What does she listen to?

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Cash Machine

The sound of me fucking her so hard

everytime i get horny i wanna make a fucking tinder again but then i remember i hate every girl ive ever met on there
what do bros

jack off, It makes the idea of tinder really dumb.

thats true but i do want to fuck a girl again sometime

Are you me?

I have no solution either though women are just garbage and the options would appear to be either deal with it or suicude

you could go out and meet people

why it’s the same as jacking off

yeah i think i might do suicide soon
every girl ive met on there has been even more weird and insane than the last
also they always look way worse than their pictures
no its not

this but unironically

sex is boring

ur prolly not very good at it

>teehee I'm a whore
>covers tits
what the FUCK

i tried to date a girl like this
its literally just an image

bro why would you try that

you're lurking on Yea Forums on a Saturday night. I can pretty much guarantee you guys are total pieces of shit (speaking from experience here). lower your fucking standards.

>you're using the internet on a Saturday so you're a piece of shit

Epic projection

jokes on you im not
she ended up being insanely fucking weird
like mega fucking weird
like i could write a book on this bitch

newsflash literally everyone is a piece of shit

just acknowledged that I'm also shit, you absolute fucking moron.
lol okay, bud

Yabut what kinda music she listen to doe???

Hint that's what makes it projecting

Probably nigger music

>not even this easy slut public use whore will reward your existence with a wet pussy around your dick

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"Psychological projection is a defence mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others."

you're fucking retarded

>Why can't I find my insatiable whore

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