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Other urls found in this thread:



what is she doing

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Attached: you just know.jpg (970x867, 88K)

Being worshipped.

i'd pay to make this a reality

>i'm so picky picky picky

Attached: 1557610968063.jpg (1024x892, 96K)
Cinematic Masterpiece, better than any Loona teaser.

She does it for free

I thought she was brapping on the saturn cube

Attached: park_choa_by_gibberellin77_da9e85b-fullview.jpg (1600x1033, 456K)

Attached: 1521363821090.webm (606x1080, 2.95M)


tickling your daughter Wony and accidentally touching her breasts

based breeding time

Attached: D7YTK3bXkAAzJHJ-orig.jpg (1334x2000, 665K)

오늘 드디어 자살할게야


I'm not like the rest of you losers. I'm only waiting for woolim girls to debut I don't give a fuck about anything else.

any balkanbros here?

>tfw you deleted most of your old kpop pics but find a folder you didn't delete and look at old kpop images you saved years ago and its nostalgic even though it has only been a few years
>tfw considering deleting it because you don't want to hoard pics
>tfw they remind you of when you had friends
how do you guys feel about collecting images? do you ever feel like deleting them all?

this is what gets me. even BLACKED girls do it for money

How can you guys even tell these bitches apart

They all rook arike


violeta is growing on me desu


oi i said no heejoonking!

Attached: 1544506835225.jpg (1200x1198, 246K)

save them to my desktop and then delete, there will always be more kcuties and pics

bitch I have like 15 10tb hard drives. fuck off with this dumbass kid shit

It's a good thing nobody lewds Hyunjin

Attached: D7cHD-1UEAAGdcf-orig.jpg (1334x2000, 501K)

why are they standing so far away from our guy?


you're late

new wheein solo mv

Attached: 1556914688468.jpg (720x960, 116K)

no, im actually waiting for the DC bro to upload his archive. he is collecting every single dreamcatcher twitter image

>hoard pics
>never even look at them after saving anyway
>don't even post them
>constantly feel like deleting the folder
>keep saving anyway

>nuh uh, i have more pics of random strangers than you do

I can tell ching from a chong.

Attached: Jeongyeon (You).jpg (905x883, 89K)

wavy momo is hot, open forehead looks like ivanka

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Attached: 1EDB35F1-39FD-4F1D-BEA9-8B319446A618.jpg (806x554, 107K)

seriously though, what the fuck is the deal with the nigger?

>far away

Attached: Capture.jpg (893x897, 84K)


>tfw my arin folder is the only thing keeping me going
i actually want to thank her so much bros

Attached: DmLaWn0XsAAyXqJ.jpg (800x1200, 168K)

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goodnight my dudes

Attached: 58639057_590933601390542_6381109748632125440_o.jpg (1080x720, 64K)

why are asians such sociopathic sadists?

thats what i do so i can remember to delete them before i shut off my computer

t. Twiceboy coat-hanger auto-responder bot

you actually get used to it and it's pretty easy after a while

Attached: 1530935528002.jpg (736x1104, 137K)

i like her other one with sikk and brapsa's solo better

Attached: 1558762603584.jpg (2992x4496, 2.89M)



pristin is over.
let's celebrate.

His mom was a gook that got blacked. Now he’s a korean model and music show mc

>new thread
>same comments and posts made again just like the last thread

what did he mean by this?

sweet dreams friend

Attached: 정답은 언제나 하나! 오마이걸과 함께하는 추리교실☆|레이튼 미스터리 � (458x542, 369K)

No I. I spam my pics constantly.

Attached: Eevee.jpg (721x1056, 71K)

disgusting feet

nice toecocks ma'am

My cutie pie

Attached: tumblr_nvfsf6BPlA1thf7xno1_1280.jpg (681x910, 102K)

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who to believe

no heejoonking my heejwife

Attached: LOONA, HAPPY STAN LIVE [THE SHOW 190226]-jjm-hXi6uBA-8.webm (1920x1080, 2.84M)

her happiness is my happiness

posting from binnie's sexdungeon while slurping her p

I hate you.

