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Other urls found in this thread:

get off kpg and read

Homer – Iliad; Odyssey
The Old Testament
Aeschylus – Tragedies
Sophocles – Tragedies
Herodotus – Histories
Euripides – Tragedies
Thucydides – History of the Peloponnesian War
Hippocrates – Medical Writings
Aristophanes – Comedies
Plato – Dialogues
Aristotle – Works
Epicurus – "Letter to Herodotus"; "Letter to Menoecus"
Euclid – Elements
Archimedes – Works
Apollonius – Conics
Cicero – Works (esp. Orations; On Friendship; On Old Age; Republic; Laws; Tusculan Disputations; Offices)
Lucretius – On the Nature of Things
Virgil – Works (esp. Aeneid)
Horace – Works (esp. Odes and Epodes; The Art of Poetry)
Livy – History of Rome
Ovid – Works (esp. Metamorphoses)
Quintilian – Institutes of Oratory
Plutarch – Parallel Lives; Moralia
Tacitus – Histories; Annals; Agricola; Germania; Dialogus de oratoribus (Dialogue on Oratory)
Nicomachus of Gerasa – Introduction to Arithmetic
Epictetus – Discourses; Enchiridion
Ptolemy – Almagest
Lucian – Works (esp. The Way to Write History; The True History; The Sale of Creeds; Alexander the Oracle Monger; Charon; The Sale of Lives; The Fisherman; Dialogue of the Gods; Dialogues of the Sea-Gods; Dialogues of the Dead)
Marcus Aurelius – Meditations
Galen – On the Natural Faculties
The New Testament
Plotinus – The Enneads
St. Augustine – "On the Teacher"; Confessions; City of God; On Christian Doctrine

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any sharkman in
wow, she's beautiful
any sharkman in
wow, she's beautiful
any sharkman in
wow, she's beautiful

>Homer – Iliad; Odyssey
stopped reading there

Attached: D2RH6XUUgAASVHy.jpg (682x1024, 70K)

Read the BIG WHITE chronicles first


based china

brilliant op

Attached: best.png (723x903, 1.37M)

which ceo was too rough with jungkook in his teens that gave him this scar

Attached: DyqcOCpWoAEIKk-.jpg (533x555, 28K)

Attached: 1543121980584.jpg (1365x2048, 302K)

bruh that's a REALLY LONG read

how many of these have you read

you can finish. i believe in you

ceo-nim is rude as fuck

I made her the OP for you Horsebro. We're cool.

Attached: D7RK1dZV4AAaO1D.jpg (566x566, 33K)

>The youngest patient I have ever had was 8 years old. Their mom wants them to be a child actor/actress, and she thought it would be nice for her child to have double eyelids.
why are gooks so retarded

get a room fags

Already read:
The old and new testament
All of st. Augustine except "on the teacher"
Marcus aurelius - meditations
Epictetus - Discourse
Iliad and odyssey

Also epicurus is shit tier

hara gone

any sharkman in

what's wrong with this guy


Attached: D7V-_BRUEAEXjpR.jpg (1500x2250, 471K)

That guy has a terrible personality and isn't even handsome, he looks like some scrawny beta swede.

imagine these pearly white fingers wrapped around your cock

Attached: D15upGnXgAA_oR_.jpg (1109x1663, 115K)

>Article: Goo Hara rescued from a suicide attempt in Cheongdam-dong

Source: Yonhap News via Nate

1. [+452, -12] This is such a shock, please let it be a misreport ㅠㅠ

2. [+399, -13] There's another article saying it's someone named Hayoung, I hope this is a misreport

3. [+387, -10] What is going on

4. [+60, -10] With all that money she makes, why!!! Even I'm living and I only make 2,000 a month!!!

5. [+52, -4] I'm not even a Hara fan and this is so shocking, I really hope this is a misreport

6. [+43, -2] Apparently it's true that she's dead, she commit suicide in her home

7. [+33, -1] What was so hard for her to have commit suicide? Now I'm getting depressed and tearing up

8. [+27, -1] No way, my hands are shaking, I hope this is a misreport

9. [+23, -0] What was so hard for her to make such an extreme decision?

Attached: 317E323D-9F10-4BA5-8460-260D10BDC0B3.jpg (2000x3000, 1.13M)

the mother wasn't wrong. other than wanting her child to be an actress

Miyabro... this means so much to me. Feels great to have you as a friend!

