What the fuck this nigga saying
What the fuck this nigga saying
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cathartic things mostly
baaarrrrkk bark bark baaaaaarrrrkk bark bark
"just listen to our next album"
This album is so much fuckin better
Jane Doe is literally the absolute best the metal genre has to offer. Fuck outta here.
his voice doesnt work with hardcore. its supposed to be rough and aggressive not fucking shrieking. he just sounds like someone ripped his balls out. save that shit for avant garde bullshit.
literally only reddit and Yea Forums like converge
I wish I knew how he did that without wrecking his voice. it's so powerful and scary yet so sustained
no we dont faggot, metalcore is a joke
*all metalcore that isn't Converge, Botch, or The Chariot is a joke
it's not even metal
it's hardcore
the fact you can't understand that means you have zero right to form an opinion on it
Bro, I literally fucking said this earlier today
this and
Nigga shut the fuck up. shut up.
>Its just one of those days
>Where you don't want to wake up
>Everything is fucked
>Everybody sucks
>You don't really know why
>But you want to justify
>Rippin' someone's head off
>No human contact
>And if you interact
>Your life is on contract
>Your best bet is to stay away motherfucker
>It's just one of those days
The adjective your failing to grasp is “br00t4l \m/“, and he does it by being so *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
this makes me laugh hard. Idk if u are baiting or not. But If i went up to one of my harcore friends, and said "hey dude do you like this hardcore recrod" and showed him literally ANY converge, let alone jane doe, he would go "wtf, this is not at all hardcore"
it isnt fucking hardcore.
it is metalcore
Jane doe is metal
Orchid is punk
so beatdown hardcore, a genre not considered metal and yet is the closest relative to metalcore, must not be hardcore either
metalcore has always had hardcore aesthetic and attitude and the music is still far more related to hardcore punk than any metal genre
go ahead and find me a metal precursor to jane doe from the 80s
Blackened Hardcore > "metal"core