Do you schizos actually think every other RYM user is tranny or are you just memeing?

Do you schizos actually think every other RYM user is tranny or are you just memeing?

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Other urls found in this thread:,_Private_Property_and_the_State


Obviously not, we just don't like that there are any trannies

what is RY'M ?

they're just stupid parrots

other thread got deleted lol

Who's the most based and redpilled RYMer?

haha lol

Yea Forums is just a site to vent about made up out-groups


>the jannies finally caught on

don't make fun of me

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Remember when some seething tranny added a bunch of people to some "evil transphobes" list, but then the people he added didn't care and memed on him,so he ragequit and deleted his account

Janny Pate strikes again

how do you go from this...

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yea i remember people talking about it, wish i had seen it before it was taken down

of cops beat their spouses

to this?

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>gender roles are arbitrary and socially constructed
>but I feel "like a woman" so strongly that i want to kill myself if people do not recognize me as such
Explain yourselves, neo-rymers.

where did you find this

posted in the last thread that got deleted

mysterious aloof chad, fucks a different girl every weekend

overcompensating italian manlet

his face is chubby as fuck and ugly though

I just see "faggot" and "faggot with some muscles"


the list just goes on and on

Years of dedication


Linkshander needs taken down a notch. Why are fascists such pussies and hide themselves so much?

that's a lot of based

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linkshander is a dumb patrick little fan
/rym/ is dominated by nick fuentes watching Chads

did sal ever get jonas to actually record irl footage of antiwarhol?

imagine caring about this

all i can say is that there’s a reason why marxists and socialists have never had to lie about their ideologies and what they want. fascists have no choice but to play overabstracted games (“identitarianism”, referring to yourself as an “authoritarian centrist”) because deep down they know their ideals are simply antisocial and unacceptable.

post your profiles if youre not a bigger pussy than a chick with a dick

i hate both of those faggots but watching a 40 year old marine vet losing his shit on a live stream was really something else.

this is a man who quit his high paying job because he read some stupid pseudoscientific book (the culture of critique)

I just use it to catalogue and rate the music that I listen to in case I somehow lose all my music.


i don't openly call himself a fascist because Mussolini basically advocated state idolatry which goes against my Catholic beliefs. i do however endorse everything Franco did

no one calls themselves "racist" because racism has always been a smear word and an insult, it would be like unironically calling yourself a heretic

i'm silent about politics on rym because i don't want to get banned

*call myself
fucking autocorrect

>all i can say is that there’s a reason why marxists and socialists have never had to lie about their ideologies and what they want.
Their views are accepted by the public because the allies won the war, not because their beliefs are any better or worse.

>*wraps himself in a burka of sorts, hides under the shit-stained banners of antifa and shouts pre-school tier slogans*
>inb4 they aren't real marxists

based and redpilled

>This user's profile is not visible due to their privacy settings. Block user
oh no guys

have you ever posted your profile ITT?

correct yourself, barely anyone on the fringe right thinks of themselves as racists (despite pedaling the exact same shit as the KKK) for the same reason why i’d imagine most murderers and child molesters have trouble coming to terms with who’ve become and what they’ve done.

>what was the fucking cold war
don’t give me that “history is written by the victors” spheal you dramatic little bitch. communism is nowhere near seen as socially acceptable. you ever read what the average CNN watching liberal has to say about north korea? have you actually spoken to the average american about communism? or do you think all of the real world is just those silly little political college vids you see on youtube?

who can beat him?

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antifa isn’t only comprised of marxists in any case. they’re usually the ones who get physically confrontational first, (as anyone should when protesting fascism) despite their need to mask up.

>what the average CNN watching liberal has to say about north korea?
honestly I wouldn't be surprised if a sizeable number of them called it a fascist regime

KKK is virulently anti-Catholic
thanks for showing how dumb you are

>correct yourself, barely anyone in the atheist movement thinks of themselves as heretics (despite pedaling the exact same shit as the Satanists) for the same reason why i’d imagine most murderers and child molesters have trouble coming to terms with who’ve become and what they’ve done.

that doesnt work though, like at all

i wasn’t referring to your shit religion, i was referring to racial relations.

