Be me

>be me
>at a bar
>play Smiths song on the jukebox
>some fatfuck yells FUUUUCK MORRISSEY
Why can't normies just listen to music and not get butthurt about the opinions of musicians?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Where do you live?

That's pathetic. There are at least 100 other musicians played out live frequently that are more problematic than Morrissey but they're black so no one cares

because they are brainwashed sjw and they want everyone to be as miserable as they are, fuck them.

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>this definitely happened

Morrissey is literally famous for ruining his own music with his political opinions. Just because he hates Muslims doesn't mean he's suddenly a worthy figure for the cause. He deserves any outrage he gets.

How dear a queer man voice support for a political party that scrutinizes open immigration practices and takes a voice against one of the most oppressive, hateful, destructive religious groups the world has ever known.

LITERALLY THE WORST. I CAN NOT WAIT UNTIL HE DIES (upvote for JPEGMAFIA reference friendos my dudes XD)


It was at the 5 Point last night.

This sort of shit happens in California all the time

What kind of faggoty bar has The SMiths on a jukebox? Bars are for Black Sabbath and AC/DC and Bon Jovi for the ladies. What kind of queer bars you go to?

maybe he was talking about the music
the smiths fucking suck

>dude SJWS don't actually exist bro

kill yourself


makes sense

I bet if you played R kelly or Michael Jackson nobody would bat an eye.

People are really brainwashed

All this hate because he's anti Islam


well thats because neither of them did anything wrong

Most people don't even know the specifics of what the party stands for

THey just saw hyperbole over the top headlines from Stereocuck, Pitchcuck, Consequence of Cuck, etc that said THIS IS VERY BAD THING THIS IS EVIL MAN

what song did you played?

Is it really problematic when I have never heard their music nor want to hear their music so therefore I don't challenge their pick because I have no idea what it is.

Besides, I wouldn't attack someone for listening to shit person, but it's also their right to

>gay british man doesn't like religion that supports throwing gays off rooftops or stoning them to death
wow, surprise

Normalfags are cattle

Morrissey is based. Being fat is not.

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But it is a surprise, it is not the norm. Gays are the biggest supporters of Islam. Basically their only supporters in the mainstream.

wtf lol that makes 0 sense
the people pushing for islam immigration are like clueless progressive white women who live in gated communities i thought

William, It was really nothing from Hatful

/pol/tards I know you're all really into making Moz le ebin based and redpilled /ourguy/ but he's actually left-wing, at least where it counts. He's an anti-royalist animal rights advocate, a Bernie supporter and literally said that he would kill Trump.

I just wonder why liberals are hating on him after saying all that

and i'm pretty sure he's anti capitalist

>at least where it counts

Calls out Islam, Jew and Black culture, that's all I need. Pretty fucking based.

>but he also is an animal rights activists

Good for him, I eat meat but I feel bad for the animals and am anti trophy hunting/cruelty

No one understands moz. He is basically a walking contradiction. Its like you fused pol and a sjw into one body. A shy man who loves the limelight.

He is an extremely complicate character people take at face value. You could call him a leftist because he is a vegan, anti royal, super fucking gay.
But you could call him rightwing because he called chinese people subumans, is basically a nationalist, and thinks muslims fucking suck like every other proper human being.

What im thinking is moz knows the secret. The way to live a life of balance. I wonder if he knows about the occult.

He cant fit into this polarized world because he understands balance

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Moz is just Nazbol.

That wasn't a normie, that was a neckbeard who probably posts on Resetera and has politics living in his head rent free.

So he's like a working class nationalist leftist, isn't that pretty in line with the Labour Party in the UK?

>tfw also depressed bi socialist with nationalist sympathies who reads old english literature and makes indie music
I think I'm basically a morrissey impersonator.

I relate with this too much

>99% of rock musicians are socialist liberal fags
>i deal with it and listen anyway

>one guy says he wishes Britian first or whatever was in power

>total normie meltdown

Hate Normies
hate british
hate tories
hate labour
simple as


I can still listen to and enjoy the smiths while also publicly acknowledging the scientifically proven fact that he’s a faggot.

Morrissey is a national socialist and doesnt even know it. Not even shitting on him. Britian first is pretty hard core right wing.

