Do you think he browses here?

Do you think he browses here?

Attached: Eric_Andre.jpg (700x854, 427K)

Other urls found in this thread:

If he does he actively tries to weed out and piss off autismos

hes a fag


Fuck no, his sense of humor far surpasses any content on any board.

My life

no he can't tolerate racebait shit. instagram is probably as far as he'd go.

hahahahahahahahaha. his "comedy" is literally Yea Forums-tier trash. he fits right into the garbage that's posted here.

I pity you.

He went to Berklee

get back to me when you graduate from elementary school kiddo

Eric is the type of guy who is all about edgy humour and offending people until someone says nigger

Yeah, I browse here.

a nigger and a kike? oh my

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If he does he visits Yea Forums


the modern entertainment industry now that it's completely dominated by leftists and their propaganda

I like when he does Korn impressions

welcome to punk rock in 2019. everyone is a butthurt faggot.

I'm sure he steals jokes from here and tries to make them kosher. Rntertainment has been coasting on that model for about three years now.

But if I say "FUCK" and really lean into it that's still funny though right?

And what comedic empire have you built then?
Fucking neckbeard loser

No he's busy writing catchy pop songs

>Fucking neckbeard loser
Why is it always insults? You made your point invalid by doing that.

>If I call someone else butthurt, I'm not butthurt!

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haha why are these bees on the bus there shouldnt be no damn bees on the bus
fuck trump

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>You made your point invalid by doing that
No, he made his point invalid by posting it to 4channel dot gov

holy shit you realize how retarded your statement is right? just because people find him funny doesnt mean that he isnt a crude monkey brained retard. He literally exists for the laughs he gets when he does something outragous and shocking. His level of comedy is equivalent to that of a jumpscare. Not well thoughtout tjoke or punchline just a comedic "BOO" with little to no comedic merit.

Like when Eric Andre went to the RNC believing it was 2008 for some strange reason.

I laughed

back then it was called looney tunes

I wouldn't say outrageous and shocking. I'd say underwhelming and that's it really.

Probably, wasn't he the one that let MDE into Adultswim (despite chan memes saying he got them axed)?

I like Eric Andre but don't pretend his humor is some deep avant garde shit. Most of his show consists of him trying to make people uncomfortable which half this board does without even trying

>Most of his show consists of him trying to make people uncomfortable which half this board does without even trying

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>which half this board does without even trying
Some would say we even try to make things comfy here... but fail at doing so.

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Fuck no. Music should not be comfy. It should not be fun. It should not be lit. It should be haunting and grating and humbling all the time, otherwise it's just hypnosis.

/meal/ is comfy

This. He's a faggot and a bootleg Sacha Baron Cohen at best regardless of how many college speaking tours he goes on

I'm saying our comfy is not being comfy.

I don't like him mean to nardwaur bad

He can't even keep up anymore.



Hi Eric

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>eric walking alone in nyc
>walks over to homeless man begging for change
>urinates on his shoes
>hannibal burress pops out of a trash can and flashes the illuminati symbol
>licks up eric's urine

abso - lutely

he probably has at least once, i wouldnt doubt it, but i highly doubt he's a regular on this cesspool

he went to the dnc too to do the same bit, they just didn't let him in and all they got was footage of security telling him off

Eric Andre isn't funny, Sam Hyde isn't funny, normie comedians aren't funny.. so who IS funny you faggots?

mac milar

eric andre is funny, sam hyde is not

I like that he still fucked with the protesters though. Also it's funny how people who criticize him for the RNC thing never saw this one.

>1:12 anthony kiedis "BOOM BOOM ZIM ZOOM" impersonation
he might actually have browsed here

I can't believe the RNC actually let him in and the DNC didn't. I thought it'd be the other way around.

He got his pass revoked at the RNC. So he couldn't go to the DNC.

The republicans will take anyone. The hollywood liberals are the ones building gated communities and telling you saying "rape" causes cancer

norm macdonald

I loved his show a couple years ago but I dont even know if it's still making new episodes


Anthony Jeselnik. And sams just in a slump right now :(

LMAO. What the fuck is this?

All this "shock comedians" are the fucking same, only Yea Forumstards can laugh to that and think that is an original concept.
Even this chink ended hating himself for it.

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Eric isn't a shock comedian.

it is but they haven't made a new episode since like 2017 besides the kraft punk special

>The hollywood liberals are the ones building gated communities and telling you saying "rape" causes cancer

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i think he went to some anti trump protest in a park right next to it and just did his thing

>is actually jap

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You're right, he's just a misplaced queerbait

is in the borderline to become one, but his edgyness end where his (((paycheck))) starts.
same shit

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yeah, doesn't sam hyde do the same man on the street interview shtick also? he did shit like going to the sanders rally or interviewing random hipsters or provoking bums and shit

and filthy frank did it too with that pink guy shit and yelling "habe u seen my arien prease" in the street to people. and he did the same pimp my wheelchair skit sam hyde did

holy shit these guys are actually very similar

we are literally too stupid to be worth making uncomfortable

>same style = same jokes
found the retard

Because they're all trying to do the same thing.

it's not the same exact material, but the style and intent are similar
hyde is more politically charged and irony, eric andre is more surrealism, and frank is more just Yea Forums trash

>pimp my wheelchair
Lol this is like 99% cribbed from that MDE skit.

Bill Burr
Chris Rock until Never Scared
Mitch Hedburg

He's trying to do stand-up and Hannibal's just busy

it's very similar but not exactly the same, they didnt focus on pimping out the wheelchair as much in the mde one they just focused on the picking up girls part, plus the filthy frank one has more going on

For me, it's Eric Warheim.

Generally, I found that those three did great things, but also generated a lot of impersonators and cringy communities around the internet who revere them to the point of having them as "gods" of comedy or irony, when they are not.
The fact that MDE or the Filthy Frank show has ended should be a blessing for the fans themselves, so that their jokes are unforgettable and does not end up just as overused as the jokes of Cartman in South Park.

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larry david

He's literally going to release the final (5th) season of the show later this year