Attached: the ugliest horse.jpg (668x662, 31K)

KPOP for this feel?

Attached: too ugly.jpg (300x157, 14K)

pretty sure you dont trust the toecocks fag

Binnie is top tier

Feetlets compared to our girls

Attached: qorzrkjlasx21.jpg (5284x2600, 3.18M)

make your own opinion you drone


Upside down

Attached: 2NE1 without makeup.jpg (421x497, 32K)

apex feet

i wrote a tool for myself with that i can really quickly save pictures and webm's without going into the folder anymore. literally copy and paste (not drag and drop) with hotkeys for favorite folders

i save pictures of over 40 idols, but still use dubu 90% of the time

Attached: 1557180095559.jpg (1000x1500, 204K)


Attached: binnie cameltoe.webm (666x1080, 1.92M)

ㅁㅊ ㅠㅠ

is this ironic? these are 10 times worse

Got any Miya?

Attached: 1556468357829.jpg (260x301, 56K)

thoughts on gyuri?

Attached: D7QQH-TUIAEL3Cn.jpg orig.jpg (1500x1887, 466K)
also gym and Dr. Kim

heard twice is an lgbt group now, how are we doing gay onces?

Attached: gay couple.png (1366x703, 1.26M)

best fromis

no. i don't save dudes or girls that look like dudes

Attached: 1556934053050.jpg (2518x3280, 711K)

poor mans sejeong

great eye smile

Attached: 1558385990442.jpg (1920x1080, 178K)

second best fromis

Based blindbro

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Horse kinda got some meat...

Attached: F4D6A0C4-7DD8-47CF-8C04-E44D850A9727.jpg (784x1024, 92K)

хyй гoвнo и мypaвeй

1. She's adorable.
2. It's her birthday, so be nice to her.

Attached: D6825Z4UcAETXVE.jpg (680x453, 49K)

Sucked some black cock in honor of my girl Sana hbu

best kara member


Attached: D7bC_KDU8AE_7ww.jpg orig.jpg (1000x1500, 198K)


Like every Fromis other than Jiheon she can get it

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post dahyun lewds

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why so rude пиздeц

My wife was violated back there

Nah Hamster, Gyuri and then Hara

la creatura

loona selling 100k next comeback get fucking ready

listen to Twice's discography and turn that emotion into absolute jubilation

any Elrisbros in?

Attached: average Elrisbros.jpg (1280x622, 144K)

it's a song name

>bom is the best looking

twice was alright up to and including likey, then they went to absolute dogshit

>implying that's not true

Attached: D63LIxWUcAA48-w-orig.jpg (879x1024, 185K)

its ok shes a butt slut

Attached: D3ZCvOCUEAEzAPh.jpg (960x960, 124K)

it's win win for me. either i have a good album to listen to or i can laugh at you fags for believing in it.

Attached: 1556500038953.jpg (683x1024, 110K)

wil and fancy are their best 2 songs desu

They peaked at TT and it was all downhill from there. Everything this past year or after WiL was unlistenable for me.

this fancam is a classic

>reenie's profile
uhhhhh guys?

Imagine being this deaf.

Post girls with cute voices

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i remember liking blackpink when they debuted lmao
i feel complete and utter shame over it now, i even deleted all my scrobbles of that shit

twice releases must have been really funny for you

Fancy is a better song than TT. You guys just put TT on a pedestal because the m/v was kino and the chorus was catchy as fuck.

Attached: HugeHappyBlowfish2.webm (748x1208, 900K)


Attached: Horse art.jpg (400x270, 16K)

*cracking cuck zoomer voice*
Fancy is a better song than TT. You guys just put TT on a pedestal because the m/v was kino and the chorus was catchy as fuck.

moving on from the tuneless cheerleadercore was a good idea, dtna and yoy were still useless tho

Fancy is garbage. It's just better than the usual Twice garbage.

