Happy Dubu Day

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Other urls found in this thread:!30ATwSIK!QDArj8iL2eVXXMRzY40gWRS-Hjv1sIIk-pvvDmyi35M,gQ/

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Dubu birthday stream part 2

who's the cutest whore in kpop, jennie or yein?

Attached: purest.webm (450x800, 2.8M)


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she gives me life but she simultaneously makes me want to end it so i can be reborn closer to her or some shit

shut the fuck up cripple

I miss Itzy so much bros

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Happy Birthday Dubu

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look at her , yein for sure

What's she doing? Feels like shes just wasting time doing nothing?

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Position is relative. Even if they had the same position, OMG still has the lower digital score. There is a reason why people use UL to judge instead of charting position.

they outrank them on melon right now

jennie but i'd still yein's brains out

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encore band jam rosie

Attached: 1533489107664.webm (720x1000, 2.92M)

hey, it's me

Attached: wassup its me arin.jpg (1695x1693, 946K)

dubu is boring and she knows it

dubu is the prettiest girl in the world

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Eunha but she's only a whore towards me

yein is cuter and more of a whore


happiest of days

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its happening bros

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Attached: 정답은 언제나 하나! 오마이걸과 함께하는 추리교실☆|레이튼 미스터리 � (698x814, 2.26M)

Yes, she's the cutest, but not that last part

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doesn't UL affect charting position though?

poor man's arin

having fun

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she look like a downie

yein is not a whore

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wait it's over already?

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its over

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Is that really fun?
Maybe im depressed and forgot what fun is

punished arin

Arin is the superior monolid

Attached: 60935930_2344952458901677_6060694119987915128_n.webm (480x480, 1013K)

Arin is so cute!

Post your best dubus bros

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bye dubu i love you

Michael Jackson...


goodnight dubu

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twice looks like a group of special ed kids

Attached: 1558306050651.webm (1080x1920, 2.77M)

incels all of you

UL affects charting position. But you where you chart is only as good as who your competition is. IZ*ONE had fierce competition, remember by the 3 week, TWICE and BTS were both out pushing their song lower. Which is why they rank at 30ish despite Violeta having the better digital score.

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i think i just figured out why her eyes look huge recently.

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Lets post Arin instead

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Makes sense why kpg wants to fuck them

Nooooo dubu comeback

Good morning to you too

talking about whores...

word but whoever these people are

Attached: 1556600546684.jpg (2048x1364, 456K)

>Dubuggo is "celebrating" her birthday
>Tzuyu is in Taiwan
>Himmler is in Japan
>Momo & Sana are in Hawaii
>zero visits from the K-members
>has to cut the V LIVE early

Attached: Dahyun in probably one of the best webms ever.webm (440x660, 2.56M)

what's with the hyun min spam?

we're arin posting now

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downies can be cute

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They don't look the same

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I wonder if silent painteranon will come back

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any sharkman in

who's the nigger? i've seen him a few times recently

such a nice gook

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shut your fucking mouth you stupid faggot

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Based hours

Attached: Arin 4.jpg (1333x2000, 317K)

cute memegirls


imagine the smell

So SM is doing solo projects with them?


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post his fat ass

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Attached: 1555813172113.webm (608x500, 2.93M)

thank you btw to whoever made this

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Han Hyun-min

me as the couch

>35 minutes
would've prefered more but i still feel blessed eitherway

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>shoes on a seat
fucking degen


nice legs

my girl of the day

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>nothing happened
Why did 350k incels watch this again? God damn

I miss Rosebro..

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havent seen him in a while

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fucking CUTE

just some random nigger they found or is he a singer or something?

take the chen2pill

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same but girl of my life

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eunseo too...

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did somebody just swear?


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because we live in a society

Attached: Hiichan my waifu.png (1200x790, 566K)

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He's not there yet either. I guess he's still sleeping.

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model and host of m countdown

at this rate, every kpgfu...

