/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General

How do I start learning guitar?
Guitar chords and inversions
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

Old thread

Attached: Jeff-Hanneman-Slayer.jpg (1200x800, 278K)

Other urls found in this thread:


what's the official loop pedal of /gg/?

I have a Ditto

I use an RC1 but I would probably guess most people use a Ditto

The loop i enjoy is the one me and your mom get into after a 18 hour binge of cocaine and booze. I just fuck her and hit her on the head as we sober up until i realize whats going on. Weird loop desu

Isn't it past your bedtime? Oh, that's right. No school tomorrow.

y'all n*ggas got some IRs?

Laptop running an amp sim with a midi footswitch

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Man, Hanneman was a fucking riff master and honestly kind of underrated. Why did he have to die and not that tryhard Kerry King?

Agreed. He was the better of the two by far.

Boomerang III Phrase Sampler, more compact, can loop more loops, and is cheaper than the big Boss one

was guy who said dubs chooses song I learn. Will record on phone

Kerry's an asshole

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How do I learn THE FUNK

He was always the second fiddle. No wonder he's bitter. Jeff wrote nearly all of the classic songs/riffs. He was Slayer.

You have to be baptized in it

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>Guy with talent
>Guy with no talent
>BC Rich

do the stereotypes write themselves?

Couldn't agree more and I think most Slayer fans know it. It's a shame that rather than be respectful Kerry has to talk shit like some petulant 14 year old in a YouTube comments section.


New to guitar? want to be awesome at it within a week? get yourself a copy of this handy instructional document. learn theory and dominate your fretboard


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Opeth - Slither

thanks its been a week and now i'm anime. i'm also pretty good at guitar and i sold my ibanez for a gibson. pic related it's what i look like now.

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>he's not cool enough to own a Gibson

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post yours! :)

Cynic - Integral

Finna buy a Gibson Explorer 2019 in Antique Natty. Hoping it will make me an anime as well.

That's his shtick now.

He used to does the asshole act with a bit of a wink, but now he just comes across as a cunt.

Virgin sjw manlet fatass vs Chad thotslayer Nazi "history buff"

From what I can tell most good funk players have a jazz background and there's a lot of resources for that so I'd say start there.

How do I understand this intro's timing and get it right

This is how I play it

Kill yourself

Where do I start
What kind of resources

Check out the Ammoon Stereo Looper. It appears to be essentially a knockoff of the EHX 720. There have been some reliability issues reported on Amazon, but if you get a good one you'll have a badass looper for $80

Midi pick-ups seem like a lame gimmicky thing to me, but this is pretty cool

This should get you started

Also this for learning good practice habits

This guys channel is good too

I'm on mobile internet, can't watch YouTube

ditto is fantastic for what it is.It's a very cheap and minimal answer. If you need features and tricky saving of more than one loop, it's not for you.

Look in the mega link in the OP and get the 4 Berklee Harmony PDFs under the theory tag
They're just general theory knowledge rather than guitar specific, but they're well written and concise.
Under the playing tag check out The Beginners Guide to Jazz Guitar and Mickey Baker's Jazz guitar. I haven't read them, but skimming through they look like what you need.

Now answer this

>This is how I play it
>Doesn't play it.

And how's that relevant for that purpose?
>it's another episode of user tries to actually talk about music and gets shitposted

Ok, but I'll do my best, but I think he's not really playing strictly in time so if your goal is to play along and match him exactly you're going to have a rough time.

