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Other urls found in this thread:

thinking about all the secret photos bacon must have in his phone..

Attached: D7QVijuWwAAhUR8.jpg (592x532, 49K)

Attached: 3409613_original.jpg (1088x1500, 249K)

momo moans in japanese when she's serving old CEOs

cringe time

he doesn’t have nudes if that’s what you were wondering about


Attached: 1537743710426.gif (286x206, 382K)

>She [Kyla] Can “Suck His D*ck” -kyla's brother

Attached: 1538664287972.jpg (2048x1536, 265K)

Luckily I don't give a single shit about BP. Or, to be fair, I do pity Rose, Lisa, and Jisoo

I just meant in general. The bottom third of kpop fans in the west is some mixture of gender dysphoria, loud and proud gay screeching, obesity, and ADHD. Gotta spend more to float above that usually

but you never know

Attached: D7Gbuh4UcAIPoOf.jpg (708x1024, 141K)

its not funny

Attached: 1556379851174.jpg (540x658, 30K)

Busty Twice vs Flat Blackpink

who wins??

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where are my seolabros

Attached: 1558910433198.jpg (1000x1500, 185K)

pit princess

sticc is the new meta dawg

Attached: 546574564.jpg (800x1200, 94K)

The girl on the right is beautiful. I'll take her.

sana did nothing wrong

Attached: tw.jpg (1304x1232, 107K)

cutest girl in kpop

Attached: 1529238151711.jpg (1024x1820, 134K)

Nancy clone mogs every Twice member

Nayeon is a shrimp

Delicious body but the face is inedible


Attached: 1556842117252.webm (640x540, 2.8M)

how is her hair now


she lost weight

Do people not remember how relevant Pristin was on debut? Their debut was higher profile than IZONE's for sure
Ask anyone that lives in Korea (me not included to be fair) and they would know who Pristin is over IZONE

Attached: 1540275028759.jpg (1527x2000, 667K)

Attached: D6-pRcJUwAE98NT.jpg (2048x1364, 438K)

Low testosterone


Attached: 1554253278988.jpg (758x716, 159K)

4 inches shorter

this is true, they won those 3 ROTY awards for a reason
pledis had a golden goose and they killed it

>The girl on the right is beautiful

Attached: [4K] 180331 우주소녀 은서_설아_루다_보나_여름(WJSN_EUNSEO) - 마무리 토크타임 @� (974x900, 2.89M)

I guess that's why the billionaires gobbled them up before anyone else could.

>momo, time to go to hawaii

Attached: 898698.jpg (1200x900, 149K)



based drake

lgbt queen~

nice chuu


Absolutely based fuck Kyla that fat pig
Yeah, how did they fuck that up? Is doo doo to blame?

you're gonna make me cry you fuckers lets just be in silence for a moment...

nice thanks

She really is. Face>tits any day.

Attached: D5Qg4C4UcAEMdq2.jpg (2048x1365, 352K)


Jeongyeon's thighs

Yeji feet


>produce group
>who + literally the least popular ioi members

Attached: burgerclap.jpg (1277x714, 221K)

my mouth
and my eternal loyalty

says the fag who likes sharing dick pics


Attached: 1554865884810.jpg (865x1024, 140K)

Attached: chenbaek.jpg (1491x2048, 481K)

okay momo is based

Attached: 1530211640640.jpg (1066x1896, 123K)

is not real cuck

Momo's voice sounds like she smokes 2 packs a day for the past 10 years

What the fuck is that Nancy's cousin?

post slug, i'm in a destructive mood today

this but mina

>mentally ill tranny lover thinking anyone cares about his opinion

Attached: [4K] 180331 우주소녀 은서_여름_설아 직캠 (WJSN_EUNSEO) - 오프닝 토크타임 @미니� (404x404, 41K)

Do you think momo and sana are fucking on their Hawaii trip?

