John Maus collab with MDE

John Maus collab with MDE

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john maus is everything wrong with academic marxists.

what makes you say that?

What’s an academic marxist?

>9660John Maus collab with MDE
wtf i didnt know maus was an alt right nazi!!!

people in academia who use marxist theory but suck all of the revolutionary content out of it leaving behind an empty shell of theory without practice. which goes against the fundamentals of marxism, the materialist philosophy. john maus just reminds me of that ever since i watched some interview in which he tries to immitate zizek, uses a lot of marxist jargon to explain the world but obviously only does so to appear woke and smart. hanging out with sam hyde, who is quite openly alt-right, just proves that he doesn't actually care about anything in the world and holds no real positions.

Ok got it but Isn’t Sam Hyde playing a role in bucking the system in some way though? This is coming from someone who is neither alt right, Marxist or anything really. Just sort of sick of the current state of things and he seems to be shoving back against the common propaganda spouted on television. Saying things that actually aren’t “safe” for tv

which "system" is that, that he is fighting against? what are some of that systems characteristics, why do we have that system, which group of people established it and profits from it? these are questions i really want answered everytime someone claims that some person is "fighting the 'system'". what exactly does sam hyde say that the media doesn't want people to hear? why does the media not want people to hear that?

to me it just seems like that: sam hyde spouts racist stuff disguised as satire, people on adult swim (who are usualy quite progressive on such topics) didn't like that and therefor decided not to air him anymore. deciding to not give racism a platform seems like a good decision to me.

is he fighting against a system of ... anti-racism? the system where racists are oppressed? or am i misunderstanding something?

Not that guy but I genuinely don't think Sam has any actual stances on anything. He just likes to spout whatever crap will get people to give him money so he can support his NEET lifestyle

He wouldn't be a NEET if his television show didn't get canceled. It got canceled because he was very openly right wing

is that a problem though? adult swim is a private business with a certain image. that image is sorta left-wing and progressive when it comes to social issues like race, gender and sexuality. can't they decide for themselves who they want to hire? and why can't he find a right-wing platform to air his show on instead? a lot of right-wingers seem to be able to do that.

>why can't he find a right-wing platform to air his show on instead?
There aren't any on television

i'm not from the US but i'm pretty sure you have right-wing stations over there (fox?). i believe the actual problem is that there aren't many (or any other than adult swim) stations that would air surreal shit like that. even then: why are there so many right-wingers who can have a job talking their shit but he can't? maybe prager u can sponsor him.

Really my dude? Fox? The one controlled right wing news station for the elderly in America is going to host an edgy comedy that calls out jews and gays and everything that Fox low key supports by supporting Israel? Prager IS A JEW. You don't understand the game being played here. Regardless, World Peace was beautiful art, and the best thing Adult Swim has had for a very long time. Sad that we can't have nice things.

Leftists have zero understanding of the right. Prager U lmao

>right-wing stations over there (fox?)
Dear god...

since when are we talking about jews? so finally you all admit the "system" you are talking about is just some anti-semitic conspiracy about the global jew?

I'm Jewish, where the fuck do I get to partake in this global world domination scheme, I want in. The most global thing I get is being able to recognise other Jews by their last name.

No, I'm talking about allowing people to express themselves regardless of what they discuss, even if they criticize jews.

and that sounds like a horrible idea. it's good he got silenced.

And this is why people hate you.

no, it's why anti-semites hate me. normal people and especially jews like that. and i enjoy anti-semites hating me. i hate them too.


based retard

Nobody likes it when you allow some to have special privileges that others don't have. It causes wars. When someone can't be criticized, they will receive resentment. Jews always wanna cry victim, but sooner than later they'll have actual reason to. It'd be better for them if people were allowed to freely criticize them, you jew faggot.

ah right, the holocaust happened because people weren't allowed hate-speech against jews. i completely forgot about that. also nice of you to immediately express your deep desire for another holocaust in your "critique" of the jews. perfectly shows that you are obviously just interested in free speech instead of openly hating jews and wanting to exterminate them. literally jump from a building.

hi kennedi

kennedi is cute and an angel



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this thread went from the topic of how sam hyde isn't actually a right-winger to talking about how the jews control the media and the holocaust didn't actually happen within like 15 posts. that tells you all you need to know about MDE and collaborators.