I'm confused as to whether or not my playing has gotten worse or I've just become more self-aware as to how bad I am when it comes to more and more complex songs, especially with improvising
Here's a recent sample of me when I'm really in the groove and doing well, live at some dive bar, I'm the neck pickup guitar (second solo is mine, everything improvised)

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>D string perfectly tuned
>first three frets are sharp 7 cents
>back to normal on 4th fret
I hate guitars

starting as a complete beginner how long do you think it would take until I could play this comfortably including learning what I need to get there?


assuming you mean "i've never picked up a guitar until today" beginner, i'd say about a week or so

my friend has been playing for 4 years and he still can't do barre chords
i've been playing for nine months and i can, plus bass primarily
it all depends on how much time and effort you put into it
if you're like me, you can probably do it in six months
now answer my query

yeah I do mean that and thanks but I can't tell if you're memeing me or not since idk what any of it is
i get it will be different for different people but if i pick up a guitar today i was just wondering how long

right now i have like 3 hours every day free where I want to fill with learning bass or guitar so would my time be better spent with guitar or bass idk

Something like this I think

Attached: Jimmy's Page.jpg (1428x379, 82K)

Now you're just being cruel to him.

you've become more self aware, which means you're expecting more talent out of yourself which in turn just makes play worse. i guess you can say you're on your way to being a professional musician, considering they hate their own work and are never satisfied

friendly reminder that only a Gibson™ is good enough

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you learn bass and guitar at the same time?
and i like it but im totally inexperienced

The fuck is wrong with that? take off the two highest strings and you have the same notes in the same positions on a fretboard that works exactly the same.

Do you think it's not in time at a weird measure?

You should hate being a poorfag that can't afford a tech

nothing I'm just asking
so I should buy both and learn both if I want to learn both eventually anyway or just focus on one to start with?

for animated japanese teenage girls*

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Are you saying that asking me to read sheet is cruelty?

Asking the average guitar player to read sheet music is indeed cruel and unjust punishment.

I'm not average. I'm ABOVE average.

It is a pretty tough rhythm to read.
I tried to draw how you should count it
"1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and" while counting eight notes
and "1 e and a 2 e and a 3 e and a 4 e and a" to figure out where the sixteenths go
But the 'e' won't line up with any notes for the triplets so just don't say it there.
Blue lines are quarter notes, your basic 1 2 3 4

I think the + of the 3rd beat is a little late in the second measure, but somehow the 1st beat of the 3rd measure is right where it should be?
Don't take this as fact, I'm not entirely sure of the accuracy.

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It's not an insult, sheet music is inefficient for guitar because it was designed for a musical traditions where note duplication is mostly absent and sight reading unfamiliar pieces is standard. Lute players have been using tabs since the instrument's inception.

However a lot of tabs are shit and there's no standard notation for representing rhythm, and how you read music colors your understanding of it (shapes vs. voices)

Get a dean instead

It's worth it

Pic related its me

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Super low energy

I haven't read tabs in years
I once read a short book on sheet music but didn't practice reading for more than a couple days
It helped me pay more attention to time figures tho

Is Ace Frehley a beta and Gene Simmons' cuck?

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any delay pedal recs?


Just get a multifx ffs

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>your only pedal
something with tap tempo and interval presets instead of just a time knob, try and keep it cheap. it's a fucking delay pedal man.
>more than two or three pedals
fx8 or helix

DOD rubberneck


>Marshall MA
>clownburst fake Gibson

sounds about right

that's probably a trap too

Post gibsontranny anathema

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friendly reminder that the guitar you use only contributes like 1% to the quality of your music.
Amps and pedals are something like 10% depending on how you use them, but still aren't required to make good music.

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Nah that ain’t it chief

considering brazillians with literal junk held together haphazardly with wood screws that make he who shall not be named look rich are making better music than gearheads like chapman


What are some good cheap non-Fender/Squire strats and teles? G&L seems to be pretty good for its price, what about Sterling or Chapman?

Yeah I'm probably giving pedals and amps too much credit.
Bump them down to 5%

Don't buy a strat or tele that's not fender, G&L, or parts-built

Out of principle

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>Amps and pedals are something like 10%
99% if you play shoegaze post-noise guitar ambient

I mean the sound kind of defines the genre, but if you get the cheapest versions of all the staple effects I bet you could still make something good.

The alpha guitar

sup nerds
i'm building a tabletop campaign that will have a lot of wild west towns being set on fire and a lot of travel between wild west towns that are on fire
where do i get more of:
an incredible amount of this stuff. full albums of this garbage. who's the guy?

what is thuis guitar?

