GÖRE N' ROLL edition
Previously, on /metal/: FAQ: pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
Other urls found in this thread:
real angery hours
Posting this again for anyone who might have missed it
Is that butthole even human
deathspell omega is problematic
Hatred For Mankind is on there twice
>Hatred for Mankind listed twice
>Epidemic of Violence nowhere to be found
melodeath sucks
Begins & ends with Carcass, No other style is as dependant on 1 band, although doom is a distant second
Fuck, hadn't noticed that. Guess I'll have to update it again.
I absolutely fucking despite this artist, I can enjoy any other porngrind band, but SpermSwamp is just awful even for porngrind, its a complete waste of time and I have no idea why they still get featured on essentials lists
worst of all
>no unholy grave
thank you.
>impetigo - ultimo mondo cannibale (belarusian edition)
what's so special about the belarusian edition?
Nothing, it's just the one that plopped in Topsters
>Bolt Thrower isn't a meme
wish I knew sooner
Alright lads, any quick changes you want to the Madcünt chart? Adding Epidemic of Violence and (obviously) Unholy grave for Unholy Grave user's persistance
Add Cursing Your Will To Live as well. Are you just going to make a new line somewhere btw?
there's a certain type of anger these 2 bands convey, something more than ree ree aaa aaa type vocals, a "human" anger if you will
I'll replace some stuff.
Huh, never heard about that edition before.
I am usually the UG user, but yes more Unholy Grave. Could also use some mad japcore.
How about adding Sadochismo by Cock And Ball Torture?
Also, this is the last time I'll update it, at least for a long time, so no "why isn't X on the chart?". I have posted in more than enough threads for every /metal/ regular to have seen it.
40 hours of wagecuckery really messes with the metal week.
Fucking based
You kinda forgot about the "tourured mouse" though. It will be fixed next year on the third version.
>tourured mouse
>toured mouse
>tourist mouse
Ehh, a few spelling mistakes are permissible. Especially if you can turn them into a meme like post related lol
>Kat - 666
well as a polack I can tell you that they made even more /madcunt/ album than this and its called Bastard and it can be described as ramblings of a madman with some crazy guitarwork in background
here is full album link youtube.com
some notable tracks:
Odmieńcy - some singing, some screeching, some angry commentary on society
Piwniczne widziadła - sick riffs, some "choirs" and really good flow with his voice oscilating on range
Bastard - delivery of the vocals really makes this track, absolute banger
Ojcze samotni - in my opinion probably the most "deranged" track of the album, I have no idea what the fuck he goes on about other than the part with the eagle in chains, still love the track
can you post also part 1? Or any other part there is
I posted small change here and you can add this album to think of this youtube.com
"Bastard" and "Oddech wymarłych światów" are the only two albums of its kind they made, OG "666" you got in chart is bit closer to NWOBHM which is most obvious when you listen to their demos youtube.com
>Been busy
>Not looked at metal for a while
Arse! Missed giving a few recommendations
I am also a phone poster so very gay.
did anyone in metal suck a dick better than chuck schuldiner?
well Halford is a genuine cocksucker
Does /meal/ like Metal?
My guess would be no
Need moar Avant-garde Black Metal, preferably Icelandic. Help an user out
Meal is for kids
Thy catafalque is the only avant-garde band you should listen to
Not necessarily avant-garde but here's some Icelandic recommendations
>DsO worship
Carpe Noctem
>Bit more melodic
Wormlust (IMO the best to come out of Iceland)
>Iceland adjacent
Martröð (members of Wormlust, Leviathan, Chaos Moon, Aosoth)
Rebirth of Nefast (Irish guy who produces for every Icelandic band)
Slidhr (another Irish expat in Reykjavik)
Obscuring Veil (members of Wormlust, Gnaw Their Tongues, Ævangelist)
Skáphe (members of Misþyrming, Chaos Moon)
Guðveiki (members of Wormlust, Chaos Moon)
I recognise nothing. Unusual.
Anyone got recs like Eternal Champion? Really fell in love with that. Cirith Ungol is the closest I've heard and they are great as well.
