With the influx of god awful music made by niggers on this board recently, post some actually good nigger music

With the influx of god awful music made by niggers on this board recently, post some actually good nigger music.

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You start

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Why call it nigger music if you actually respect it?

If a nigger makes good music he's worth something and there is nothing a jew hates more than a nigger who is worth something.

And that's why hebrews forced rock and rap's popularity.

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Because OP is so edgy that he can say the word nigger. Nobody else would dare to say the word nigger, because they'd be called a racist. OP is surely the only person who can say the word nigger. Everyone else is just too afraid to say it. They're all scared of being called racist. But, OP, he can say nigger because he wants to show how the left will never take away his free speech, including his ability to say the word nigger.

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LOL racism funny

le epic wholesome memes


Take a couple deep breaths, drink your soi, and calm down

jive ass slippers

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kindly go back to your containment sewer, virgin

It's literally not racist to use the word nigger to refer to a black person

You shouldn't degrade people who accomplish great things. You can call thugs niggers all you want but you need to make a distinction between icons like Coltrane and some random black shithead.

how the fuck did black music go from the beautiful expression of jazz to rapping about thug lyfe and bitches?


>tfw you haven't dilated all day

The truth of the matter is black music was never good. Jazz is vain wanking that, at its best, is a pale imitation of classical music (Mingus et al). It was just academically sainted as "great music" as a form of artistic affirmative action.

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Ok retard

I love Stevie so much lads


Have sex.

What does this mean?

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He's calling you a tranny

South African Jazz

Ethiopian Jazz

Anyone else know some good African jazz? Bonus points for something from west Africa.

I like to think Adorno would've appreciated early political rap a lot for it's outsider position in relation to the wider culture industry and it's creativity in relation to it's themes. Modern rap would've probably brought him to tears, by contast.

one of the greatest niggers of all time

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Pres is God

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When you have a neovagina, you have to separate it twice a day so it doesn't heal. It's fucking gross and it's undeniable proof that transgenderism is a disease and a very dangerous one.

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The Jimi Hendrix Experience made 3 studio albums, all 3 are among the best 25 ever recorded. Too bad he died, I would have loved to see what he would have done with metal.

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Best funkadelic album coming through

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that is fucking horrifying

The abolishment of segregation in the mid-60s is what caused the decline of the blacks.
During segregation, blacks were put into a situation where they were forced to strive to be the best versions of themselves. That all disappeared immediately as soon as the races were allowed to mingle together.
There were two other key points in the decline, the assassination of MLK (which provoked nationwide "chimpouts") and 1977 blackout of New York City (where hip-hop was invented). I believe the blackout just increased the speed of the decline and things would have gotten that bad by 1980 regardless.
Black people need to be strictly controlled by whites in order for them to be somewhat civilized. They just reverted back to their old African selves, that's all. I don't think the people that voted for the Civil Rights Act in 1964 knew how badly things would turn out. The only thing to do now is to re-brand segregation as pro-black. Give it 10-20 years after its re-introduction and we might get jazz back.

i really don't understand why, as the media pushes down my throat, should I appreciate
> nigga nigga drugs nigga money *gunshots* *monkey screeching*
"music" when I can wholeheartedly respect and adore such black musical geniuses as Bird, Coltrane, Montgomery, Hendrix etc.? Why can't rap stop being held up by affirmative action and go straight into the trash bin, where it belongs?

What’s your favourite exuma album
The first is certainly good but I think I prefer exuma ii
It’s not held up by affirmative action
It’s there because of low standards
And because it’s easiest to make shitty rap rather than actual music the market will be flooded if it can be flooded

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Based. Best Parliament album coming this way

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nice KGB-commissioned comic-meme my friend, you sure told me

keep seething in your toxic ideology

desu being toxic shouldn't be a variable in discussing political philosophy, and you're a fag for thinking that it's in any way a meaningful criticism of a guy saying nigger or said lad's political takes. Liberalism philosophically has been historically been shitty and pretty racist (the enlightenment basically) and communists are probably the most "toxic", bitter, lonely, and depressed people I know for living in a world that's too far gone to ever change in a meaningful way to them. "Toxic" is a meme word for normies who only give a shit about pleasure and "being positive" and only care for a living for it's own sake as a hollow husk, rather than a good person leading a life worth living. You ought to be worthy of the happiness you so desire before you should ever get it, and I find it pathetic that you turn to sarcasm and rhetoric rather than being sincerely critical for all it's worth.

Niggers aren't human