What songs do Prime Zoomers (born 97-2003) enjoy?
What songs do Prime Zoomers (born 97-2003) enjoy?
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I still think 1988 was the best year so fuck off.
some zoomers look older and worse than boomers
peak zoomers just copy boomers
2015/16 were our best musical years
I remember in like 2012 when everyone was saying 1987-1993 was the prime generation, now in 2019 it's moved up to 1997-2003, lol.
Born in 1998 here
I listen to a lot of yes
>1987-1993 was the prime generation
If we're getting specific then the prime generation was unquestionably '82-'92.
make sure you guys take your selfie. Lets give em Hell Zoomers.
it's just kids doing stupid shit.
im pretty sure at least one of those isnt even a kid lmfao
1999 here, can confirm
The prime generation is definitely kids who were teenagers in the 70s and 80s. Imagine how fucking awesome it would have been to be in high school during those decades.
only people born post 2000 are zoomers, imo
2001 here and I listen to a shitload of Yes as well
I love Yes too
That feel when born in 1991
That's not how it works, bud.
Imagine believing this.
>kids dying in car wrecks more than ever cause cars back then were flying metal death traps
>teen pregnancy galore
>the generation that got to see alcohol age raised to 21
>classic high school movies center around miserable characters
>somehow this make high school awesome
I didn't have a bad time in high school but it wasn't great either. It very may have been the most irrelevant and pointless years of my life.
2000 here and I have no idea how to listen to music at all. I don't know anything about music in the slightest and I feel like I like whatever I hear on the radio and also what my friends show me.
So I listen to King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard after an ex-boyfriend introduced me to them.
1999 fag here please give me some bully
I remember back in 2012 when the internet had early 90s borns dominating it and leaving 1999 and 1998 out for not being "true 90s kids" or being "Belieber swagfags".
But now in 2019 it's "1998-2003 born gang rise up" dominating the internet and leaving out 2004/5+ for being "Fortnite jake paulers", lol.
All this stuff seems cyclical.
holy boomer, your taste is shit
Fuck off millennial scum
97er here. Listening to Standing on the Corner of the Third World by Tears For Fears at the moment.
I'm 31. Music is ageless. Lets all enjoy, senpai.
98 fag here, give me music
I remember years ago when people born after 94 were widely considered cancerous pieces of shit on the Internet. Then the 2016 election happened and Zoomers started coming more on the Internet for epic memes, and it shifted the other way around with those born before 94 now being hated on the Internet for being "boomers".
>being born after 1996
I agree that people born post 94 are the highest tier of garbage. This was the age bracket that started becoming mentally ill sjws, and poptamists. The ones non ironically calling for safe spaces and micro aggressions.
They are the reason the world is shit.
late millineals are objectively shit on all levels
Its up to the zoomers to salvage humanity from the wreckage
I remember when people born after 96 used to be widely hated on the internet, in like 2012. Like people who didn't remember 9/11 at all were considered subhuman.
But now in 2019 the dominant age group is "1998-2003 born gang rise up" or "Hey you guys remember playing Minecraft in middle school", when they used to be widely hated in 2012.
Early zoomers (born 97-03) seem to be just as liberal as late millennials (born 94-96). We'll have to see if the mid zoomers and up are any different.
Kids dont care about politics. Its stupid adults that do
zoomer here, i listen to faggy shit like King Gizzard and Ween but everyone I know listens to epic top 40 hits
well your prime is from 18-24ish generally
Nah, it was 1991.
same taste i had in middle school. you’ll grow out of most of that stuff
wtf am i as a 96 fag
the Minecraft face turn is the weirdest thing for me as a growing old fag. I remember everyone mocking it and hating it back then and now it's getting nostalgia pops
says who
if thats true thats fucking sad
roast my music taste
i like this way of thinking
these aren't my favorites but they are my recently-played's i guess i forgot to mention that
What do you listen to now
music taste? more like music waste haha
will i ever come back from this
Well it happens with all age groups. Pokemon was hated on post-2001, but then it started becoming nostalgic around 2008-2009.
And Yea Forums used to hate on Halo and MW2 back in 2010 but now in 2019, they're nostalgic for them.
This, I actually need to know how will be my taste when I hit 20.
2003 here.
2000, my most listened to albums over the last month.
shit im retarded
the multitude of zoomers on the board explains a lot
Generation Zyklon
Why do zoomers born in 2003 try to lump us 1997 borns in with them? I have a sibling born that year and I don't identify with them at all like I do with my older sibling
>So I listen to King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard after an ex-boyfriend introduced me to them
I mean you're mostly doing it right
The sexial revolution happened way sooner than you think user
>being born after 9/11
its between a rock and a hard place.
Be associated with whiny millenials or with retarded zoomers
2003 prime zoomer and I would confirm that Beethoven symphony no.9 conducted by Arturo Toscanini is what I enjoy to listen to the most
1998 bitch here
everything is pretty good here until you reach my chemical romance
Relax zoomer we were shitposting when you were still in diapers
not a diss but it fits. keep growing, lil user.
99 here, we're going to tie every last jew up and throw them into the gas chamber
You like Duster, Eiafuwan, and Women? Good lad. 1999 Masterrace
>your prime is from 18-24ish generally
25 - 30 is your prime.
Older "prime zoomer" here, this is my most recent 5x5 chart.
Most prime zoomers listen to lowest common denominator pop & shitty hip hop/trap.
96er here, timothy mcveigh did nothing wrong
I got a question for zoomers, what's it like living in a time where nothing substantially has changed culturally? It should be maddening
Kill yourselves
Listen to more music.
Deftones, Deftones, Deftones, Deftones, Lil Nas X, Deftones, Deftones...
all these fucking children wheres the mods
Unwound - leaves turn inside you
Sweet trip - vdc
Nick Drake - Pink Moon
M.I.A. - /\/\ /\ Y /\
Syd barrett - the madcap laughts
some boc
J Dilla - donuts
guru - jazzmatazz vol 2
some funk
gay fag avant teen spotted get your own taste niglet
1999 here also.
+Women, Duster, Les Rallizes, Telstar Drugs, Unwound, Wire This Heat, Big Black, Drive Like Jehu, Cap'N Jazz, Portishead, Daughters, Viet Cong, Talk Talk, The Fall, Broadcast, Fishmans, Modest Mouse, Low, Swirlies, No Means No, Coil, Iceage, Candy Claws, Sunny Day Real Estate, Solid Space, Cate Wurtz, Anna von Hausswolf
Oops forgot my own chart.
a lot of footwork and bladee atm -1998
Nice, Talk Talk and Björk
same as the post prime zoomers, except ironically.