How can noise be considered music?

Noise is not music. It has none of the merits of music. It sounds like that fucking thing dentists use to scratch the plaque on your teeth, it sounds like my fucking vacuum cleaner if it were trying to clean the seventh circle of hell.
I cannot believe anyone would listen to noise except to be contrarian or mask their insecurities by attempting to to be self-superior in their music taste.

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This one is good.

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It's like shoegaze, but without the pop rock in the background.

You might want to start with industrial music and noise rock before getting into pure noise

>It sounds like that fucking thing dentists use to scratch the plaque on your teeth
>It sounds like my fucking vacuum cleaner if it were trying to clean the seventh circle of hell

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I listen to some noise rock, and shoegaze is my favourite genre. One of my favourite shoegaze albums is Place to Bury Strangers self titled. It just seems so far removed from something like Merzbow, even though they both incorporate noise elements. How is radio static music?

merzbow is so good bros

buildups and atmosphere, mostly. It's like ambient music, but really loud.

The best noise explores different timbres and can incorporate rhythmic elements. Try Merzbow's 1930, Pulse Demon is more of a meme

harsh noise is pretty much never good, just sometimes interesting or tolerable
power electronics can be good
noise rock is great

>power electronics can be good
power electronics is boring as shit 90% of the time. Here's the formula for 90% of power electronics projects:
>low pitched repetitive drone in the background
>some minimal percussion
>SUPER SPOOKY samples, usually dealing with themes of control or oppression
>some fagtard screaming on top about those same themes, but you can't even hear what he's saying, because his mic is wired through a million guitar pedals

jesus, imagine actually believing this

Oh no not another one of these threads

yeah but it can be good. I've heard maybe a few harsh noise tracks that don't sound bad, none that i've gone back to. There are some power electronics albums and tracks that i go back to.
noise rock is objectively the best genre of music

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>t. fell for the harsh noise meme

Just skimmed through this and actually found it quite interesting, and listenable. I'll give it a proper listen tonight. Maybe pulse demon was the wrong place to start.

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Merzbeat is noise rock though? it has melody

Oh no...

1930 or Veneraology are good. Pulse Demon is garbage. Merzbeat's ok I guess, but not really even noise music

What's you guys thoughts on M cast?

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explain how it is not noise rock. it follows rock and roll conventions but incorporates noise. I fail to see how it doesn't count

meh. not much of a podcast person, but they're alright I guess.

Definitely ventures into pure noise on most of the songs.

Yea they rule bro

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It's a good entry point for Merzbow and noise in general. It also helps because every jackass who starts these threads think everything Merzbow releases is some derivative of Pulse Demon. Noisembryo is where it's at though.

It really doesn't. It's Industrial, Power Electronic, and Harsh Noise. First there's no melody, second Rock is defined by the instruments it uses among other things, of which Merzbow does not use.

I guess I have listened to too much noise because Merzbeat sounds very melodic. Feels like sister ray, starts with a clear melody then goes off into dissonance. rock doesn't need guitars to be rock though (see suicide s/t)

Well Suicide it's Rock it's No Wave, but I can understand. There's definitely a lot of rhythm to Merzbeat, but not that much melody. I've always preferred the sister LP to Merzbeat, Amlux.

No Wave is a microgenre of punk, which is a subgenre of rock.

In that case Hip-Hop is a subgenre of Breakbeat, which is a subgenre of EDM.

>How is radio static music?
Stop listening to music in the background.

It's a lot of fun to play and make, but I agree, you would have to be really fucking stupid to listen to it, even worse pay money for it.

>Hip-Hop is a subgenre of Breakbeat
Wrong. Hip hop predates breakbeats.

>which is a subgenre of EDM
Wrong. Some breakbeat is EDM, but not all of it.

Not the guy you are replying to by the way, but he's right about the rock/no wave thing as well.

cool opinion. you're objectively incorrect.
have a nice night!

hip hop started out as a derivative of funk music, before breaking off into its own thing. No wave kept its punk tendencies until the day it died. You could call any no wave band a punk band, and you wouldn't be wrong, because the structure and formula of a punk song are still there. Hip hop can have breakbeat and funk tendencies, but that isn't characteristic of all hip hop musicians, nor does hip hop rely on having the characteristics of either genre to be classified as hip hop.

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>hip hop started out as a derivative of funk music
This is wrong. Hip hop used funk breaks (and also rock breaks), but wasn't either. Hip hop is more closely related to caribbean popular music like reggae and deejay (out of which DJ Kool Herc was aware of).

I'm not the guy you are replying to by the way.

You're both wrong. Hip Hop started out as a westernized subgenre of Reggae called "Deejay."

Did not know that, but that's cool. I knew it had ties to beat poetry and funk, but that's about it.

I meant to say "a westernized version of a subgenre of Reggae"

Please explain how a form of western cultural expression can become westernized.

Western as in English-speaking and European countries.