He is mixed race, his mother is korean, and he is born in korea and works as a model usually. But does variety shows as well.

unironically feel like a npc liking this shit
like i got no individualism

i wonder if dubu is gonna spend the rest of the day walking around seoul with her birthday shirt and take advantage of birthday discounts

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He's a model

>dubu eating cake

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imagine the smell

this set makes me weak

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Attached: [릴레이댄스] 오마이걸 (OH MY GIRL) - 다섯 번째 계절(SSFWL).webm (608x1080, 2.92M)

this dubuday stream reminds me of rosé who didn't have a stream but just posted this cover on youtube that was cute

post more yeins

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i'm about the same height as him if not slightly taller so he makes for a good point of reference

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she ate like one bite lol

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yeji is beautiful

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a r i n

forgot this one!30ATwSIK!QDArj8iL2eVXXMRzY40gWRS-Hjv1sIIk-pvvDmyi35M

0 (ZERO) kills

Happy birthday to best Twice

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yah seems like SM wanna debut new GG, so less comebacks for RV

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granrene getting mad the men are giving dubu more attention

danke anons

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imagine dropkicking her on the sidewalk

Attached: dongdrink.webm (1067x600, 745K)

You play too much GTA.

not enough dubus

>carrying about viewcounts
yeah you definitely are an npc

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very cute

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did she get her eyelids done?

not enough dubu vlive time

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>its my birthday

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Attached: 1528349433996.webm (540x720, 2.91M)


people only like yein because of her feet

tzuyu's birthday is in a couple of weeks

Is Kpop a fetish?

Attached: dongcar.webm (1067x600, 1.19M)

Attached: [주간아 미방EP.406] 백투더데뷔! 옴걸 has shot my heart♥ 오마이걸의.webm (1920x1080, 2.01M)

that nigger should start his own youtube channel, it would probably do pretty well


wishing dubu good birthday

with a drop kick to her head hahahaha


i can't visualise her naked body

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should have spread some cake on her face

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you can't just say that and not post them

>im getting too old for this shit

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holy crap elkie looks like jesus

sounds pretty groovy

looking pretty good

>im not getting paid enough for this shit

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and thats a good thing!

Attached: [주간아 미방EP.406] 백투더데뷔! 옴걸 has shot my heart♥ 오마이걸의-3.webm (712x1074, 1.17M)

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Attached: Chungha (385).webm (606x1080, 2.09M)

how the FUCK can Cube afford CLC comeback after CLC comeback when they barely sell 3k albums and have 0 digital sales

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why is aisha's voice so weirdly high pitched

Attached: D2GfPqoU4AATnJ3.jpg (1537x2048, 329K)

>6. [+21, -3] The majority of the idols don't actually have the talent to back up the money that they make. It's all based on luck, agency, family background, and support.

>7. [+20, -7] Be grateful to JYP that they took a bunch of kids who can't even sing and let them make this much money

>8. [+18, -5] Their live singing video seriously makes me throw up.. I'm not even lying


Wow they really did hate her all along

Attached: Chungha (359).webm (1920x862, 2.63M)

>so what did you get me for my birthday?

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Cube is a whore house

pledis = trash
no determination at all

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happy early birthday to her

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not samefagging enough?

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is arin still pure?

damn, 20 upvotes, this is serious business

Attached: 1518061755234.webm (820x690, 1.34M)

what the heck? was No that bad?

pick wave to see choi san wear sleeveless shirts on music shows,gQ/


By cutting off Hyuna's salary.

we need more Paris pics

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Kind of, yes. Koreans are not allowed to have porn, so they substitute with kpop + a lot of Western nerds with yellow fever jerk to these chink prostitutes.