>Merzbow / Gore Beyond Necropsy - Rectal Anarchy
Oh sweet, I totally forgot about that album, I should re-listen to it
Wrathblade, Sumerlands, Smoulder
Thank you very much user
Hey guys, how does one become a goregrind band these days? I've been thinking of starting one for a couple of weeks now but I'm unsure about things, like what would I do for covers, just pull gore from the internet? That seems like cheating
blasphemy edition
>That seems like cheating
What else would you do? Make your own gore?
if you do please write riffs im tired of shitty ldoh-core
and yeah just google gore, you could be cool and make it black and white
Why is Jig-Ai considered porngrind? They were always promoted as goregrind here in CZ.
porngrind isn't a real genre anyway
Porn theme, there's not much separating the two if you bother to do it at all.
biggest spot on in this thread, thanks user
>centrists are fash apologists
This "if you're not with us, you're against us" bullshit just gets more and more ridiculous.
Yeah but Jig-ai are about the gore aspect of guro, not the porn aspect. They are really only tangentially porn themed (at least on the debut, been a long time since I last heard them).
I know, I didn't make the chart anyway. They have plenty of porn samples though and that might be enough to put them there? Some use pornogrind to refer to groovier mid-tempo goregrind like Cock & Ball Torture but even then it's A. a very small distinction to make and B. not what Jig-Ai are, they're way too brutal death influenced for that.
yeah there is no difference, goregrind and porngrind are the same genre and in fact saying otherwise might expose one as newcomer pretending to be an expert
>why, yes of course I do differentiate between Gore- and Pornogrind, dont you?
>Ew, that's gross! I only listen to power metal
>Has maybe the best voice of 80's Thrash
>Wasted it by screaming YEAH 204 times every show
Rip James' perfected voice 1987-1995
What are the best Deicide records beside the first two?
For the faggot that asked for a slam chart yesterday - this is on the archive. Probably needs an update but whatever
he blew it out touring for 3 straight years + lots of alcohol
His vocals were shit compared to Tom Araya's and so was his music.
slayer hasn't put out a good album in over 3 decades fuckboi.
Everything here is so sexy
Everyone here is so horny
I remember it as from a wet dream
In the corner of this time
Big cum float by
Out from the dick
I remember it was here I came
By following the freezing cock
It's night again, night you beautiful
I please my penis on horny humans
Night of horny things, follow it's cock
Follow the freezing cock
Penis is growing, the vagina opens
The nipples and cocks are hard again
As in horny times
Fallen cum's, behind my ass
by following the freezing cock
Rec me good meloshit
The newest Amorphis record
while Amorphis is on the mind, I really like Elegy but Tales from the Thousand Lakes does nothing for me. am I just a pleb with shit taste or am I missing something? It just really bores me
good meloblack:
Not the guy who asked for it, but I was going to today. Thanks user
Switch them around and it's exatly how I feel. Elegy is a background album for me
can i get some more metal that sounds as bone crushing as these? i've yet to find any that are as heavy
specifically, youtube.com
Slam or BDM?
>bone crushing
>not sunn O)))
nothing can beat suffocation
Rippikoulu - Musta seremonia
Slaughter is more weirdo than madcünt.
I like how they flipped their lyrical direction from philosophical/theological essays to straight up fascist propaganda pamphlets. And it fits exceptionally well into overall more rigid, rhythm-driven music.
I gotta say, the first listen I was unsure, but it grows on me more and more. A lot more solid, dynamic, well thought-out, and a bit more subtle album. The ending track is an absolute 10/10 in the context of the whole thing. I love it
>straight up fascist propaganda pamphlets
wtf i love dso now
but seriously, just lmaoing @ leftists continue to eat themselves alive. dso for years was a darling of pitchfork tourists because it was prime dissoshit. now they're against it.
New Misþyrming really grew on me after the 4th listen
NSBM etc. seems like a good answer to cleanse the scene of all of the soichuggers, trannies, normies and other tourists
(((inclusion))) in the genre is what has ruined a lot of it
name of the eigth album?
>NSBM etc. seems like a good answer to cleanse the scene of all of the soichuggers, trannies, normies and other tourists
>(((inclusion))) in the genre is what has ruined a lot of it
Véhémence favorite album right now
take our music seriously.
It's interesting that it's only become a point of controversy now. Mikko has been in the band for 15 years, and then you have their 2001 interview where they explicitly call themselves fascists and praise the holocaust. Neither of these things are secrets. The exact same thing happened with Mgła - suddenly leftists are up in arms because they're signed to Northern Heritage and have NSBM associations, even though that's been true for decades. Why didn't they care back in 2015 when Exercises in Futility was released? Why now? What changed?