PS: not all satanists are atheists, and no i’m not a satanist. horribly dishonest.

calling yourself a racist instead of "a guy who doesn't buy into egalitarian dogma" would be like calling yourself a "Suppressive Person" instead of "a guy who doesn't buy into Scientologist dogma"

>for the same reason why i’d imagine most murderers and child molesters have trouble coming to terms with who’ve become and what they’ve done.
That's a cool way of pushing the "if you don't want shitskins in your country you're not a decent human bean™" meme

>communism is nowhere near seen as socially acceptable.
I guess that's why communist parties still exist in Europe but national socialist parties are banned.

I've reflected on my public education where I was taught history and in no instance was socialism/communism portrayed favorably. In fact, I was taught that historically communism's greatest names were crazed megalomaniacs. I recall hearing a story from my teacher in 7th grade history where Mao ordered people to kill birds because he blamed crop failure on them or some shit.

>(as anyone should when protesting fascism)
such a shame they're never seen protesting fascism then and instead assault people with red baseball caps and so on

american antifa especially are probably the dumbest faggots on this earth

>PS: not all satanists are atheists, and no i’m not a satanist. horribly dishonest.
t. low IQ retard who doesn't understand analogies

I should probably clarify at this point that I'm only talking about Europe here because I could not care less about the Israeli colony you live in.

i had to read Howard Zinn and Jared Diamond in my high school history classes

both Jewish socialists btw

are they cool

>mods delete previous thread for /pol/bait
>new thread devolves into /pol/bait

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lol natsoc parties are not banned in europe, quit lying

i do understand analogies, it was a shit analogy. atheism is simply a lack of religious belief while satanism is an entire belief system, dumbass.


same category as Stephen Jay Gould and Freud. canonized liars

>they’re never seen protesting fascism
proof? or did you just pull this out of your ass?

>atheism is simply a lack of religious belief while satanism is an entire belief system, dumbass.
no shit

rejecting blank slate theory and following the teachings of the KKK are also entirely different

I egged my neighbors during the election run in because they had a trump sign

something tells me you wouldn’t call anyone (IE a real person) a “shitskin” to their face.

video from the last /rym/ meetup

I mean I guess it's true that you can protest fascism on its own with no fascists in sight but it's not the best use of your time

Old sal was better. New sal looks awkward as fuck.

>rejecting blank slate theory
is this another fascist dog whistle for “i believe in pseudoscientific biological determinism”?

For context this is an American public education, if not already apparent by "7th grade."

The mainstream expert consensus is that genes are more important than wealth, discrimination, test bias, culture, and health when it comes to racial differences in intelligence.

When one of your Discord friends says race and IQ is "debunked pseudoscience," what they're really saying is "journalists at Vox and Buzzfeed know better than the academic experts."

RationalWiki cites Heiner Rindermann as a racist pseudo-scientist based on a citation from "Queerty," (LGBT News) where a journalist calls him a racist with no further explanation.

Leftists believe that a bachelor's in journalism from community college beats out the consensus of PhDs in the relevant fields.

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wow i'm sure this guy arguing politics on a record collector gossip thread on a mongolian basket weaving website knows a lot about neuroscience

I just follow expert consensus over journalist consensus.

If you believe that race differences in IQ are 80% due to genetic differences, you are well within the range of academic consensus. If you believe genes have a minuscule influence, you are on the fringe.

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Not in the entirety of Europe perhaps but in my country (Austria) at least founding a national socialist party will get you jailed for sure, whereas the communist party is perfectly votable. National socialism has played a huge part in my country's history, granted, but that still doesn't make this acceptable when voting for a genocidal ideology that has killed more people than national socialism is legal.

I have used such terms in real life before, most people do where I live. You're projecting most likely.

if you believe race is objectively identifiable you're decades behind


if you believe color is objectively identifiable you're decades behind

Race is increasingly being used as a medical descriptor.