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why do they both type the same??

he was above average though (for whiteys)

Attached: D3f5AMEWAAApKFx.jpg (1352x2048, 231K)

>not realizing that Adolf J. Hitler was actually the beginning of Western intellectual history
>not realizing that literally every single written work before "Mein Kampf" was merely the childish scribbling of Jewish puppets

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raptiebros we fucking did it

shout out to:

see you thursday

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the leafs did it

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literally the gayest shit

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I didn't expect that

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based kawhi


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what are raptiebros

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which autist will "tribute" goo hara after her death first?

Attached: Dx_65pAUwAEOGGJ.jpg (1080x1620, 253K)

should i dump my white gf and book a plane ticket to seoul?

Attached: bully (4).jpg (2952x4416, 1.44M)

i've read some of this

i'm basically postmodern scum though btw. there isn't one book on this list that i haven' attacked at some point.

my favorite books are the analects of confucius and pascal's pensees

Attached: arg 0.jpg (720x478, 32K)

ceo's don't leave scars that you can see. you have to check his butthole for anal fissure scars.

imagine ryujin doing this


Attached: D7ddexAU0AAmDNj.jpg (1366x2048, 188K)

their choreo is pretty lewd



Attached: DyFlW0FVsAIm5Td.jpg (682x1024, 124K)

Fitting that friendless retards would pretend to find a bonding experience "funny." I understand you're just hiding tears though.

Attached: 51849639_262392281336927_6806028681769799974_n.jpg (1080x1349, 147K)

Based JinSoul

you find an unconscious Goo Hara, what do you do kpg?

Attached: D7dmhG3XoAED5ca.jpg (900x600, 96K)

no unless ur wgf is a greedy materialist

that's pretty cool looking

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glad the raps made it but i'm scared they're just gonna get swept

Follow your dreams.

Attached: D6825Z2U0AAYL_e.jpg (680x453, 45K)

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based rosebro

>greek wartime literature


read my blog instead i talk about evil orange men

ask if i can have my bike back yet


but yiren isn't

Attached: D7YtYxhU8AE2AV9.jpg (793x1190, 164K)

>That guy has a terrible personality
aye he's most likely swimming in jpussy and it got to his head

she asks for stuff sometimes, but not much

draw cat-whiskers on her cheeks in permanent mrker

Attached: DyILaWJVYAAS_me.jpg (682x1024, 136K)

Yeah they're fucked if Cousins comes back

>shit hes on to me...
>i know, let me post it again!
lmfao this is pathetic

call the bike boy to... deal with her

yts will never recover

Sniff her feet

>am literally giannis antetokounmpo
kpop for this feel

Attached: 2018122800157_1.jpg (640x447, 149K)

turn 360° and walk away


For me, it's hime.

Attached: 1.jpg (2000x3000, 657K)

Goo Hara and Nana are the two idols I wish I was around for their primes

her part in the chore is one of the lewdest tho

go post your real waifu retard, yejibros like bp

Attached: Hana10.jpg (1280x1920, 1.14M)

don't throw her out then

life is more and more solitary as you get older. unless you're truly useless to each other yu should try not to give up

it's OK to give up but it's harder and harder to find new ppl

what if she dies from the marker chemcals?

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>post your real waifu

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based start with the greeks bro

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She's disgusting, does she have any STDs?


your unironic waifu, and not the one you post so people hate her more

why are you posting on kpg in the locker room. especially now of all times go console your crying teammates

FUCK... you shouldn't have posted that

>your unironic waifu

Attached: 1558181962009.webm (480x480, 1.31M)

major white fever

>tfw no bride-rin

Kpgbros don't read any of this without learning to think critically first. Assume absolutely everything is false unless evidence exists that can prove it is true.

There's good reason why Rome and the Church had to decline before kpg could exist. Don't fall for the Christcuck meme


Attached: D6BcX3zVUAAvz2n.jpg (1536x2048, 396K)

beat your teammates to death
do it
do it now

you guys lied to me, LOONA is actually great

art hoe pinky

Attached: Eunha1.jpg (3415x5122, 1.24M)

which gaypop does Aaron rodgers like

im stupid

that's fucking disgusting. she loves you

i'll wait for the movies

okay, done
what now?