>muh secret club
Because extreme right ideologies have gained more supporters in the past few years. Simple. Don’t know why you need to think it. It’s still hilariously hypocrite of their part but yeah
I'm far from read up on it but it feels like people are a lot quicker to call out "nazis" now because so much of your life is online that people feel the need to virtue signal
the political divide between the right and left is larger than ever and everyone is out for internet blood
Right wing movements no longer seem like something in the distant past, but will probably make for 1/3 of the European parliament. And these are all mild, sovereign nationalism based parties and groups, which really didn't exist in 2013. And they have mass appeal to the non bourgeois.
It's the election day here in Europe for the EU parliament. Might listen to some Peste Noire if it goes well to celebrate.
leftists do no research of any kind, it's that simple
they rely on trending gossip on social media and I canguarantee you that they absolutely did not know about these histories and found out about them just recently
as opposed to the enlightened right, who carefully consider the validity of every article posted on Breitbart and Inforwars
Both sides are retarded its funny to see them fight over who is the most retarded side, they’re both mindless robots
Sunn is too meandering i just want pure wall of drone
Fucking Burger politics.
Boris has drums and I feel that adds a lot to the crushage.
sorry didn't know breitbart and infowars wrote about black metal
fucking retard
holy fucking shit
rec me some christian nsbm
Sounds like Christian alternative metal
Lads its Memorial day weekend, post hauls and prices.
Sad Wings 25 dollars.
Made in Japan 7 dollars
Technical Ecstacy 7 dollars
all nsbm
Is there an Essential Glam Metal chart?
have you never heard goth rock? they aren't christian either btw
all nsbm rejects christianity because of its (((roots)))
Fascists and National Socialists don't read Breitbart or Infowars, those are "conservative" websites that praise Israel
shrine of malice has an interesting vocalist. I recommend checking lord of flies by them
Yeah they read more authentic sources of information like /pol/
Its great stuff. Lovely Gothic metal.
>rec me some christian nsbm
Doesn't exist. But check out Panegyrist and Reverorum ib Malacht for quality Christian metal.
>Yeah they read more authentic sources of information like /pol/
Probably a better source of news than most newspapers/internet portals
>Probably a better source of news than most newspapers/internet portals
And here you can see my point proved
I'll give you a list
Listen - Just Listen to Me
Advice - A Life Lesson for Free
Skip Glam - Steer Clear
Hot Tip! - OSDM's Better, Dear
extreme metal musiclet cringe
That was very clever user
I don't really go to /pol/. I was trying to say journalism sucks.
why does fash shit make /meal/ sperg out so much
Give me your best black metal chart and I'll see if I don't already have it in my folder
Deafheaven and Liturgy is all you need
Already have that one, big guy
Sorry, I only posted it for you.
It's usually tourists or amerifats who bring up this "omg this guy is totally a nazi, I can't listen to his music any more" and then all the /pol/fags (and larpers) come out of the woodwork.
>Let's blame the Americans
No Burzum shirts at Thou shows. watch out for these badasses.
user...what's going on, big guy? I already have that in my folder.
I put tourists right before mutts, but yeah sure, it's just you fat fucks.
>le /pol/ bogeyman
>söyboy genre tourist band follows safe american identity politics
colour me surprised
good albums but calm the fuck down you autistic loser
>Tourists or Amerifats
Did you not read that you put OR in your sentence? You didn't say AND.
>better than sunn O)))
gotta get it right, it's
My bad, I should of paid more attention to this one detail of my post, I took for granite that you wouldn't know the difference anyway :^)
just two songs in and this is great
I come here for the politics
Great thread
>I took for granite
this is a meme right
>took for granite
>Think "should of" is normal
For all intensive purposes, you're fucking retards
>took for granite
"Should of" is equally retarded, you fucking smoothbrain
Got 'em. How stupid are you that you all fell right into my trap?
Take for granted means you mistakingly thought something was something else, like you thought something was granite when it wasn't
It's one of those old sayings
>How stupid are you that you all fell right into my trap?
Would've worked if I actually used "should of"
Everyone says should of you pretentious autists
Scarruffi, what the FUCK
all of this shit sounds exactly like a certain person might be around
>Everyone says something incorrectly you pretentious autists
Nothing wrong with trannies
based retard
It's not incorrect if it's modern dialect you fucking faggot nerd
>It's popular so it's right
>t. American education
>Nothing wrong with trannies
Yeah that's how this shit actually works you fucking idiot
Should of makes no fucking sense, you're just retarded
Trey Ass Gay Thot
This is why no one likes you autist. To autistic to comprehend shit. It means like you should of done something, makes perfect sense.
t. pretentious European faggot
If you honestly believe that, then what are you doing here? Isn't rap more popular than metal? And isn't reddit more popular than 4channel? Maybe you should go back there
It's should have. Not should of. You're thinking of should've but spelling it as should of.
