Vicar in a Tutu comes on

>Vicar in a Tutu comes on
>album instantly loses 10/10 status

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the entire album is full of great songs but all together as an album experience it's clearly not 10/10

>doesnt understand that putting shit songs on your 10/10 album is the ultimate high IQ done by all absolute legends from manchester

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>Deletes Queen is Dead, Frankly Mr Shankly and Had No One Ever

Ah now its perfect

awful fucking taste, holy shit

Worst take, seek the nearest bridge and off yourself faggot.

The ending of that track is one of the best moments on the album, you pleb. The whole thing is great too

youre right its 11/10

Some Girls is the only good song on this

Self-titled is better

Self-titled is their worst (but still really good)

>nigger in a tutu

>Deletes Never Had No One
>Adds Unlovable like it was originally intended
Ah, it's perfect

I think there's nothing inherently wrong with adding frivolous tracks to an otherwise serious album but this album has fucking way too many

>frankly mr shankly
>vicar in a tutu
>some girls are bigger than others

this would undoubtedly be their best album if they got rid of one of the first two

BASED self-titled is better poster

Everyone likes The Smiths because it’s super impressive that Morrissey, clearly a deaf man, can approximate singing, right? Also, guess what, it ain’t just Morrissey. This entire band is the worst.

Are The Smiths influential?


Are any of the bands they influenced good, like, even a little bit?

Absolutely not.

Go back in time, make The Smiths not happen and everything that happened later instantly gets 10% better. Duran Duran were a better band and it’s not even close. Get ready to get sad about how much The Smiths suck.


> Duran Duran were a better band and it’s not even close.

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>thinking this is a joke

Is there a single song by The Smiths that has any artistic value? Don't bother answering, it's very obvious there isn't.

Duran Duran was an example, but almost every band (yes, in general) is better than The Smiths. Almost every sound is better than a song by The Smiths.

If you don't think this is pathetic emo music, actually listen to it next time.

vicar in a tutu i know i know it's really serious


It doesn't flow well. Track 2 is one of their most tongue in cheek songs and then track 3 is the incel national anthem.


Delete vicar in a tutu and there is a light that never goes out and it's perfect

compare that to the immaculate flow of self-titled

Barbarism Begins at Home is my absolute favorite Smiths song out of all their stuff but people don't seem to like it as much as I do.

Am I a pleb? Should I just pretend that There's a Light That Never Goes Out is my favorite instead?

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I don't remember that The Stone Roses' self-titled had any bad song.

It isn’t because of Miserable Lie.

where do i even start with this thread holy fucking shit

>missing the point of vicar in a tutu this badly

>not understanding the meaning and transition between i know it's over and never had no one ever

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what’s the point of vicar in a tutu

Cretin, it’s the thinking man’s Frankly Mr Shankly. The worst song on the album is Never Had No One Ever

*puts I know it's over, Cemetery Gates and The boy with the thorn on his side on repeat*

I refuse to believe anyone actually likes don't stop

True patricians know Panic is their best song.