>speaks European language
>part of the western hemisphere
>started by Europeans
>majority of populace transplanted there by Europeans
>not western
really makes you think

I suggest you look up what language they speak on Jamaica and what country controlled it up until 1962.

I forgot that Yea Forums was mostly conserative

bruhs never heard Cremation Lily.
got damn.

this is good, thanks for sharing.

Reggae is a genre of western music.

Is it really conservative to call the Caribbean islands "western," though? They're as "western" as, say, the United States or Canada. At least they have similar origins and histories up until they became independent countries. I always thought the entire western hemisphere was deemed "the west," because Europeans literally had to travel west to get here.

Nice non sequitur you fucking retard.

What is that even supposed to mean? Are you trying to imply I don't listen to albums front-to-back with headphones, giving it my full attention? Because I assure you, I do. That doesn't change what radio static sounds like.

I assure you that's the case, because Merzbow sounds nothing like radio static. You might be partially deaf if you think so.

radio static is really flat and one dimensional, though. Merzbow goes fucking nuts with all sorts of different sounds and textures.

Wtf, I love noise now. Literally from hating daughters I just can't unstick my hears from the album, thanks merzbow from being a entry door.

Noise is sonic art but not music.

Noise is music, and it's fun to listen to.

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its this trolle again XD

>How can noise be considered music
Didn't you see the board header OP? It says Yea Forums - Music right there for everyone to see. So obviously any audio files posted here that get a reply recommending a similar audio file must be music, clearly, or it wouldn't say so at the top.

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>Maybe pulse demon was the wrong place to start.
pulse demon is a literal meme, there are dozens of better merzbow albums

It's difficult for some people to hear it, but much of noise music and power electronics oozes with emotion.
Some works that display this clearly are:
Con Dom - calling all Aryans
Animal collective - untitled (from stgstv)
Meira Asher - Spear into hooks
Operation cleansweep - power hungry

However, merzbow manages to drain all the emotion from the noise entirely when he produces. Honestly, to best describe it, if you've ever seen the American tv show "Fringe" directed by jj Abrams, there were scenes where they "reanimated" a character in order to interrogate them after death. The movements and speech patterns of these reanimated people appeared forced, deliberate, uncomfortable, unnatural, and undesirable. Merzbows music reminds me of those scenes in Fringe. I really don't like it and I don't know why merzbow, of all noise musicians, gets the attention that he does. The second most mentioned noise musician that I see, William Bennett of Whitehouse, is so much more interesting than merzbow ever will be.
To further drive my point about his music being emotionless, listen to MERZXIU, a collaboration with xiu xiu. Xiu xiu is normally slimy with emotion and you kind of wish they would tone it down a bit (like in Ian Curtis Wishlist), but in MERZXIU, merzbow effectively turns Jamie Stewart's ability to convey emotion to 0. It's horrible!

I unironically believe you are too dumb for art. Ponder on the sentence "true art is incomprehensible". If all your brain can muster is "this is pretentious" then you are a brainlet.
Here's a tip: art doesn't have to be fun or interesting. Music is inherently art. That said, lots of nosie is both fun and interesting, but that's a matter of preference.

You are correct. Music is indeed, always art. However, where is the line drawn within music. I agree that there is a lot of good noise, and music with noise elements. Hell, I listened to Merzbeat twice tonight after making this thread, because that type of noise IS interesting and fun to listen to. But I believe that noise is simply an element to be incorporated into music. Something like pulse demon, in my eyes, has no artistic merit. I could hop on to audacity, record my lawnmower, blow into my mic, and come up with something similar.
It takes skill to craft noise into something great, but listening to pure/harsh noise simply reeks of contrarianism, listening harsher music just to be different and feel self-superior. Yes, art is indeed subjective, and I recognise I don't have the right to judge what is and is not music for everyone. But for me, noise alone is not music. To craft that noise into something interesting is.

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Everything is music if you craft it with the intent to make music, because everything can be art if you craft it with the intent to make art. A lot of people get defensive when you call something that they percieve as non-art "art" because they think "art" means "artistic" and "artistic" means good, but it's just an adjective. If I fart ino a mic with the clear intention of making "fart music", that is art. We can certainly argue that's not very good art, but art it is.
I think Pulse Demon is uninteresting shit, but it's undoubtedly art, and also music.
>I could hop on to audacity, record my lawnmower, blow into my mic, and come up with something similar.
Yes, you could. That would be music, and art, too.

Music doesn't have to have rhythm, melody, harmony or even structure to qualify as music.
Music is an assortment of sounds intended or listening to for artistic/entertainment value.

Merzbow's recordings are intended for artistic/entertainment value, therefore it's music. End of story.

I recommend checking out adam neely's video on 4'33". He talks about music as a way of perceiving the world. Very interesting

Before making a retarded thread like this, make sure you have listened to more noise than just fucking Pulse Demon. I'm not even a big noise fan, but I can of the top of my head tell you about 10 more interesting noise/power electronics/death industrial albums.

what a cutie

jesus look at them

i fucking hate their faces

people who listen to "noise music" are either on a shit ton of drugs, or have never done a drug in their life. There is now in-between.

