What kind of music does he listen to?

What kind of music does he listen to?

Attached: twin_peaks_abc_archives.0.jpg (1200x800, 152K)

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julee cruise


should i rewatch it?


do it

The music of her body

nah, it's not that good. watch blue velvet (which admittedly isn't that good either)

Something like this.. Might need to be slightly more mysterious/introvert/dark

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watch the fuckin return on LSD during the peak

I watch it every winter. If you havent watched the second season you have even more reason to watch in its entirety. As long as you accept that the visuals, music, characters and oddball symbolism are the carrying elements and NOT the story.

Tim Hecker - Virgins

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Just don't watch FWWM; it's ersatz shit.

Season 1 > FWWM > first half of season 2 > the return >> second half of season 2

how can a person have an opinion this bad?

The Return >> Season 1 = first half of season 2 >>>>>> shit > second half of season 2 > twin peaks fanfic > FWWM

>the return
how can a person have an opinion this bad?

fwwm is the best thing to come out of twin peaks

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>rating Mulholland Drive below Lost Highway
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little
Is this a shop, or does Scaruffi really have taste this bad?

i just looked it up and holy fuck he was 30 when they filmed that? he could play a high schooler

eh probably more like
season 1 > the return > FWWM > season 2

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watch it naked with your qt gf on a cold chicago night

too retarded to use google? would explain your taste


How someone can think that Mulholland Drive and Inland Empire aren't the best Lynch films I don't know, but some do.

Actually, if you're a pleb with pleb tastes, i.e. you prefer linear narrative and straightforward storytelling, then of course you wouldn't prefer The Return to the original series. IN fact, most people are plebs and do not appreciate the avant-garde; it scares and bewilders them more than anything. Most people enjoy a simple plot with simple characters who are the actors in a simple narrative and have simple uncomplicated motives and emotions. Not I, for I am a gentle aesthete with a great appreciation for the finer and the intellectual things in life. FOR instance, every time would I take an avant-garde piece of music over the simple pulsing pop tunes that so many drug-addled hedonists adore to dance to.

The Return is of course not a simple and straightforward artwork. It will go over the average viewer's head and in fact one needs a very high IQ and more than a passing familiarity with Lynch's oeuvre to fully appreciate it. But worry yourself not with such matters; I don't think you could possibly understand Lynch's works, except on the most superficial possible level, even if you put your mind to it with great ardour. Actually, it's quite amusing to me that you view Lynch's work at that level. It's a bit like a dog having no understanding that their owner is teasing them, and yet they enjoy it all the same.