Dinner Time

Attached: 1558138536166.jpg (715x719, 92K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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meiqi has 60 million followers on weibo


Attached: sana.webm (974x1004, 2.92M)

is this recent?

For Caucasian Eyes Only

Attached: Everglow Shihyun Mister.webm (630x1006, 2.83M)

thread ruined

Attached: 1525265754887.jpg (3430x2500, 1.81M)

fake as shit

Attached: 78A99613-D5AD-4970-A87F-549EE15F7235.jpg (553x421, 43K)


keep posting everglow preferably aisha

Attached: 1550813851525.jpg (423x449, 28K)

How the F*CK does Mera get into everything?
He only does Sana & Chewy
I want Twiceboy & Himmler fancams too, goddammit

Attached: mina14.webm (764x740, 2.77M)

no, turn it up

Attached: 1556248946575.webm (446x902, 2.94M)

i want to smell cubs pits

Attached: 1530219036277.jpg (2048x1364, 252K)

Attached: 1554135587515.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

Probably. I found it on kpg not long ago.

how can kpop hope to make it in america when based god of wpop khalid blocks (and blacks) their path?

he doesn't like sluts

Attached: 1554062284306.webm (570x1080, 2.93M)

did he go to twicelights? i need some cams

Attached: 1554135617812.webm (640x360, 905K)

Attached: 4OHRh2cemKg.jpg (1080x1350, 221K)

America doesn't deserve K-pop.

Attached: 073e61301fdb9aecf14681cd7dcae17edd02dee9.jpg (1365x2048, 321K)

Worth like 6000 ig followers

Attached: 1554182697330.webm (1080x2048, 2.82M)

the upper echelons of the music industry in america isn't a zero sum. there are like 10-15 artists who consistently make top 40s

Based Crunchyposter

Attached: 1554135630073.webm (1304x1080, 2.56M)


never gonna let myself get emotionally attached to another group desu
kpop is for fapping to and sometimes listening to

Attached: DVgaTe5VoAALJfA.jpg orig.jpg (1280x1918, 566K)

Hey this is pretty alright. Then again my expectations were low seeing how Chinese is the third most disgusting language in the world.

semen demon

is it aisha like "eye-sha" since it's asian or aisha like "ay-ee-sha" like a black girl?

Attached: 1554139473701.webm (1054x1440, 506K)

why not? getting emotionally attached to kpop girls is fun and cute

shut the fuck up, urkel


The way it is written in korean would favour the first

do you have it in higher res?

Attached: Racist Wendy.gif (480x270, 2.93M)

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Attached: 1558798114526.jpg (2000x1334, 389K)

but it's kpop where bitches are going around calling themselves Eunice and shit

apparently it is, it's nice they're all still talking

Attached: dara.gif (500x300, 921K)

get fukt bitch

Attached: D6yJclxU0AUSVOo.jpg (1000x1500, 195K)

>kpop is for fapping
you're never gonna make it brah

actually I was wrong. the top 40s is even more diverse than I recall. definitely see no evidence that khalid is somehow blocking kpop lol


no, sorry

Attached: 1554144291739.webm (522x800, 2.94M)

it's painful when they disband, like having a piece of your heart ripped out

don't reply to me with this ugly slutty hoe

make what

Attached: DY4aufUVwAE021E.jpg orig.jpg (1000x1500, 163K)

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c-chengybros what do we do

Attached: 1552774605989.webm (408x720, 952K)

get fukt bitch

Attached: 1_fa6Ud018svc1klwo0dukhtkv_pxhdtt.jpg (1000x1500, 119K)

Attached: D7VRR5kUYAAr2Gt.jfif.jpg (682x1024, 74K)

until their companies decide they've milked them enough and throw them aside for some other group

>like having a piece of your heart ripped out
thats one of the best parts of life tho

you deserve suffering

Attached: D7TKPu4UIAIzy8a.jpg orig.jfif.jpg (682x1024, 82K)

