Creepy shit

post creepy shit like this

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More like based shit

mccartney and gilmore are soul mates

what do u call this then

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What a slut

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ew wtf

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When was this taken? It looks like Gilmour was halfway through his transformation from the sexy beast he was in pic to the frog prince he is today

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Oh, I'm an alien, I'm an evil alien, ama Gilmour in Pete Town singing Shed.

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sorry what?

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wow that's fucked

Honestly there's like 10 people in England so these pictures aren't that interesting

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based and drumpilled

What's fucked about it?

greasy prints on the box

Is that Penny Marshall in the Yankees' cap?


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>tfw english blood
>can already see my face morphing from porcelain to squishy droop at 23

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pls be in london

i'm an amerimutt, only my fathers side was from london
i just have enough of the genes to look it and age like shit

probably mid 80s

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not creepy
very creepy

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mick jagger's kabbalah bracelet

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this is cute

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he keep his son on a leash like a DOG

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>freshly-beaten wife
>kid on a leash
>self-proclaimed working class hero
Was John the most alpha Beatle?

what's wrong with yoko's front area?

Attached: liam-gallagher-and-yoko-ono-1507114244-list-handheld-0.jpg (640x360, 42K)

general fat asianity

Attached: F07ADEB1-8B02-4BFB-8A5F-AAA991FAED6D.jpg (1600x1227, 252K)

what the literal fuck. and is that the little Bassion Bit dude in the back? weird fucking times.

Collab when?

I bet these faggots all got naked and jumped in a pile right after this

You could pile me in with Andrew Vanwyngarden anytime user :3

lmao what the fuck is this from?
What a mish mash of people.

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back row
guy from the killers, childish gambino, sean connery, billie joe armstrong, hilary clinton, chick that i went to school with, billie eilish, bruno mars
mark e smith
guy from it crowd, skrillex, catherine the great from epic rap battles of history, che guevara

God I hate townshend so much

Based schizoposter

this is what you end up looking like if you fuck kids

fucking kids is pretty cool to be honest so it doesn't even matter

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it doesn't matter

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nothing matters

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And we're defining "creepy" as people you don't like, right?

Time has a way of kicking the shit out of your looks. Much worse for females.

He may have treated Cynthia like shit, but I don't believe he ever hit Yoko. Yoko wouldn't stand for it. She'd probably hit him back. And he was so weak and skinny she'd probably have kicked his ass. And either way, if he landed a finger on her, she'd be 10 lawyers deep by the next morning and own half the rights to his songs. Here's the thing: THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT JOHN WANTED. He hit Cynthia because he could. He hit Cynthia because he knew he could do it and get away with it. When he found Yoko, he found a broad that wasn't havin' it. Now, I'm not defending Yoko. For most people, myself included, Cynthia was marriage material. She was a babe. And she was a truly nice girl. Yoko was this weird-as-shit Feminist art-ho. Not what most guys would want. But it was clearly what John wanted.

What disturbs me is outside of Neil Diamond and Derek Jeter, I have no idea who's in this picture.

I disagree, you make it look like John was some slave to Yoko but it was him that went on to cheat on her and fuck other woman (I admit, Yoko said it's ok and even encouraged it but still), not her.

the CHAD gilmour Vs the VIRGIN waters

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>Derek Jeter

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