Attached: 4 (1).jpg (862x1000, 133K)

Other urls found in this thread:!30ATwSIK!QDArj8iL2eVXXMRzY40gWRS-Hjv1sIIk-pvvDmyi35M

cutest girl in the galaxy~

Attached: tumblr_pr46x7DihT1u9wf7m_480.webm (480x852, 119K)

post evilrin gargantuan feet

Attached: 1527752378121.webm (1920x1080, 987K)

I feel bad for them lol

jeongyeons thighs

Attached: jeongers.webm (640x360, 1.31M)

nako mentioned

Attached: 1516148459977.webm (1280x720, 1.17M)

Attached: 9 (8).jpg (2752x2136, 1.1M)

>mfw I check the archive expecting to be sad about hara but see that pristin disbanded

Attached: D64NzQpWsAEOVA_.jpg (750x477, 61K)

requests for this thread:

thank you

>she will never do this on your dick

update me on somi

Attached: 3 (2).jpg (600x900, 137K)

Attached: 1549865969508.jpg (1200x1862, 319K)

ive seen every wony and hyewon picture so can we get yiren and yuki then

Hi I'm here to tell you all I'll be blasting to this pic of Jeongyeon. Thank you.

Attached: D7ilzoPUYAIN7fN.jpg (1200x924, 100K)

still fucking her dad

Attached: 62e91e01d97583ef8860a9ae5567e9c7.jpg (850x991, 132K)

mostly due to people trying to embarrass them over it

Attached: 1554427336365.jpg (1080x1350, 218K)

Attached: D7jy3RrU0AEGt-6.jpg (1034x1034, 151K)

Attached: D7PweiSUIAUT061.jpg (1000x1000, 119K)

Attached: yiren_rumor.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

Attached: 20530660ffb9f7938.jpg (750x799, 40K)

Attached: 1554490578715.jpg (282x360, 15K)

who would do that though?

huh she looks gookier these days


Attached: 1549984705642.png (668x2292, 3.04M)

didn't mean to quote anything, my bad
i don't think there's anything new from somi since the debut date was announced

Attached: 1558860142.gif (333x671, 1.65M)

hot for daddy

Attached: hot weather.jpg (1080x810, 109K)

i want to spend all my money on nako and protect her but I also want to dick her harder than a hydraulic press smashing a marshmallow.

assholes/insecure people

she fat now RIP

are fromies the cutest girls in the game right now?

don't look

Post her fat Kang

Attached: Dgk_eUCV4AA88yk.jpg (540x719, 52K)

Attached: D7jxRwDU8AAedb_.jpg (961x1280, 220K)

why was kara so popular in japan?

this is unironically the hottest one yet.

nice thighs

why does every picture of hyewon look as if she just got caugh shovelling cake into her face

honestly I only have eyes for Aisha these days.

Attached: DuImEBEWkAItOq1.jpg (800x1200, 223K)

butt dance?

Attached: 1493389507977.webm (960x540, 1.91M)

jisoo is so wide down there

that is so sad!


Attached: 1558497011795.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Attached: D51ZRqGU8AAk6qZ.jpg (1323x2048, 195K)

healthy princess

megan gf

think about it

Attached: 1520438349388.jpg (1242x1229, 295K)

Attached: jimindeath.jpg (520x650, 69K)


Attached: 1549878451632.jpg (202x749, 33K)

hyewonnie is so cute. she always looks so surprised or clueless.

Attached: 2 (1).jpg (1500x1000, 956K)

it is quite the moral quandary you have there. you'll have to protect her from yourself but wouldn't want to


because they were and are the best

i have thought about it

Attached: 62766d862f9cbb2510a6ba0fd1efdf09_11175436595.jpg (1280x1920, 474K)

incels/zoomers who removed all critera of skill needed for modern hiphop

Imagine how poor their company is. Idols should do videos by themself

Attached: yy1.jpg (1142x596, 141K)

Attached: 7 (2).jpg (1080x1620, 216K)

she is hot until you realize she will use that voice to tell the entire neighborhood about your small dick the second you piss her off.