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somi is his beard is all i know

goo hara...

what's this meme?

based mina

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any bts faggots here? need to ask a question

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that's so cool

what about some recommendations only you could make

Jungkook, the white man's whore


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cringe posts

great post

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>Goo Hara
no wonder she's offing herself when even kpg doesnt give enough shits to comment her suicide attempt


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it's literally the worst pinky pic that exists, she looks like a tranny there

do they not answer to being called faggots?

based pinky poster

could she pull it off as an idol?

Attached: zhaoLaosi3[1].jpg (800x1200, 244K)

i skipped all my classes in college and just sat in my dorm reading zizek and listening to k-pop

graduated summa cum laude

now amusing myself by situating k-pop in the sociohistorical conditions of postmodernity

i knew some enlightenment-fags and "classical liberals" in university. always made me laugh.

i respect hard science and engineering tho

Attached: jiu guns.jpg (2048x1918, 328K)

you know jin? is sihyeon really related to jin?

kpop fact: a girls pussy can get wet from stimulation even when the girl is unconcious.

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Attached: Rosecel x Miyatranny.jpg (900x506, 109K)

I don't see it

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she has actresss looks more than idol

are you the nancyfag? stop posting JiU

Attached: [#EVERGLOW] 오늘은 같이 걸어요~ 이 공원을~ 2.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

There are so many stories of how horrible hitman bang is

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really stupid

Monday, April 15, 2019 goo hara No comments

Article: Goo Hara puts on a hat for the subway... "first time on the subway"

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+1,216, -123] She should be embarrassed

2. [+985, -87] Did she get fillers in her philtrum too?

3. [+942, -80] ㅋㅋㅋ She became an ajumma after getting ptosis surgery

4. [+56, -5] Why did she get so ugly?

5. [+45, -3] Did our building owner-nim ride the subway for the first time toda? ㅋ

6. [+41, -3] The thickness of her nose is crazy

7. [+39, -4] Why does she look so.. gross lately;;

8. [+34, -5] All her surgeries are going to come back to bite her soon

9. [+33, -4] Her nose looks bigger

10. [+26, -2] She looks like an Avatar

Source: Naver

1. [+456, -22] So what.....

2. [+197, -26] I just find it so hard to like her.. ㅜㅜ

3. [+155, -4] Bragging about getting to experience what it's like for the commoners?

4. [+121, -15] I really can't stand her

5. [+33, -1] Does ptosis happen to your nose too...

6. [+30, -2] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+26, -0] What an amazing thing you just did

8. [+25, -0] If she hadn't lucked out with her idol career, she would've spent her whole life using public transportation. Why is she acting like she's some chaebol~ telltale sign of the new rich

9. [+19, -1] Her nose is as big as an elephant, her eyes are so far apart... she was cuter when she was younger but now that she's older, her features just look awkward

they're siblings

based af

she looked so pretty here but all the good pics are previews

Attached: D7Y8wQjVUAAxihq.jpg (1343x2016, 563K)

I really like this group

Attached: 1533298022996.webm (1280x720, 1.63M)

they will not post the good pics

yiren has sex every day and its pissing me off

Attached: 190129 체리블렛 유주 ( Q&A ) 아이돌라디ᄋ� (450x800, 2.89M)

wasnt even a question abour based jungkook, never post here again

Attached: D47IaCxWAAEgas5.jpg (2048x1365, 243K)

Gooks are subhumans

Attached: DrPid6nUwAALkvh.jpg (1280x1920, 558K)

Your divide and conquer won't work on us anymore.

Attached: D6LxuLIU0AA6egE.jpg (1538x2048, 485K)

trannytinny didn't even graduate

Attached: 190224 네이처월드(NATURE WORLD) 팬미팅 가가(GAGA) 'KISS' 직캠-ah6OgygGdKg-[01. (1920x1080, 2.77M)

>sanaroastie is still mad

Me too

Attached: [#EVERGLOW] 오늘은 같이 걸어요~ 이 공원을~ 6.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

>Article: [Exclusive] Goo Hara attempted to take her life in Chungdamdong... life is not in danger

Source: YTN via Nate

1. [+909, -85] That Jong Bum guy is doing fine after opening his own store and all, why is Goo Hara the one who has to have it hard?

2. [+685, -64] Just leave her alone, please, let her live

3. [+605, -50] Live your own life. Live the way you want to love, don't obsess over the future. I wish her happiness.