The thing is he's really not national socialist. He's like Churchill or the run of the mill Torie prior to Ireland issues. He's just 80 years too late.

He's based but has read too much Wilde and not enough history to understand what his political views are.

Either way, I left my first morrissey show thinking, FUCK THAT GUY. After listening to his solo discogoraphy a lot I find I agree with him on mostly everything but mexicans.

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Morrissey can suck my brown muslim cock. We're not going anywhere, ya panzy hick.

Moz is the most based artist of the past 3 decades and no one on this godforsaken site would 'get' him

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Every time Morrissey releases new music I'm reminded what scum and villainy the press is

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I've seen literally 23 articles saying the exact same fucking thing, it's tiresome and more redundant than this site

You will forever be a big government leech

normies dont understand that the smiths' lyrics are tongue in cheek when its so obvious. does this bother anyone else?

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Moz wishes he could leech his daddy's affection offa my dick.

I think it's weird as fuck

>drunk guy shouts out FUCK MORRISSEY
>not believable.

you gotta get out more, user.

Morrissey is only for us mexicamns

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>at bar
>some idiot plays "Don't Look Back in Anger" on the jukebox
>people start booing and mockingly singing along in exaggerated nasal way to make fun of the singers voice
>people next to me talk about how they never understood Oasis
>I play Chris Stapleton after
,>everyone sings along

OP, if we're gonna have a /mozpol/ thread, at least make the premise believable. It's boring to get into it over and over again, especially if it's not based on a real life event.

Also, no coincidence at all that Morrissey talks shit when his new album drops? Some record store no one ever heard of "bans" him? A poster promoting the new album gets taken down in a tube station based on some specious "complaint"? He wears a problematic pin on American television promoting said album? Really? No coincidence at all? I like Morrissey as much as the next person, but the guy's a master at this shit.

And clueless progressive white gays / would be women who live in gated communities

lol this


dammit, i was really hoping a fat man in a british pub said that

yeah because chris is based and oasis is for faggot teenagers

>i see you've got some smiths lyrics tattooed on you

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Labour isn't a nationalist party. Their supporters are an uncomfortable mix of the working class (with a nationalist bent, as you say) and metropolitan types. Something will eventually give.

This clearly didn't happen, yet people are eating this shit up.

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Moz is just moz. He doesnt care what anyone thinks of him.

> imagine living in either Seattle or Portland
Man, white people from both of those locations are fucking annoying AF. They’re always the ones that start that “muh minority oppression”, “they wuz all slaves n shiet”, “muh institutional rahcism”, etc. ; all suburban middle class liberals are by far the most annoying people I’ve met.

this just proves how much of babies lefties are, imagine being so mad cause 1 in a 1000 musicians dont have the same political beliefs as you do.

*pure kinos in your path*

oops wrong thread

Came here to say this.
Yall are so in love with your politics, and triggered by slight disagreements. You forget that sometimes an artist just sucks for completely aesthetic purposes.
Dude was probably feeling nice with a couple beers in him. Morrissey started playing, and he probably thought to himself (like many of us would), Jesus Fucking Christ, take your sadboi shit away from my cloud, you pecker hound.



Big facts. The only Smiths song that has any business in a bar is--and it's a stretch-- How Soon is Now.

Right wingers can be pro animal rights and anti royalty you know

Seeing as cruelty is literally the fucking bedrock foundation of everything conservatives do, Imma say no dog.

based and boomerpilled

Morrissey isn’t a leftist

He’s intelligent right wing

Nature is cruel. To survive in a cruel world one must be ruthless. It is amoral.

Pussy fag

The cult of Social Justice being denied executive privileges really pulled some masks off of key individuals. They seriously think they can just unseat the US president and everything is going to go back to the way it was.

>all these kiddies JUST NOW finding out that Morrissey is a racist.
Where were you when he called the Chinese 'subhuman'?

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hitler was basically the founder of animal rights

Where were you when every mainstream media article is about how terrible white people are in 2019?

Despite hating fascists, I'll always admire the historical contributions they made to environmentalism. Left-wing movements never hit such highs.