Who benefits from artificial forced racial division? The most invulnerable race. And if who that is immediately popped into your mind, good job. You can somewhat think. And if it made you mad, why is that? Is it because you know it's the truth?

i can guarantee it's her posting in this thread

hope she sees this bro

what the fuck are you talking about? if you want to make a point make normal sentences or fuck off forever.

Die stupid fucking kike. Israel will be destroyed in our lifetime, worthless leach of a country. I'd happily shoot every single jew in the head. Fuck Israel, fuck Netanyahu, fuck Trump and fuck all jews, you need to go extinct.

this but unironically

Are you calling her an angel just because she's cute?


Sam's not alt-right though
anyone claiming to know his views is retarded because he's a fucking comedian.

lol if u think this. if you think hes been putting up an andy kaufman level persona ud be wrong

It's arabs and/or muslims who should actually go extinct. Those worthless monkeys made a zero contribution to the human civilization, the humankind simply doesn't need you, inbred pig. Palestine must die.

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he doesn't have to put on a fully developed persona to be a clown. calling him alt-right is like being afraid of 12 year olds on /pol/ for being 'nazis'

good lord everyone ITT either have sex or kill yourselves

stay a faggot as always

John Maus is a marxist?

sorry to interrupt your riveting debate on marxism and jews lul
how you people get tricked into caring about any of that shit is beyond me

if your entire life is a persona, is it still a persona? he's preaching alt-right shit every day. people take him seriously. as you can see in this thread there are literal nazis who defend him and seem to be fans of him. this is all that matters

yea, literally. he's written papers on marxism and all his fav writers are Marxists.

stay a faggot as always

Extreme cringe

Leftie sheep and MDE fans are both tryhard and embarrassing

He's not a "purely academic" Marxist, I've spoken to him about Marxism and he's just trying to avoid publicly talking about revolution because he thinks it's impossible and he avoids talking about identity politics because he thinks it just creates a climate of chaos. He's a sweet dude. Yes he seems pretentious and like an armchair communist or whatever you'd like to call him but he's a public figure and more into the philosophical aspects than the material anyway, which I don't think is entirely bad. Give him a break.

World Peace is a genius show

i get that. the fact that being a "honest" marxist would cause people in the public eye and academia trouble is definitely part of the reason why so many create this watered-down version. it's annoying because it creates so much half-assed theory imo. you can always tell that there is something missing. the meme that critical theorists only ask questions but don't propose answers doesn't come from nowhere.

I don't disagree, I have several bones to pick with critical theory and those that spend all their time reading and discussing it; I think they're incredibly out of touch with the working class more often than not and would rather treat capitalism and it's effects as pure abstractions rather than something that's killing people.
I just have a soft spot for John--if this thread were about, say, Momus or if we were on Yea Forums I'd probably not feel compelled to be as sensitive. I hate the cowardice but I'd be the same way in the public eye.
Also John used to have a (now deleted) Reddit where he'd debate catholicism and capitalism all the time, he's a very passionate man.


Oh, also you'd probably find this funny:
Milo the rapper tried 'dragging' Maus for not listening to enough black artists.

Also, John had no idea what the MDE guys were like when he and Molly let them use Hey Moon and Cop Killer. Later on he was crashing with Charls and then Charls cut Sam off. Maus really likes debating Charls, I don't think Maus is enabling the "alt right" in any way and he's made fun of Sam in private.

He didn't just let them use the song, he was in the entire outro to this episode.

Yeah, who cares though? It just has no real effect on anything, it seriously does not matter in any way. It's more significant that he was in a sketch to begin with but none of this means that he's like, some alt-right friend or enabler. As I said, he's condemned Sam in private and looks back on it all like it was a joke.

