I am 100% alligned with the man both politically and artistically. He is a hero. We love you Moz and Yea Forums supports you.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>see headlines that he supports an "alt-right" party
>look it up

Literally just voiced support for a political party that scrutinizes open immigration practices and takes a voice against one of the most oppressive, hateful, destructive religious groups the world has ever known.

What the fuck?

morrissey isn't politics he is a troll

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If morrissey died when the smiths released strangeways he would be remembered with the likes such as Ian Curtis, etc. Instead he has released many insignificant albums and now resorts to publicity stunts to remain “relevant”

Criticising multiculturalism is the modern day heresy.

>viva hate
>vauxhall and i
>amazing live performances
>your arsenal
>you are the quarry

seek sunlight.

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uh-oh how will the poltards escape this tricky conundrum

>he would be remembered with the likes such as Ian Curtis

I don't know what his political views are exactly
but I would be against him for making music that has bored me to tears

morrissey was a significantly better writer. ian tried too hard and meandered around in god knows how many of their songs.

He’s still based retard, actual /pol/acks don’t care for drumph

Punch Fascists

Cognitive dissonance suppressant ACTIVATE!

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Why is there all of a sudden a big reaction now? Everyone has known for decades that Morrissey is openly right wing. People should be able to handle differring opinions.

By understanding that even someone I disagree with on certain issues is still a human being and has other opinions that I do agree with. That no one is entirely black and white and while I might not like him I can still stand for his right to speak his mind.

Not even a /pol/tard but this shit should be common sense. Your us vs them mentality is the problem.

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Maybe if the anti-immigration crowd tried distancing themselves from literal nazis. But they seem more than happy to support em.

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>differing opinions
yeah bro, openly supporting racism and facism is merely a "differing opinion"

>People should be able to handle differring opinions.
What do you think this is, ten years ago?

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This noone on pol likes zionDon

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>By understanding that even someone I disagree with on certain issues is still a human being and has other opinions that I do agree with.

Why aren't brown people afforded this treatment?

>He doesn't completely agree with me so he's a literal fascist nazi communist.
You people are the reason trump is getting a second term.

By killing President Donald Trump.

In what way aren't they? We won't allow them to cross our border with no requirements along with a free ride? What a terrible racist I am.

give me sucky fucky morrissey man

Who are you quoting? There are a huge number of literal nazis within the anti-immigration crowd, yet the so called "moderates" do nothing to distance themselves from said nazis. I could repeat this point as many times as you'd like.

>In what way aren't they?

They're dehumanized on the basis of their "perceived" beliefs. Whenever the US blows up an entire village in the middle east it's not uncommon to hear people to say "well, the non-combatant civilians there probably hated gays, so it's alright".

Let me rephrase that
>Because someone doesn't completely agree with you, and happens to think something you don't means they are literal nazis because they aren't constantly distancing themselves from a tiny minority of people who have no real impact on society other than being this years boogieman.

>human beings can be illegal
based brainwashed bootlicker

Show me one example of that, that isn't a youtube comment.

Never said that. They aren't citizens of this country and we have requirements for entry. You wouldn't go to costco withought a membership and say
>human beings can be illegal

same thing.

>who have no real impact on society other than being this years boogieman.

The president of the united states literally called them "fine people" and has retweeted literal FAKE videos about immigrants that they posted. I doubt you'll ever admit this is an issue tho.

Imagine if Africa were a superpower and the leader of the continent retweeted fake videos about white african farmers attacking black farmers. Wouldn't you find that terrible?

You don't have to agree with him, but he has the right to state his beliefs.
People like you that oppose freedom of speech seem to think that the government will always be on your sid. You're all too cocky about being on the "right side of history" that you're unable to think about things from differing perspectives.
If you think he's wrong, let him be wrong. I personally don't agree with Morrissey, but there's absolutely no reason to ban him.

>muh freedom of speech to be racist
brainwashed trash can't think for yourself

Here's the literal president of the united states of america:

Dying to see what mental gymnastics you're gonna pull to justify this. Or maybe you're gonna deflect/move goalposts.

kill yourself

>fine people
Opinion immediately disregarded.
>"No, no. There were people in that rally -- and I looked the night before -- if you look, there were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee. I’m sure in that group there were some bad ones. The following day it looked like they had some rough, bad people -- neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them.
"But you had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest, and very legally protest -- because, I don’t know if you know, they had a permit. The other group didn’t have a permit. So I only tell you this: There are two sides to a story. I thought what took place was a horrible moment for our country -- a horrible moment. But there are two sides to the country.

It's called context. He said he hated the neo nazis, but that some people were there for the right reason and they got dragged into it. Whether that's true or not I honestly don't know, but he never said he supported nazis

I fucking hate trump but jesus dude get your facts straight if you want to have an opinion on something

>People like you that oppose freedom of speech seem to think that the government will always be on your sid.

Not the guy you're responding to, but I do believe free speech should be moderated for factual accuracy. We could argue over who gets to decide on the terms of said moderation, but the reality is that lies tend to spread much faster than the time it takes to refute them, and that is objectively bad for society.