It's all good if she's mine butt slut

Attached: a75439f257594b773c06f08c17a24212.jpg (800x1128, 142K)

fromis are pure

Attached: D6R1igfU0AAubsg.jpg orig.jpg (1575x1125, 100K)

But why? Something drastic must've happened

tt was shit at the time and still is

These cultists are just starved for good content so they eat up anything their idols fart out.

yeah they became thot pandering blacked sluts in the span of one comeback

Attached: 1546088257399.png (520x328, 216K)

I don’t like their music, but I’d eat thotcub’s strawberry farts

Fancy is objectively better than:
Heart Shaker
Yes or Yes
Knock Knock

And don't @ at me faggot

Please refer to

Post Mina lewds

i can't wait for july

Attached: 1558383098806.webm (1920x1080, 2.06M)

>yes or yes to fancy

The music is still fairly generic cutepop. Putting them in edgier outfits like they did with BDZ and Fancy doesn't change the underlying fact that the music is still cutepop.

Twiceshitters should just admit that they primarily like Twice as spankbank material and quit trying to convince people that the music is good.

the early Twice songs were the best songs in kpop by far and still are, they dropped the quality after that but they aren't bad, just average

today I understand fancy is dope. my initial reaction tho was different gotta admit


>either i have a good album to listen to
lmao how presumptuous

Fancy, Likey, DTNA, and BDZ are decent, everything else shit

I only like Fancy, What is Love and Likey

that list would be correct without KK

Attached: IMG_20190525_173754.jpg (1000x1500, 309K)

Me too bro. I used to love them; but they weren't a bunch of cum dumpsters for the first couple years. There was a time you could say any of them were pure unironically.


this is supposed to be EXCLUSIVE CONTENT


Attached: 1555920474781164.jpg (1000x1428, 254K)

>newfags think disliking a limp meme song about emoticons that came out less than 2 years ago means you must be a zoomer

buzzwords aside, it's not the worst idea for them to try and expand into the US market

we got too cocky

Attached: aads.png (721x244, 20K)

poor locodoco...

whores lmao

Attached: my70mv4rp6m21.jpg (1124x1999, 296K)

twice has trash tier lyrics.
can't hate on them being a successful girl group though.

Like I said better than the average garbage. Twice are still BEP babies though.

kek this is basically like a softcore stripshow.
twice only talents is that they are hot af.

Fucking lol
Do you lick toilets too?

jrock is cool but it hasn't really evolved in like 15 years
everything is a footnote to dir en grey

Dreamcatcher RISE UP

>the early Twice songs were the best songs in kpop by far and still are
how on earth

>heart shaker
>knock knock
>like ooh ahh

Attached: IMG_20190525_173747.jpg (1067x1600, 249K)

>hot af
which in today's world is the only talent that counts for anything

>i listen to kpop for the lyrics

those are all pretty shit
loa is decent maybe

Twiceshitters are bad, but these 2018-twiceismyfirstkpopgroup zoomers are worse

>kek this is basically like a softcore stripshow.
welcome to kpop, enjoy your stay

twice is sonically trash to me but hey let's just look past that since you're just gonna scream "get better taste"

Just because they are all pure doesn't mean they can't get it.

Attached: DlYPgOTUUAEb2oT-orig.jpg (1000x1500, 178K)

Attached: yuk.png (506x380, 428K)

*Dr. Kim’s talent

any sharkman in


lul the one of the left is awful at this, Chewy is decent tho

my girls are pure

name of schoolgirl? that's my new waifu...

dead site for cripples

Is a place for bullies.

Attached: Miya 118.jpg (1152x2048, 228K)

>these faggots unironically listening to kpop
>these faggots don't just put the mv on mute and fap

fucking sick

The lack of synchronization is awful

noone bullied u

i heard there's exclusive pics of p there

I like fancy for being more melodic or something, absolutely hated cheer up and tt

Twice songs are way better than other girl groups. Their b-sides alone are better than most of the shit put out by other groups. Especially on WiL, YoY and Fancy.