Oh golly gee guess we can just forget about all the wholesale slaughter and enslavement of human beings based on race and religion that fascism inevitably comes bundled with. This is why nobody will ever take you clowns seriously.

Why the fuck do you think he said that because of his opinions lmao people always hated Morrissey and The Smiths for their music.

When the fuck are we going to get a Joe Rogan interview with Mozza?
that would be absolute kino

>ruining music with political opinions
This is possibly the most söy Reddit thing I’ve seen here all day.

>says right wingers can't be environmentalists or animal rights advocates because of some weird strawman he built in his head about cruelty being their only motivation
>is immediately proven wrong
>"yeah but other things"
yikes dude

name 7 environmentalist policies of Nazi Germany or Fascist Italy

actually the britian first party thing was like 2 years ago

lol read some history books and come back fag.

>be me
>at a bar
>twink plays some faggy smith song on the jukebox

Based and Dad-I-Never-Met-Pilled

>I am sorry the UK print media's contorted interpretation of who and what I am has gone all wrong. In these days when most people are afraid to even whisper, the print media write as if someone is coming to get them. This aching nervousness brings on the vengeful and paranoid. Inventing Britain's doomsday is the preoccupation of the tabloids, and they can hate you for having lived.

>I straighten up, and my position is one of hope. The march backwards is over, and life has begun again. With voice extended to breaking point, I call for the prosperity of free speech; the eradication of totalitarian control; I call for diversity of opinion; I call for the total abolition of the abattoir; I call for peace, above all; I call for civil society.

>I call for a so-far unknowable end to brutalities; "No" to Soviet Britain; prayers not to gods but to forces; an end to disingenuous media cluelessness; the people have the power; hatred and beheadings belong in the furnace of history; music might still be your only friend; for every shade and persuasion ... we shall always be alongside each other - everyone's culture of value.

>No more fashionable outrage; cows are friends to humans - don't kill them; beware of those who write in headlines; moral fiber means holding on ... to your friends; give up on inferior arguments.

> God gave you your life to enjoy - you will cry for your life in years to come ... death always answers back; do not be a nobody; you have survived this far in order to make the remainder peaceful and funny; your very survival proves that you have a right; ignore the cold eyes of fascism; your life is Art.

24 May 2019

would never happen.
morrissey would never be interviewed by a hunter
paul joseph watson or styxenhammer could happen.

Hitler was going to rebuild germany so that every german household had access to atleast some trees.

>banned vivisection
>banned animal slaughter without anesthetic
>banned commerical trapping
>limited severly hunting
>illegal to harm animals for film
>illegal to alter landscape
>dauerwald 'eternal forest' measures
>air pollution limitations

Prewar conservation political articles all praise the Nazis and they are essentilaly forerunners the green movement in europe, though modern greens are all left based now.

why the fuck dident you go up to the fat man and try to argue with him if it bothers you that much?
are you a pussy or something?

They seem like great policies, a shame other faucets of their ideology neccesitated war and the pointless eradication of other races/cultures

i havent met anyone who cares about this
i still have the smiths on my tinder anthem and girls dont care

It's just shrill poltards on the internet, poltards of Yea Forums and elsewhere, who love to get their panties knotted about this stupid shit. Everyone else who knows Moz, even his biggest fans, know he is a bit of an asshole but they don't care either way.

imagine being dumb enough to be a socialist tho

If you're a capitalist who isn't a millionaire, you're a fucking idiot.

>it's just /pol/ getting upset about this

>If you're a capitalist who isn't a millionaire, you're a fucking idiot.
Imagine being dumb enough to be a socialist and not realize your ideolgy has done more to hurt the working class than any ideology in history

Imagine supporting central banking.
Imagine supporting authoritarianism.
Imagine thinking that taking wealth from the capitalist class will somehow benefit the working class in any mathematical way.
Imagine supporting DESTROYING ECONOMIC PRODUCTION which is the only thing that increases living standards for the working class.

Just kill all socialists desu.
Do it.

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>Imagine thinking that taking wealth from the capitalist class will somehow benefit the working class in any mathematical way.

Did you know that Cuba has ZERO child malnutrition?

literally said poltards elsewhere, /pol/ aren't the only politics obsessed faggots in the world, expand you horizons man

>Did you know that Cuba has ZERO child malnutrition?
No they don't.
Why do you bootlicking brainlets believe the government of a country where a free press is banned?
Are you honestly this brainwashed?