I'm brown, and in your country. And there's NOTHING you can do about it.

>free speech should be moderated
This country is over isn't it?

>well, the non-combatant civilians there probably hated gays, so it's alright".
He never said that. SO you're the one moving goalposts here.

Regardless of that I don't like his answer and again I don't like him as POTUS. Doesn't mean he's a rascist homophobic nazi.

tell em, bb

Cool bro. As long as you are legal and productive you a-ok with me.

Russia just ran a successful psy-op and installed a puppet president in the US. This was only their first trial. They're only going to get better at this

You don't think we should install some sort of protection against that? Sounds like YOU want this country to be over

>Russia just ran a successful psy-op and installed a puppet president in the US.
Oh, you're a conspiracy theorist and/or paid shill. Moving on.

>Facebook and Twitter LITERALLY testified in congress about how they were infiltrated by Russia
>this is literally in the government record
fucking retard

I don't know about Morrissey, but I'm a leftist angi-immigrationist/nativist/protectionist. I basically hold the same positions as leftists of the early-1900's in many ways. But neoliberalism seems to be winning this whole fight, along with the mass-immigration that neoliberals and corporatists adore so much.

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When freedom of speech is moderated, it's no longer freedom of speech.
The only reason why you want it to be like this is because you are just so confident that your own beliefs will never be considered "problematic" by the government. The more you want to censor the alt-right, the more they will want to censor you.

Because they're small, they smell, and they look different than me

>despite being only 13% of the population...

>The only reason why you want it to be like this is because you feel society would be better off if fake news/lies weren't allowed to propagate at the rate they currently do

Fixed that for you.

Maybe read the thread before proving my point in front of everyone, lad.

Just because a news article doesn't match your own political beliefs, it does not automatically make it factually wrong.

based thread

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I'm referring to instances when things are "factually wrong". Like when people posted pics of muslims celebrating eid as muslims celebrating 9/11/

I don't like the rivarly between The Cure and Smiths/Morrisey fans, as a Curefag first, I will defend Morrisey with all of my fight.

Or when someone claims there are more than two genders.

or when someone claims life starts at conception

What about when someone says that life starts at conception but they don't care and suck em out anyway?

What about when someone says there are two biological genders but Trans things should be treated with some degree of respect and be called what they want.

How would those be censored?

Who here /californiason/?

Or, OR, While they don't personally believe in abortion and wouldn't personally do but have no objection to people making their own decisions about their own genetic material

Or agreeing that trans individuals are human beings who deserve a base level of respect, they should not be forced to call anyone anything so they can fuck off with their pronouns.

How do you handle that?

I don't like all his music or like all of his views (nobody does except morrissey, I reckon) but anyone punished for thought-crime deserves support.

Some Muslims did exactly that.
You can't just ignore things that don't fit into your narrative. People get sucked into mindlessly following the party lines of whatever political group they follow, and for the left wing, the line is that "all Muslims are peace loving and good", which of course is impossible.
However, it would obviously be propaganda for a news article to say that all Muslims are terrorist sympathizers that supported 9/11. If you think about this logically, it's obvious both sides exaggerate what they want to see.

You don't know what fascism means.

1. the media reports anyone right of mainstream conservatism is a "neo-nazi." A white person who has the values of a typical Han Chinese person living in China ("my people have a right to maintain racial homogeneity and cultural hegemony in our own country") is a nazi according to the media.
2. even if they were nazis, people are responsible for their own ideas and their own actions. the idea that mainstream anti-immigrant people are obliged to "condemn" nazis suggests that they're responsible for other people. They're not.

Absolutely this.
I have disagreements with people all the time, but nobody deserves to have their beliefs illegalized no matter how right or wrong those beliefs are.

it literally is though. speech is just speech. you're free to have the most horrible, wrongheaded thoughts and opinions possible. period.
actions are actions. when a harmful thought manifests itself as a harmful action, that's when harm has been done and it's okay to punish somebody.
why is this distinction so hard to understand for the left?

do you not realize words have their own impact?
of course you don’t. you can only see from the perspective of your straight white male mind. you’ve never imagined yourself as a minority or woman

CNN and MSNBC sure did a number on your head.

>you can only see from the perspective of your straight white male mind. you’ve never imagined yourself as a minority or woman
Holy shit. You're a racist twat and you don't even know it.

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I'm still baffled that CNN is considered liberal in america. They're center right by non-American standards.

I'm not the guy you're responding to, but yes I have imagined what it would be like to be a woman. If I was a woman, it would socially acceptable for me to cry in public in both stressful and happy situations. Of course people should keep in mind the audience they're with, but anything potentially hurtful said doesn't warrant an arrest. Broken friendships, yes. Arrest, no.

Every news channel in america would be right outside of america. America is something of a right leaning country. Doesn't change the fact they've been parroting a conspiracy theory for years, and when it was officially debunked they lost a metric fuck ton of credibility in everyone's eyes, and are making it worse by continuing to parrot it.

It's a good thing that Americans are blissfully unaware of actual leftism. They have remained relatively stable as a world power, in comparison to a country like France, because of their ingrained centrism.

wtf I hate Morrissey now