New Album Release Simulator

So, Album by artist/band just came out, thoughts?

Attached: album.png (768x768, 25K)

I can't wait to see what Fantano thinks about so that way I can just copy my opinion wholesale.

yfw when he clumps it into a 10 minute YUNoReview

Attached: 2387DB49-C891-47E0-B0DF-CFD6DBDE8CF9.jpg (377x618, 40K)

Nice quads bro

it sucks and im going to make 20 threads about how much it sucks so everyone can know how much i hate it

>I am forgotten

Attached: FUCK.jpg (250x250, 3K)

finna bouta be artist/band’s magnum opus

‘chorus sung 4 times at the end of the song” is my favorite track i’ve heard so far


Attached: B88B2BE0-DA85-433A-9FAF-364DD26E985D.png (354x286, 29K)

Not even the best track on the album


based numbers

bateman would be proud

Their self-title was better

>when the (specific passage) on (track) (appropriate verb)

its so good lads. AOTY.

EP > Self Titled >>>>>>>> Album

Band is literally never going to be that good ever again.

a comment that derails the thread into race war

kys (slur)

it's great and i'm going to make 20 threads about how great it is so everyone can know how much i love it

>thinking the Self Titled is better than EP
Imagine being this wrong

Attached: exv41gtdz0x01.png (851x714, 178K)

positively blessed digits

>listening to artist/band
zoomers ruined this board

Attached: 1447747197685.jpg (435x435, 15K)


>(positive quality about the album)
>(positive quality about the album)
>(positive quality about the album)
Holy shit, this might actually be AOTY, guys

Attached: mOnvOJG.png (2271x2380, 298K)

>(negative comment about said quality)
>(negative comment about said quality)
>(negative comment about said quality)
People like you are the reason artist/band doesn't make albums like (debut) and (sophomore) anymore.