Weki meki
I'm so picky

Attached: 1556049152116.webm (310x600, 243K)

Attached: 1554144843809.webm (450x800, 2.91M)

mei qi

美 > beauty, beautiful
岐 > branch off, fork in road, scene, arena, theater

Who hurt you? :(

Attached: Holding hands.webm (724x720, 2.75M)

her face is melting already
by the time twice disbands nayeon will look like leatherface

no it's not, unless you're a masochist

why? the only people who deserve suffering are once and miracles

Attached: DY09r1fVMAAc0Ca.jpg orig.jpg (1000x1500, 176K)

you're one to talk
ugly [x]
slutty [x]

Attached: 1496173867992.png (800x1006, 1.1M)


best THIGHS in the game?

>no ass

>why? the only people who deserve suffering are once and miracles
and this is why you suffer endlessly


Attached: b4203ef60bfad7aebc9a78e8f3f74f3fdfec086f.jpg (634x1111, 340K)

managed to get a picture with meiqi yesterday.

Attached: 53043257_187076078930366_8456349989718530037_n.jpg (640x800, 92K)

I fear the day twice is finito. I'm not ready for that shit.

Attached: 1556308034526.webm (1920x1080, 961K)

what a fucking whore

that's a beautiful name
plenty of chinese names are beautiful when you translate them

Post more 2NE1. We need to culturally enrich these zoomers.

get fukt bitch

Attached: 1538651185315.jpg (2057x2895, 1.54M)

welcome to kpop, enjoy your stay.

damn bitch got a chin

that rarely happens though

I'll admit when it comes to emotional pain I'm somewhat of a masochist. but pain is the best way to grow stronger.

too close, bro, be careful

>chewy doesn't have an ass

Attached: dadb7c16be06524d99304ed22aa6cb62d09ce354.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

pledis, specifically this guy
I'm going to cast a voodoo spell on this asshole

stop posting this fake pic already

better get ready cuz jyp doesn't have a good track record with disbanding girl groups cleanly

Attached: Dz0D1RoUwAAtEaG.jpg:orig.jpg (520x760, 64K)


why is wheels so annoying now


these are shoops

ngl id drink her pee in a heartbeat

Attached: 1558758887778.jpg (850x1278, 83K)

get some taste, you renegade faggot

Attached: close up.webm (768x678, 2.73M)

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that was yiren blindbro

Attached: 1557555599835.webm (480x600, 2.85M)

look how much photoshop they used on this bitch

it doesn't make me grow stronger it makes me want to die

Attached: 1420007802886.jpg (600x589, 28K)

he's always been a whiny nigger though

highcuck.... it's okay it's over now....

Attached: 1554145607028.webm (762x800, 2.87M)

can flopmis and poona disband now so cripple an heroes?

literally no arse. it's all thigh and gravity.

is this enhanced? she looks borderline Nancy fat in this

So his name is wheels because he's disabled?

get fukt bitch

Attached: 1550418805584.jpg (2048x2048, 339K)

no it's chewy

Temporarily. Once you overcome the pain your threshold is now a bit higher. first time your heart is broken never hearts as much as the second

this webms always makes me say aigoo
protect jisoo

shut up

Attached: tumblr_o0veo3Jjkh1qg5nyao4_r1_400.gif (268x200, 1.93M)

>waifus getting old
the only smart play is drop and hop
you missed one timing already with iz, although it's still worth it I think
next one might be a few years, could be too late by then

kill yourself eurocuck

Attached: arin bounce.webm (1080x1920, 2.98M)

Attached: 1554145821241.webm (668x800, 2.9M)

get fukt bitch

Attached: 1558629817459.jpg (1000x1500, 277K)

Don't think so. She's clearly been eating Lisa and Rose's food lmao

Attached: 8e17c7a62ad6ee4e9e5d283b345d4b74d07fb834.jpg (1536x2048, 342K)

is that eric from malcom in the middle

Attached: egsi.jpg (1280x720, 188K)


