June 18th is 20 days from now

June 18th is 20 days from now.

How will you be commemorating the anniversary of his clout martyrdom, moooooo?

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me and some of my vros are planning on going to his grave to commemorate his death. will post pics.

You must graffiti "NOT A BIG LOSS FOR MUSIC" over his mausoleum.

Attached: pierogun.jpg (600x586, 179K)

I'm too sad to think about it vro. I keep thinking about Jah lying dead in the car with no one bothering to help him. Fucking clout demons have no conscience.

RIP Jah. See you in Heaven...

the most appropriate thing to do would be to brand his mausoleum with a hot poker

Don't know but you're dreaming if you think it won't happen

I think it was hilarious that the last thing he saw was people not giving a fuck about him

>Jahseh Onfroy, aka XXXTentacion, a juvenile delinquent from Florida, became a rap sensation despite the scarce talent demonstrated in his early recordings Vice City (2014) and Heartbreak Hotel (2015). But his lame hit Look at Me (2015) and the mixtape Revenge (2017) somehow appealed to those who enjoyed hatred, vulgarity, and plain stupidity. The albums Free X (2017) and ? (2018), containing Sad generated a lot of hype although the artistic level was virtually non-existent. In 2015 he was arrested for a robbery, and in 2016 he was arrested after beating his pregnant girlfriend. XXXTentacion was shot dead in 2018 at the age of 20. Not a big loss for music.

Based Scaruffi.

Because there was no loss. Jah will live FOREVER.

>when the mods wouldn't sticky his death
good times

Attached: pepe_meme'd.jpg (803x688, 141K)

They didn't?

I'll be party rocking on his grave LMFAO

Attached: lmfao-party-rock-anthem-2011-billboard-650.jpg (636x421, 79K)

Good luck when hundreds of fans will be there blocking his gravesite.


You're right. THOUSANDS of kids will descend on the Gardens of Boca 20 days from now to pay their respects to Jah and everything he did for them.

It just keeps getting funnier

You're right. MILLIONS of kids will come to beat their girlfriends at that site in memory of Jah!

There's no evidence Jah beat Geneva. She admitted she lied and wanted the charges dropped but the courts wouldn't let her.

Crying and listening to 17 on loop.

The most important work of musical genius since Dark Side of the Moon.

Attached: 17xxxxxx.png (304x303, 152K)

You're right. TRILLIONS of kids will show up with hot pokers ready to stick up any girl's vag!

How do I summon Jah's spirit to help me win at Fortnite?

Under duress

Beat a girl up and yell “I’m overcompensating” at midnight vro, he will answer

this, but shave off your eyebrows first

Like this?

Attached: XXXTentacion-new-look.jpg (1200x755, 143K)

exactly! also, make sure you don't beat the girl to death, Jah's spirit will want to get a few punches in there himself before he helps you ;)

Kid Trunks is the real father of Gekyume.

This isn't bait or speculation. We all know there is no way in hell X fathered the kid which is claimed to be his; baby Yume looks way too light-skinned to be part black. Anyone who has seen the child's photos will tell you he looks like a white or Asian man's baby. Furthermore, X said he wasn't dating anyone around the time Yume would have been conceived. It's also known that Jenesis (the baby mama) was sexually involved with both Trunks and Wifisfuneral (as well as other guys from Members Only), meaning X got his own friends' sloppy thirds.

This young SoundCloud rapper details how he tried to hit up Trunks for a feature back in fall 2017. Trunks told him to send the money to Jenesis' Paypal account. Why would he want the money sent to Jen, unless the two were in an intimate relationship?

According to insiders, X knew of the pregnancy before he passed but didn't believe the child was his. He knew Jen was a lying hoe just like Geneva.

Thankfully, Jen is getting a paternity test so the truth will finally be revealed.

Attached: jahyume44444.jpg (1080x1080, 109K)

>Kid Trunks

Probably had himself shot to avoid cuckoldry

Fuck you Yea Forums.

How could you do this????

Attached: C12DDB30-CEEE-4C67-B42F-856D8DF76176.jpg (828x1472, 296K)

sauce on that image? Guy looks like fucking Quentin Tarantino and my sides are in orbit.

Attached: ....png (2876x1390, 1.41M)


It's Tarantino on Tyra