Western economically free countries have virtually zero child malnutrition, the only outliers are niggers that neglect their children when aid is freely available.

>Imagine thinking that taking wealth from the capitalist class will somehow benefit the working class in any mathematical way.
considering that capitalists take that wealth from the working classes, it probably would

Lets compare one of the most socialist countries on earth Cuba, to one of the most capitalist countries on earth Switzerland.

Switzerland has private healthcare and the average warehouse worker there can buy a fucking CITY in America with his wages because it's so valuable.

Fuck socialism.
Fuck poverty.
Fuck restrictions on economic production.

I thought morrissey was a leftist. Every art hoe I know likes him. What did he do to get on normies bad sides?

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>considering that capitalists take that wealth from the working classes
but they don't
surplus theory is marxist pseudoscience.

You can easily break this down with basic logic and the marxists run away because they can not respond.

Taking over the means of production or simply taking all of the money from the capitalists won't actually benefit the working class whatsover.
The working class receives 99% of the end product of economic production(consumer goods and services)
The workers already receive what they put into the system. The capitalists only consume approximately 1% of all consumer goods.
If the workers took all of the capitalist's money and went to spend it, it would simply cause massive price increases because the supply of goods stays exactly the same. That or massive shortages if price controls are implemented. How the fuck can the workers get anything else if the already consume what they produce?

The ONLY thing that increases living standards for the working class is increases in economic production.
The western world has been stagnating since the 1970s due to central banking and massive government spending and intervention.
This is why you are poor, not muh capitalism.

>What did he do to get on normies bad sides?
he became based

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they don't receive proper compensation for their work and capitalists often create money through speculation

The Smiths existed in 1980s England, impoverished, unemployed and poor would be accurate descriptors of pretty much 80 percent of working class then, while the queen stood idly by and did nothing, and once the 80s was done, the 90s started, and Margret Thatcher brought her horrible policies to the table, if any band or person has a right to be political outside of their music, it's Morrissey, England has been a shithole for longer than music has been popular there and it will continue to be unless something is done about the entire structure of the country

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As an sjw who loves Moz you should have clocked that nigga.

Well it would appear that the 12-year-olds from r/thedonald have found their new issue. Their new way of desperately trying to fit in with us on Yea Forums by bridging our interests (music for us, r/thedonald memes for them).

>proper compensation
how do you define "proper compensation" you fucking brainlet
workers are paid their marginal revenue product
they're paid the market rate of labour
the capitalist can't magically dictate the wage of the worker
workers are paid in equilibrium
the capitalist pays the worker enough to where he/she can generate profit, if he/she pays too much he/she will go lose profit, if he/she doesn't pay enough, he/she will lose said employee

If the workers took the profits from the capitalists and went to spend that money, they would still be consuming the same amount of resources, either prices would sharply rise or there would be massive shortages

The workers already consume virtually all the consumer goods.
What more consumer goods can they get than 99%?

>capitalists often create money through speculation
This only happens thanks to central banks which DESTROYS real economic production and makes capitalists even richer.
Yet you commie faggots LOVE central banking

Socialists are fucking retarded
Read MISES you brainwashed faggots

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Based and schizopilled


>pointless eradication of other races/cultures

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imagine being a leftist from reddit(a majority leftist website) getting super upset that other websites aren't as left wing as yours

you should have just killed the jews who own media networks or banks or push tranny shit not all of them

>They seem like great policies
you people are malevolent scum

we're talking about nazis, it's probably just lip service. seems like good policies on paper, but they probably added some other caveats into it

The thing is, these people who are expressing shock and surprise at what Morrissey has said about UKIP and Brexit, and have vowed to not listen to his music again, can't have been big fans of him anyway if they were seemingly oblivious to the fact that he's held views like this for decades.

Obviously these fucking posers just decided to namedrop The Smiths when it became trendy to be a "hipster" a few years ago and 500 Days Of Summer came out and just decided to latch onto Morrissey's name for Indie cred.

You're not gonna listen to his music again? Well, see ya then. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, bunch of fake fans.