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Fuck off faggot. I can smell your incel desperation from here.

Did you mean Samuel?

So I've been playing for about 3 years now, and I'm just realising one of the (pretty simple) flaws in my playing which keeps holding me back

I've noticed that I never bothered to wrap my thumb over the top for bass notes. If I play an open 7th chord shape (B7 at 1st fret, C7 at 2nd, D7 at 4th etc.) I always just missed out the bass note. Makes it clearer why my open E7 would sound great compared to the others, because the open E as the bass note harmonised.

I have no problem reaching the B string to accent barred 7th chords
This makes me think it's a habit I never learned as opposed to having small hands.
I actually first learned on my sister's old classical so maybe that's why.

Any tips for getting out of this? Just practiced for a while, was uncomfy but I was slowly getting it and it obviously sounded so much better

you put strings and an old telecaster pickup on a fucking shovel and you learn how to play slide guitar

okay i'll need those names because i have no fucking idea what are you talking about

Using your thumb to fret is not considered a good or necessary technique. You only need your four fingers to play guitar.

>Any tips for getting out of this? Just practiced for a while, was uncomfy but I was slowly getting it and it obviously sounded so much better
What do you think anyone will say

Lol, as bitter as you are, this is true.

He is pretty cringe, it's like watching someone's dad. Hopefully with the end of boomerism people will become less obsessed with the appearance or "coolness" of instruments

Why not? I don't really have any brand loyalty when it comes to guitars.

That was dumb, admittedly
But if I specifically want to play those inversions I would have to... so


Some of them are pretty nice (albeit none of the gibsons, which all look and sound like the same old cheap epiphone even if the tag says "mint 59 vintage")

But the cheaper equivalents have 90% of the sound and the missing 10% is the fancy boutique pickups

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>im not improving at guitar because i haven't been using my thumb to fret bass notes

you actually typed out that entire thing

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You do need thumb for some chords or songs. A/E chord for example when guitar tuned to drop D or the bass line in Angie by Davy Graham.

expensive guitars are a mind game. you play better on them or think you do because you want it to be worth the price, and then you say "this guitar sounds better". the nicer finish and name brand headstock without any cheap copouts like "mexico" on the back just help you maintain the illusion.

and if you have disdain for an expensive guitar it will sound and play bad to you. it's all a mind game.

What?? Who looks like watching a dad? The Brazilian?

Am I in the majority or minority of casuals here if I don't give a single shit about gear as long as I can play? I'm not producing jack shit, so why should I care?

No, Chapman (I assume that's who user meant)

It holds me back by me not being satisfied when I play those inversions. It doesn't stop me from improving anything else. You seem to be struggling here pal

The cool people who were here for playing left a long time ago. This general is literally /guitar product consumers general/ and has nothing to do with making music

It worked out for Friedman so I guess that approach to gear works if you play well.

pure reddit

>every 10 posts is someone declaring that gear is bullshit

/anti-consumer hipsters with $500 guitars and iphones general/

Yea seems about right. Anytime I come here it's overwhelmingly like that.

Then, as mu is already the most cynical, pretentious fucking board on this site, the whole thing becomes unbearable

Somewhat true but also mostly for internet shopping. I've come to realize that I don't really care how the guitar sounds like as long as it sounds like a guitar of its type, the feel of it and how it plays is what you pay for, and sometimes it is worth the money. I do think it has its ceiling and diminishing returns apply but I haven't tried a lot of really high end stuff so I can't really judge. I found that my personal niche is always $800-1500, anything more rarely feels that much better.

let's take your B7 example. in the vocaroo below, i first play it in the first position. then, i add your "bass" note with my thumb, in this case it's the F# on the E string (so the second fret)


now did that really make THAT much of a difference to the sound of the chord? is it worth complaining about? idk m8 i think you're complaining way too much about some innocuous technique. i very rarely see anyone use their thumb to fret chords and it's really just a flashy parlor trick most of the times

it's definitely not holding you back the way you think it is

Not really a guitar question, but a lot of you play jazz fusion I'm sure

How the fuck do the band keep time with (what seems to me) so many signature changes? Pretty infantile understanding of this kind of music so I'd love to hear


Most fusion players are really fucking good musicians. That's why they can handle odd signatures and tempo shifts in rapid succession.

