Why does he trigger zoomers so much Yea Forums?
Why does he trigger zoomers so much Yea Forums?
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WHAt’s the album in the back?
Six worthless faggots
He had the audacity to have an independent thought. Strictly verboten these days
>Hey guys! Lets all take a photo of us sticking out our middle fingers towards an inanimate object that has Morrissey's face on it as if he'd give a flying fuck, that'll really show him!
>Great idea, man! Once we post this on twitter, he's probably gonna roll up into fetal position & cry like a little baby! God, we're so important. :)
How do people have this kind of rationale?
lmao moz btfo
Haim - Days Are Gone
omg yaaaaas
i cannot wait until morrissey dies
punk is still alive. hopefully this taught him a lesson.
>he's probably gonna roll up into fetal position & cry like a little baby!
He probably did tho
>"How many retweets did we get?"
kids hate him because jpegmafia doesn't like him because he is "racist"
>30yo ultra-left millennials
cannot wait till jpegmafia's hairline is gone
Moz is the most punk artist right now.
Man, this shit goes on a ton and I don't get it either. I was in Chicago a few weeks ago walking downtown and I couldn't tell you the amount of fucking zoomers taking pictures of the trump tower with their middle finger in the picture. It's fucking cringe.
>Dabs on chinkoid dogeaters
>Dabs on muzzies
>Dabs on crims
>Doesnt care about the SJW tripwire net
>Actually cares about other human beings
>Isnt even racist and is a great bloke
Zoomsystem cannot compute people like him
The Smiths had like 4 good songs, fuck this neo nazi piece of shit.
We had a thread around a year ago to find that album
>I am sorry the UK print media's contorted interpretation of who and what I am has gone all wrong. In these days when most people are afraid to even whisper, the print media write as if someone is coming to get them. This aching nervousness brings on the vengeful and paranoid. Inventing Britain's doomsday is the preoccupation of the tabloids, and they can hate you for having lived.
>I straighten up, and my position is one of hope. The march backwards is over, and life has begun again. With voice extended to breaking point, I call for the prosperity of free speech; the eradication of totalitarian control; I call for diversity of opinion; I call for the total abolition of the abattoir; I call for peace, above all; I call for civil society.
> call for a so-far unknowable end to brutalities; "No" to Soviet Britain; prayers not to gods but to forces; an end to disingenuous media cluelessness; the people have the power; hatred and beheadings belong in the furnace of history; music might still be your only friend; for every shade and persuasion ... we shall always be alongside each other - everyone's culture of value.
>no more fashionable outrage; cows are friends to humans - don't kill them; beware of those who write in headlines; moral fiber means holding on ... to your friends; give up on inferior arguments.
> God gave you your life to enjoy - you will cry for your life in years to come ... death always answers back; do not be a nobody; you have survived this far in order to make the remainder peaceful and funny; your very survival proves that you have a right; ignore the cold eyes of fascism; your life is Art. #morrissey
24 May 2019
pivotal line on The Money Store
i think that's modest mouse
>Soviet Britain
oh fuck off moz
stop dancing around the subject and just go full clapton
>Morrissey has never voted in his life, and is not a member of any political party.
Cry more.
You made that rationale up yourself dipshit.
what's funny is that an actual pivotal line on money store is "Grab your fucking chain and drag you through the bike lane," which is so similar to a pivotal line from Morrissey's "Such A Little Thing," which is, "Wielding a bicycle chain/Why won't you change?/"I will not change/And I will not be nice" that I think Stefan actively references Morrissey on numerous occasions. I've posted about this a long time ago, couldn't find it in the archive, but they're out there and not that hard to find.
>pasty white arms
>middle finger
That'll show him! So brave. So brave.
He has "controversial" opinions.
because the only validation zoomers receive is by impressing their friends and hating morrisey is hot rn
>chinese are subhumans
Fuck yes
>making fun of crying faggots
>Cry more.
? Check your head retard
why are all of them white?
t. learned everything i know from the msn
what a proper lad.
He triggers drones who think they are exercising their virtues, when they are really just contributing to the end of individuality
because white people arent ants and we generally don't like each other that much to begin with
hehe i remember that thread
>Flipping off an album cover
They're probably the same type of asshole that applauds in a movie theater
Because white people pretend to care about things that shouldn't even bother them. I swear white people react worse to holocaust jokes than jews.
Morrisey hates the smiths so he would probably agree
Most level headed people dislike bullies. It's a natural reaction.
>Most level headed people dislike bullies.