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“genes” can be a lot of things, you’re interpreting this data extremely poorly, just to fit your racist agenda. you realize that mental and bodily issues can be passed down to offspring, especially in poorer conditions?

yes, lots of wealth =/= inherently mean high or IQ, but poverty is well understood to be a contributing factor in lower IQ scores and lower mental functions in general. not that you care about any of this nuance, though.

he doesn’t know shit. fucking pussy.

>I have used such terms in real life before
that’s not what i said, now was it?

what a lovely music related thread this is

i don't

please provide evidence that most deaths which have occurred under communist regimes were intentional, thank you.

> using rym past 2011

That's very... retro.

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>that’s not what i said, now was it?
I have said them to someone's face too. And again, I'm not the only person I know that has done so.

At all levels of education, biologists are more likely to recognize race than
physical anthropologists. At the PhD level, in 1983-1984, Biologists were 1.46 times more likely to accept race.

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>whoops killed tens of millions of people but it's okay because we didn't mean it
it's unconsciously genocidal just like its followers

a brown person?

Poverty and genes are both contributors.

I am called a racist for saying genes have any importance whatsoever, when it's the academic consensus that they are extremely important with regard to group differences in cognitive ability.

But colors still exist, and so does race, even if that means there is no objective way to group each.

I guess letting your people starve is not intentional now.

A nigger

it's normative to acknowledge the social construction of race so this also says nothing
if you're just going to vomit stats at me you can just go sit and a corner and wonder some more about why you were rejected from grad school

so you don’t have evidence, wonderful.

you’d think someone whom i assume knows more about the history of communist regimes than surface-level bullshit (“communism has killed 500 million people!”) would have more to show for it.

>it's normative to acknowledge the social construction of race so this also says nothing
Species is also a social construction with gray area.
>if you're just going to vomit stats at me you can just go sit and a corner and wonder some more about why you were rejected from grad school
I was accepted to grad school.

>I guess letting your people starve is not intentional now.
example ?

I wasn't the guy you were talking to in the first place

but if you think a genocidal ideology gets a pass this easily one has to wonder how much you value anything in life

go up to a black mans face and record your self talking that shit and post it here tough guy lol

I might do that after I start caring about what some commie piece of shit on Yea Forums thinks I have or have not done.

ok pussy

lol nigger

All categories, including scientific ones, are tools and their validity must be determined by whether or not they are useful. Simply noting that a category is man made tells us nothing about whether or not it can aide scientists in predicting and explaining the natural world. That race is socially constructed is irrelevant to its validity.

It is important to realize that these “socially constructed” categories are also “biologically real” in that they are socially constructed ways to organize natural biological variation. We could chose another way. There are nearly countless ways you could group people based on biology.

Rejection of "race" as a valid category was pioneered and pushed by Stephen Jay Gould, who falsified his data in order to make his argument.

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Woah bro! Thats racist

nigger nigger nigger

qhhahahahahahahh you're scared of black men

Stoooooop! My eyes cant take it!!!

hmmmm.... EAI time

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Race is real
Race matters
Race is the foundation of identity

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hey kid, wanna hear a word that starts with n and ends with igger

because communism is not inherently a genocidal ideology? where was the genocide under castro?

if anything it was the ukrainian kulaks who committed genocide. they destroyed grain and livestock *which was already scarce as fuck* (which explains why the collectivization had to happen in the first place) because they were knee-jerking, wealthy nationalists who were afraid of losing their profits and as a result millions of people starved. i don’t see how you could blame the soviet government for that.

how's your transition going?

jesus christ

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if you're boring

Music is my life, and I love rating it.

jews are white

what's the foundation of your identity, putting things in your anus? listening to EAI?

stop talking about politics retards its a fucking music board

this is either sal or bratty. trans people are usually anarchist

did you not know that resources were scarce and that the kulaks destroyed their own shit or something?

this this this so much this omg

being nice to ppl

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That's not bratty, bratty is smart than that, that's definitely sal.