Attached: jinsoul.jpg (800x1200, 72K)

forgot to check in a couple days ago
do we like superhuman

>first time your heart is broken never hearts as much as the second
lol, go to bed kiddie

there's nobody named eric on malcolm in the middle

Twice is eternal

Attached: 1551569883220.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Attached: 1554145981050.webm (514x800, 2.91M)

I wish it was like that but it never gets easier
I still remember how I felt when bob girls disbanded

anyways I'm out because the nayuggo poster is pissing me off

Attached: CTVc2VZUwAAaPXC.jpg (243x400, 13K)

cripple and karma
that would be a cool kpop duo name

Attached: 1557489487550.webm (720x1280, 689K)

no, some shitty Dutch(?) DJ

meant the opposite

why do people hate pristin

this is america
dont catch you trippin now

gaypop soty

get fukt bitch

Attached: 1533182726676.jpg (845x962, 70K)

no one hates them
they no longer exist

bye user. meant the reverse of what I said tho. second time is easy compared to the first

ah we good then

the same reasons why we hate you

im not spoonfeeding your retarded ass. check imdb

>trust issues

it's sad seeing you delusional fanboys thinking your waifu has an arse. always posting webms of them jumping up and down, doing twirls and spinning round. all for the slightest hint of buttcheek that doesn't even exist.


>implying I'm a kpop fan
>implying I'll drop twice
I'm a twice fan since TSB and they're the only group that i care about and support. It was really cool to see them getting more mature and confident on stages/variety shows. Also when Twice is finito I'm quitting the industry.

Attached: 1556256211387.png (635x600, 563K)

can't believe meiqi was molested by that white fashion designer.

Kill yourself means kill yourself. Hop to it.

Attached: 1555236765385.jpg (1333x2000, 420K)

because he posts one uggo? the roashitter wasn't even that bad either

ass is great but give me sticc over thicc anyday

Attached: 1557426404338.jpg (1080x1350, 306K)

you guys lied to me, LOONA is actually great

>getting more mature and confident
>constantly forced to do cutesy boring concepts

I miss the roa poster

I gotta word this
if we talking real life gf I would want somebody like rose or chaewon. would never EVER date any fat hoes

we only like Twicepop here, kpop sucks

i'm a big fan of everglow's arin

Attached: 1554100767289.webm (450x800, 2.94M)

I don't care what kpg likes

>why don't any of these girls have disgusting bloblike cellulite asses like I do?
lose weight, roastie

creampieing Wony and Yujin, by force if necessary.

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How is it related? If you're a entertainer you must do a lot of shit. Confidence has nothing to do with doing aegyo because your fans like it.

Attached: 1555808616758.jpg (1200x901, 121K)

i love this elegant japanese princess so much

Attached: 414_DOu7i05VwAAO30t.jpg (700x1052, 87K)

Why are the onces here twitter armyroastie tier?

Attached: D3OaD15WsAEqOio.jpg (1366x2048, 398K)


Attached: f3d55fc23f96752f29d6079ec769636517892cb46958a3da086fc11b5f4b15c8.png (900x1353, 1.36M)

Attached: 1534886867726.jpg (1280x1792, 652K)

we like cute little butts here. go back to your kardashian ass worhsipping threads on /hr/ nigger

because there's a certain class of roastie that gets too autistic for normal kpop sites and/or twitter and they end up finding their way here

Attached: 1528209658866.jpg (896x896, 85K)

Attached: 006qCfuOly1g02s239duhj31uc11chc3.jpg (2388x1344, 845K)

Wrong pic, sorry

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There's way more overlap between the two these days than there used to be

do kpg likes loona



Attached: AM2I3904-3.jpg (1200x1800, 1.47M)

based rose posters

Attached: 60427432_2545019949110702_1130671685604810235_n.jpg (1080x1350, 125K)

nah i'm a dubro


Attached: 1554146161112.webm (442x800, 2.91M)

loona mentioned

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Attached: 1554146320873.webm (450x800, 1.48M)

