your system but you can distract yourself from the pain.

You seem like an enlightened soul. Please divulge your new found wisdom of the lsd.

>Sobriety has become the new counter culture.
nice try Reagan

Not him but for me coming back from an LSD trip feels like coming back from a nice vacation. You just feel like you're in the driver's seat of your life. It's a kind of refresh that I haven't been able to experience any other way. It's not about hallucinating yellow submarine cartoon characters and talking to them. It's about taking time to get in contact with yourself.

>he considers himself a music fan

Winners don't use drugs

I unironically wish people like you would just die already.

psychs arent for everyone you fucking idiot. if you know youre not gonna enjoy the visuals for 12 hours dont take it. if you just want the euphoria just try molly. If you still want visuals but a shorter trip take mushrooms. Identify what makes you not feel good and stop doing it??


And I feel the same of you
Closed minded fool

Certainly impressive. Please share more of your new found knowledge with me. I have only dabbled with blue vape pens and wine, although I once inhaled marijuana by accident at a John Mayer concert.

My drug of choice?

Steel Reserve

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>fat idiot detected

Weed is too much for me sometimes. Acid would utterly destroy me, but it would be hilarious because I'm already experiencing some reality breaking events sober. So acid would just intensify what's happening to me sober. Reality redefining shit is happening to me sober. God someone just help me.

(here's your you)

i only drink ketel one and miller lite..

bro i feel so bad for you im sorry bro

Weed gives me terrible anxiety and a sense of impending doom but I can handle psychedelics just fine

I've done a lot of psychedelics. I don't even like music on them most of the time. They're not essential for anything at all but can be a pretty intense and novel experience. Gatekeepers are pests and hippy gatekeepers are especially annoying because I can sort of relate to you. Please consider that you're just fucking with your brain and accomplishing nothing while stroking your own ego.

You guys are overthinking, weed and lsd are great if taken sporadic.
Also weed is awesome for making music and lsd taken at small doses its benefitial

is it weird that i kinda enjoy the fear? i swear to god, every time i've smoked since i decided to cut back, i've had the weirdest moments of clarity where i realize that i'm nobody and all my self-ascribed importance is basically insanity, and i only feel like i matter because i want myself to be matter. i feel like there's something of worth in that suicidal gloom, even if it's just to remind me to keep my head straight, hold down my job, and not get too caught up in pipe-dreams.

>i want myself to be matter
ayooo, i'm fucking retarded.

took some shrooms today for the first time and i recorded some of my best work

This is how you look

i kinda relate to this desu.
i'm high on 20mg of pure fart-huffing mania most of the time.


>wearing gloves
Fucking pussy

Dxm is the best drug for listening to music

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Nothing against psychedelics but I'd be too scared to ever do them myself. I'm not very mentally healthy to begin with (thanks literal autism!) plus my great-uncle has schizophrenia and I heard these things can run in families, so I'm worried I'd end up like Syd Barrett if I tried acid even once.
Might try weed someday though

Same. I've never done any drugs (except alcohol and benzos) because my brother is schizophrenic

You’re just really retarded

Same. I hate weed but love LSD and DMT. Drugs are different, it's not just "Weak drug and strong drug"



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smart idea. they are fun but not worth your sanity.

Clearly this thread is filled with summerfags of the worst Toyota Truck and student loan kind.


It only causes euphoria and a sense of false energy that ends up in exhaustion from the "trip", hallucinating is actually really difficult and is not worthy because you can tell how generic it is... I've been an acid user for a long time, trust me I also have too much tolerance to drugs and even smoked crack for the reason cocaine was not doing me anything but a 6 min bump the first line then just keeping in the same high state was stupid and you need to continuosly do too much either is the same feeling as the first line after quite some time of not doing it; Doing crack was stupid and good for the people I did it with, won't do it again and yes is pretty strong and addictive but is just cooked cocaine in a solid rock form before you go full anti-crack retards, it doesn't go far from that and is stupid as any other drug that causes high deterioration very fast, I don't recommend even trying.

Maybe pot is the most noble and still powerful enhancer (Both sensitive and mental) but I don't even do so much pot anymore, we all have these droogie seasons when we're young but we move on or just keep the pot, anyway, you triggered me for saying music fan never taken psychedelics, pffft...

All of you fucking tards going on about how psychs are "mainstream" are genuinely inept.
Even if they are, who the fuck cares? Are you really going to try to be contrarian just so you can justify the fact
that you're a loser?

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I took acid several times and this thread is officially cringy asf
Not everyone needs psychedelics, nor does it help everyone

I want to try psychedelics but I would rather wait until I'm genuinely happy with my life so I don't have a bad trip

Bad trips are pretty rare. Psychedelics can really help you out of a bad place I in life

well i guess u just have to be prepared to die

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Anons on here are the exact kinds of people that would get their perspective fucking rocked and ultimately become better people for it. Would be a ticket to getting out of their tryhard meme edgephase a few years earlier than it would naturally happen. Newfags are notoriously pussy, though.

Don’t listen to this retard. Take it when you feel you’re ready. Bad trips aren’t rare

this, i got a little careless, thought everything was going great, then next thing i know my internal voice is coming undone from myself and it isn't happy with me. this was a half tab with some tolerance and a lot of experience.

Yeah pretty much everyone has told me not to fuck with it until I feel 100% ready. I'm just now learning to cope with how shit life is and I'm turning into a workaholic so it's probably not the best time to start doing real drugs

getting into psychedelics too early or too stupid can also make you a meme tryhard person though. look at what wayne coyne did to miley cyrus.

Counterpoint, psyches can give you a fresh perspective on life that can help sort shit out.