Attached: 4016a58c72092fd321edf3f5706b73e2.jpg (1080x1080, 169K)

I want Chanyeol inside me I think about it like 24/7 and it drives me insane

banned topic

that feel when no hime chan or sumni gf

Attached: vcvc.png (1695x914, 1.48M)

I understand the manmo meme now

best dancer of this generation

Attached: 1555262003571.jpg (2048x1604, 500K)

what about jeongers feet and sana’s thighs

imploded from within
fatty with toxic family
traitors gonna traitor
didn't one girl get caught dating or something

word but xiumin no homo

Attached: 61386039_404261463513530_7008892227724885426_n.jpg (1080x1349, 342K)

he's always in your heart user

Attached: C93JTbwXsAYSbSW.jpg (1800x1200, 219K)

>>didn't one girl get caught dating or something
fake news

he didn't post Seungyeon

shut the fuck up memer you piece of shit

Best female dancer by far

Attached: 1556729549478.jpg (1000x1500, 198K)

I-I just wanna kiss and hug her... oh man that was too nasty

reminder pledis didn't kill kyla's idol career, her shitty brother did


Attached: Dv2njEdWkAAuD3Z.jpg (900x849, 107K)

don’t samefag roastie

those are good


Attached: 0000057157_001_20190408084612448.jpg (2000x3000, 500K)

based joy

Rena boyfriend reveal was after they knew the group was disbanded

You're gonna turn me into a Slugbro.. She's so hot and beautiful.

Attached: D4TfHPDUYAA9CMr.jpg (2048x1654, 299K)

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thinking about SinB...

who even makes these?
fuck pledis

Attached: 04.gif (500x350, 2.48M)

her american genes did it the fatfuck

well played

I don’t even feel gay when I do it to Xiumin. He’s such a pretty, sissy bitch, he might as well be a girl

Attached: D2_07JaUcAEAb5V.jpg (2048x1365, 337K)


momo is a good dancer but she doesnt convey taemin’s sensual movement well, she forces her body into moves with sudden jerks instead of letting them flow

>he had to fill spaces with normal laughing pics

word thtan fromith

Attached: DhArQlGX0AA4ezC.jpg (651x691, 24K)

we already buried you

>wers kawaii.. am i kawaii?

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do you like yeeun

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i hope they renew their nature republic contracts

Attached: doorbell.webm (1280x720, 1.92M)

>momo is a good dancer

Attached: j.png (483x494, 418K)


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I remember the day i first came here. Almost died of laughter of the uggocrops

Attached: prettyboy).jpg (661x464, 20K)


black dress yeeun..

Attached: 1545887198983.webm (640x1138, 2.08M)

she's blonde now

Attached: 1559087024417.jpg (1200x1800, 314K)

All Japs know Hawaii they practically rule the place

loonas are alt-right now

Attached: 15590792728542.png (697x1024, 542K)

What the fuck these snapchat filters are getting more advanced

literally everyone does

Attached: 5f1048f198123a26776d6d7b6656a76810cd65a1.webm (730x800, 2.88M)

every pic is cute here

men > women
nothing new

is real

Attached: 1542055633573.webm (700x558, 1.03M)

when was that?

just do porn already ffs

Attached: df.jpg (1080x1080, 78K)

Twice IQ Rankings:






Attached: 1539206277557.jpg (2048x1536, 272K)

you must love it

Attached: 1555549096055.jpg (564x564, 39K)

don’t samefag roastie sluggo’s the ugliest shit

tbf no one can convey taemin's sensual movements he's in a league of his own

she looks coked out

like kpops dont do it
you just not allowed to see it


As far as EXO dynamics go, Chanbaek is pale compared to other pairings. Their chemistry doesn't feel as genuine as the others

Attached: DTgjwUlVwAAU8fN-orig.jpg (1500x1000, 151K)

She's the best female dancer.

based drake

>mentally ill don't samefag fag

lgbt has always been alt-right

samefagging slugroastie in tears

Attached: 1530308491566.jpg (1000x1829, 655K)

Wow, females are sooo bad

Attached: wYh0NOK.jpg (2730x4096, 1.2M)

meant for

it's more comparing taemin to some jyp rando
have boa do it



Attached: 1552960335633.jpg (2434x1440, 436K)

they're the closest pair, claimed by bacon, pcy and even kai
also fanservice isn't genuine

this whore is going to make sulli look like a joke

exo are our guys do not fap to them

Attached: tumblr_op41nlov6v1riav2to1_1280.jpg (1200x900, 216K)

I always fucking laugh at that edit just to the right of the bottom left corner

he’s gonna get murdered kek


rose talks too much. i want to hear everyone else too.

a wank to dariej for a similar feel, and some 90s malay that reminds me Mina

Attached: jennie 98789.jpg (1200x1800, 265K)

