What kind of music do girls like this like?
What kind of music do girls like this like?
hava naghila
just hozier
The sound of blades cutting up their fetuses
They need to be blacked as soon as possible
is this real?
death in june
Whatever their boyfriend listens to
Based Poland
> t.
this is /pol/ sweetie
What the fuck happened in those red areas? And why do Poland and Portugal out of all countries stick out so much here? The fact that this is so inconsistent really triggers my autism
>tfw my country is in the 2.0-4.9% range
Pleasant surprise
Im so jealous of whoever gets to be with them :(
Poland is very Christian and they are trying to ban abortion. Idk what's going on in Portugal.
I was guessing the same thing about Poland but I'm confused as to why some of the neighbouring areas immediately skip to the red range. Surely the religious and cultural influences don't immediately disappear after you cross the border?
They are doing what they can to take our chrisitianity away from us. Just watch any tv station that shareholders are foreign. They are as leftist as they can get (for poland, I guess)
Lmao really hoping they succeed and destroy christianity in Poland, literal plague upon my country
Should also take your lives along with that christianity if I am to be frankly honest on this one thing here
soviet union (in the 1920s) and warsaw pact romania (1950s) made abortion into virtual routine contraception which women from those countries still do. the stigma against abortion in orthodox countries wasn't very well developed compared with catholic ones. read about it
As the persecution strenghtens so does faith. Conservative parties have stronger support than they had in a long time. And not only in Poland, France and Germany also show growth of support of the right wing parties. See results of recent eu parliament elections if you want proof.
lol must be tough being a tranny like this in poland
how do i get a qt neo nazi gf??
whatever shitty NSBM their abusive boyfriend listens to
martial industrial
Keep in mind that this is only REPORTED abortions. So any country with stricter laws is less likely to have accurate reporting
Lmao they look pretty jewish honestly
It's less than 30% in those red areas now, fuck off
jews are white
They look like the Hodge Twins