>spent $3k in a month
>$4 left in the bank
Music for this feel?
Spent $3k in a month
what did you do, my guy?
What did ya spend it on
Spent $3k in a month
oh what?
okay but oh what, user
A gun, two pairs of pants, cigarettes, booze, and food
>tfw you live in a poor country and you could never make 3k even in a year
what's your game-plan with that investment, hoss?
It was originally to look cool, have a nice gun, be drunk, smoke, and eat. Now I'm out of booze and don't have enough self-esteem left to feel, and therefore, look cool in the new pants.
should'a bought cheaper pants then.
I know :(
what kind of gun?
If I spent anywhere near 3K on a new gun it would be so damn nice.
Custom 1911
if it's any consolation, you can probably buy a 40 for around 4 dollars.
you might need to root around the house for some change for the tax, but at least you can wear your new pants to the liquor store.
better yet, just rob the liquor store with your new gun. improvise a solution with the tools you have.
just get more money?
I hope it's at least engraved with some narco gold handles or else you fucked up my guy.
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can't find bandcamp link so spotify will have to do
best of luck OP
>A gun
Good choice, have no regrets
>Two pairs of pants
Seems excessive
Again, no regrets to be found
So what, $100?
Ew. Are you poor or something?
Here you go.
Give you no tactical advantage whatsoever.