So, Album by artist/band just came out, thoughts?
New Album Release Simulator
I can't wait to see what Fantano thinks about so that way I can just copy my opinion wholesale.
yfw when he clumps it into a 10 minute YUNoReview
Nice quads bro
it sucks and im going to make 20 threads about how much it sucks so everyone can know how much i hate it
>I am forgotten
finna bouta be artist/band’s magnum opus
‘chorus sung 4 times at the end of the song” is my favorite track i’ve heard so far
Not even the best track on the album
based numbers
bateman would be proud
Their self-title was better
>when the (specific passage) on (track) (appropriate verb)
its so good lads. AOTY.
EP > Self Titled >>>>>>>> Album
Band is literally never going to be that good ever again.
a comment that derails the thread into race war
kys (slur)
it's great and i'm going to make 20 threads about how great it is so everyone can know how much i love it
>thinking the Self Titled is better than EP
Imagine being this wrong
positively blessed digits
>listening to artist/band
zoomers ruined this board
>(positive quality about the album)
>(positive quality about the album)
>(positive quality about the album)
Holy shit, this might actually be AOTY, guys
>(negative comment about said quality)
>(negative comment about said quality)
>(negative comment about said quality)
People like you are the reason artist/band doesn't make albums like (debut) and (sophomore) anymore.