Thanks for going to that effort, tbf, that's cool.

I do think it sounds much richer, especially if you were to be strumming it as part of a rhythm section. The only time I notice this stuff is having a casual little play along of a song to be honest. And in that scenario, it sounds out of place to go from a chord inversion with a bass note to one without. You're right that in other situations it doesn't really matter.

no kidding

You asked how, you got an answer.

>why yes, I play acoustic fingerstyle

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sure man, always happy to help

So do I and I’m a fat slob with my balls hanging out of my boxer shorts.

Not trying to big dick here, but the difficulty of odd time signatures is over hyped.
Usually you just break it into digestible units 7/8 -> 2+2+3 or 3+2+2 for example.
Any polyrhythm more complex than a 3:4 is hell though.

If you learn this indian rhythmic solfege and write a bunch of random x/8 time signatures I bet you could perform it within an hour of practice youtube.com/watch?v=KsvKQhOeQjQ
Not that it's how these guys do it exactly, but its the same concept.

And Who did he mean by Brazilian

>now did that really make THAT much of a difference to the sound of the chord? is it worth complaining about?
Lazy loser talk spotted

If you like that sound and think it's worth it, work and keep practicing to get it down

>7 string
>fluence pickups
is there a meme you won't fall for?


post vocaroo or don't (You) me again fag

Vocaroo of what you fucking schizo

vocaroo of you playing or you're just a faggot gear collector who can't play for shit and shouldn't be giving others advice. i was being upfront with that user that that small bass note he was concerned about was not the reason he wasn't improving as a guitarist

To what speed can the average person get their tremolo?


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Hello :)

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Scotch Bonnets on a paper plate, very American.

stick em in your pooper

Theyre regular orange habaneros retard. My bad for not bringing out the china for a backyard grill sesh.

Who fucking cares, fuck off to /ck/, they'd appreciate it over endless burger king vs mcdonalds threads.

>My bad for not bringing out the china for a backyard grill sesh.

Are you an actual person?

Have you seen the quality of these threads. And make me faggot
No im a real human bean.

>playing your instruments
>not just hanging them up on the wall and only taking them down to change out tuners, bridge, and pickups occasionally
have sex ibanez playing incel

can we meme secret aardvark into Yea Forums

Enjoy your sesh.

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He made it clear that he didn't think the thumb and bass notes were holding his guitar improvement back. He admitted he was just complaining that he can't skip practicing and get instantly good at thumb fretting.

And here's not a vocaroo but an entire song that I played and recorded all by myself youtu.be/i3k-ZTWl9mg

No because theres too many spics on /gg/ that actually know what good hot sauce tastes like. Unlike the hipster females at /ck/
Thanks man. Enjoy american memorial day.

>endless burger king vs mcdonalds threads.
Lmao I need to check that now
Yea Forums is the ultimate human degeneracy

Went to /ck/ and there was no single burger thread

Not even fastfood threads?
The quality of their content is even lower than this place.

/ck/ is fucking shill central dawg. Full of sjws too. Its baby plebbit.

They're discussing reliability of fast food but it's a small thread
And there's a thread asking for praise for a burger he made a year ago

WHAT'S up /gg/, my name is user and i BETCHA can't play THIS!


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During the week its chicken vs whopper vs jollibee

Shouod have gotten gold.

hello everybody this is marty schwartz from marty music and today we will teach /gg/ how to play smoke on the water

I'm getting rid of them. I have a failed bass project I'm parting out

Depends on the vehicle you're using to transport it. I reckon about 220 if your car is worth anything.

