Black music is the deepest because they suffered the most, them and the Jews

>Black music is the deepest because they suffered the most, them and the Jews.
I have no respect for pretentious posers like Kanye, Kendrick, Tyler etc. who never experience hardship. Any modern rappers out there telling stories from the streets?

Attached: eazy-e.jpg (768x1024, 55K)

>beating niggers makes them better at music
People unironically believe this.

Why do rap always have to be about thug/street shit? What about rap about love for nature (for example)?

His mom was an elementary school administrator

>Jews suffer a brief moment of hardship in one country for 10 years
>Blacks and brown people have suffered 100s of years of colonialization across the entire planet
>somehow the former is coddled just as much as the latter

Jews have been exiled from a lot of countries but I agree it’s dumb

You know jews suffered waaaaaaay more than the Holocaust right?
I think that the "good art comes from suffering" mindset is false and potentially damaging

What would someone from Compton or Harlem know about nature?

>you will never be stitched into an AIDS quilt

Life is unfair

Attached: quilt.jpg (638x758, 173K)

I want people to understand its ok to not rap about getting shot on the street