>Ashkenazi Jews descend from 350 people, study finds

‘Bottleneck’ dates back 600 to 800 years, genome analysis shows; researcher says among population ‘everyone is a 30th cousin’

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respecting others and showing compassion to people who have historically suffered under oppressive institiutions

is grimescuck a fakerater?

jews are white

respect this


you linked me a wikipedia article which you didn’t even read and simply took at face value and that’s why you’re shocked to learn of this very important piece of nuance which effectively takes the blame off the soviet government. faggot.

there are literally zero (0) music-related posts in this thread with 128 replies

okay it's definitely sal you were right

i, too, am enormously aroused

Jews disagree with you.

EAI defies linguistic approximation

jews are white

it’s okay to be wrong sometimes.


>tfw /rym/ threads are just a parody of the /daily/ threads

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Mao did this... the three pests... killed the natural predator of vermin, which in turn allowed vermin to destroy crops and starve people - it was colossally stupid

absolutely based

uhh it's called "deconstruction"

tagging this thread w Deconstructed Club right now

This is a deconstructed club of autists

This kills the Maoist.

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They Call Me Young Derrida


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>mfw mao literally lost a fight with sparrows
to his defense, ecology was still a fairly new science, but holy shit what a devastating mistake.

still one of the greatest socialist leaders and intellectual visionaries of the 20th century.

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ill drikn to that bro

yeah when he destroyed all those cultural and historical artifacts and documents from ancient china, wow that was based.

sonic youth just aren't that good

conservatives = owned

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theyre terrible, not one good song

no I've never posted my rym on 4channel. why do you ask

their early stuff is pretty nice

prove that he blocked you

i kind of like teenage riot but that could just be nostalgia

hey sal can i get your thoughts on this?

please read the whole article and give me your honest reaction

>imperialist culture
grow up you fucking baby

something fascists and early communists both got right is the importance of family and fitness desu

what did you mean by this

wait why did he block me. I've never said anything to him. how does he know I exist

i’ll bookmark it for you and read it later. i’m about to work out tho

marx completely btfo'd the patriarchal family structure though

I thought he privated his account or something

post a screenshot you fucking retard

now i believe you. tell me anything you can about yourself without revealing your identity if you're paranoid or something

idk if you know this but it's pretty obvious who here posts about him the most using the archive

nope, that's what it says when you get blocked
everyone else can still see his profile

cool, i sometimes get the impression that deep down you're uncomfortable with radical social progressivism so i'm very curious to hear your take.

name me and i'll post a photo of my penis

ill pass

can you hook me up with whatever marx said about The Family? i’ve been meaning to.

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idk but here I am:

not the guy you're replying to but engels wrote extensively about the importance of family and i don't think marx has bashed it

what do you mean


i used to be... my younger brother actually came out as gay to me a week or so ago.

file names, key words, active posting times,_Private_Property_and_the_State

this is critical of "the family" if anything

damn how'd you take that

RYM is 95% trannies and faggots.

how would he know about my profile though

probably just a guess. i am sure he lurks here and i know he talks to other rymers

i’ve known for a while. it’s funny because i’ve always known him to be interested in girls growing up but whatever lol.

i just told him that gay people are a master race and that seemed to take his anxiety off.

seriously though throw some names out and i will suck you off if you hit me

someone invite me to the /rym/ discord

No, I think literally all of them are except Scaruffi.

how tall is he

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imagine thinking I actually like patrick little lmao

*breaks a historical artifact*

take that, imperialism!

rateyourmusic, stay far away from it

you're still a wignat

i would punch you in the face

RYM is just a bunch of faggots who take all music way too seriously and are incapable of just having fun with it.

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post a pic of your body

and yet you are posting here

hey guy who got blocked by antiwarhol: what do you listen to? do you post on the forums or regularly in comment boxes?

>jews aren't white
>highest iq
explain this racists

he won’t do it. he’s a little bitch — MY bitch.