Attached: eb3d971e24100a36bbeca3dd740883a9_11175436472.jpg (999x999, 149K)

alright im boutta head out goodnight

Attached: 1554918370798.webm (1520x680, 899K)

post her ass

Attached: 1548321387957.png (1000x1000, 1.82M)

Attached: 413ceb2e0b3d118af01352b2aff7d834.jpg (799x1200, 127K)

My favorite Hyewon picture due to the context

Attached: skellyranger.jpg (1080x1350, 327K)

Attached: FB_IMG_1558949861202.jpg (640x1130, 58K)

she's fast

Attached: D5zPLzHUIAAiaj8.jpg (1364x2048, 521K)

Attached: twiceboy_kpg.jpg (567x709, 108K)

Attached: 11 (2).jpg (1000x1500, 797K)

Dream gangbang: Hyewon, Kang Mina, Seulgi

didn't realize LE did music and lyrics for sugar free, thought the raps felt like something she'd do. the fact that it peaked at 36 is a crime.

why does this make me want her to be my gf even more?

every idol reviews their own content if they want to. they can say which photos they don't want released even.

i'm pretty sure the girls outnumber the other employees

no man could survive this

where's the abs?

omo just imagine the mandatory sex training


i wonder why

a gangbang is with several dudes and one female you esl dolt

Attached: IMG_5015.jpg (1596x2394, 1.38M)

i miss choa

>t. keklo

is that why jiu is a manager?

Attached: 2 (2).jpg (1000x1500, 656K)

>Dubuggo about to celebrate her birthday
>Tzuyu goes to Taiwan
>Himmler goes to Japan

Attached: Dubugatti.webm (630x600, 773K)

>women can't commit gangbangs
it's fucking 2019, grow up

okay, i can stroke to this

damn look how frail sakura is she almost got blown away

aren't those all hyung type idols? i think that person imagines those girls will be the ones doing the fucking.

Attached: 3 (3).jpg (1000x1500, 845K)

wow imagine being as sexist as him in 2019

>aren't those all hyung type idols?
no? he's an idiot that didn't know better, stop defending him

apply adjective reverse as needed

Attached: 3 (6).jpg (1000x1500, 1019K)

we all hate doobie, even twice

Also known as a train. Multi-female would be threesome, foursome, etc.

gangbangs are problematic

i just got a name change on runescape friends

Attached: cute!.png (40x15, 797)

Attached: 1 (5).jpg (1000x1500, 659K)

slug hyung..

Attached: f8a889251f6094f06ca3cf08ebd80253_11175427880.jpg (1200x1800, 235K)

twice didn't invent the gay flag for shit like this to happen

Attached: 1 (6).jpg (1000x1500, 753K)

i want to sleep in with her and then play games and cook with her all day while the members are out working omo

our beautiful hardworking princess

damn that looks like a nice outfit. any date so I can check fancams?

LE should work on momolands next song with shinsadong tiger so it isn't a piece of shit. not like she'll be working on exid songs for a while anyway

Attached: 2 (1).jpg (1500x1001, 215K)

Attached: 62824c6acf3f97f1e71ba49bec74f69b_11175425876.jpg (480x853, 66K)

do you think we'll ever see yunjin again? or will she waste her only relevant years in the pledis dungeon like pristin.

damn this looks exciting

Attached: D1uhHotXcAYH5Fb.jpg (768x949, 64K)

Attached: endrin (3).webm (1920x1080, 2.53M)

no she died thankfully

she can leave when her trainee contract ends and she isn't that old either

encore rosé

Attached: 1555697180565.webm (720x1000, 2.92M)

Attached: 1 (10).jpg (1000x1500, 918K)

Oh it was already out how did I miss it

Attached: D1jyo-CXQAAD0zE.jpg (768x896, 143K)

>daisy returning and delivering an LE rap

Attached: 2 (3).jpg (1500x1600, 1.09M)

Attached: [매점 CAM] 아이즈원 사쿠라에게는 너무 어려운 6행시ㅠ^ㅠ-8211941.mp4-[01.28.388- (1920x1080, 2.84M)

Attached: 61563873_329762467918254_2233663770747494478_n.jpg (550x550, 57K)

when are blackpink getting their fortnite skins since ikon already have that crappy one


imagine paying money to see this, what the fuck

Attached: 17 (12).jpg (1066x1600, 209K)

>that freestyle dancing


Attached: 1539355351906.jpg (720x1280, 83K)

say no to bullying

that's actually a dope skin but it's annoying to hear love scenario every time you play


Attached: [매점 CAM] 아이즈원 사쿠라에게는 너무 어려운 6행시ㅠ^ㅠ-8211941-[00.00.066-00.0 (1920x1080, 2.96M)

Attached: 7 (7).jpg (2764x4147, 1.8M)

who are those two girls and who is running to them?
this ends too quickly

link to video please

Attached: jsjsieurnn.jpg (550x550, 108K)

oh no

this shirt seems sexual but it actually means she wants to fist fight someone that you?