Attached: Capture.jpg (273x337, 13K)

>tfw kpop groups are finally embracing thicc bodies

this is the best timeline

Attached: 1545007700452.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)


we likes loona here

nice pit

Attached: 1554146570793.webm (1920x1080, 2.33M)

dont do this user, dont make me strike you down

Attached: D7UZAjMU8AAcBLI.jpg (1333x2000, 687K)

Attached: D7Fu88WVUAAaH8L.jpg (800x1200, 157K)

wow a kpop exists where there isn't a single good thing about her

Attached: 1554146638627.webm (1176x800, 2.89M)

based blindbro

Attached: chola.webm (640x640, 1.07M)

Hey just kidding bro

Attached: misana2na07-1065241854612955136-20181121_215344-img1.jpg (2048x1149, 348K)

cub is perfect

Attached: D7YFhfAUcAAAoct.jpg (766x1024, 113K)

Attached: 1554560422326.webm (660x1080, 2.47M)

Attached: 1535947229710.webm (640x632, 890K)

BASED yirenchads saving the thread once again


Attached: cub dance.webm (640x640, 2.09M)

overrated chink gremlin


Attached: 1d4cde0c92072cc2036eeb09da9f7da06d367426358ac03cb413e71ccfc8c8bc.jpg (1258x2048, 520K)

i'm not even trying to stir shit up but she's 4 feet tall and crosseyed

she's so dreamy bros

Attached: 1558047833577.jpg (789x1199, 185K)


Why isn't she more appreciated here?

Attached: DVhmRJYXcAE0l_1.jpg (1367x2048, 494K)

sorry meant for

keep seething bitch

Attached: 1554566936789.webm (698x800, 2.89M)

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Attached: 1550217638812.jpg (1080x1349, 136K)

lifting up jinsoul's skirt, pulling down her panties, and sliding right in

Attached: 1541565393139.jpg (2000x2737, 472K)

top tier:
high tier:
low tier:
shit tier:


>roastie finds out dudes like a girl group
>instantly turns on them and calls them ugly
based femininity

how does Yiren make you so angry?

Attached: D4kqJYoVUAAguXT.jpg (1333x2000, 347K)

good taste

Attached: 59843281_304729650451721_6121380430816348545_n.jpg (1080x1349, 280K)

Attached: 1549798514637.webm (1920x1080, 1.01M)

>she's perfect

Attached: DO6vchjVAAYsHHa.png (900x1200, 1.45M)


Attached: 1558806091582.jpg (750x1334, 150K)

>no sticc gf
I wanna kys myself

based loonabros

Attached: 1555875383111.webm (640x1138, 1.44M)

Attached: D5S2LulUwAAKMs1.jpg (1080x1350, 193K)

roseposting should be forbidden. I feel like crying now


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Attached: 60700509_442625373234323_2275947540299314611_n.jpg (1080x1349, 248K)

that's a new one from /ourautismo/

Attached: 1555878936932.webm (566x800, 2.93M)

Which one of the Rose posters is Rosebro

stop beating a dead horse

onda though

does that matter

Attached: 45c68de2d628160e092d5deaaaf95c09239516d1.jpg (800x1199, 132K)

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Attached: 1555209382152.webm (1828x1080, 2.78M)

LOL get it because horse lmao

Attached: 1538310434606.jpg (1068x721, 178K)

why is every picture posted of rose the photoshopped ones from her instagram?

Attached: onda1.webm (834x598, 2.76M)

how can you rank everglows when they're all perfect?