>tfw all rym threads have devolved into sal getting dabbed on by conservative chads


post your body

he isn't even getting dunked on and he actually addresses what they say

Given the average reported Israeli IQ of 95, and the average reported Jordanian IQ of 84, the claim of an average 115 IQ for Ashkenazi Jews would necessarily require all other Jews to have an average IQ of 84.2. This means that even if Ashkenazi Jews did have a mean IQ of 115, then the average global Jewish IQ would be 107.0. However, on the basis of the original studies pointing out that the reported IQ scores are not indicative of mean or average Ashkenazi IQ, we can be 100 percent certain that this estimated 107 IQ is higher than the real Jewish average.

For example, if Lynn is correct and the Ashkenazi mean is 107.5, then the average global Jewish IQ is 103.2. Not bad, certainly, but considerably lower than 115 and an insufficient foundation on which to construct a believable narrative of intellectual superiority and inevitable success.

Jews are more intelligent than whites, duh.

post your body you fucking bitch

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is that richard spencer's ex-wife?

conservatards being consistently dunked on is the most entertaining part of these threads
never would've thought Sal would be the one doing it

this was the greatest /rym/ of all time

if i can post my body then why can’t you? you’re clearly brave enough to have a tripcode, so i don’t see what the problem is.

are you confused by the fact that a supposedly weak commie has a better work ethic than you do?

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any random thread from 2016 (the golden age of /rym/) is better than that inane political shit flinging


remember when ellie aka rym user ~gay_ lied about the books he's read

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nice jewish nose


did riceshoes kill himself


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he got banned and gave up on posting, someone said he's still on discord

very predictable. you call yourself a man? weakling.

brainlet post

You know for a fact that he’s full of dog shit about his music taste too.


i cant wait until we gas all you fucking kike "italians" and end your scourge in europe. Pretending to be roman piece of shit kikes

let me guess, today you're white, tomorrow you're jewish, and the next day you're italian fuck off back to a palestinian burial ground you culture stealing faggot


Anyone here suck a black dick before?

this post is satire btw, you're supposed to be laughing at how racist and bigoted I am

Italy: Pizza
Jews: ???

I think we know who to gas

Italians invented fascism and Salvini is saving Europe, retard

post bod.

controlled opposition you fucking retard


Literally everything that doesn't align with my beliefs is a false flag.

Just a reminder real fascism has never been tried, Hitler, Mussolini, and Mao were crypto-capitalists who didn't actually care about their people

Prominent people from Italy

- Julius Caesar
- Marcus Aurelius
- Medici family
- Cesare Borgia
- Marco Polo
- Christopher Columbus
- Galileo
- Michelangelo
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Raphael
- Bellini
- Vivaldi
- Pavarotti
- Giorgio Armani
- Guglielmo Marconi
- Machiavelli
- Mussolini

North Korea


What the fuck I'm a liberal now

Okay Nordcuck

- Pierro Scaruffi

- Anthony Fantano

- Christgau

- Luigi

Yes, same with discord.

- Salvatore Modica

Christgau is a German surname

how's therapy

hope she sees this bro

I am listening to music currently.

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other than scriabin, this fucking sucks

hope she sees this bro

i don't care

who is she


EAI makes my pp hard

What if we are the ones taking it way too seriously

>No Dante


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What seems to be the problem

the profile queue is massive

As long as you're not clogging it with sub-bandcamp-tier garbage I don't see the issue

the only reason you are so comfortable with everyone knowing who you are irl is that you understand deep down that you have nothing going on in your life and nothing to lose, and you hide behind how trendy lefty shit is in the united states to bank on not getting your shit rocked by someone who isn't a sad manlet like you

hope he snordines this bro

hope he loses his milquetoast bourgeois existence when daddy's money runs out and sees what being a worker of the world is really like bro

There are a lot of trannies on RY|M

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Also, there's a reverse image search for the popular weeb boorus and the artist will be in the tags if it is known.

Looks like someone getting a RYM boost soon.

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i appreciate the anti racism message but god his music is absolute trash, id rather be racist

I didn't link you anything you paranoid fucktard