John Maus collab with MDE

John Maus collab with MDE

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john maus is everything wrong with academic marxists.

what makes you say that?

What’s an academic marxist?

>9660John Maus collab with MDE
wtf i didnt know maus was an alt right nazi!!!

people in academia who use marxist theory but suck all of the revolutionary content out of it leaving behind an empty shell of theory without practice. which goes against the fundamentals of marxism, the materialist philosophy. john maus just reminds me of that ever since i watched some interview in which he tries to immitate zizek, uses a lot of marxist jargon to explain the world but obviously only does so to appear woke and smart. hanging out with sam hyde, who is quite openly alt-right, just proves that he doesn't actually care about anything in the world and holds no real positions.

Ok got it but Isn’t Sam Hyde playing a role in bucking the system in some way though? This is coming from someone who is neither alt right, Marxist or anything really. Just sort of sick of the current state of things and he seems to be shoving back against the common propaganda spouted on television. Saying things that actually aren’t “safe” for tv

which "system" is that, that he is fighting against? what are some of that systems characteristics, why do we have that system, which group of people established it and profits from it? these are questions i really want answered everytime someone claims that some person is "fighting the 'system'". what exactly does sam hyde say that the media doesn't want people to hear? why does the media not want people to hear that?

to me it just seems like that: sam hyde spouts racist stuff disguised as satire, people on adult swim (who are usualy quite progressive on such topics) didn't like that and therefor decided not to air him anymore. deciding to not give racism a platform seems like a good decision to me.

is he fighting against a system of ... anti-racism? the system where racists are oppressed? or am i misunderstanding something?

Not that guy but I genuinely don't think Sam has any actual stances on anything. He just likes to spout whatever crap will get people to give him money so he can support his NEET lifestyle