Why does indie rock always seem so low testosterone? It's always some low energy guy strumming some low energy guitar singing in some low energy way. This new Surjen song is the most low T thing I've ever heard. Is there indie rock that actually has testosterone?
Why does indie rock always seem so low testosterone...
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Well sufjan is folk, and folk is about as low t and high estrogen as you can get. Besides pop
Word salad sandwich with a side of buzzword.
>Is there indie rock that actually has testosterone?
Ask your father.
Wolf Parade
sure there is, sufjan is just kind of a fag so he tends to make kinda faggy music
sufjan doesn’t make rock music you massive retard
are any of you capable of holding a discussion or actually poitning out criticism without falling back on meme buzzwords? i dont like indie rock but this thread... just stay in /metal/ you smellfag
Neck yourself faggot, music can be high test or low test, those aren’t buzzwords
The Beetles are the most low T band in history