>talented shredder that plays in a band and gigs
>/gg/ hates on him anyway


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Dropped his unironic dreads and cargo shorts aesthetic for Reddit numale persona.

I think he's funny at times, but Rabea is true Andertons kino.
Think we can all agree that Lee is a talentless boomer hack kike

Hey I wasn't being sarcastic, just in awe of the band

Here's my Smoke on the Water. Good luck beating this!


>Talented shredder
>Plays the same mode and scale year in and year out
>In the same key
>In the same drop D tuning
Rob, please go.

What failed?

I'm guessing just street musicians etc.

people without much money and equipment but with talent?

Champion 40 yay or nay

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because he's living a dream rather than actually fitting in to that scene
On one hand, good for him, but on the other, it's a bit awkward

Poor Lee, he knows he's not great. Not really sure what he's there for other than bantering with Rob

>tfw music isn't as common or casual a hobby as it was in the past, so you can find practically no friends to jam with for fun and feel too intimidated by serious musicians

Slow tempo being harder is no joke guys

To this day I can be playing some funk or jazz and then get infuriated trying to enjoy myself with the solo to Nowhere Man or some shit

Selling stuff, that's why he's there. I don't really judge him for not being an amazing guitarist. But he could at least learn more chords than his standard G - Cadd9 - G/B - Gmaj7 progression that he ALWAYS plays. They need to lock him in a room with an amp, a guitar, and Joe Bonamassa playing over PA for 48 hours.

He always seems kind of uncomfortable, that's what puts me off. He needs more confidence, really.

More reverb.

look at Dylan from Friendzone's (RIP) rig. This shit is insane. Why isn't he making music?

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what the actual fuck. have you ever even heard smoke on the water?

No time to make music when you have that many toys to play with

such cool shit soundcloud.com/chlorinemist/anticipation2

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Lee's fine, he's not a great player but he's not really annoying. He's like a "normal mediocre guy" and gives that kind of opinions which can be nice sometimes. But there's really no reason for him to not actually play better and be more confident, I agree.

What amp head would you recommend to go with an Orange PPC112? My Micro Terror was doing okay until the fucker started having sparks shoot out of it.

This looks like mental disease to me or compensation.

depends on what sound you're looking for. this is a very open-ended question btw

if you liked what your micro terror sounded like then i would recommend another orange amp, except this time one that isn't $150


omw home to practice

I'm wanting more punch in the tone. What I have now is noisy and loud, which I like. But it's lacking the bit of extra bass-y kick. I'm not sure if I need a new amp or pedal, really.

fuck that bald fat fuck

what overdrive pedal are you using


It's just a Bass Big Muff Pi. I've been eyeing a Boss Distortion but I'm not sure.

This is the not as successful blooze lawyer setup

I fucked up the neck and cracked the body. Lost interest.

prolly habanero sauce for his tacos, i hope he gets cursed by moctezuma.

I need to know if kaka is a real thing.

Can anyone tell me what scale this little progression would be from?

G A# C D F G A# C C#

Yeah. I just did it about an hour ago

Yes sir. You win

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i mean kakaing on your guitar to unlock kaka power.

g blues

Kakana by Boss

good equipement != good musician
too much "cool" shit to play around with might lead to loss of focus on top of that

Suck it easy champ

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i appreciate the resolution of your pics chum, post a close up to your strat´s neck and the shoddy fret work.

Here you go

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Lee has an ongoing series where he films his private lessons with Justin Guitar. He's trying to broaden his horizons, but he has years of boomer licks programmed into his brain.

Montezuma's Revenge.

That comes from the water


End product looks much the same.

i'm feeling ill /gg/ and it's not hiv

Dylan dies tonight

dylan who

C Mixolydian, make the A# into Bb

Everything is a meme

>he fell for the 6 string with passives meme
>muh vintage tone!
>insert false broscience about dynamic range and hearing muh tonewood
Reductionism and mockery based on it is a cancer

tfw want to play guitar but my guitar has new strings

Any thoughts on the first Signature bass from Music Man?

