the trailer for that film looked pretty based compared to his last few corny-ass films tbqh. was kinda thinking about on watching it in theaters this summer, but now I'm heavily considering on it.
oh, and btw:
>but now I'm heavily considering on it.
cause scaruffi recs it? what cmon he knows nothing about film
yeah, i haven't actually wanted to see a tarantino movie in over a decade but th trailer looked pretty cool.
scaruffi-related news goes on Yea Forums not Yea Forums
How the fuck does he come up with these ratings without even watching it?
this is Yea Forums not /scaruffi/
It's an aggregate of critics who he deems "trustworthy". Kind of like his very own Rotten Tomatoes
he doesn't listen to most of the albums he reviews either
still retarded
I'm assuming he most likely went over to the Cannes Festival where it had premiered a few days ago, and watched it there
nah you can tell when he's actually watched a movie because he always has to autistically add his own synopsis to the directors page on his website for some reason
he's in china right now my man
>implying Scaruffi isn't so based that he can't be in two different places at once
why do you nerds care this much about one person's opinion?
because his music taste is based af
don't know why people here keep shilling his opinions on other unrelated topics though
>implying veganism isn't based
I keep an eye out for what he’s doing because he can be quite funny
A lot of people use him as a substitute for developing their own opinions, like slightly less depressing fantanofags
it's not, lol
veganism is nothing but dietary autism
[citation needed]
he does, that user is shitposting
it's a fun meemee
absolutely based...
you sound jealous that no one gives a shit about yours lmao
memes, and great taste even though he's completely wrong in certain cases.
>even though he's completely wrong in certain cases.
such as?
He's totally clueless and don't know shit about metal for example.
metal is shit who cares
>metal is shit who cares
Also if metal is shit why then he do metal reviews?
because some of it is good, you're upset he didn't bother giving your disposable generic metal band #425824 the time of day
He thinks GnR, RATM and Jane's Addiction are metal. That says it all.
tbf The Mother of Virtues was kind of a breath of fresh air in terms of how experimental it was compositionally
plus there's not that many metalheads out there that know about really out-there metal projects like Jute Gyte or Abu Lahab, so you gotta give him some credit there I guess
they technically are though
just because there's no harsh, guttural vocals or extremely abrasive guitar tones on any of those bands' albums, doesn't disqualify them as metal
how are they not metal you brainlet
>Quentin Tarantino Asked Kurt Cobain To Play Eric Stoltz’s Part In ‘Pulp-Fiction’
If you don't know anything about metal and its history you should keep your opinions to yourself faggots
thats the dumbest thing i have ever heard of.