He seems really interesting as person from what I gathered in interviews. I saw him in concert in Paris just one year ago but I couldn't meet him

I think maybe he's just a human being and is able to view people as humans, and not through an ideological lens. I know the majority of you lefties don't understand what that means anymore but...

No, that's totally true, I agree with you.

i don't think that john maus' theory is half-assed - he incorporated a lot of great readings of the frankfurt school into his PhD dissertation, etc. maybe you just haven't read as much theory as you think lol

yea right, this dumb excuse literally just works if you are a wealthy white guy who isn't affected by politics. politics are life or death to some people. of course my racist uncle behaves nice towards me since i'm also white. sure i could say that he's a "nice guy" because he's nice to me. but he hates every black person. would you tell a black person to just "see him as a human instead through an ideological lens"?

there's a teenage autistic girl in this thread

John doesn't even identify as a Marxist. Do you know what Critical Theory is?

is it you?

It's me.

this show was beautiful. art.

Well, how else are you going to tell the black man to see him? As an existential threat? As an enemy that needs to be destroyed as soon as possible? Is that realistic. You can't destroy racism just as much as you can't destroy our differences. Maybe it'd just be better if we left each other alone and went our separate ways.

not everybody who is into critical theory is a marxist, but a huge chunck definitely is. critical theory is majorly influenced by hegel and marx.

Dude. He may not be explicitly a Marxist (the semantic arguments of what is and isn't Marxist are stupid) but he's the most far "left" artist I can think of that isn't delusional.

the argument seems to have been that you shouldn't dismiss certain people for political reasons and that you can still be friends despite ideological differences. i believe a black person has every right to deny friendship with a racist. and i will too. i will also never be friends with somebody like who "will happily shoot every single jew in the head". and i'd hope most people would agree with that.

t. illiterate brainlet who doesn't understand the historical content/structure of racism

Nobody will make you be friends with that person. But if your response to that person is to react through political violence, then you are adding to the chaos instead of getting away from it. My argument from before this guy chimed in was that if people lose their ability to criticize others, things will escalate into the type of impatient hatred that that user exhibited.

The guy who said he'd happily shoot every jew would shake and cower if confronted in person by someone about stuff he's said online. I'm not defending him and I find it disgusting but it's hilarious more than it is frightening to me. These are the most inconsistent and confused people you'll ever interact with and they wouldn't really do anything. It's still gross, though, yeah. I wouldn't be close friends with someone like that but I wouldn't refuse to speak with them. If anything it's quite fun seeing them struggle to argue. It's more retarded than it is scary.

Nice passing shot without making an argument. Go ahead and tell me that racism is due to the structure built by white men and will never be over ever and so there can never be an answer ever, which will of course lead to growing resentment and eventually race war. The left seeks no solution, they only mean to perpetuate the issue.

As a leftist I actually kind of agree, but it wasn't always like this. The left has stagnated and become a pissing contest of who's the most oppressed and they're handling legitimate social issues in the wrong ways which is pushing a lot of people further right, I've witnessed this first-hand. They're seeking a solution but in all the wrong ways. And social issues that could be resolved with dismantling capitalism are being prioritized over capitalism.

you sound triggered brainlet. read a book

It's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.

you "anti-idpol" left people are retarded idealist bootlickers more concerned with entryism than anything else. sure, some leftists are obnoxious liberals, but this is mainly in the sphere of the bourgeoisie. also, social structures perpetuated under capitalism WILL influence the structure of any coming socialist state. that's not even idealist because it involves the division of labor among races/genders. "class" is just as much as an incoherent identity ON ITS OWN when it's divorced from a comprehensive analysis of capitalism (as well as its superstructure) which is what you people love doing

>you sound triggered brainlet. read a book
Another passing shot without an argument. Embarrassing, albeit not surprising.
So even then, if capitalism was destroyed and the left got the economical utopia of which they dream, what do you tell blacks who still hold on generations of resentment? Black nationalists like Tariq Nasheed insist that even if they separate, "white supremacists" will seek to keep them oppressed out of sheer obsession. And he's a popular figure in the black community. What he says, to me, is the essence of absurdity, but he completely believes it. What is the answer? My assumption is that violent reform is an inevitability.

