Why is she considered a part of hip hop when she doesn't rap?

Why is she considered a part of hip hop when she doesn't rap?

Also, why does no one call her out for using and abusing hip hop culture?

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She's a pop star who dresses in the popular styles of the time. This has literally been done since the 1920s.

she definitely gets a pass.i hate miley for all the same reasons but Billie is just more likeable.

Miley got called out for muh cultural approp a lot.

She's like Trump, she doesn't take her people anywhere just make 'em run in circles of niggatry.

In the case of Trump as a supremacist he doesn't even make 'muricans run in circles he actually provides obstacles that didn't exist before.

Same exact style and beats. Billie just sings instead of raps.

lol nigga what

What's with you fags always having to mention Trump?

she's a pop star, you mongoloid

what the hell are you talking about?

Why is she associated with hip hop more so than pop?

The SoundCloud rap which hits the charts *is* considered pop you retard. Lil Pump is considered pop.

> Do you know what time it is?

shuddup mane 131LL1X is deadass a real ass bitch she thicc bruh knamean

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You have to go back

>Same exact style and beats.
Such as?

You plebs always come up with conspiracies about this girl. Did it ever occur to you she loves hip hop and is just imitating the styles of her heroes?

In case you fags wanted to say something like "pioneer" or "creator" maybe "trend setter" what about "revolutionary"? Hmmm "Innovator".

They are none of that.

pseudo edgelord all the "depressed" upper-middleclass white female teenagers can "relate" with

So emo.

hip hop is more than just rap
it's break dancing, turntables, rnb, and graffiti

One of her songs I heard has a lyric about how she thought she’d be dead by now. YEAH IM THINKIN SHES CRINGE

Quads of truth. She and JOO-mex are the king and queen of cringey fake deep. "I WANNA END ME!!!"

None of which fit her style of music. Could you imagine break dancing to Wish You Were Gay?

yeah im "redpilled" too man but you're just being insufferable gtfo

Her image changed overnight. This is what she looked like before.

Attached: Billie-pre-soundclout.jpg (1080x1350, 108K)

When you go nigga you always learn to pull the trigga.

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No idea what ur on about but dem hips

She's friends with many "soundcloud rappers."

Because Hip Hop is a music style and Rap is a vocal style. The two are completely independent of each other, they just happen to be in the same place most of the time.

And how is her style of music hip hop? She's an electro-pop artist.

Because of the drums. It's trap.

This doesn't sound like trap to me.

Hear that boom bap and the hi hats? It's trap but more subtle.

It's pop. I've never heard a trap song that upbeat.

There were many things wrong with that sentence.

sounds like mumble rap

How? She's a pop act. Many pop stars use high hats in their beats, and they're not considered part of hip hop culture.

This isn't trap. This is a piano ballad.

>Why is she considered a part of hip hop when she doesn't rap?
Clout chasing.

I still don't understand how anyone can't see what a poseur she is.

Have sex.

She's engaged in unspeakable sex acts with hundreds of execs and goons, and every day gets so inebriated she vomits and pisses herself before her handlers clean her up and give her more drugs.
When you realize this is the lifestyle of every, yes every, pop star, your waifuism will cease.
They're no longer human beings, and I don't mean that in a fedora way. Every facet of their personalities and actions are planned by the industry for their profit.

Anyone else confused by this post?

She’s like Black Mirror and Belle Delphine

>She's engaged in unspeakable sex acts with hundreds of execs and goons, and every day gets so inebriated she vomits and pisses herself before her handlers clean her up and give her more drugs.

You're probably right but this makes me very very sad. Damn. :(

Anyone else like this version better?

>Also, why does no one call her out for using and abusing hip hop culture?

Because most people aren't whiny faggots who get hung up over complete non-issues such as the one you mentioned.

>using and abusing hip hop culture
Go back to 2009 racebait pitchfork faggot

I don't understand what sets her apart from the millions of other pop chicks that go by just their name, and say random shit over a meh beat,
other than she looks like she has some kinda face deformity. Bitch look like a damn goldeen.

Because the people that typically point that shit out like her right now

how does she look when she's not wearing a bag as an outfit?

she looks like she'd sit on the bed with you smoking joints talking about why you love music

They are. You just have to get the correct Fader employee riled up about it. People will care as soon as an accredited publication tells them to care.



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Hi, mmus ethnomusicologist here!

pop music and hip-hop are the same thing, compositionally (at least in the c.21), with the only consistent distinction between the two being a matter of visual aesthetics: this can be their fashion, their videos, live performances, album art, or even just their skin tone. its completely arbitrary whether something is "pop" or "hip hop", and the latter will eventually fall out of use just in the same way as "r&b" did.

Iggy Azalea got attacked for cultural appropriation to the point where it ruined her career and almost drove her to suicide.

