>at a live show >suddenly a group of zoomers start smoking weed in the crowd >polite ask them to stop since it's both illegal and extremely rude >they laugh in my face and continue to smoke >walk straight over to security and report them >mfw they get kicked out
shut the fuck up brandon if you asked for a hit I would eat the fucking joint
Joshua Campbell
you're not missing anything. faggots like OP always ruin the fun for others
Michael Reyes
If you need drugs to enjoy live music then you're a faggot.
Zachary Ward
weed smells gross dude. in fact lighting up within 10km of others should be given the death penalty
Liam Carter
He may be a faggot, but he’s probably less of a cuck than you, Brandon.
Ethan Evans
Leo Myers
>bunch of Mac Demarco type fans listening to a Mac Demarco type band at basement show where the ceiling is MAX 8 feet off the ground. >100 people. Packed like sardines >LEL let's crowd surf! >Pushed everyone of those cunts off the top
Nicholas Parker
t. literal babies
Adam Hill
>see an obese faggot reporting some teenager for smoking weed >was on my way to ask them if I can smoke too so I bought extra beers for them >walk towards the manlet obese faggot >staring at him >he wes getting nervous >"I wanted to smoke some weed you lardass", I said, "now you will get some weed for me until the end of the show or I'll end your life" >he's shaking and stuttering >"I-its illigal you can't do t-that", he said >punch him in the face and whoop his ass outside the venue >cool stoner zoomers offers me weed >"he cute", said some chicks >"you aight white boi", said some cool niggas >manlet lardass run away crying out loud >band crowded me as the kind of the show >banged 10 bitches after that
I just hate that some people don't respect boundaries like that. My friend's gf hotboxes the room sometimes and I get pissed off because she can't get off her fat latina ass and go smoke outside. It's ok, op, you don't have to take their shit. You did good.
Luis Powell
>get tickets to a festival >give other ticket to "friend" >day of concert "friend" says we have time >wants to order a goddamned pizza >after convincing codename: whiny bitch to not order a pizza we start making our way downtown >lardass cant move very fast and we end up missing our train, twice >finally get to fest, it's dark by now and all the other shit we planned to see was over >no merch left >what we got to see was fantastic and even if most of the evening is fucked i still had a great time >"can i uh keep the ticket" >"yeah sure.."
i’d tell you to neck yourself brandon, but i can’t imagine anyone carries a rope strong enough to support your weight
Mason Gomez
>at a buttrock festival in ohio >by the gods i had long hair then >headbanging during korn near the pit >shirtless guy in front of me is upset at my headbanging >says it feel like "1000 needles hitting his back" and is asking me to stop >random dude come out of nowhere calls him a pussy >another random man tells him its a metal show and he should expect it >he leaves without me having to say anything ill never forget the 1000 needle torture i inflicted on this poor soul
David Carter
Cameron Cox
Not much of a story but saw Xiu Xiu a couple of weeks a go and some retards clapped off time to Sad Pony Guerilla Girl (the last song of the night), told them they were idiots and left after the show.
James Jackson
Mason Torres
This isn't a story, but just got home from seeing X. Great show, opener (Skating Polly) was pretty good too. Went with my dad, picked up a Black Sun shirt and a signed copy of Wild Gift. Anybody else see them this tour?
Grayson Richardson
The lamest faggot alive.
Isaiah Morales
>at a Slayer concert >went by myself since i have no irl metalhead friends >closer, Angel of Death, starts playing >drunk dude runs around the area where i'm standing >slurring out "ANGEL OF DEATH FLYING FREE" >flapping his arms like wings
t. fell for the propaganda that weed is good for you Being "high" makes you temporarily retarded. This becomes permanent if you continue using it for a long time. (See Snoop Dogg and Paul McCartney)
Cameron Jackson
no, youre confusing weed with alcohol
Zachary Ramirez
>Idiots start moshing at Battles show >Standing well out of the way >Got bashed into by some moshing faggot >Grabbed him by the shirt and started yelling at him and almost got in a fistfight
Concerts really bring out the worst in me
Connor Sullivan
Alcohol is fine if you don't overindulge and get drunk. Everyone acts like a moron when they're stoned.