Most people secretly root for the bully over the wussy cuck
at least one of them looks brown
White people are fags with their "muh white guilt" shit. No balls or self respect, they just bend their ass over and take it no vaseline. As it should be, the tables have turned on you.
morrissey is very lucky he has the gay card to play
>wussy cuck
yet beaners flock to the civilisation we made .... why? because beaners can't into civilisation themselves. Also, white guilt is for a very small minority of mentally ill lefties. The rest of us don't even think about it ... or you and your kind
True, especially women
because brown people love morrissey, they would never disrespect him
$10 those are millenials and not zoomers
>second hand from the left
he's always had the same views
right in the wikipedia
>Simon Goddard described Morrissey as being "pro-working class, anti-elite and anti-institution. That includes all political parties, parliament itself, all public schools, Oxbridge, the Catholic church, the monarchy, the EU, the BBC, the broadsheet press and the music press. Because his comments are not consistent with any one political agenda it confuses people, especially on the left. If anything, he's a professional refusenik."[341]
what did he say?
he also said he hates trump and likes sanders
As a brown person I have to agree with that statement
The UK needs to slow down the immigration or the national identity/culture might change dramatically and create conflict.
your prejudice won't keep you warm tonight
>likes sanders
Even vegans can't resist KFC
Wow, what a monster
that's it? lol wow i thought he said we have to kill the muslims or something with all this outrage
sensitive cunts lol
Yeah, that's not the issue. Most of these "Britain First" type groups assault non-white people and firebomb mosques.
Did Morrissey endorse that, or just the immigration comments?
He's shown support for those groups.
He was already like that
I hate people that attack Morrissey because of his opinions; I hate people that defend Morrissey because of his opinions
why everything has to be so political nowdays? why people don't care about art anymore?
>the national identity/culture
What is British national identity? Fop boys at Eton? Chavs outside Jobcentre?
ask morrissey
bc he sucks lmao
Lol, most of them? You wouldn’t be exaggerating based on cherrypicked examples, would you? We all know a higher percentage of Muslims engage in murder and assault than whites, per capita. You’re literally defending a religion that deifies a mass murdering pedophile, so take that into consideration
And you show support for Islam, your own stance towards group association shows that there is no moderate support for Islam, therefor you support murder across the globe
Whites don't have any war to fight so they make up dumb shit.
>You’re literally defending a religion
He's literally not
Back to /pol/ insect
he's a musician, what does he know except how to be a musician
>You’re literally defending a religion
Where did he do that?
So it’s just an excuse to attack him then? You hate him so much you defend homicidal pedos to spite him?
What is the issue here again? Why are we discussing this? Why did strawman arguments about Britain first arise?
Who am I attacking, who am I defending?
I'm just here to point out you are a retard shitting all over Yea Forums, you dumb poointheloo.
His comment
>Yeah, that's not the issue. Most of these "Britain First" type groups assault non-white people and firebomb mosques.
Please point out where he defended Muslims. Do you consider opposing firebombing "defending?"
I learned how to separate art from artist from Morrissey. He's a whiny little stuck-up cunt, but that doesn't mean the Smiths weren't great. Being a good/bad person doesn't have any effect on your ability to sing, write lyrics, compose, etc. You should judge music solely on the music, not on anything other than the music.
Judging by the strawman about britain first types, you’re attacking common sense and defending desert pedos
Is it a strawman though? Far right nationalists have attacked mosques and non whites.
Why would you makes such a strawman argument about a group who opposes Islam if you did t have their defense in mind? Just hate M that much? What did he say that he is talking about him? Refresh my memory
There's a difference between supporting a group of a few thousand people that have signed up for a cause vs making generalizations about 1.6 billion people that are born into a religion. Don't assume people you disagree with are dumb.
>most of them
Those sorts are obviously the minority, and are less represented percapita in such violence than immigrant groups.
Show me the Muslims that don’t deify Muhammad, the mass murdering pedophile, and I’ll show you apostates marked for death, cocksucker.
Imagine defending barbarity because it’s become widespread tradition
>strawman argument
Which strawman argument? I didn't know Morrisey's political viewpoints until this thread, I just pointed out your accusation towards another poster of "defending muslims" and how baseless it is.
>I was ignorant before this thread and now I know all the context
>except the most important bit about how Islam fits into the discussion
What a nonce
It's like believing the holocaust just because it's widely accepted as true
>deify Muhammad,
Worshipping Muhammed is literally banned in Islam, you dip. Uneducated hicks like you are the reason I (as an ex-muslim) will never support Britain First or the EDL.
Where did I defend barbarity? I simply pointed out a fact.
Don't bother replying anymore, just read and you'll understand everything about this near illiterate
Shitskins like you need to disappear. You are nothing but the pet of the jew
Muhammad is deified, he ascended, literally making him the model of the perfect Muslim, to be emulated. Imagine not knowing this, imagine not knowing the cause for the widespread child rape, intermarriage, and murder in general.
>loving your country is a crime
Fuck this gay earth
Someone’s upset
I think it's Modest Mouse - Good News For People Who Love Bad News
See how quickly y'all pivoted from simply being against "unrestricted immigration" to supporting genocide. Thanks for at least being honest.
Looks like they triggered at least someone
>one anonymous person
Pathetic as usual
Yikes. Enjoy being on the wrong side of history
>defying your country also a crime
Double fuck it
It's not a crime, you can stick your dick in mud as much as you like.
>a nation is just a slab of land
imagine having this mindset
Loving your country doesn't mean denying that certain people can't become citizens /pol/scum
>a nation is a country
imagine being this illiterate
>Uneducated hicks like you are the reason I (as an ex-muslim) will never support Britain First or the EDL
why the fuck would a non white ever support britain first or the EDL? you can't honestly be this retarded.
