Buying vinyl

>buying vinyl
surely you don't waste your money on this shit, right?

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>buying food
surely you don't waste your money on a temporary object, right? Fucking HUGE scam.

food is necessary for survival

vinyl is not

Cassettes offer everything Vinyl does without the warping, plus they’re an order of magnitude more portable

prove it, faggot.

you'll die regardless of eating food.

>no gf
>no friends
>live with parents
There's not much I can spend my money on, other than drugs. Records make me slightly happier.


>being so pathetically poor you actually have to worry about where your money goes!

>being so materialistic you need to fill you house with useless shit

>being this wretched and poor!

Actually going to used record stores and thrift stores and buying shit by the boxes is quite nice.

it's one of the only physical things i actually like buying. it's like being a collector of something, plus i like the process of putting on a record and listening to the whole thing
it doesn't happen often, but sometimes it does make a legitimately big improvement to the music.

>it does make a legitimately big improvement to the music
this is just your mind trying to rationalize spending $25+ on a single album

There's also big pretty pictures.

>this is your mind trying to justify being so utterly fucking poor that you actually mention $25 like it's in any way a large amount of money

just google high res album covers

>it doesn't happen often
wouldn't i think it happens all the time if that were the case? it's rare, but sometimes it improves a mix or improves the quality of an instrument or the vocals. there's usually a tiny difference no matter what, but sometimes it's more noticeable
and, again, i just like it as a hobby. there are people who collect rare coins, i collect vinyls that i like. it's a good way to support the musician too

it is a large amount for a single album, i guess your parents never taught you the value of money

a better way to support musicians is to go to shows and buy merch, they make shit all on album sales

it's still a way though. and if i love a musician i will go to their shows, possibly buy merch. i'd usually rather have a record than a shirt though

>paying money to stand with a bunch of hipsters with their phones out while a shitty band plays their most accessible songs
>paying money for a hideously ugly t-shirt that proves you use your music taste as a aspect of your personality because you're so boring

>t. Poverty

$25 is nothing. Stop being useless and poor like your useless and poor parents.

i can't imagine being this defensive about shitty plastic discs

food can be cheap if you go vegan and eat the same thing every day.
a pack of tofu's like 2 bucks, tops.
yes i eat literal onions. and my hips have always been this wide, fuck off.

>if you go vegan

Attached: into the trash.jpg (315x256, 11K)

That's because your soul crushing poverty has damaged your intellectual development and you're compensating badly

>Cassettes offer everything Vinyl does without the warping
how old are you that you say something this retarded? if you grew up in the age of cassettes you would have memories of countless cassettes being "eaten" by your tape player
With proper care and storage, vinyl records barely degrade.

i like collecting music in any format but right now i buy mostly vinyl because it's the most popular. i like "supporting the bands" and having physical shit but often think i'm throwing away money on stupid shit. maybe because they're so expensive most of the time.

i collect CDs honestly. cheap, physical, can listen them in the car on my way back from the record store. nice way to find new music, too. sometimes i grab discount-shit i've never heard of. and if i hate it, then i've only spent maybe 8 bucks.

i listen music on my computer or phone most of the time. i literally buy shit because i like "supporting" and having the physical thing, but most of the time i'll play a tape or vinyl once only.

I mean, at least vinyl has value, there will always be a market for this kind of thing so I can just sell my records and get some decent money back. So no, not a waste of money.

of my 500 or so vinyl records I paid under 5 dollars for 90% of them. Even most sought after stuff is cheap. It's gonna suck in five years when it all dries up, but for right now I'm raking that shit in.

As for my more modern/pricey stuff it's called having a job.

I buy vinyl because it shows an amount of dedication to an artist or album, if I enjoy the album or its art, I'll buy it if I find it, if an album I enjoy sounds significantly better on vinyl, I'll pick it up, you could make the same argument for CDs as being a "waste of money"

that's 90% a lie tho. really recent releases you can make most of your money back, rare stuff will make you a lot, but for the rest once a few years pass and you realize you have a record by a band no one cares about you can only sell as part of a stack of similar records for $2 each you'll regret this

This might be me trying to justify the amount of time I spend at thrift stores, but I'm calling it now, in 5 years you're not going to be find a good classic rock album on vinyl under $20. And those new limited release indie albums are already going for $100 a pop.

i just said rare stuff will make you money. limited editions of good stuff, old good stuff. everything else you buy is a waste of money.

>everything else you buy is a waste of money.
Who's buying vinyl if it's not good? Even if it's not popular if you like it it's not a waste of a dollar.

>Lets see, I've got elton john, billy joel, a rare XTC album.
>Naw fuck that, Lets get the Gene Pitney, Henry Mancini, and firestone presents a christmas album. Those are my jam.

well it's a good thing most of the music I buy on vinyl is from the 20th century then and not flavor of the month bands/artists

You know what my mistake I misread your post. If you like those bands no one has heard of in five, fuck it, you still like them. 25 dollars is plenty worth a few years of enjoyment.

CD’s don’t degrade at all and offer the simplest and highest quality way of listening to music at a fraction of the price for vinyl.

>CD’s don’t degrade

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>CD’s don’t degrade
Disc rot is a thing and I have experienced.
>Fraction of the price
Eh, a little cheaper at best. If you're gonna go the CD route you might as well just download a lossless codec. To sound as homosexual as possible vinyl has a process behind it, a novelty if you will. CDs are just inconvenient FLAC files.

I only buy new to sell and jewish prices. can legit make a living this way

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lole have sex virgums

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I do buy vinyl. And don't call me Shirley

I buy vinyl, CDs, tapes, and digital on a weekly basis. Suck it, fag.

just what
>good decks/walkmans are extremely expensive
>almost all pre recorded tapes are ferric
>chrome and metal is also very expensive
>most fragile when compared to vinyl and cd, including the cassette case and players
don't get me wrong cassettes are cool, but absolutely terrible as a "definitive way to play music"

isn't disc rot only on certain CDs from the early 90's due to a manufacturing issue?

disc rot on music CDs is extremely rare and only happens when exposed to harsh conditions. It does happen however to old game CD ROMs and CD-Rs because they were made differently

I agree man, why spend a bunch of money on an old archaic thing from fucking decades ago in 2019? I have no clue how the jews were able to convince so many of you to buy vinyl
