If this isn't cognitive dissonance idk what is lmao

If this isn't cognitive dissonance idk what is lmao

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even the best heavy metal is still shit music

Good band, shitty records

He got his cock sucked at a concert just like every boomer

>Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap and Back in Black higher than Let There Be Rock and Highway to Hell

kinda yikes

Scaruffi almost never gives out 7s or above to metal albums, which puts AC/DC in the top tier from his perspective

lol what he's given heaps of metal albums 7+

>Okay median score
>This is somehow bad
Why do plebs think everything has to be a 10/10? They act like a 6/10 is bad even though it's above average.

They're great in terms of size

anything under 7 is basically him saying it isn't worth listening to

While I understand numerical rating, I also dislike them for what they've become.

1-5 is shit
6-8 is average
9-10 is someone paid for a review.

yeah treating IGN ratings as the norm is terrible. And even if piero HAD rated ACDC albums low, that doesn't mean he can't think they're a good band. There's a lot of rock bands that are great live but have mediocre studio output, like sunn O)))

It should be

1-4 is shit
5 is average
6 is good
7 is great
8 is greater
9 is greatest
10 is a paid review.

if he gave 6/10 or less to any of your favourite albums you definitely have shit taste, all mine are 8+

no it should be

1-4 is awful
5 is mediocre and not worth listening
6 is decent but not worth listening unless you're a fan
7 is good and worth listening
8 is essential listening
9 is masterpiece
10 is never given out

go back to internet 2.0 piero

Its been a long time since he updated his favorite metal list. He's given some more good metal reviews since then.
>Today Is The Day
>Between the Buried and Me
>Dream Theater
>Peste Noire
probably more

nine inch nails
angkor wat
rollins band

>not a single good band found

it's the same way with rap, I'd never rate it more than an 8/10


and this of course :)


nation of millions is his only hip-hop 8/10

Name one good band from those two lists faggot.
Sepultura doesn't count because they haven't released anything worth jack shit since the 80's.

he's right about this being the best metal album

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most of them are good, lay off the s[o]ylent bugman

You have shit taste. Get off this website.

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Scaruffi is an legend.

Aw, tough luck.

that's pretty based
we should honestly stop pretending that an album being amazing for its genre automatically makes it amazing overall
even the best EDM or heavy metal will never have the nuance or emotional depth of some other genres, it will always be a shallow experience compared to the best classical or jazz

all indie rock dressed up as metal, shocker.
scaruffi fancies himself as "outre" and avant-garde, but he finds music that emerged from a cultural context other than his white liberal adademic sensibilities completely unapproachable.


they're really not. it's clear he likes metal for what he wants it to be (and what it rarely is, usually in a peripheral and superficial way)--"thorny, dissonant" arty music--rather than for what it fundamentally is (a slightly reactionary voice of the working class that sees fantasy in darkness).
he's a tourist.

>8 is average


Attached: a0493365407_10.jpg (1200x1200, 220K)

I agree.

lol you don't like earth? i thought Yea Forums sucked earth's cock badly

>from not worth listening to to essential in 2 grades

think harder about this.


He gave type o negative’s first album a 9

Your all dumb haha!
Here is the only correct version:
1: good
2: very good
3: very very good
4: very very very good
5: very very very very good
6: very very very very very good
7: very very very very very very good
8: very very very very very very very good
9:very very very very very very very very good
10: Penis
Haha! Hahaha

this so much
Many genres simply don’t allow for such freedom and nuance of expression.

AC/DC is a bit zappa-esque but not enough.