>Muhammad is deified
He was a human who actually had his fair share of mistakes and screw ups. I'm not fond of the things he did or stood for, but I'm at least familiar with his place within the religion. One of the biggest issues I have with white people (yeah yeah, "you're racist for singling out white people", or I could just say "members of the status quo in western nations") researching Islam and drawing their own conclusions about what the religion stands for and how it is practiced by the average muslim is that they don't talk to/consult any actual muslims about the religion. It's usually just some youtuber/stormfronter reading a passage from the Quran, applying his own interpretation that fits his agenda, and then popularizing it as the correct interpretation within alt-right circles.
I hate having to stand up for a religion I left in my youth, but seeing so many naive individuals completely off the mark on a certain topic is sickening. Especially when this naivety results in people falling for populist spiel that harms them and the rest of society in the long run (e.g: Brexit's economic fallout)
His solo music is bad and he’s autistic.
No wonder you /pol/ turfers like him so much.
That’s actually exactly what that means. Love hurts, but as our nations should be derived from the consent of the governed, the acceptance of new citizenry should be undertaken with the upmost scrutiny with regards to how if affects existing citizens. And why not? Why spend our most valuable currency frivolously?
That’s a whole lot of shit you wrote just to deny the plainly observable practice of deifying and emulating Muhammad that had become the norm in Islam 1000 years ago
>trying to play semantics
classic kike tactics. next you'll tell me racism is only racism if you have power and privilege too.
faggotmafia also didn't like Viper so that alone shows how much his opinion is worth
you can look at any muslim country and see the results of islamic barbarity. islam has no place on earth
the only similarity is the mention of a bike chain, what do you think Morrissey invented them? good god
Trump supporters are uneducated shitbags who unironically vote against their own economic interests
Gas all shitskins. Britain is for British people only. Brexit means Brexit.
>>I hate people that attack Morrissey because of his opinions; I hate people that defend Morrissey because of his opinions
wow, you're soooo fucking centrist bro. EPIC!
you don't understand what that word means, that's weird
>Yeah, that's not the issue. Most of these "Britain First" type groups assault non-white people and firebomb mosques.
none of those things have happened, muslims however do terrorists attacks on a regular basis
People who closely follow politics in general are worthless.
If you use the word y'all, you need to be put down
>Worshipping Muhammed is literally banned in Islam
that is fairly shallow, it's like saying Christians don't worship Jesus (although that is technically true)
>Loving your country doesn't mean denying that certain people can't become citizens /pol/scum
anything else is meaningless
Morrissey is based. I'm seeing him in Seattle and Portland.
To show everyone that they're the "good White people".
his vocals are comically bad. How did anyone ever rate him
>politics on the internet
Why do anons value their time so little that they'd waste it like this? Is time really so worthless? Don't you want to actively make sure this is an era of your life that won't make you cringe in 5 years?
Please, have sex.
>He was a human who actually had his fair share of mistakes and screw ups.
Literally irrelevant, you are a fucking retard for even bringing up such a non sequitur
Yes but conservashits and trump supporters are generally uneducated and vote against their own economic interests
wtf are you talking about zoomers love him
>Yes but conservashits and trump supporters are generally uneducated and vote against their own economic interests
wage suppression via mass immigration, and welfare leeches sure is in the economic interests of whites. What more compelling arguments do you have? I'm sure you really care about whites, and what is in their interests
based, consider your trips checked
They fail at everything
>vote against their own economic interests
no one should be voting for "economic interests" fuck all capitalists. we should be advocating for fairness for everyone not just ourselves
imagine thinking that it is poor immigrants and not rich people (of whatever race) who have control over your economic interests. its mad that this narrative continues to work
like whatever there may be cultural differences between you and immigrants but the reason that you are being exploited is literally because the economic system under which you live functions because of the exploitation of the surplus value or workers labour. like it has nothing to do with political correctness or gender or race or whatever it is just that in order for the rich to remain rich they have to exploit the working class's labour i dont understand how the US working class cant get this when they understood it perfectly well 40 years ago
I hate the mindset that you have to agree with all of an artist’s politics in order to like them, and that if you like them you’re essentially approving their views. I disagree with most of what Morrissey has to say but it’s not going to stop The Smiths or at least half of his solo work from being among my favorite music ever. The biggest problem we have on the left is our weird fixation on being perceived as “one of the good ones” and desire to show how woke we are. The only way we’ll ever be taken seriously is if we drop that shit forever.
my man that was bait. be careful next time
you're retarded. as stupid as they are for doing something that pointless, I seriously doubt they thought it'd affect him in any way. They're just making a statement.
people doing this sort of cringe isnt new its way more cringe that youre taking the time to complain about literal teens being cringy are you 80 jesus
t. zoomer
Lil wayne
If anything they’re probably just memeing. I know I’ve taken photos like that just for a laugh.
>this post has replies
Holy shit it really is summer