>he faps to MVs
>not fancams
Top pleb

hard to fap when they cut to closeups of uggos. 80% of most groups are composed of unfappable subhumans.
everglow is the only group that has over 50% fappable whores.

>he doesn't fap to ladyboys like the rest of us

Attached: D5AgbwSU8AAA8QB.jpg (1463x2048, 475K)

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You're welcome bro.

Attached: 8b3f9b889a9c395e39437bb38d9f8f7e.jpg (1492x2048, 413K)

nice bait

dead site for trannies

t. Got into twice in 2018 zoomer

>twice is better than other girl groups

Attached: 2019-01-02_6.jpg (960x720, 81K)

nobody does sure. but having some kick ass lines in there is just a bonus, and there are groups that do


Attached: 1558723173687.jpg (1469x1322, 558K)

>David Amber's songs for nugus were better than YoY
>%% was the better BEP song
I could go on

>not just rubbing it out to a webm

Attached: 1558774231962.webm (720x934, 2.95M)

theres only females there sorry

Attached: 1538674387914.webm (640x1222, 1.54M)

Everyone bullied me and told me to fuck off and die. You wouldn't be having to shill here if you didn't bully everyone off of your site. Now BE GONE!

Attached: Miya 52.jpg (1200x1800, 198K)

who is bp

TwIcE iS bEtTeR tHaN oTheR GIrL gRoUpS

Attached: D7A20eDUEAA_Gye.jpg (480x477, 42K)


>his faves don't have thought provoking emotionally charged lyrics

twice biggest "talents" on display. I do like them

bp... binnie p*ssy...

Yikes tranny outfits for the tranny anthem

Attached: 1537631601954.webm (640x810, 2.38M)

is this a girl or a boy?

post other Gen 3 GGs with as many good b-side tracks as Twice

I for one didn't!

omo nice hats

this t b h
people here anonymously shit on twice's music and then go listen to shit like butterfly

I got yo momo sister droppin to her knees
she bust it open quick, coz Im poppin the streets

Attached: momo drop.webm (720x1280, 2.93M)

Yes or Yes slaps desu


This, the fact that Once seem to intentional refuse to listen to kpop other than Twice makes listening to their opinions completely worthless. Even Twice seems to hate their music.

Attached: D7bNU7_XkAIZ9m9-orig.jpg (1280x1920, 233K)

based shakwarrior of heaven

Think that's bad? This is Tzuyu pre-debut. She was only 13 here dancing like a stripper.

>twice is better than other girl groups

Attached: satan rise.jpg (1882x822, 167K)

literally any of the groups who've released a few albums

Attached: twicegoddess.jpg (1024x996, 164K)

what's butterfly
twice have a few awesome songs and a ton of meh ones. meanwhile bp must be approaching 20 songs and all of them are fucking BANGERS. honestly twice wouldn't seem bad if not for the comparison

>that falseflag faggot

Attached: IMG_20190509_144958.jpg (222x289, 16K)

this reminds me that Cherry Bomb got an English Ver. like a year later, kek



>Think that's bad?
why would anyone think that, are you an homosexual?

Attached: 1543345638028.webm (640x720, 1.94M)

You're one guy. Everyone else did. Not just in Kpop but in Gaypop too. Just post a picture of Miya in there and see how they react thinking it's me.

Attached: Miya 137.jpg (857x1200, 134K)

Based af

Attached: JYPETWICE_JAPAN-1072450949300584448-20181211_192006-img1.jpg (2048x1536, 386K)

>Like a Fool
>Eyes Eyes Eyes
>Sweet Talker
>Sleep Tight Good Night
>Say You Love Me
>Turn it Up
etc, etc

Imagine shitting on Twice and then listening to whatever nugu shit you think isn't a heaping pile of shit

I'm not a pedo.

