ITT: concert stories

ITT: concert stories

>at a live show
>suddenly a group of zoomers start smoking weed in the crowd
>polite ask them to stop since it's both illegal and extremely rude
>they laugh in my face and continue to smoke
>walk straight over to security and report them
>mfw they get kicked out

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You're a huge faggot.

Based but bluepilled

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based for BTFOing zoomers
cringe for thinking weed is bad

Absolutely based

i just cant with you
youre the lamest nigga alive yet you try to act cool

i have never been to a concert

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shut the fuck up brandon if you asked for a hit I would eat the fucking joint

you're not missing anything. faggots like OP always ruin the fun for others

If you need drugs to enjoy live music then you're a faggot.

weed smells gross dude. in fact lighting up within 10km of others should be given the death penalty

He may be a faggot, but he’s probably less of a cuck than you, Brandon.


>bunch of Mac Demarco type fans listening to a Mac Demarco type band at basement show where the ceiling is MAX 8 feet off the ground.
>100 people. Packed like sardines
>LEL let's crowd surf!
>Pushed everyone of those cunts off the top

t. literal babies

>see an obese faggot reporting some teenager for smoking weed
>was on my way to ask them if I can smoke too so I bought extra beers for them
>walk towards the manlet obese faggot
>staring at him
>he wes getting nervous
>"I wanted to smoke some weed you lardass", I said, "now you will get some weed for me until the end of the show or I'll end your life"
>he's shaking and stuttering
>"I-its illigal you can't do t-that", he said
>punch him in the face and whoop his ass outside the venue
>cool stoner zoomers offers me weed
>"he cute", said some chicks
>"you aight white boi", said some cool niggas
>manlet lardass run away crying out loud
>band crowded me as the kind of the show
>banged 10 bitches after that

That was a cool day.

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t. drug addict

I just hate that some people don't respect boundaries like that. My friend's gf hotboxes the room sometimes and I get pissed off because she can't get off her fat latina ass and go smoke outside. It's ok, op, you don't have to take their shit. You did good.

>get tickets to a festival
>give other ticket to "friend"
>day of concert "friend" says we have time
>wants to order a goddamned pizza
>after convincing codename: whiny bitch to not order a pizza we start making our way downtown
>lardass cant move very fast and we end up missing our train, twice
>finally get to fest, it's dark by now and all the other shit we planned to see was over
>no merch left
>what we got to see was fantastic and even if most of the evening is fucked i still had a great time
>"can i uh keep the ticket"
>"yeah sure.."

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>thinking weed isnt the most rank shit

i’d tell you to neck yourself brandon, but i can’t imagine anyone carries a rope strong enough to support your weight

>at a buttrock festival in ohio
>by the gods i had long hair then
>headbanging during korn near the pit
>shirtless guy in front of me is upset at my headbanging
>says it feel like "1000 needles hitting his back" and is asking me to stop
>random dude come out of nowhere calls him a pussy
>another random man tells him its a metal show and he should expect it
>he leaves without me having to say anything
ill never forget the 1000 needle torture i inflicted on this poor soul


Not much of a story but saw Xiu Xiu a couple of weeks a go and some retards clapped off time to Sad Pony Guerilla Girl (the last song of the night), told them they were idiots and left after the show.


This isn't a story, but just got home from seeing X. Great show, opener (Skating Polly) was pretty good too. Went with my dad, picked up a Black Sun shirt and a signed copy of Wild Gift. Anybody else see them this tour?

The lamest faggot alive.

>at a Slayer concert
>went by myself since i have no irl metalhead friends
>closer, Angel of Death, starts playing
>drunk dude runs around the area where i'm standing
>flapping his arms like wings

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t. fell for the propaganda that weed is good for you
Being "high" makes you temporarily retarded. This becomes permanent if you continue using it for a long time. (See Snoop Dogg and Paul McCartney)

no, youre confusing weed with alcohol

>Idiots start moshing at Battles show
>Standing well out of the way
>Got bashed into by some moshing faggot
>Grabbed him by the shirt and started yelling at him and almost got in a fistfight

Concerts really bring out the worst in me

Alcohol is fine if you don't overindulge and get drunk. Everyone acts like a moron when they're stoned.


this one is BASED