Title says it all. Want to meet up and hang out beforehand?
Any German Yea Forums-fag going to the death grips concert this friday?
Where is it?
In your area
I'm a belgium fag coming then, but I don't want to get chopped up in some basement and made into apfelstrüdel by a german user who's into death grips
Dude go have fun, if you're a normal sized man you could probably beat up 95% of Death Grips audience
es geht es geht es geht es geht
*chops cleaver in pp*
In cologne, NRW
I was just thinking about casually drinking a beer or something. I don't even have a basement and definetly not the muscles to get you in one
I like this idea, haven't been in cologne for ages. I'm bringing green too if that's your thing
Hell yeah, I'm in for that. Do you arrive at Ehrenfeld Bahnhof? Because I'll be there around 7:00pm. I'm the guy with a moneystore shirt and brown hair. I have no tatoos, if that's a distinguishable feature
Yeahhh ehrenfeld dude, i will try around 7pm but i'm a real latecomer
>Moneystore shirt
I will keep my eyes on that
I'm a tall dark skin chingchong but I'll wear dark martens and some black hoodie
Oh and gold trimmed raybans
If I happen to be late we will meet inside DG then and chill afterwards