What a dissapointment

What a dissapointment.

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absolute plebs

Be honest. You guys only listened to it once

I'm afraid you're the one who doesn't have the experience to recognize that this album is a clusterfuck of amateur soundcloud-tier tracks with a couple polished tracks thrown in (the singles). The tracks have no flow, no cohesion; he obviously just grabbed random ideas he had been working on over the past years and said "fuck it, this is it." Listen to his past albums and you at least get the feeling like those tracks belong on the same album.

>He listens to albums more than once

I love black people

Thrice. Then I went back and listened to Cosmogramma and You're Dead to make sure I wasn't crazy in thinking that FlyLo is capable of producing cohesive albums. He is. Flamagra is not one of them.

lmao you sound overly upset that i have a superior taste in music to u

its okay, just dont act like you liked this album the whole time when it eventually becomes mucore

>listening to albums more than once.
Sorry that I actually enjoy music and the album experience.
I respect your opinion. Not as big of a Cosmogramma fan myself, and Flamagra was more down my alley. You’re Dead is his best though imo

Los Angeles is his best. Easily the catchiest and most cohesive project he's made.

>Not as big of a Cosmogramma fan myself, and Flamagra was more down my alley.
That's wild, I absolutely love Cosmogramma. It's funny how people's opinions vary regarding FlyLo's work.
>Easily the catchiest and most cohesive project he's made.
I'll give you the last half for sure. First half is debatable, but I can see where you're coming from, it's just not my style. I prefer the jazzier, romantic sound of Cosmogramma.

I don't understand the people saying this album is not cohesive. Other than Say Something, everything has a pretty similar sound.

I think he's at his best when his music is more futuristic and bleep/bloopy. Comet Course and Camel are peak FlyLo

It doesn't reach the highs of his best work and on top of that it has some of the worst songs he's ever released as well

Finally got around to finishing it tonight and unfortunately agree. Another one fell off. Ready for the new decade and for new talent to take over.

>that stan who just calls people plebs in even Flamgara thread

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This album made me miss getting high with my friends in high achool. We listened to flying lotus and all the other artists in that small chillwave microgenre that popped up at the beginning of the decade. 2010- 2012 was so fun. Miss it bros


Flylo hasn't made a great album in 9 years... wild but true

It's weird really. I should enjoy this album as a Flylo stan but I just can't.

It wasn't bad, but I think the reason it didn't feel special was that Flying Lotus didn't really experiment as much as I would like. Listening back to the soundcloud unfinished tracks made me think about how many ways he could have changed up his sound and let it evolve.

Takashi is so bad. i dont know why he chose to release that as a teaser

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every god damn song is in A minor

It sucks because he played all the instruments himself instead of just doing it all on a DAW.


Nice to see I am not the only one who is not crazy about Cosmogramma. I totally don't really get why people make out that or Los Angeles are so great. What he's put out since then is more interesting to me. This new album is pretty nice I think.