i'm not going to argue with you because you're clearly too brain damaged to dignify with a response desu

sure thing NPC

Absolutely retarded, have a nice day.

finally somebody who gets it itt

anna khachiyan isnt even hot brainlet

She's neat looking. Dasha is cute.

lol. see what i mean? read a book

The assumption is that if communism or some socialist utopia were attained, everything would be fine and that there'd be no desire for that kind of separation.
I sympathize with John for not wanting to talk about this shit.

Unironically, what do you suggest? I'm open to anything you think would steer me away from anti-idpol.

ok sure,

first of all stop conflating 'idpol" and "class analysis of identity categories"
off the top of my head:

caliban and the witch by silvia federici
marxism and the oppression of women by lise vogel
capital accumulation on a world scale by maria mies
postcolonial theory and the specter of capital by vivek chibber
(i don't entirely agree with some of his points but you might enjoy for the takedown of academic "subaltern studies" and "cultural appropriation")
women race and class by angela davis
the wretched of the earth
native son (fiction)
black marxism by cedric robinson
settlers by j sakai (lol)

Thanks a lot, I've read two of these, will write down the rest. Again, thanks for actually bothering to respond.

The assumption is faulty because we are, in fact, divided by ethnicity, culture, history, and not just economic class. This is why I'm right wing. The left always aims for utopia and it will never happen.

lol np, sorry for being a dick

big moment

>anti-semitic conspiracy about the global jew
this lack of self-awareness is really something

If anything people who think jews rule the world would really like marxist anaylses of capitalism lol. just replace the word bourgeoisie with jew :^)

based and redpilled

reminder; maus, like zizek, is nazbol



based ken dabbing on alt-right incels

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Many right wing reactionaries agree with criticism of capitalism

That's true, but I'm hesitant to call them right wing. It's typically a third positionist thing but I suppose that's right wing to the majority of the left regardless of their hatred for capitalism.

i dont think ken is in this thread because she loves john maus and i dont think that she cares that he went on mde

I like his music but I want to punch him in his pseud college boy face every time he opens his mouth. Dude really thinks he's deep, what a fuckin tool lmao

It's hardly third positionist, because what the mainstream calls far right or "nazis" are very critical of capitalism, yet they have views rooted in Christianity and are therefore anti- abortion, anti-gay, pro nation, etc.

Not him but I can tell Kennedi was here earlier defending Maus based on word choice and mentioning that they've met a few times

third positionists are the most obnoxious kind of reactionary, they retain left-wing analyses of capitalism to fuel their smug hare-brained chauvinism and aestheticism and are living proof of entryism being bad. also they tend to be really into "esoteric" nonsense which is just usually laughable stuff (including reading kabbalistic stuff which, lol)

The average neo-nazi hardly gives capitalism any thought, maybe the "original" nazis did but if you criticize capitalism on /pol/ no matter how you identify you're going to be called a cuck by almost everyone.

It's entertaining at most to read third positionist writing. Evola wrote about mountain climbing and sex, and the futurists were interesting but I'm not sure if you'd lump them in with third positionists or fascists in this context.

kennedi-chan! get back to rating music

why are you sick fucks so obsessed with this girl that you haven't even spoken to in private


>m-muh kabbalah

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>if you criticize capitalism on /pol/ no matter how you identify you're going to be called a cuck by almost everyone.
Not really, and I'm not talking about actual neo-nazis, I'm talking about reactionary paleo-conservative types who are merely maligned as nazis but of course aren't actually. Among the youth it's more popular to desire an end to capitalism as it clearly has led to incredible degenerate societal behavior like porn and ethots and shit

adorno, foucault and deleuze were right wing

really makes me think

you're not fooling anyone

sure, porn is bad, but you need to try harder nazi

Not really sure how to respond to this. I'm an American nationalist who wants a return to traditionalism. Does this make me a nazi? Pro tip: it doesn't.