>It means like you should of done something, makes perfect sense
>of you heard the new Nocturnus album yet?
>of you got a light?
>tfw I of no gf
Should of makes more since to me. Have means something that belongs to you but okay I've seen should've to
Probably why people changed it to make more sense
Too bad they couldn't explain this simple thing at burgerschools
based, Godzilla 2014 is really enjoyable despite not being that great
>Yellow Eyes
Based taste
You think you're smarter than me because you remember obscure little facts? You're just a pretentious nerd with a little dick
>t. literal nigger
>elitist bad
Yeah, aside form this whole thing being off-topic, it's also gotten really sad and obnoxious. No more (you)s for you
>obscure little facts
It's basic grammar, you brainlet
based cookie crisp
>hurr stop being mad that fascists are successfully trying to turn metal into propaganda to recruit
>chill out bro just be a based centrists and let them over the world whats the big deal bro?
>>hurr stop being mad that fascists are successfully trying to turn metal into propaganda to recruit
I don't think this is happening
So? The person in the picture is correct
By standing is wrong
>t. i listen to music that aligns with my political agenda to reinforce my bullshit brainlet views to repress the fact that i subconsciously know i am a low-test eunuch who will never reproduce
can confirm, I heard Marduk playing a racist riff and I could instantly feel it recruiting me
some of them absolutely are. You can't listen to m8l8th and read the lyrics and not see that his attempt to advance his agenda onto others is a more of a driving factor in his music than actually making meaningful art
I don't read lyrics and it sounds like you should stop reading them as well
it's clearly destabilizing your mental faculties
Marduk normalize nazi imagery. Just look at all the centrist metalheads defending them
>You can't listen to m8l8th
Indeed, they fucking suck
So how is m8l8th pronounced? Meyleyth? Meightleight? Meleth?
Please post some examples.
what are you Jack Thompson or something?
I believe it is pronounce "shit".
Most metalheads are becoming nazi apologists thanks to bands like Marduk
Just look at all the outrage about my comrades at antifa getting them banned from shows
>I don't read lyrics
now you're being too obvious
Have you considered people are angry because Marduk aren't NSBM and never were, and that's why?
>NSBM is bad because it pushes an extreme ideology that has killed millions
>RABM is good because it pushes an extreme ideology that has killed millions
Is it that difficult to understand?
RABM is also trying to normalize having extremely low IQ
>Most metalheads are becoming nazi apologists
more-so black metal fans than metal fans in general, but you have a point.
The typical brainwashed NPC black metal fan will defend Der Sturmer and Adolfkvlt's right to exist ("dude who cares about the politics if they make good music???" - even though they suck, but that is another story...), but will freak the fuck out over goofy shit like Neckbeard Deathcamp, or blindly hate all lefty BM/RABM because "black metal shouldn't be about that".
One killed people who deserved it for trying to oppose positive change, the other people for being the ''wrong'' race
M8l8th are doing that too and they're NSBM
one killed based on racial hatred, retard. the other killed because the economics were stupid
>dude just let them sing about being nazis
>it's just art bro who cares if people are buying shirts and albums with nazi imagery and celebrating dead jews?
>just let it happen bro
Literally nobody I know listens to NBDC. I wonder how they were at MDF.
Wow great discussion about metal music and not cringy Nazi/commie larpers having the same argument for the millionth time
Again, can you show me an example?
>will freak the fuck out over goofy shit like Neckbeard Deathcamp
all I've seen is people laughing at how goofy they are
nobody's trying to get them banned or anything which can't be said about the diaper brigade obsesing about nsbm and so on
why the fuck does nobody talk about pest when it comes to >>/madcunt/ vocals?
Post Anti Communist Metal
What are you faggots blastin'?
I see people getting buttmad over Memebeard /pol/camp all the time because they are "unfunny" and "make a mockery of the genre"
if you haven't seen it, you've been living under a rock
f you have metalhead friends on Facebook, make a post about being glad Marduk was banned (as I have done) and you will see Jordan Peterson fans come out of the word works talking about muh freeze peach and ''it's just art man chill bro''
Good way to purge a friends list
This happens every now and then. Just toss a coin to decide what side to larp as and have fun
just go on any metal forum and search for a post criticizing NSBM
Why do people get so butthurt over politics?