Yet Shillie gets a free pass to mock and defame blackness. Why?

This is exactly how she'll write all the titles on her next album.

Screencap this. She wants to be from Dade County so badly.

Boom bap? You mean kick on the first and snare in the third? Emphasis on the first beat and third beat?!! The thing done in basically all pop music since the 50s??!!?

Take your meds.

Bury a Friend is a much better example of how Billie uses trap beats.

no its not you dumb ass

Again it's not the best example. Bury a Friend and Crown are much better.

just because some of her songs use 808 drums doesn't mean they are "trap beats"

the only talent this whore has is making my dick go soft when i see her droopy the dog lookin ass face

Have sex.

Why not? What makes a "trap beat" according to you? And how is Billie any different from someone like Juicewrld or Trippie Redd?

if you like billie eilish you deserve to be shot in the head

Why tho? She's literally perfect.

my nigga denzel selling his soul to an ugly ass white chick. wtf?

And they won't tell anyone to care, because Billie's PR people won't allow them to.

She is the zoomer Avril Lavigne but pretending to be a soundcloud rapper instead of a skater.
Nobody calls her out probably because her label pays the "indie" virtue signalling media (p4k, Noisey, etc.) to shill her.

>Nobody calls her out probably because her label pays the "indie" virtue signalling media (p4k, Noisey, etc.) to shill her.
This. The girl has a huge PR machine behind her.

Billie does for trap/soundcloud rap what Lil Nas X does for country.

ummm shes a singer song writer

are you 16 years old or a female by any chance

I'm in my mid 20s and I love Billie. Got a problem with that?

>She's engaged in unspeakable sex acts with hundreds of execs and goons
I'm sure.

Her dress style is horrendous. I get she isn’t looking to attract anybody but still. Extremely baggy clothes were supposed to die around a long time ago.

Because political outrage is entirely performative and bought. Billie has clearly had her career purchased. No one is going to "cancel" her when they're actively paying people to promote her.

stop posting her

Have sex.

Outta my fucking board plant-forcing normies

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who the fuck considers this hoodrat hip hop? lmfao

because she is a tool used by the jews to cultivate a degenerate culture among white girls

>l337 speak is cool when black people do it
It’s absolutely not

That, and she has millions of crazed fans who will hang you if you dare say anything against her.

It’s “hieroglyphics” invented by SGP.

are you implying kpoop is any better? seems even worse t b h

>She's like Trump, she doesn't take her people anywhere just make 'em run in circles of niggatry.
I can agree with this. I understand your analogy.

She’s “alternative” like Halsey.

Her woke rapper fuckbuddies will just defend her.

A couple of cringy weebs came to tell him to take his meds or schizoid, I think they need to actually receive the medication cuz they hear some voices that tell them to vote for that Fraudulent President with his retarded politics.

So get taxed my 'muricans, get taxed and enjoy the next recession while listening some trash nigger in a white blonde body.

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Hip hop and pop are the same genre at this point.



>releases a simple but professionally produced music video for a typical Lordewave song
>signed to a major label known for relentlessly shilling their artists
>inexplicably gains millions of instagram followers, passing famous artists like Travis Scott and Lil Pump in under a year despite having barely any released music and not having funny/goofy/memey content like Pump (only pictures of her decked out in branded clothing)
>gets tons of media coverage in everything from music rags to mainstream news and internet shows like "Hot Ones"
>claims to have grown up poor despite living in a wealthy neighborhood in LA
>gets hyped as an artistic prodigy despite her only talent being doing vocals (doesn't write the lyrics or instrumentals, doesn't seem to do visual arts much either)
>relentlessly clout chases the soundcloud/hip hop scene, going as far as to dressing up in dopey clothes with big european fashion brand logos all over them
>acts tryhard edgy and pretends to be depressed
>releases a mediocre Lordewave album with Lana sounding vocals and hip hop style production
>media acts like it's a game changer when it's really just a contemporary pop album derivative of the same things many other pop albums are
>plays up her friendship with xxxtentacion after he died despite having never met IRL
>gets her own curated museum exhibit to promote the album
>gets an endorsement deal with a major fashion brand a month after the album is released
>despite all this she is marketed as an indie artist who totally just happened to make it after posting a song or two, taking spotlights away from actual indie artists who do not have a corporate backing forcing the mainstream media coverage glazed with a veneer of manufactured “authenticity”

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her pale soft skin and alluring eyes and plump lips are very good at making me erect

>nigger music
good one op

The only black people who fuck with her are Denzel and his buddies. I don't think Billie has a single black fan.


How do you know her parents are rich? She said she grew up poor plus Highland Park was a poor area when she was a kid.

No. There will be a Billie thread every day on this board for the next two years.