Attached: Chungha (744).webm (720x720, 849K)

Attached: jeongers present.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Attached: whorerin.webm (1422x800, 2.77M)

i wish

how did he become a model? hes not good looking

>tfw I was less than five feet away from Yeins ass

She's overrated. But cherry kisses was good.

didn't know CLC has that many hotties, I'm talking about the 2nd, 6th and 7th on that banner

Article: Twice Dahyun sobs, "Who are we to deserve so much love..."

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+484, -107] If you know that, then practice your singing... You have enough years under your belt now and enough popularity and yet your singing skills continue to decline. I was shocked listening to them singing a ballad at their concert...

2. [+344, -75] It's all thanks to your agency for getting you this far. When I watch them sing live, it doesn't even sing live. You do receive a lot of love for how little singing talent you have.

3. [+271, -48] Must be nice to be an idol. Do some aegyo and fan service on stage.

4. [+45, -9] There is no member in this group who does the half air half sound that Park Jin Young likes..

5. [+45, -26] Then please work hard on your live singing. Nowadays, singers look no different from their back dancers, just different outfits..

6. [+21, -3] The majority of the idols don't actually have the talent to back up the money that they make. It's all based on luck, agency, family background, and support.

7. [+20, -7] Be grateful to JYP that they took a bunch of kids who can't even sing and let them make this much money

8. [+18, -5] Their live singing video seriously makes me throw up.. I'm not even lying

nvm, they've doubled their sales! #CLC - No. 1: 20 copies (6,740 total)


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no 1 sold more than any of their other albums which isn't a lot but far better than usual

>birthday strut

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Daily Dubu!

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did he?

most fashion models aren't good looking

everyone loves dubu especially her members

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the top comments have 1500 and 1100 now

please support yein

Attached: 1522175195342.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

jennie with the black haired girl? for sure

a double eyelid surgery to get rid of your pathetic peanut eyes

brunette white girl mogging


cute squid and shark

nah she's probably got a bf

the most powerful daily dubu of the year

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nice dong

I cant believe Twice sang the tranny anthem....

both white girls are mogging here

birthday youoOooOOOooOO

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i'd love to support her body


Attached: Yein split.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

i'd rather support mijoo

Attached: 1522527048093.webm (1280x720, 2M)

Twice's outfits on stage always look dirt cheap.

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is that andre the giant on her mask

Attached: D7e92_5UEAECpUS.jpg (960x960, 115K)

yes fuckign get her

birthday strut in her birthday suit

hate the blanket meme

>Is kpop popular in europe?
kek, they're never gonna play K-pop on the radio (unless there's a special even or something)
but if we think about it another way - for people who use the internet often/heavily, I reckon it's more popular than we realize

smuggest kpop

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Fuck she would be amazing in bed

no she got blacked

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Attached: 1527235798114.webm (417x600, 1.24M)

man he doesn't even look a little bit korean

some EU radios have been playing boy with luv and kill this love.
not gonna happen for "regular" kpop anytime soon though


>dubu doesnt know about the surprise

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what is this?

seething nugushitters

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pure princess

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stop posting dubu

the bestest girl

BTS have been showing up on british tv recently. I feel like they'll be on the radio soon enough

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>jumping jumping

Attached: 352345345.jpg (960x722, 77K)

dubu loves surprises


Attached: sana.webm (578x984, 933K)

why is hiichan pm so prolific. you think she's trying hard to not be consistently last place?

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no can do boss

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african genes too strong


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Netizens BTFO


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why are you guys posting sana on dubu day

It's ok to be a whore if she doesn't have sex.

>pray with us

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no one cares about dubuggo

sana is dubu's wife

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Yes we do.

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>worship us

Attached: cooking with yein.webm (960x540, 2.9M)

Attached: 1521368024942.webm (721x1200, 2.96M)

more like cucking with yein

Attached: D59gKAHU8AAf0WD(2).jpg (1536x2048, 339K)

she looks retarded


good thread

all dubu threads are good threads

it's the opposite actually


>all good threads are dubu threads

wouldn't BoA be number 1 on that list?

it's the opposite actually

what? her arm?