4. [+96, -17] Goo Hara's the one who was blackmailed with the video but she got more hate than that idiot. The guy has no problem opening his own salon and promoting it on SNS while she's suffering all the hate. Who wouldn't think of suicide in that situation? Goo Hara's the victim here so why is she getting all the hate? This is how ba$tards like Jung Jun Young become more shameless. We'll never be able to lessen the amount of s*x criminals at this rate.

5. [+82, -20] The guy opened his own salon while the victim has fallen into depression from the wounds of her heart ㅠ It's unfair that the man gets to live happily while the victim suffers...

6. [+67, -23] Enough with the hate comments

7. [+48, -18] Sue the hate commenters

8. [+40, -20] Are there people seriously leaving hate comments on such an unfortunate piece of news? Please just disappear from this earth ㅋㅋ

9. [+34, -72] She's really the epitome of an attention wh*re....

10. [+30, -48] ㅡㅡ She really is an attention wh*re with the way she wrote "annyeong" on SNS... Truly suicidal people do it quietly, they don't make all this noise. Does she think she's some movie character? She should think of the people suffering from terminal illnesses. Death isn't a joke, it's not a choice.


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any sharkman in

why not both? korean idols act all the time (not that well, ok, but they do)


ear girl is cute

stfu faggot

this one is alright but I want the close ups of her face

Attached: D7bSt7ZVsAAb6EV.jpg (1364x2048, 295K)

I’ve read Cirque Du Freak and Eragon...

Attached: A23B6077-4E88-40DB-827C-DC85E3CEB705.jpg (1242x1290, 113K)

Source: Naver

1. [+2,526, -82] She acted bright on the outside but she must've been suffering on the inside. Find strength.

2. [+2,264, -111] Why are people blaming the ex-boyfriend? Netizens, you hated on her just as much ㅋㅋㅋ you're both the same. None of you ever cared about the victim in the situation ㅋㅋㅋ You cared about hating ㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+1,302, -106] Her ex is off living his life while she, the victim, is suffering in pain... I hope she overcomes this.

4. [+1,243, -192] That ba$tard never got jail time and is out there with his own salon while she's probably going to suffer for the rest of her life. Such an easy life to live as a man in this country.

5. [+155, -6] All of you are to blame, the people who left hate comments about her ptosis surgery, who searched up her video on the internet..

i love aisha

me too, her expressions are pretty good

goodnight friends

just read horace bro :)

Attached: P5IRrdc.jpg (1000x1500, 110K)

Attached: [#EVERGLOW] 오늘은 같이 걸어요~ 이 공원을~ 4.webm (350x626, 2.48M)

remi spotted

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>implying the majority of these comments aren't from roasties

non-twiceshit avatarbros are so cool

Goodnight friend. Have a nice sleep :)

Attached: 1540896526057.webm (640x772, 2.64M)

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steppe idol when?

Attached: 17fad8f6297c38b709172c2e169d3329[1].jpg (2137x3412, 705K)

this is the worst post i have ever seen on kpg

not an avatarfag but I assume you're talking about me. you're cool too

Attached: 56764768_199965954308190_150076363746124210_n.jpg (1080x1350, 96K)

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Attached: DzMcf9TUwAAxkgn.jpg (1080x1080, 105K)

i gave in and watched it. better than i expected but i expected pure trash

post your twice filters

Gooks confirmed for most hypocritical fuckers. Japan should declare war on them and rape all their women again.

there's an Mongolian SM trainee apparently... gaypop though

Eggman present?

Attached: 1532922998107.jpg (1394x2048, 600K)

Nigger, nigger,
Black baboon,
Dirty, filthy, whining coon,
Run swiftly, soon, soundless, and quick,
Before you hear the deathly trigger click,
the deathly trigger click, 'neath the soft shining of the moon.

He man-eater charges, tkCHRTU!
Hear the shot resound,
And the sweetly, sweetly sordid sound,
of the nigger holler-and-shout.
The blackened blood flows about,
and seeps 'round, deep down, into
the Southron soil.

Alas, an auspicious and fertile manure,
for the yeoman's planting toil.

