Animal Collective / Panda Bear

Animal Collective / Panda Bear

Is it brilliant or utter shit ?

Attached: AC.jpg (800x400, 184K)

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Shit, like all anco albums.

Neither. Just overwhelming soi

Nu-male Collective


Brilliant. As a band, not Panda Bear by himself.

The gayest and worst music of the fucking century

have sex.


I literally fucked feminazis to this fag shit back when it was “cool and progressive”

I'm sure you did, virgin. Keep dreamin'

Person Pitch and Tomboy are ace albums, brother.

They're good, but i wouldn't say brilliant


>nobody has had sex because I've never had sex

I cummed in my favorite bitch during Bluish several times because she asked me to. You can kill yourself


have sex

AnCo is gay
>MGMT gang

I like AnCo
they get shit on so much, I have no idea why
the endless hatred for them will never make sense to me, seems completely forced and arbitrary

Neither, they have some unique sounding songs, i'll give them that. But nothing impressive technically or aesthetically.

>But nothing impressive technically or aesthetically.
if we ignore Person Pitch and STGSTV exist

I remember when this forum sucked their dicks all day, mostly due to that album merryweather post pavillion, or whatever its called.

Because they shit the bed since 2009

MPP is just a meme about viral marketing. everybody pretty much recognizes the most important era of Animal Collective is their folk sounding stuff on Feels and Sung Tong, followed by Person Pitch which basically invented an entire sound which could later be found in chill wave, witch house, hypnagogic pop and vaporwave

>Person pitch
I like the album, but let's not lie to ourselves, most panda bear songs have the same damn structure, a 12 seconds or less sample of some other samples with a fuckton of effects and envelopes, and looped for the whole song, with the same singing in every song.

True, I'll give you this, this one is really impressive, but it is an exception.

>most panda bear songs have the same damn structure
haha no not really try again

>because she asked me to

at least you got consent, i guess

>same structure

as in no structure at all

its fukn sick bro

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