I'd suggest a middle ground of not waiting until you're genuinely happy with life (which could be a tall order), but just setting up a time when you can have a cozy day to yourself where you feel OK. Even if your life ain't perfect you'll probably have a fine trip if you set yourself up for coziness and dose responsibly

What has become of my daughter user...

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Good post

just visit deep.web user it's not that hard :^)

I love LSD, too bad my man is in jail and DM onions are down, no idea where to get it from. Hope it flies my way this summer. Love taking walks in the forest touching woods and whatnot, thinking about AI dictatorship society while my mind is completely in the youtu.be/G0qV2t7JCAQ

Look at what Wayne Coyne did to himself.

wain coin

doing psychedelics is playing a roulette game with your head. Not intelligent to do and the narrative of psychedelics being "spiritual" is overhyped. You have to enough to break through, and if you don't you're just getting high. Neither are worth it though. LSD was falsely claimed to be some "anti-CIA" thing after MK-ultra failed, but that is just the narrative. LSD and indeed any illegal drugs are distributed with the help of the CIA and for good reason. Our rulers want a population of drug users no matter what flavor. Be sober and vigilant.

Not all drugs are the same fuckhead


this is probably the most soi thing somebody can say

like onions boys don't think that anything that isn't alcohol kills you

Watch this while on acid shit’s trippy as fuck

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I don’t know man weed is the peak music drug at least for me. LSD just weirds me out especially when listening to unfamiliar music and even music that I love feels weird for example when I listened to Die Lit the beats felt so mechanic and all over the place it felt like listening to a space mathematical equation instead of just getting me hyped as Carti usually does.

You literally can't have an opinion on music unless you've tried drugs. Music is so connected with mind-altering experiences that you'd be lost from the meaning without having used a psychoactive substance. Weed and LSD are the safest of these experiences.

Taking drugs is like having sex, neither is particularly great, but you haven't really lived unless you've done it.

>They completely changed my life
In psychiatry that is known as a psychosis.

Congrats on ruining your brain because you cannot enjoy things without extra stimulation!

acid is fun but the comedown sucks ass and usually isnt worth it. mushrooms are where its at.

Transcendental Meditation is commercial bullshit that activates your Default Mode Network instead of turning it off.

Regular meditation is another story.

you can still go for walks in the woods without drugs lol wtf user

It pretty much is regular meditation that is accessible because it only requires 20 minutes a day and anybody can sit in silence and repeat a mantra in their head.
I do regret that it's become so commercialized because it really is an effective way to meditate.
What I do is start with mantra meditation just for the first few starting minutes to eradicate any intrusive thoughts, and then once I'm in a good state I stop repeating the mantra in my head and let everything flow naturally to a still.
The best part about meditating is seeing where your mind is able to reach, which can be annoying if you're doing TM and every time a vision appears you cut it in half with a mantra. I think you should only mantra when the thoughts are typical intrusive thoughts like
>I'm hungry
>That scene from that movie was funny
>why is that neighbor mowing their lawn
a good way to practice mindfulness is to use the mantra to switch annoyances into occurrences.
Don't think
>Why is my neighbor being so loud?
while you meditate
Instead, think
>My neighbor is being loud.
and then repeat the mantra and it turns from annoyance into something that just exists and is not affecting you.

redpilled drugie



I recently read a paper which says that is more common to get schizophrenia with weed or coke than with lsd. I will try to find it later if someone is interested.

alcohol, weed, and psyches are grat for music, i dont have much expperience with tripping and music though, it has been 13 years since iv last tripped. i prefer music on alcohol over weed any day though.

i use heroin everyday, and it really isnt that much of a music enhancer, weed/alcohol does it better as far as that goes, if anyone was curious.

this pic is right and you know it

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Even Lobsterman says Psilocybin makes you smarter

>“You'll think I'm crazy, Oed. But I can do the same thing in reverse. Listen to anything and take it apart again. Spectrum analysis, in my head. I can break down chords, and timbres, and words too into all the basic frequencies and harmonics, with all their different loudnesses, and listen to them, each pure tone, but all at once.” “It's like I have a separate channel for each one,” Mucho said, excited, “and if I need more I just expand. Add on what I need. I don't know how it works, but lately I can do it with people talking too.”

Drugs are degenerate and all drug users should face death penalty.

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drigs on the top are much more harmful than shrooms and weed. LSD can be bad, apparently

It's ironic because Christianity originally was a mushroom cult :)

cuz psychs make you see what’s really on the inside and soibrethren and most millennials are afraid of self reflecting. Also psychs require a trusting environment and the soi/millennials don’t trust eachother


>for example when I listened to Die Lit the beats felt so mechanic and all over the place it felt like listening to a space mathematical equation instead of just getting me hyped as Carti usually does.
kek. the same thing happened to me, but while i was on shrooms.

Yeah, I think there is a distinct difference between visions and ruminations.

Go to the root of all rumination and make it stop.

But... also go to the root of all realization, all accomplishment, and the dream-like vision itself. See what is really behind it all.

Psychedelics are based but people who go on about how much it expands your mind are absolute faggots

psychedelics give retards false epiphanies. i used to think i was becoming enlightened and all that when i used lsd for the first time but after more uses i realized that it's just a fun drug that fucks with your senses in an interesting way.

But it actually does help those who struggle with being able to think in a metacognitive way. People get caught up in patterns of their own human behavior to make themselves comfortable. I think psychs get you out of your comfort zone and think differently for a couple hours. They literally mimic psychosis so of course people literally think differently while on them.

it's why we watch horror movies, to be terrified