They're jamming in heaven now ;_;

They're jamming in heaven now ;_;

Attached: heaven.jpg (552x807, 77K)

user. They all went to hell.

hahahahaha they’re all in hell because of the incredibly sinful decisions they chose to make while they were alive sorry op

who's the babe on the right



that’s david bowie

>they’re all in hell
Bowie, Freddie and Elvis are in heaven

They're not. Feddie Mercury was a deceitful faggot. Bowie convinced the world he was something he wasn't. Elvis died quite literally full of shit.
They're all in hell. Wanting to go to heaven for the purpose of meeting the Greats of yesteryear is how you end up in hell.

>pedophile is in heaven
Based degenerate

Elvis is the only one I know :(

>Freddie choking the nigger

John Lennon wrote Strawberry Fields Forever, the greatest pop song ever, therefore he can't go to hell.

In My Life*

I prefer SFF but you aight

That's literally impossible btw

>Elvis died quite literally full of shit.
I didn't know eternal salvation was based on when you last pooped. Dounds like a shitty religion.
*dibs menorah*

missing X

Attached: heavem.jpg (920x946, 313K)

that's deliberate

>Feddie Mercury was a deceitful faggot.
God created and is totally fine with gays.
>Bowie convinced the world he was something he wasn't.
You're telling me he wasn't a singer?
>Elvis died quite literally full of shit.
Not a problem. People don't need to shit in heaven.

Both Bowie and Elvis fucked young teenage girls. Not recommended behavior, but there would be no humans in heaven if the rules were so strict. It's not like they were raping unwilling prepubescent children like MJ. The girls they fucked wanted to be with them.

>but there would be no humans in heaven if the rules were so strict
Literally untrue. The path is narrow and more men fall than rise.

Elvis is the only one of them that isn't burning in hell

Bowie is obviously in hell, he's a fucking asshole and I doubt he understand this fact.

He always came across as a genuinely nice guy.

he fucked anons mom, and he is still angry