Attached: D7gG4KGU0AArC8L.jpg (1364x2048, 366K)

imagine paying for concerts without a live band, what the fuck

Attached: wjsn seola save me.webm (608x1080, 2.92M)

Attached: 8 (6).jpg (1000x1500, 935K)

you can probably edit the audio file

eyes on jane

wow yuki...

it it ain't yeoreum I dont care sorry user

Attached: tonguerin (6).webm (1090x1296, 1.4M)

i am nobody, don't worry

she's going to be so depressed going back to korea

Attached: 1 (1).jpg (1920x1282, 1.99M)

she needs to eat...

but ayeon too though right?

Attached: D3ieRiUW4AAeERX.jpg (960x1200, 218K)

looking at pure yomi

that hairstyle is kino

no it stinks it's just a guy in a hoodie


Attached: [4K] 181005 우주소녀 여름 직캠 '부탁해(SAVE ME,SAVE YOU)' WJSN(YEOREUM) Fancam (2160x3840, 559K)

meant for

Attached: 4 (49).jpg (1000x1500, 1.07M)

she has been squatting

thanks this is much better.
sorry I have eyes for one season only, and its summer.

nice oxymoron

ayeon's bangs are so cute and i normally hate bangs

yeah i guess. i wonder how much yg paid for twitch streamers to use the skin and emote. they use that shit a suspicious amount, even today

Kang Mina's ass

>she needs to eat...
nah she is fine

Attached: h3uwhLM11RM.jpg (800x1200, 171K)

she's always been pretty muscular

Attached: 1534087286409.webm (732x862, 2.45M)

Attached: 1 (6).jpg (1200x1920, 1.68M)

>wait are there actually people here that are either embarrassed or ashamed about what they like
normals out now

Attached: 1550187306107.jpg (960x640, 74K)

I have very few Saturday pictures but here is some more Ayeon for you

Attached: D1SldbFWoAA-DQK.jpg (720x896, 149K)

i want pics of jeongyeon doing some workout

ok i admit it

im not ashamed anymore


Attached: 1 (1).jpg (1000x1500, 1.09M)

Attached: choheehaneul.webm (1280x720, 1.53M)

she has nothing else to do, she may as well work out all day

post it

yeah, but now she is reaching peak performance

Attached: 1 (2).jpg (1000x1500, 1.14M)

why would you be ashamed?

Attached: 1547776835032.jpg (1333x2000, 380K)

only normalfaggots feel ashamed about stuff like this

does going for a walk count?

Attached: jungsaji.jpg (724x857, 77K)

Attached: 2 (6).jpg (2000x1372, 1.55M)

my face

Attached: saturdayabracadabra.webm (1067x600, 2.53M)

of course


Nako doing Momoland's dance is CUTE
nugu live

Attached: neet roll.webm (1280x720, 2.69M)

Attached: 2 (23).jpg (2000x1335, 1.21M)

only good thing about going back is that she would start preparing for her solo (they've said the song is "ready" whatever that means)
if it's not too late in the summer we might even get another group comeback before the japan dome concerts


cmon girls get on the floor
[spoiler]so i can mating press you[/spoiler]

Attached: saturdaybopeep.webm (1067x600, 2.71M)

's face, thighs and feet

my favourite cover video of theirs so far.

Attached: D293YP5X4AIq-5p.jpg (768x768, 127K)


a shark

Attached: D7kIAJeU8AAxFJ8.jpg (1365x2048, 438K)

uggo mexican tranny

Attached: saturdaybggg.webm (1067x600, 2.56M)

don't be smug you lazy fuck

walking on snow

Attached: appreciate_your_Dubu.webm (1280x720, 2.13M)

Where is that baby filter all of the idols are taking selfies with

and her deep voice too (See You Later and Hope Not are probably her best songs)

fuck why is she so based.

and personality and cuteness

Attached: 13 (8).jpg (1532x2816, 3.42M)

Attached: 2019-05-25 22_48_24-Window.png (516x608, 550K)