Attached: wow.gif (500x380, 693K)


Attached: rw3Grlf.jpg (1000x1500, 100K)

anyone touches everglow, i'm killing every nip i see

i love cute ear girl

Attached: D6yGaYHUcAAWUJc.jpg (2048x1536, 348K)

literally the ugliest shit

Go to sleep Sana

Attached: 1556840709385.jpg (567x420, 39K)

and everyone who hates your favourite group is one person...

Attached: platorin.jpg (1800x1199, 1.35M)

id beat the shit out of that guy or chick who called yiren overrated

imagine yeji doing this

in elris' debut song they call themselves alice whoa

Attached: D5dfEclW0AELk2e.jpg (1080x1440, 329K)
comeon grrs
Reminder that Kim Lip is the cutest shit

Attached: CB0D4D88-3C56-40ED-9798-D0C1C51187D6.png (1242x2208, 1.81M)

What’s the deal? Yiren is ugly as fuck, not even the most attractive member

very true
us, true yejibros we like bp

pinky's feet
my mouth


no one ever says she's the most attractive member, because we all understand that every everglow member is perfect and to try to "rank" them is blasphemy


she always makes this noise

who's your waifu again?

Attached: D2Pe1ZoUcAAHtRe.jpg (1300x1950, 427K)

based "i need to be contrarian to fit in" poster


yiren is ugly. my name is no one ever btw

it's the lovelyz kei poster, not even kidding

Attached: my gyuri.jpg (1581x1910, 381K)

id buy 10000 huawei phones for a chance to slobber all over pink's feet


money up front or fuck off

please delete this picture of my wife you fucking subhuman faggot this is a very intimate moment between me and her and i dont appreciate it being posted in /kpg/ i have lived my life as a hotdog and that is enough suffering i dont need my personal life put into the public just because my wife is a kpop idol

elris warms my heart


do we like feet here?

I actually like Kei...
at least her voice

Attached: D2fxULuVAAI8nBO.jpg (1000x1500, 219K)

if you like anyone other than fromis feet you're a freak and need to be gassed

Attached: Bunny feet.webm (430x802, 177K)

we love feet here


Attached: 1557799721004.jpg (1365x2048, 270K)

god i wish i could cover that scar with my cum

i wish my cgf had feet as nice as these

Attached: hoe toe.jpg (734x946, 99K)

cute gyuri

Post more Kim Lip

Attached: kimlip4.jpg (1000x1500, 139K)

Miyabro I'm heading to sleep now. I'm gonna make an op for you first chance I get! Goodnight bestie see you soon...

Attached: 1556483859433.jpg (1124x1994, 174K)

cub is such a smoking hot skank. oh the things i would do to her

Attached: 1558806091582.jpg (750x1334, 150K)

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Yeji's feet

lmao what a faggot


Attached: D6dDTEAUYAAaAzq.jpg (1434x2048, 309K)


best fromis feet?

really not a big fan of seeing that roastie hair in kpop. first mina and now gyuri, i don't like it


jiheon feet

lip is not a bully that swears on her groups official channel

based schoolboy

when did she swear user?

her boyfriend is a multi billionaire. that's like 5 million huawei phones.

Attached: D48zX3VWkAA4DWL.jpg (1200x1800, 302K)

Attached: D469N11UEAAEtI-.jpg (1367x2048, 207K)

I swear to God. I went to USC and the Chinese girls over there are nothing like Yiren or this girl. Koreans too.

keep posting pinky f**t pussy

Attached: 1555642025912.jpg (292x735, 144K)


they're probably not even dating anymore. he probably just fucked her a couple dozen times and tossed her aside


kei > yiren in every way

I thought there were just rumors that they were dating

one of the youtube special videos they did last year, those ones they made for each member, channel 9

Attached: photo_1558843331699.jpg (1061x1255, 522K)

i love kei knees

Attached: knees.jpg (500x751, 43K)

Attached: jxjdue38kwak.jpg (1498x2048, 257K)

feet only a billionaire is allowed to worship

Literally this.

billionaires can afford better feet than that

Attached: D4ELbemW0AA6Lun.jpg (1000x1500, 166K)

is it the one with gyuri?

they were seen together in public a few times. he was obviously fucking her for a bit but that guy's not the serious relationship type

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do lovelyzshitters really think this is more attractive than yiren? lol

they beep her swearing, but it's pretty obvious

whats the timestamp

you guys lied to me, LOONA is actually great

Article: Netizens claims to have been bullied by 'SISTAR' Hyorin in school "Relentlessly bullied for three years"

Source: M+ News via Nate

1. [+492, -4] Wasn't SISTAR already known as iljin-dols since their debut? I always thought it was weird that it was all buried... Just proves that you need to live your life as kindly as possible.