nazi doesn't mean anyone who's right wing or nationalist or traditionalist

>he hasn't heard of reactionary postmodernism

>the holocaust happened
nice try kike

petitions to lower the age of consent in france
like a boss

I'm actually a monarchist who wants a literal theocratic Biblical Christian rule. Like a caliphate but Christian. So I'm your worst nightmare. Not a nazi, however.

imagine adhering to intersectionalism unironically

no one cares about your LARP labels, nazi, and no one cares about any pedantic distinction of labels among the label of nazi

im not a nazi but calling random right wingers nazis only hurts the left lol you're a joke and why the left is shit

lol oops, no one cares about any pedantic distinctions btwn one nazi flavor and another*

i literally don't give a shit, "traditionalist" right wingers deserve to be lumped under that label and triggered, they all deserve the wall unironically so who cares. no leftist should care what reactionaries think, pussy

i don't care what they think, nigga, it takes away from actual nazis though, making them indistinguishable from random retards with dumbass fringe ideologies. when you call people that literally aren't nazis nazis youre screwing yourself over

can i pull a john maus and get art hoes on my dick?

im 38yo, with a psychology degree, can sing and play the synths

nobody's getting a wall
nobody's getting rope
nobahdy ist ghetting ze giftgas
nobody is going to jail
there's no absolution
it's just going to die
enough with the bluster

lol degenerate cope
we're comin for you tranny

again, i literally don't care, and if you care about entryism you're a retard. we don't live in weimar germany/the third reich, no label of nazi would be historically appropriate or accurate either, keep crying over people calling reactionaries indistinguishable to nazis nazis though

also this implies that any contemporary reactionary position has any intellectual acumen whatsoever or is worth engaging with

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i mean probably but i don't know why you'd be excited about or willing to subject yourself to such a mutually degrading sexual experience

lol this has to be bait

based lads (and lass)

you're not going after anybody and neither are they

The only reason someone would call traditionalism "nazi" is if they're scared degenerates. (btw not sure why trannies think a communist state would be kind to them, seriously confused about that, dm me)

>mutually degrading sexual experience
those are the hottest.


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posting these is gay for both sides because the far left and far right are both ugly as sin usually especially from Yea Forums

simps of all stripes seem to think tinpot dictatorships are an answer to their problems or what they see as macro-level societal issues

you think? i think theyre an inch away from shooting up a synagogue or mosque

yeah dude it's almost as if this is an artificial conflict pitting the underclass against itself

they're just kids having fun t b h

you give them too much credit lmao


a lot of /pol/ users and reactionaries aren't the underclass at all, a lot of them are bougie in fact

hi sal

hows therapy?

Does John Maus have a gf yet? I need him to have kids

no they're clearly an existential threat to both me, a white loft guy class traitor, as well as unspecified ethnic minorities who now share common political interests with my friends and i

you could say that about rose twitter goblins and dsa guys too

Look at yourselves arguing on fucking Yea Forums of all places about leftism. Go outside.

and all the nonstop lefty twitter checkmarks

the dsa sucks though, i don't really consider them leftists, more red liberals

it's raining today :-(

Hurr durp it's okay to hate muslims ladidadida

I DON'T CARE take it to Twitter at least

This is twitter


>164 replies
>32 posters
based thread

it's like 5 people arguing and then other people either agreeing or disagreeing

Why would I ever associate with fags?

have sex

brainlet post, his 'practise' is his music. He's made that explicitly clear in literally any interview with him. Also the idea that a professor of phiosophy is attempting to emulate zizek is fucking hilarious, just because that's the only leftwing academic you're aware of doesn't mean John Maus is as retarded as you

>zero contributions to the human civilization
ok retard

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id feel bad if i read a john maus interview and i understand any of the esoteric dementia he goes on about


everything he said is right about john maus

yeah "him" being you

im roger cheeto

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john maus is a fraud of a person.

Her mom probably took that picture

you just KNOW

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she looks too young for him

well yeah she's 20 years younger than john. i still think they make a cute couple