's three assets

Attached: delinquent Twiceleader.webm (1280x720, 1.98M)

>asserting dominance
i like that

zero cook skills

Attached: 1 (4).jpg (1000x1500, 735K)

good points, jithoobros

why do you call her neet?

i miss her old teeth

Attached: 1548371229355.jpg (1365x2048, 265K)

Attached: [직캠_FANCAM] 160417 오마이걸 (Oh My Girl) 김포공 (656x800, 2.93M)

nice tongue, nice jaw, nice girl, nice webm

this belongs to the skelly thread in wsg

Attached: 2 (6).jpg (1000x1500, 663K)

Attached: a literal neet.webm (1280x720, 1.99M)

because she does fuck all
even the members say the only thing she does is going from her room to the kitchen back to her room

Attached: bKwi2oG.jpg (1980x2520, 505K)

Attached: 3 (2).jpg (1000x1504, 964K)

Attached: 1549421938189.jpg (640x1136, 63K)

protect jisoo and her cute lisp don't make fun of it

Attached: 1 (4).jpg (1500x1000, 1.19M)


did jennie develop a little butt?

Attached: 160715 오마이걸(OH MY GIRL) 일본 출국 직캐 (834x800, 2.97M)

Holding hands with KANG HYEWON

th'o kpg, who ith your favourite blackpink?

my favourite blackpink member ith jithoo

she ith th'o cute!

tfw you drink a beers and browse the kpg

Attached: 10 (7).jpg (1700x1133, 298K)

i think we're making progress

Attached: 1534474498321.jpg (640x1136, 64K)

a shark

Attached: D7kIAJdUcAAAaRq.jpg (1365x2048, 451K)

stupid idiots

neigh neighneigh neighneigh neighneigh neigh Rose

cute and soft, fits her

my wife yoo jeongyeon

based and neetpilled

Attached: 1 (4).jpg (1000x1500, 681K)

so cool


post more arin tongue

this is so based, I love yeoreum.

Attached: 4.jpg (667x1000, 439K)

Attached: 1552700333852.jpg (1365x2048, 389K)

Attached: neet updated schedule.jpg (1919x1289, 728K)

lots of blinkbros here right now


Attached: 2 (2).jpg (1000x1500, 1.44M)

getting ready for another busy day

that's about to change

cute and talented

Attached: 6 (1).jpg (1200x1920, 1.51M)

forgot this one!30ATwSIK!QDArj8iL2eVXXMRzY40gWRS-Hjv1sIIk-pvvDmyi35M

Imagine cumming inside Kang Mina

Almost as bad as Twice

omona rosie

Attached: rose-neigh.jpg (600x659, 81K)

as you should

blackpink is just the best guys

is that the group giant she seems a little tall for the camera placement

wow wtf jiheon is CUTE

Attached: D1OMiJsU4AAk5bM.jpg (750x750, 89K)

>you mean jisoobros

Attached: 1550575951681.jpg (3410x2400, 1.37M)


Attached: 5 (1).jpg (1536x2048, 379K)
mom and pop

I want to join her

yeah there's lots of us this proves it

> creaming her cake hole


we love exactly 4 of them here idiot

Attached: 1556249019655.jpg (1920x1278, 423K)

Attached: 1 (3).jpg (1000x1500, 724K)

their heights have never been said actually

Attached: 1548443061593.webm (730x720, 2.85M)

they disgust me


we always had jisoobros here, she just got more now that she's healthy

Attached: D7Us4Q8UwAMTS86.jpg (640x640, 77K)

blackpink aren't just idols, they're musicians and artists

>jisun and saerom

to be honest, i've never really cared for jisoo

>all of them
dont @ me

chill, i'm a jisoobro too.

i wish saerom kept her red hair, that was amazing

lmao says who

looking at jennie

Attached: 2 (4).jpg (1000x1500, 669K)

pretty soon the whole world will be one giant jisoo

their instrument? the pork flute

make it an arin thread
or bini or jiho thread

if she asked me to I would become a neet for her

the only instrument they know is the skin flute

jisun needs to move her hair it's blocking the view


Attached: D7Us4ttV4AEJr1s.jpg (640x640, 86K)

jisoo thread next she deserves it

and that's a good thing!
unfortunately she will be starved off as soon as she arrives in korea



get out of my head nigga

Oh no Jisun is losing weight