Based Luke

kind of hard not to..


taemin himself said it was the best move cover he seen

Attached: ty track.jpg (1536x2048, 319K)

is Kyla's brother /ourguy/?

fuck you they all had their time back in korea and in taeguk respectively
now its her time

i agree the others lack confidence and are happy to let her talk


Attached: sana 20181228225759_a28.jpg (550x825, 342K)

thanks for the yous

They're the ones who kept mentioning about how close they are and spend time together outside schedules, you're just delusional

ayy lmao

he's really handsome

Attached: our trash.jpg (1536x2048, 560K)

Attached: 1558837276376.jpg (973x1368, 230K)

dude let me in
i'm a fairy

Attached: D7e0fGTVsAATfE0.jpg (1124x2000, 216K)

she interrupted jennie at 38s. rude bitch. deleting all my rose pics right now.

i agree but*

Attached: 1555132393299.webm (480x600, 2.32M)


Attached: D7QG0ZxUYAAf7HM-orig.jpg (800x1150, 109K)

literally the ugliest shartshit

*smashes window*

Seongyeon dancemogs your waifu and you can do nothing about it

shut up

same, i love his features

Attached: D7p8tTSUIAAvZYS.jpg (2048x2007, 457K)

wait try a hate want first

Attached: 190528 러블리즈 ( 입장 포토타임 ) 아이돌라디오 4K 60P 직캠 Fancam--hHVXbhDKxQ-[01. (608x1080, 2.5M)

based jenniecuck

Attached: Jennie Cuck.jpg (720x927, 72K)


Lia Kim herself said that momo is the best female dancer in the industry. She also said that momo might be the only female dancer that can compete with male idols.

Attached: IMG_20190528_111534.jpg (1482x2048, 424K)

she was made to be used and

made for adopting

i can not google her and continue not to know who she is

nice cumrat

you can tell she's not a virgin

Attached: uJjoZwsgS7ZK636945614165262881.jpg (800x1200, 131K)

pristin started out as trash and now ended up as trash

seriously who?

No homo though.

momo also voted best dancer by other kpop idols

Attached: 3e2429815ee359727f14d569baefc3f1cee2bbb5891c9ba120949b438d337e13_1.jpg (662x1137, 128K)


Attached: D2WKzMYUkAAVw_s-orig.jpg (1054x1580, 320K)

of course

>also said that momo might be the only female dancer that can compete with male idols.
maybe because she's a male too lmao

Is Dubu the only pure Twice member?



>only female dancer that can compete with male idols
By compete she meant "have an orgy"

>download wony pic
>firefox crashes

I think they're on to me bros

Attached: wony.jpg (2000x1063, 172K)

me in the back

WAY BEYOND not a virgin lol
More like designated YG cocksucker.


Attached: jimmy.jpg (400x400, 29K)

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what is her name?

Attached: F51B4BB7-D1AB-4051-A8D0-4F35C632731D.jpg (1125x1391, 169K)

who is this manface

what is it, it that it is about SinB?



Yujin is pure

Attached: D7p7rqaWwAAmYaE-orig.jpg (1365x2048, 384K)

which one was it?

Attached: D7k9G68UEAAMWdC.jpg (1333x2000, 536K)


my favorite is still active. what about pristin

i'm sorry...

Attached: 1557103037775.jpg (868x982, 418K)

wow cl looks pretty there

yes momo you are very kawaii

you look sad user

Attached: sana 98y.jpg (1080x1620, 496K)

>interrupted jennie
10/10 would watch again

Her and Tzuborg yes

Lol no

Attached: D65ujjsVUAA-fOv.jpg (1152x2048, 248K)

Kara Seungyeon > CLC Seungyeon

why would they be after you for saving pictures of the purest girl?
blogger bacon is one of the best things to happen in 2019

Attached: D7rWNJkXsAAZIeq.jpg (750x760, 110K)


i know you spelled it wrong but i don't know and don't care who she is

that’s because it’s min yoongi and not cl

you just know...


these are the only pure twice members

Attached: D7jbsXnU8AEV8Zq.jpg (3200x2133, 1.49M)

lmao no way

Ready to take dick

pristin will always be active in my heart


his english is cute, did he use a translator?