Attached: Joe Dart Bass.png (1500x550, 157K)

same note


Yamaha Pacifica 012 or Ibanez Gio?

my hands are sweaty af and they will get rusty too quickly and it will not be worth it

wash your fucking hands

Watching Bach on modern stringed instruments is fascinating. I can't read sheet music and have very limited theoretical understanding, so it's so cool to be able to have it in a format where I can visually compare it to other stuff


makes sense that it would be a nightmare for guitar etc, because even though rhythmically it's straightforward, it's so intricate and so easy to hit the wrong note

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i wash them with the most abrasive soap before playing steel strings

No C#

cant you not be a cheapskate and buy a better guitar ?

just mown some lawn or something.

natural makes me hard
wish I could afford a natural bass

Bloody hell that was impressive. Can’t say I have ever encountered Bach for banjo before.

Idk why but i kekd. My mouth is on fire also

I heard that when steve vai tried out for frank zappa's band, frank was like "hey steve, do you have a loggy kaka in your pants?" and steve said yes, so then frank reached into steve vai's underwear and fished around until he felt a kaka log. Then, he stretched steve vai's underwear out like an atomic wedgie and rubbed the kaka log all over steve vai's butt. steve vai has some shit all caked into his asshair and then frank asks him to play a kaka chord. well, your boy steve just grins, farts out ANOTHER kaka log and mushes it into the fretboard of his ibanez.

There was shit everywhere and it was brown butter all over frank and steve vai. Then satriani came in and diarrhead all over the floor.

i love this

Should I buy a new guitar or put a down payment on a used car?

>cant you not be a cheapskate and buy a better guitar ?
Like what?

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Are those supposed to be chords?
Knowing whether they're major/minor/dim/aug is important if you want an accurate answer.

Sometimes you can borrow chords from other keys but still be in the same key. Or sometimes you can just stick your toe in another key for a couple chords

No, they're notes

How so?

Right, it's not. Fucking n!$%%#r!

Car. Sounds like you already have a guitar.
If you only have an electric and want to buy an acoustic or vice versa, then maybe consider a guitar, otherwise don't fall for the guitar jew's propoganda telling you it's worth buying multiple guitars.

I recently got my first bass, curious what you guys think about it. (the pic isn't actually mine, i'm too lazy to post an actual pic)

Attached: craig.jpg (239x400, 20K)

It's cool (the opinion isn't actually mine, i'm too lazy to post an actual opinion)

What's a good mid-budget guitar? Something versatile and that will last a long time. I want to upgrade from my old used one that goes out of tune by the end of every practice session

thanks! (this reply isn't actually mine, i'm too lazy to post my own reply)

Woahohoho there, grumpy little fella! You sure you want to be using that sort of language on 4channel? ;^)


Then yeah, the guy who said G blues scale is right and it's a Bb not A#.

It's A# because I'm going up. #s going up, bs going down.

How do I decide between a strat, tele or jag?

Pretty fashionable, but does it match your purse and heels?

Play all 3. Pick the one you like best.

Thank you kind anons, glad to entertain!

That's not how that works. Blues scale is built on a minor 3rd.
G -> A# = Augmented 2nd
G -> Bb = Minor 3rd
It's less important here than if there were an A in the scale because every note of a scale should get its own letter name when possible, but still, Bb is the correct name for the note according to western tradition.

I'll admit, I don't know theory, but how can two exact note-to-notes have different names?

look at a piano.
The black keys are the Sharps/Flats.
Same position. Two sides of the Same coin.
Sharp or Flat depending on circumstance.
>Guitar same fret.

Anyone here have a Solar guitar?

g blues guy here
i'd explain but it involves theory so

I’ve been playing acoustic guitar for two years and I’m embarrassed to admit I don’t know a single instrumental piece.

What’s a good one to cut my teeth with? I tried Black Waterside and Angie (both Bert Jansch versions) but they’re too hard to start with.