>One of my favourite shoegaze albums is Place to Bury Strangers self titled.

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hhehe lookslike we got a pleb on our hands boys...

> buildups
what buildups?

some people have mental issues and listening to noise makes them feel better
not contrarian and not psued

>bad noise is bad
Radical idea

>only my favorite sounds are music
>your sounds can't be music
>ignore the fact that musical merit is 100% subjective and completely made up
>you aren't allowed to like things I don't understand
>the idea that somebody might enjoy things I disapprove of is insulting and it must be done for superficial reasons
>stop liking things unless I say you can
lmao ok bud

enjoying basic bitch entry level shoegaze immediately makes your opinion about music worthless

>Music doesn't have to have rhythm, melody, harmony or even structure to qualify as music.
It doesn't have to, but I prefer it when it does.

I suppose I understand why some people like abrasive music or noise - its a trace and an experience more than the music itself. I however cant listen to it. I cant force myself to listen to stuff like the links posted here, nevermind calling them "good". Even stuff like no-wave is pretty hard to get into. I don't see the point of listening to music that only destroys your eardrums and bangs your head in with a hammer. But again, each to their own. Or maybe im just a pleb?

this one's got a good buildup. Its starts out with just a really minimal drum beat, then over time, becomes this huge layered mess.

>Noise is not music
Incredible insight.

Didn't we have this thread like two days ago?
>music is an art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound in organized time
Now this is where it gets interesting. What if ur harsh noise song has rhythm? Does it automatically qualify as music then? That would be a very thin line to cross imo. The fact that it sounds like yr dentist's vacuum cleaner is irrelevant.
>different styles or types of music may emphasize, de-emphasize or omit some of these elements
there's your answer.

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what the fuck


it's not about what it sounds like, it's the artist's intention behind it which makes it music

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It is about what it sounds like and there is objectively good and bad noise music.

Go to bed Greh

It's only 5pm, eurotrash

This isn't "noise". This clearly has tonal and rhythmic structure all throughout. This is music. It's basically a two-chord rock composition with heavy electric distortion. The last minute or so sounds like a washed out drum & bass sample or something with more fuzz guitar riffs gradually taking over.

i mean, yeah a lot of noise doesnt have melody or rythm but a lack of those doesnt disqualify something from belonging to the 'noise' genre

It's a big grey area. At what point on the spectrum does it cease to be 'noise' genre? The Kinks and The Who used a shitload of distortion in their music for its time, and i bet a lot of (older?) people considered it 'noise' at the time.
To me, the true 'noise' genre abandons tonality and rhythm altogether. Add tonality and rhythm, and you're akchually working with some rock or electronic music sub-genre.

This is what truly ruins noise: pretentious fools who want to debate semantics, rather than blow out speakers

Ok. A does not equal A and 2+2=5. Have a nice day. Don't perform any major surgeries nor volunteer to feed my goldfish, dumbass.

You know what is actual harsh noise or just shitty recordings. You just want to feel like your shitty project is more than it actually is.

This is really good! Shame it's not on spotify. Thanks!!

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pulse demon is a rough one but I really liked butterfly even though it was my first intro to merzbow

and noise is just when texture overtakes musical tonality or rhythm. It's not about one being absent in my opinion.

That's not noise, that's noise rock.

still good

do you even noise wall bro

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I like this album desu

Is that Dominick Fernow on the left?

but that's just your opinion

>goes on RYM once
fucking masterpiece!

>i don't like something/can't quite wrap my head around something, it's definitely not just a me problem, lemme make the 4,000,000th thread about it

just because something is rymcore doesn't mean its bad user

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Is rym lit

I like it for cataloging and finding new stuff to listen to with the charts and lists. The community itself is so-so, never really participated much.

Are there any goth heaux who post on it?

>i don't like therefore you're stupid for liking it
nobody is trying to impress you, bud

Haha merzbow is so cool even though hes a hack my niece can sing really good but hacks like merzbow get all the bitches

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This album rules

>different styles or types of music may emphasize, de-emphasize or omit some of these elements
then it's not music lmao

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Music sucks

Most based reply in the thread

"Music" is just the science of ordering sound. Noise is sound, so...

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>letting words get in the way of things

anyone know anything that's like harsh noise with bubblegum pop?

Man what the fuck is you talking about

something like Only Acting by KKB? closest I can think of

i'm looking for something that mixes either like bubblegum or indie with harsh noise and i can't find shit

exactly like that, I'm the fag who made that other thread

Your mom's project

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>noise groupies

You have to listen to the subtleties OP, its all about appreciating the texture and atmosphere of the sound rather than harmony and melody. I just made a harsh noise album that is meant to lean more towards melody, do you prefer this?

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