Attached: Capture.jpg (450x202, 14K)

its always fun seeing her cover other groups dances

good night boys, had a nice time

Attached: sticc is the new meta.webm (696x1080, 2.63M)

but not in kpop

...but thats all of them

literally the ugliest shit

why would you post miya when you could post hyebin

thankfully seeing sana cheered me up

i don't know, maybe he's been working on his english since he doesn't have much schedules right now

stay away from sana you thirsty creep


Seungyeon is an idol who happens to be choreographer tier, it's almost not fair comparing her to other idols.

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Attached: twice kids.jpg (900x900, 88K)

BYJ said the same shit about Chungha and Chaeyeon.

when is the new clc coming out?

no one cares

webcam boy baek when

Hope you die on sleep, faggot


Attached: D7oduG-UYAAwXsv.jpg (1371x914, 171K)

>dubu kid looks the same


Attached: 1527767067086.webm (248x484, 2.72M)

when is the new pristin coming out? fuck

rest of the group are in the right level of sticc, lean with muscle mass, rosé just looks sick

Attached: jennie 0Dx0dQR7VsAIljA0.jpg (1364x2048, 289K)

I'd rather not say, it was in the other thread

Pure as the driven snow

Attached: 682PXFc.jpg (1000x1500, 1.04M)

no one cares

you could never have her

Attached: ED5E81E8-14C4-4878-A90C-899A34A689C7.jpg (575x720, 61K)

Attached: 1538845484402.webm (1280x720, 1.61M)

i love nutting to momo

impure face


imagine him with long hair like jeonghan omo

Attached: DdJt9vAV4AA0sQF.jpg (1000x1500, 112K)

The difference is that anyone knows that Chungha and Chaeyeon aren't even top 5 anymore.

wish they weren't hiding their feet


god damn that looks disgusting

uh... when is the new gfriend dropping?


Attached: 1558646021796.png (1280x720, 806K)

who are the top 5

There's a mentally ill person imitating me, so I'm going to post here for a bit.

Attached: 1558291852979.jpg (1333x2000, 358K)

so boring in here without itzybros

Attached: 1558150762915.jpg (892x1050, 77K)


>said the same shit about chungha and chaeyeon

1. momo
2. doesnt matter
3. doesnt matter
4. doesnt matter
5. doesnt matter


you nugushitters need to stop butting into discussion about relevant groups

Attached: 1559041827851.jpg (564x832, 52K)

Honestly why did Dubu finish in the final Sixteen group. There were several better "contestants" many of whom could sing or dance or both better than Dubu.

Her visuals aren't great but they are better than Cub, and no group really needs 2 meme rappers. So what is she there for? The supposedly obtainable girl next door type member? The only good for variety member?

Attached: D7qFNaFUEAAU3kl-orig.jpg (960x960, 148K)


Attached: 1555034324986.jpg (1100x1716, 1.2M)

because she did an eagle dance one time

maybe she was popular among knetz

Whatever post her legs

Attached: D4-NOR6UwAE3cJo.jpg (838x1257, 154K)

she's the best stfu fag

Attached: ventriloquist puppet.jpg (592x602, 67K)

because jyp saw that dubu has charisma, personality and meme potential unlike a lot of the people on sixteen

Attached: 1546706096905.webm (640x360, 2.31M)


dubu wasn't prettier than cub by any means in sixteen wtf are you talking about

Attached: 1450075365931.jpg (1600x1067, 246K)

that's how you get in trouble

this but cub

Attached: 1547348851064.png (1200x800, 819K)

momo also got last place on hit the stage

to me it makes sense to have someone with her personality in that kind of group.
it's just weird when you look at it from a survival show/pure talent perspective.
(but i also happen to think survival shows are the dumbest shit)

bm vs wonho wrestling who wins?

Attached: 17818121_1680548445294876_6829916329072394240_n.jpg (842x984, 117K)

>good dancer


Attached: sloppy tranny.webm (800x800, 2.97M)

BM has the beefier body so him

To be fair she placed a bit better in the next ep

taller too

MOMO-CHAN DAISUKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!


wonho can speak english?

so no talent

Because she was competing with males you dumb fuck

he knows naughty words like titty

to get that out of my post is truly brainlet levels of embarrassing lol

Her personality, charisma and character. JYP looks at the bigger picture.

He was right to pick her