>seems like good policies on paper,
im strongly against you evo fascist scumbags

I want to glass most of the environment to make way for human expansion and technology
you people are preventing increased living standards for humans with your hippie garbage

>gruns in modern germany want to do it

>so visionary such heroes

Lefties are children. Hard to find an adult one

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I hate punk music but I didn't know this guy was this based

highly respect

Fuck off selfish asshole, I don't want to destroy the planet so you can have more flat screen tvs. Animals have the right to exist.


rather, how can anyone not hate muslims? you'd have to be outright mad

muslims enslaved my ancestors, fuck them
t. serb

I don't know OP. It's like when people takes way too seriously the political opinions of artists, be it that they agree with them or not. I mean, most of the vocal artists aren't historians, sociologists, psichologists, or actual politicians. It's stupid actually.

this is a meaningless propaganda term used to smear

>I don't want to destroy the planet
Me neither.
I also don't give a shit about a bunch of trees and grass I've seen a million times
turn that shit into a golf course
We need some ecology obviously, but to prevent human expansion in the way we currently do is retarded
also btw bolsonaro is based for burning down the rain forest also that south park episode was right, saving the rain forest is totally gay

>so you can have more flat screen tvs.

>Animals have the right to exist.
No they don't.
It's totally up to humanity which animals get to continue living.

How do you know he was shouting "Fuck Morrissey!" because of his political views? He's always been regarded as a twat by a lot of people because of how he conducts himself in interviews and the way he comes across as a very smug person.

do you racists hate diversity or something?

This Charming Man is the only acceptable Smiths song to play on a night out.

The rest of their stuff is "getting drunk alone" type music.

>the way he comes across as a very smug person.
he just keeps becoming more based the more I hear about him

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diversity is a meaningless buzzword

I love that people still post my moz edits, brings back nice memories

yeah bro For Britain is left wing

Prove it


His singing is horrendous but hes a good songwriter. That's why every Smith's cover is better than the original. Take Ariel Pink's version of This Night Has Opened My Eyes for example. It's fucking beautiful, blows the Smith's version out of the water.

Imagine having shitty taste like this....

The only good smiths album is strangeways. Suck it queer

>the party of murdering children because you can’t bother to use contraceptives on “the cruelty of conservatives”
Screeching that other people should pay to help lazy brown people doesn’t make you a good person , fyi.

False, but that is their best album

He said that the sacred cows that are Muslims beheading chickens is wrong.

He's spoken out against Trump but you can tell that if he didn't have such a huge Mexican-American fanbase he'd be right on that MAGA train.

>dude lets raze nature for a shitty golf course
You are, an absolute faggot. Everything you value is trash.

the cunt supports For Britain and tries to make me feel bad for eating meat, I love his music but fuck him

Labour is anything but nationalist. It's got socialist roots, and has generally been the mainstream left-wing force in the UK for the past few decades.

Recently they've been treading the line on moderate since Corbyn never sets any of his opinions in stone and sorta kinda is an IRA sympathiser.

>mum says to vote tory or I'll get kicked aht af the 'aas
>come out to me dad, start supporting spurs and stick an x next to greens

'ate bigots
'ate the scum and the rentboys
'ate tories, labour and the big nige
simple as

because lefties are weak-minded losers

because politics is like socially acceptable brain cancer

He's second generation Irish diaspora, what business does he have being an English nationalist?

guess how i know you're stupid

(white) nationalist

>the only two systems are socialism and capitalism
lmao braindead americans

good goy, your holocaust class in highschool serves you well

Trump supporters are uneducated shitbags who unironically vote against their own economic interests

> durrrr he has a different opinion than me, fuck him!
t. incel who probably doesn't even have to live with the consequences of Islamic mass immigration into Britain

there's way more that sucks about morrissey than his dumbass opinions

Sounds like a cromwell

>Trump supporters are uneducated shitbags who unironically vote against their own economic interests
no one should be voting for their personal "economic interests" we should work for the good of all ppl not just ourselves retard

most cucked post in the thread

i would unironically go stove that fatfucks head in with a beer bottle or stool or something if id had more than a few drinks

lmao no you wouldn't

this kind of fuckery from both sides is what's screwing us over.