2. [+447, -7] It's over for Hyorin too. Let's keep #metoo going to #bullytoo, clean out the entire entertainment industry

3. [+419, -4] I'm not that surprised, her image always seemed like the type... actually, all of SISTAR seem like the type...

4. [+53, -2] Ah, they should've come forward sooner. Hyorin's already made enough money to live the rest of her life off of. It's unfair that kids with such rotten roots get to become so successful. Anyone who's bullied anyone in school should live a life of pain and difficulties.

5. [+43, -1] I like this #bullytoo relay, keep it up. Hyorin-ah, that's over a thousand days of bullying, this b*tch is a monster.

6. [+42, -1] There was a lot of talk about Dasom when she first debuted too

7. [+34, -2] A lot of iljins become celebrities, the majority of them just clean up their image

8. [+34, -0] Let's go~~~ exile them one by one

9. [+32, -0] There were already iljin rumors about them except for Bora since their debut

10. [+29, -1] There are no secrets in the world anymore, you don't get to bully kids in school and expect a successful career on TV...

11. [+27, -1] She'd already be suing for defamation if this wasn't true... who would dare lie about bullying in this day? The victim outed her so publicly, it must be true...

12. [+23, -0] ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's over for her too ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

13. [+20, -1] It would've been better if the victim had come forward earlier

14. [+20, -2] Let's go.. let's call all the celebrities out. It's unfair that they get to get away with these acts while still making money and love off of the public. The industry needs a good cleansing.

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she took some fat kids bike on a show


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Article: 'Bullying controversy' Hyorin, "I will meet with the victim... I apologize for concerning you"

Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+615, -6] Apparently the victim reached out for an apology and you ignored her??

2. [+587, -5] ㅋㅋㅋ Only now??? Now that it's a problem??

3. [+534, -9] I doubt she would've wanted to apologize if this never got out

4. [+50, -0] More like she's going to meet the victim and threaten her to shut up

5. [+46, -0] Judging by her statement, I guess the victim is telling the truth. What is she trying to meet the victim for? The victim's probably too scared to even face her.

6. [+38, -0] Only now ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ look at this thug ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+35, -1] She set up her own agency and put out an agency statement ㅋ

8. [+32, -0] I doubt the victim wants to see her again... what is she going to see her for? To hit her with a mic again?

9. [+23, -0] Once again, she's selfishly only thinking of herself. Why would she think the victim would want to see her again when she's her source of suffering?

10. [+20, -0] She's the type of person to meet the victim to threaten her


gaga you freaking whore

our favorite bully

Source: Naver

1. [+2,909, -24] You should only be seeing the victim if they consent to it... You can't just demand to see her... and you're claiming that your "memory of the time" isn't clear so what're you even going to see her for?

2. [+1,940, -19] People like the 'ssen unni' image because they like the idea of being powerful in the face of injustice... not a thug like you.

3. [+1,851, -12] SISTAR has always been infamous for iljin rumors aside from Bora ㅋ

4. [+887, -11] If all of this ends up being true, I think the other two SISTAR members are going to deal with some #bullytoo rumors too

5. [+287, -0] You're going to go see her? As a victim of school bullying myself, I'll let you know that I never want to see my bully again. You're better off just reflecting.

6. [+284, -2] I think we should continue with the #bullytoo movement... so that new idols understand how they should act in school so that it doesn't come back to bite them later.

7. [+227, -1] You can tell from the statement that it's true ㅋㅋ Why would you "check if it's true" but then go to the victim to the apologize ㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+197, -1] Why? That sounds so scary, her going to find the victim. What're you going to do to her?

Hyolin can bully me if she wants

based iljin plz bully me 'til i cry

that girl lost to Jiheon on Idol School and then got surgery to look like Jiheon, it's crazy

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Sunmi bros get in here

which one looks like jiheon?

underrated everglow


who lost this retard

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how did jennie and chaeyoung get away with it? if their rumors came out today they'd be finished

onda looks nothing like jiheon, and she looks the same as she did during idol school

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who are you calling a retard

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don't lump chaeyoung in with that whore who lost her virginity in grade school