Attached: 1545115330772.jpg (1066x1599, 309K)

Attached: 1556033313072.webm (640x532, 2.11M)

fuck this group is stupid hot

because each one is suited best for distinct sexual acts

Attached: 1553278455262.jpg (1025x768, 79K)

i have no fucking clue who you guys have been posting this whole thread

rose posters have leveled up. we no longer get upset at your weak bait

Attached: 56578225_281337669457948_8829955025873402258_n.jpg (1080x1349, 192K)


walker walker

Attached: MONSTA_X_Shoot_Out_SBS_Inkigayo_Ep_980.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)


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Attached: af17835fdfaaee36705cde738369916f.jpg (480x480, 61K)


Attached: D4zIb6lWsAEDgmy.jpg (1080x1350, 176K)

so cute

Attached: f6061f8f0a1a7c5c711daa49fb0849762eab30fa.jpg (564x803, 53K)

based TDKR plane scene reenactment

I'd recommend Mia's thighs if you like a bit of muscle.

Attached: egmia.jpg (1152x2048, 356K)

she looks extremely low iq. as if she'd be easy to take advantage of.
how can i fix that so she doesn't get fucked by smelly chink executives?

I do and have derived pleasure from her aspect before

Attached: 4GUg2gG.jpg (500x798, 345K)

Has there ever been an indie kpop nugu that succeeded?

It's just sad that everything popular or successful in kpop is an industry plant.

Attached: images.jpg (600x315, 27K)

post more of her thighs

dont talk like that it makes you sound like some kind of serial murderer


Attached: 1550297633580.jpg (540x905, 330K)

you fucking idiot

almost embarrassed that i used to get mad at goofy fucking horse memes lmao

Attached: 57029208_412398376242913_1615909492050616586_n.jpg (1080x1349, 192K)

It's hard cause they make her wear trousers a lot of the time.

Attached: 8Y2HILq.jpg (1200x1800, 922K)

Ugly Horsé stay away from my maid reeeeeeeee

Attached: Jennie-Sprite-3-600x594.jpg (600x594, 48K)

I got to say, as much as I think she's always beautiful The Red era was her best

Attached: 21908275733_4ea9e0e662_o.jpg (1000x1500, 1.19M)

she's really pretty and delicate, and her voice is sweet
my type of girl

If you want me to elaborate, just say so

Attached: 1553572249420.jpg (2006x2048, 825K)

Twice, some upcoming nugus and Korean SJP

based jennie poster


>ywn be this close to her
oh wait i will

Attached: 1542715582425.webm (720x1280, 2.73M)

you heard of crayon pop hopefully

Nasal voiced gook bogan skellie

Attached: dl1451eqtys21.jpg (1172x879, 119K)

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Attached: JuoaERcPiJ.jpg (2048x1365, 526K)

agreed. she's like a princess
dont worry. soon BP will split up and jennie will be exposed.

Attached: 1557168315387.jpg (1080x1620, 280K)


how can idols be this ugly?

i'm going to pretend that's my wife and daughter

>unironic blackpink posting
fucking yikes

N.Flying's success was kinda organic, but I wouldn't call them indie.

>Nasal voiced gook bogan skellie
Never would've suspected that these were the ingredients for a perfect girl all along.

thanks for referencing song of the year

I can't fucking take it anymore
I'm out
hoping for a rosegf dream...

stupid chink dressed up like a $5/hour hooker

and that's a good thing!


Jihyo's jihyos

post them in imgur format

>being too low level to understand that BP is pretty much the perfect westernized kpop group and will generate record breaking profits

wow EU doesn't look like garbage for once

keep seething taiwan

Chaelisa is like two hobos fucking

Jenlisa is the classic rich girl poor girl ship

kill yourself roastie

its one roastie

>record breaking profits
>even izone sells more

too bad they come with a hideous face


i wish i could slap your head off right now

New thread? Make it a Dubu OP pls


they be coming for twice asses too so watch what you saying

Jennie's brown ass

seething chestlet


my tongue


They don't have enough time and korean support for this. Delusional wizone.

What the fuck is an izone?

give bp two year. they'll be the biggest girl kpop group in the world, and if not the world then western markets for sure.

but muh youtube views

Dubu thread is real thread