Why do metal bands have the best album covers?

Why do metal bands have the best album covers?

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Yo that's one of my favorite covers as well. Iron Maiden has some great art, even Dance of Death has its charm.

>Metal and psychedelic rock.

this isn't even the best maiden cover desu

The cult of the object and the importance of the visuals is ingrained in metal culture. A lot of people got into metal because they were fascinated by the covers.

Most metal videos are awful though

For me, it always was Yes

Because metal has the balls to create shit that intrigues people that other genres simply can't. Like this one for example.

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this cover isn't very good though

great choice.

>this cover isn't very good though
Agreed. I wonder, what's the most metal pre-Riggs metal cover art?

>Cannibal Corpse
Come on.

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not that one, it's just trying to be edgy so teens would buy it

because they make for great shirts for me to spend all my money on

it's iconic and it fits the music, I don't see what's wrong

I don't know but I like it

I just now realized that Eddy's organ is branded Roland if you look close enough

>Cannibal Corpse
And /meal/ shits on bands like Converge and Opeth Just because p4k like them when CC has the same demographic of fucking Falling in Reverse


>/meal/ shits on bands like Converge and Opeth Just because p4k like them
/meal/ is Just a shithole where the only recs are Sludge albums no one ever heard about and they only shit on bands Who are more popular than what they listen to (Which is the 87%of bands in the world) independent if you like metal or not, that general sucks
>CC has the same demographic of fucking Falling in Reverse
I mean you have a point but both demographic are actually very different
FiR mostly consists on scene Kids Who Just get depressed that FOB isn't making pop punk anymore so they turned into the scene cringelord that Ronnie Radke is Just because he looks like an emo boy (in his fucking 30s) CC is only edgy teenagers who hates every other music style that isn't as "Heavy" as CC

Hey guys, what's the consensus on that album tho?

>what is progressive rock

Attached: Pawn_Hearts_(Van_der_Graaf_Generator_album_-_cover_art).jpg (301x300, 80K)

solid album with moments of greatness that continued their phenomenal 2000's comeback

>the only recs are Sludge albums
What? /meal/ barely ever talks sludge

>/meal/ is Just a shithole where the only recs are Sludge albums
According to /meal/ sludge isn't even metal.
>I mean you have a point but both demographic are actually very different

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Think again

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>tfw it's just a chest upside down

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metal album covers are only liked by people who think the lord of the rings are masterpieces of literature and film making


Somewhere in Time is still the absolute best as far as Maiden covers go.

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Because metal is so fucking ridiculous and over the top they can get away with pretty much whatever they want.

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Cause they were giving artists a lot of work and usually paid good money.

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>shock value and edge equals good

Tfw this fails both

Good album but the cover is pretty shit. Butchered at Birth's cover is way better.

Damn I remember going over to my mate's once a week and just spending at least 15-20 minutes just laying out all Iron Maiden records up 'till 96 and just looking at them appreciating the artwork and the vinyl. Good times.

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I love the aesthetics of slayer covers

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only good covers itt


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>metal album art thread
>no mentions of dan seagrave

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Had this as a poster when I lived with my folks, my mom said she really liked it.

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Winner hands do0wn.

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Ture Art

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best iron maiden cover ez

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Hell's album covers are just Gustave Dore pieces with a red tinge. Pretty comfy nonetheless

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>fake band
>fake punch
Yeah nah

mi negro

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Metal album covers are the best because they have the most spürdification potential. Altars of madness and consuming impulse are my favorites off the top of my head.

can't forget

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black metal has the best covers. I could look at pictures of snow covered forests forever.

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Because metal as a genre of music depends a lot on gimmicks and first impressions. And nothing grabs a first time music buyer chump like a shocking artwork. A detailed handpainted work of art looks way nicer than something made on a computer.

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because metal is pretty obsessed with aesthetics. Also one of the few genres where most covers connect to the title/lyrics