It's mostly about maintaining interval qualities because they represent a 'function'
C minor is built on a
Major 2nd
Minor 3rd
Perfect 4th
Perfect 5th
Minor 6th
Minor 7th


Major 2nd
Augmented 2nd
Perfect 4th
Perfect 5th
Augmented 5th
Augmented 6th

Attached: Chad C Minor vs Virgin C Minor.jpg (2561x295, 219K)

looks a bit like a Yamaha

Why would you need a solar powered guitar?

Just buy an Ibeenhad

Most people here aren't good enough to play jazz fusion. The few people who probably can are completely insufferable.

Who would want to? Sounds pretty fucking gay and you should stop playing so terrible.

80s Yamaha SG-510


>2000 dollars usd
Should be nine hundred max for such a bare bones bass.

did this really happen/

based fecalanon and procto-pilled.

Based. I forgot what the original sounds like other than the opening riff, but this is probably better.

butterscotch or blonde teles will make you a master redditor

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How do you know what's on Reddit? Maybe you should go back there?

Are you aware of where we are right now?
Do you think we can be proud for choosing to browse these threads instead of literally anywhere else?
This is the bottom of the barrel baby.

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How the fuck did you crack a neck and body?

I didn't crack the neck, just the body. I cracked the body because the neck was too tight.

They're both totally fixable. I just don't want to do it.

That Steve Vai's name? John Petrucci.

Lazy nigger

Starting to work on vocals

is it better to practice and get good then see a coach, or to just see them straight away

money is the concern here

also any input about steps to improve and what to focus on would be helpful

Not lazy, just don't have the proper tools and don't care.

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I’ve been singing for a while and don’t see the point of vocal training unless you desperately want to extend your range.

Just learn songs you like, experiment with different keys to find ones that suit your voice (on acoustic this is where a capo is indispensable), keen practicing and don’t force yourself to hit notes you can’t comfortably achieved. Record yourself and listen out to hear what works and where you are going off-pitch.

Sure thing tyrone.

Practice first, but don't wait too long. Maybe see a teacher after a month or so. Find some warm up exercises and practice those every day. Including breath support exercises. That's likely the first thing a voice teacher would tell you to do anyway.
The benefit of seeing a teacher early would be to prevent bad habits, because it's easier to create good habits than fix bad ones, but if you're totally untrained you might just be dealing with issues that would be fixed with a little practice.

This is good advice but I feel that it can also be quite self-limiting. It can be helpful to see a vocal coach to work on simple exercises to expand your range, as it is possible to develop bad habits with your technique. For example, when I was younger I figured out a way to expand my range from bass to tenor, but my technique involved constricting my larynx which fucked up the timbre of my voice a few years down the road and now I tend to sound flat going into my tenor range. I have really good relative pitch so I can sing in key but I can also feel how bad my technique is so my singing never translates the way I'd like.

I guess I can’t say how useful vocal training would be having never had any so I’m not trying to shoot the idea down completely, just haven’t felt the need for it myself.

For my own singing I have what I think is a decent baritone voice and that despite it being the most common male voice you’ll find most male singers at open mics trying really hard to hit the high notes, which I find unpleasant most the time. I just don’t bother and hope that my singing sounds more natural for it.


I want to fuck Nancy’s brains out

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who is this

Bitch looks stupid

should i upgrade my $50 guitar or my $50 amp first?

Wrong thread dude

Literal newb here
Can you run pedals through any amp (solid state or tube)?
What are the benefits of a combo amp?
Why do YouTubers use their hands to demo pedals instead of their feet?

wtf how do you even buy a guitar for 50 dollars
It probably plays like trash so get something adequate first
Usually upgrading amp is the way to go to improve sound, but you have to at least have something playable

see those dubs I am an ambassador to keep you bottom feeders in line. maybe someday with some knowledge you'll become honorary redditors.


> Yes, you can.

> A combo amp combines the pre-amp and power-amp that a traditional amp head contains, along with the speaker(s) you would find in an amp cab. All in one neat little package. Its compact.

how are the esp/ltd guitars

Is it worth buying used pedals on guitar center website?