/metal/ when it first came out, metal archives forums, the reviews on RYM and metal archives that talk more about the message and lore than the music
But it really doesn't matter about their political views if the music is good. People shit on RABM because it has a way higher Shit:Gold ratio than NSBM. Also, all these people suddenly becoming "Nazi Apologists". Who cares? Does it hurt your feelings that their political beliefs are a different retarded than yours?
>just let hitler talk man, freeze peach
>/metal/ when it first came out
What? We were all laughing at how shitty it was. Honestly, if they had done a good job with their lyrics, this would have been a /meal/ classic.
Iirc they had a line about "tendie terrorism" or something like that in one of their songs and I thought that was pretty funny. The rest was just dull though
>mostly pagan folk, atmoshit faggotry
>crust punk infused black metal, war metal, angry though shit
just saying lads...
>the reviews on RYM
last time I checked RYM was fawning over the album, same with Gaylord
I only remember memes from /meal/ like pic related but I guess they're a sing of ""freaking out"" to some people
I've been listening to Marduk for 10 years now. Does their turn away from satanism to militarism upset you?
You centrist tool
I fucking love that Destruction song
Post patrician sludge, hardcore and grunge.
Lions of the sea!!
They ride the wind eternally!
They fight to be free!!
Roaming the seven seas of fate!
>patrician grunge
does not exist, my man.
here is some sludge:
Join the Crusades by Tidal Dreams. After that Vehemence.
All these people with their dumb Fascist/Communist crap need to go away. Give me some TRVE MONARCHIST METAL!!!!
Objectively incorrect
Can Somebody recommend albums that feature grotesque drawn creatures on the front cover?
I'd love to hear this as well, true patrician choice.
>Hasn't listened to Crimeny - Peat
fucking christ do you faggots ever talk about anything else?
Yeah, it was all extremely stale/obvious memes that only reddit shitters would find still amusing. Plus they're mocking a group that literally rallies around pictures of cartoon frogs, not exactly biting satire. Metal in general is populated with too many dummies, so NBDC is about as clever a project as we can expect these days.
rec me some more funeral doom where the synths are louder than the guitars
As much as I'd like to believe most of the nazis are trolls on here, there's way too much praise for NSBM on here for that to be remotely the case
rent free
Reminder that political metal any kind is cringe because it is self-righteous. Metal should not be an outlet for moral-faggotry
If you aren't anarcho capitalist you're a fucking sheep
Based and correct.
Indeed. I mean fuck, just take a look at these lyrics. Is there anything gayer than this kind of moral fagging? This isn't even all the lyrics since they all wouldn't fit into one screenshot.
This but Unironically
lmao this is based
This is literally the most onions thing I've ever read
>If you aren't a caveman, you're a fucking sheep
Horses, air crafts, dirt bikes, mountain bikes and off road SUVs
gay dudes swallow each others' nut so doesn't that mean that they have more testosterone in their bodies than us straight plebs?
This is definitely from a black metal band, isn't it?
The band is Iskra. black metal/crust.
it's Iskra, it's crusty black metal
>I'm 17 and totally have the world figured out
>derailing progressive ideals
this whole thing reads like right wing satire of lefties, it's so shitty
I agree but man where the fuck is Haemorrhage? One of the best goregrind bands, best there is besides old carcass, abcess, and exhumed.
>Is there anything gayer than this kind of moral fagging?
It's called being a decent human being
>This isn't even all the lyrics since they all wouldn't fit into one screenshot.
Too many word for grug
grug want lyric be drink beer and fuck slut
Pantera is still the best metal band that there ever was, even their glam period was based
>If you aren't anarcho capitalist you're a fucking sheep
it's crusty because they don't shower
>caring about lyrics, in black metal of all genres
this is album is just too much fun
you're probably baiting, but needing lyrics to didactically, ultra-literally explain exactly what they mean to you is some real low IQ Grug shit.
ONLY their glam period was based FTFY
You do realize, that's where the term crusty came from in the first place?
showing isn't for the trve
>It's called being a decent human being
why do you defend bigotry?
who hurt you
bigotry is healthy because societies without standards lapse into relativism, nihilism and rot.
Yeah I have that one too. Sry for late reply
>Decent human beings must put a stop to this misery
>Equality and respect is crucial to our vision of a future society
I remember a time when we used to discuss music and not just stupid shit like this.
at least they aren't making it vague like so many crypto nazi black metal bands
im seeing it
That looks like some tasty ass gas station pizza that's been sitting on a heater for 12 hours
No you don't stop pretending this isn't your first week here.
He's wearing a gommunist outfit you tard