Nu Metal
Trap Rap
What will be the next decades shitty genre?
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All three had one thing in common: clownlike aesthetics
I suppose the next big thing will be similarly clownish
probably clown r n b
>clown r n b
I'm ready for this
>clownlike aesthetics
you actually named the best genres of each decade
fuck off OP, scene was and always will be 1000 times better than Indie shit like The Strokes and The Vespertines and that's just facts.
Hair Metal
Nu-Metal or Grunge
desu i don’t know about any good new genre other than trap (yes genre not sub-genre if you don’t consider trap as a genre of it’s own then you can’t really consider punk or metal as a genre)
yeah most of it was generic and shitty especially in the latter half of this decade but there were definitely some releases that will for sure go down in the anals of 21st century music history
also it was for the first time since the mid-90s that rap was unique and interesting again
yeah it won’t survive the 20’s but i really think that the next new popular mainstream genre will be influenced by trap
Blueface. And it will be da bomb.
Lmao scene stuff is trash. 00s Indie and 90s Grunge were actually good.
>00s Indie
shit boring pleb music with vocals spoken through an xbox headset that gets played on commercials and advertisements to death
>90s Grunge
shit boring pop-punk music with tired and bored vocals and buttrock-level creativity
Say what you want about scene music, but a lot of it was actually really fucking great. MCR's first two/three albums were decent, Thursday made some fantastic music, TBS had one good album, Brand New was easily one of the best bands of the 2000s, Green Day made some great singles, FOB had at least one good album and Panic made the best baroque pop-punk of the 00s before they turned to shit.
The shitty genre of the 2020s will be rap-country. Lil Nas X will continue making this style of music in an original way and then a bunch of copycats will come around and make a watered down version of it
end yourself faggot
MCR, FOB, Brand New, and TBS aren't scene. They're emo.
Scene is Attack Attack!, Metro Station, I Set My Friends on Fire, Falling In Reverse, etc.
And they all suck.
>MCR's first two/three albums were decent,
No they weren't
>, Brand New was easily one of the best bands of the 2000s,
Not scene
>Green Day made some great singles,
Shit, but still not scene>Panic made the best baroque pop-punk of the 00s before they turned to shit.
Non scene. Pop Punk/emo band that made a non scene album.
You don't even know what scene is lmao.
I'd say Panic was more scene than emo. they even did the weird electropop pop rock combo thing in 2005 and it's clear how much they inspired scenecore bands with AFYCSO
OP how can you say scene is shit when it has this gem
>MCR's first three albums weren't good
the only people who hate MCR are people who are insecure of their masculinity. Lighten Up, Christ!
I don't hate them. I just think their first 3 albums weren't good. Or any of their albums in fact.
Nu-screamo with trap influences.
Death Grips
nah, shit like this.
Who cares? White people don't even make music anymore.
based and mumblepilled
Blackened Vapor-Trap Shoegaze with Drill and Martial Industrial elements.
+Dubstep elements
The Kids will call it
~ æåāăăä ~
most of death grips is white people you dumpass
>that will for sure go down in the anals of 21st century music history
couldn't agree more
>clown r n b
What were scene girls like boomers?
Scene isn't a genre
The so-called "scene bands" were just metalcore/trancecore/deathcore/post-hardcore with different aesthetics
Also, 2000's Pop Country was far worse.