Jack Stauber shit

Post your opinion about him, similar artists, etc

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His music is trash and his aesthetic is cringy.

I disagree

He used to be good, but then he stuck to making shitty dime store jingles. That vhs aesthetic is so played out these days.

epic ariel pink depressed but in love guy making based vhs aesthetic animations whoa guys look i'm going to put something retarded here ohoohoho buy my music

Well fuck you then, I hate you

I liked a few songs on Pop Food quite a bit, I'd love to hear more quirky, catchy and upbeat hypnagogic pop like this

decent songwriter but his aesthetic which could have been interesting and transgressive just became another adult swim style money grab capitalistic over the counter countercultre

Tik Tok ruined Peppermint forever.
That is all.

ya this
he's obviously talented but becme a sell out and he's milking the art student wannabe fan base real hard. disappointing. but it sure makes money. i really loved tea errors though

My girlfriend loves his shit. I like some, warm production is always enjoyable.

fuck off normalfaggot

imagine thinking the entirety of Yea Forums is r9k
imagine thinking having a gf means you're normal
imagine thinking being normal is bad
imagine being obsessed with your perceived oddness as a way to cope with being a total fucking loser

get a life

Go home reddit transplants

have sex

bruh you're probably in high school and love fishmans and radiohead

I’m 20 and only listen to the Beatles and MGMT


I'm 27 year old and I only listen to prog metal and melodeath. Now what?

dude's YouTube channel isn't monetized

He used to make good animations that actually made sense. Now it's lolrandom trash. His music is shit, I hate his hipster goat screams

I hate me too

>imagine thinking having a gf means you're normal
it unironically does
autistic people don't have girlfriends

No, unattractive losers don't have girlfriends.
I don't have a gf
You don't.
I know interesting awkward weirdos with girlfriends, because guess what, they provoke interest

rip this thread damn

Creative dude. I like him.

bill wurtz is better

Attached: 3791.jpg (660x352, 31K)

i know two autistic men (diagnosed) with gfs
you're just ugly and/or unlikable

Yeah, seems to try hard, and when he appears on camera, it seems like he's trying to bloat his ego. The music is basic, and it seems he makes many videos consistently because he just wants to.be successful or something. I liked his vid with cboyardee though. His stuff isn't art like that Dilbert stuff, which actually had good music, I know it's just supposed to be fun stuff, but it's humor is a little cringe, and it's just not worth watching.

>hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my >name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N >oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very >random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet >random ppl like me ^_^… im 13 years old (im >mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader >zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal >w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its >SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course >but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like >they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i >hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me >lots of commentses!!!!
>DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! random again ^_^ hehe…toodles!!!!!

>love and waffles,

>t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m

It's this but for millenial dudes.

You don’t put out that much content from the desire to stroke your own ego. You’ve got to legitimately enjoy the creative process to put out as much shit as he does.

There’s a difference between random humor and raw creativity my guy.

To be fair, even though the late 80's - early 90's VHS asthetic is played out, he actually puts some effort into it by actually capturing the footage for most of his videos straight off an actual VHS. He fits a certain Zolo vibe that doesn't really seem to be all that prominent given the boner for the era.


Meme musician, the only good one was the "I hope she's not dead" one

i love you and i am going to kill you


I like ‘two time’ and the fan made music video that goes with it.

Some of his songs are better than what Gorillaz has put out in the past decade.

he uses lolsorandom humor... i genuinely like some of his stuff but thats indisputable...

I really like Hamantha

I don't listen to his music but I really like his style of animation. That new grocery store themed pop opera he did with Adult Swim was comfy