>pedals through any amp?
>benefits of combo amp?
See >why YouTube hands not feet?
Most pedal demos feature the guy demoing the gear messing with the pedals' EQ so you can hear how the pedals sound with different settings dialed in. It's easier to reach a pedal placed on a table at waist height than it is to repeatedly bend over whilst holding a guitar to adjust the settings or constantly have to stop the recording, change the settings, and start the recording again.

Guitar for sure. Get something that feels nice to play and you'll want to spend more time practicing.
If you can afford it the $500 range seems to be the best bang for your buck and you can get a guitar that will be worth keep your whole life if you take care of it.

A combo is the amp and speakes loaded together. There are no benifits either way, it's just peference.

squier standard/vintage modified vs yamaha pacifica 112
which one should i buy

anyone have experience with Donner products?
i'm looking into buying one of their pedals

what do u want to do / play

80s glam metal
punk stuff

Combo pro-Easy to transport. Con-stuck with the same speaker
So we can see them and they don't have to keep bending over to adjust them

I like ween
thats bout it

i prefer squiers cause you can upgrade them a lot easier later on

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>Look for a pdf in my pc that was filled with the basics of music theory
>Can't find it anywhere
>It's not on the mega folder

Please Yea Forums, help me.
The pdf had outdated memes and the writer used a notation that went like 1 2 3 4^ 5 6 7^

i have a few of those music theory/guitar fo dummies books if u want

this one?

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And that's a good thing

Relatively new to guitar
Question about singing during guitar.

I was learning Baby blue by king krule but when I look at archies live vs the tab for his studio stuff it's watered down quite a bit. Is it unrealistic to continue learning the studio version if I just wanna sing for family and chiccs at parties. he just changes patterns and slides quite a bit.

Apologies in advance for my noviceness

What's the deal with youtube guitarists pulling their beanies down over their faces?

Hey if you wanna be xenophobic that's fine.

why do I need two e strings on my guitar?

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Real mean have four E strings

I'm currently saving up for a new guitar

I've been playing a squire strat for over a decade at this point and now that I'm getting more serious, I recognize that it doesn't sound too hot when I plug it into my interface/DAW

What do y'all recommend me looking at? I want something that has a good studio quality sound. If it's a clean jazzy sound, I want the all of the notes to ring out clearly and brightly, as well as produce a full sound. Also want something that can produce something meaty and dirty at other times.

Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way and I actually need to mic up my amp instead of going direct to the interface? Let me know what I should look into, I'm trying to get to a higher quality production value.

You don't

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or you can just upgrade the whole fucking guitar at once and sell the old one to cut your losses. now it's fine to buy a nice set neck guitar that's newbie-friendly in the upper frets instead of actively hostile or just lacking them entirely

Are 24 frets necessary or is 22 enough

Depends if you're going to play songs that use 23 and 24. It's better to have too many than not enough.

unless you want optimum neck pickup placement

there is no real disadvantage to having 24 and not needing them but having 22 and needing 23 can suck

What a lot of people do is own more than one guitar because they are fucking cheap. You know those guys with tons of guns? Those guns cost more than most guitars.

>implying the difference isn't so insignificant it vanishes completely in a mix and is difficult to attribute to neck pickup placement instead of the other thousand things that affect tone
>implying it isn't personal preference either way

>place pickup under a harmonic node
>get less tone
>move it just past the harmonic node
>get more tone

24 frets = optimum neck pickup placement

Unless you put frets on the pickup

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A 24 fret guitar is normally used with humbuckers in which case moving the neck pickup being closer to the bridge prevents it from getting unbearably muddy. A guitar with a single coil neck pickup should have 22 frets for the opposite reason.

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why shouldnt i get a flying v

23 frettu p90?

They're featherweight and you have to always play in the classical position if sitting.

Explorer is more comfy to me.

I want a Les Paul like Slash but they're too expensive for me
I plan on playing stuff like Metallica
What kind of guitar should I get

chords are for fags

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