*mogs ur group

Attached: TWICE.jpg (2048x1336, 236K)

forgot to post the pic

Attached: goat.jpg (1079x796, 126K)

I sometimes feel sorry for other groups who only get the shit songs or toddler stuff, they must be jealous as all fuck

nooo go back to sleep germany

you were talking about the webm though

Is Twice the Halo or COD of K-pop?

>meanwhile bp must be approaching 20 songs and all of them are fucking bangers

Attached: 1556463881955.webm (1244x700, 2.92M)

imagine if that giant choa picked up a handful of a crowd of people, put them in her mouth and swallowed them alive lol

pic posted

We need shorts like this in kpop

>no love line
Based shit taste 2018 zoomer


I posted 3 just now havent gotten a single reply
Only rude guy i know is the anti guy, we ignore him
cant speak about gaypg

their worst could compete easily with twice's best. sad but true

The funny thing is that twice releases more songs than the majority of gg, and also give us a lot of content on vlive/youtube. Nugushitter life must be hard.

Love Line slaps too, but Im not going to list every single song they have that's a banger. It'd be way too long.

also nice projection you zoomer filth


>literally any of the groups who've released a few albums
So, RV & GFriend?
maybe DIA & Loona for the nugus
Twice still has more good b-sides in total


Attached: IMG_20190417_211448.jpg (677x290, 39K)

Sana snapped this comeback

Attached: D7SIWTTWwAwLAgR.jpg (954x1256, 111K)

Imagine unironically listening to GFriend


Do it in gaypg. Post Miyas and say, "He guys, did you miss me?"

에버글로우 주세요

Attached: nsjs8w.jpg (1420x2048, 296K)

Attached: sinbmood.webm (1016x720, 1.46M)

awards don't change the fact these songs were all shit?

something needs to be done

>meanwhile bp must be approaching 20 songs
they barely have 13 and only 2 are good at best if I'm being nice

she surpassed mina as the prettiest jap for me

>unironically using slap
Typical zoomer talk go back to singing along twice as they cover lady gaga

>people unironically comparing twice with blackstink

Attached: IMG_20190425_094247.jpg (791x480, 70K)


twice for fapping
bp for jamming

twice: straight male fans
blackpink: YAAAAAAAAAAASSSS QUEENS fat tumblrinas

Implying this isn’t a totally reasonable thing to do. Twice’s music videos are 100 times better on mute

Based Dr. Kim giving Sana fillers

>b-but only the b-bad songs win awards. the good one d-don't...

Attached: hoe toe.jpg (734x946, 99K)

>awards having anything to do with song quality rather than being handed out to the most popular groups by default
>awards for singles having anything to do with the quality of b-sides

well stop posting in gaypg

*starves of content*

Attached: IMG_20190428_130543.jpg (525x443, 54K)

Half these kiddos have yet to graduate high school.

Attached: Miya 48.jpg (563x715, 51K)


Attached: 3 years.jpg (2047x3214, 2.8M)

>twice: straight male fans

>bp for jamming
You're either a roastie or a faggot

play twice and bp tracks to anyone high school and above they would understand the difference
we must be full of kids after all

sounds like you're coping and have shit taste

i heard u guys talking shit about BP

Attached: SEAposter.jpg (720x886, 42K)

dreamcatcher have more worthwhile bsides with just a few eps out as well

do zoomers even know born this way?

I'm just waiting for them to start posting "youtube" views soon

were the devil horns necessary?

If awards meant anything than Drake and BTS unironically shits on Twice

cute CUTE


>t. BlinkChad reporting in

Attached: BlinkChad.jpg (623x397, 53K)

Who's talking about bsides? dumb nigger

it's easier to list those that don't shit on twice, musically

can't believe kpops still haven't covered alejandro or the other real gaga bangers

They do now

the only award that counts is Nickelodeon Kid's Choice Award

>their worst could compete easily with twice's best
>"awards for singles having anything to do with the quality of b-sides"


Twice has more awards than bts you dumb fuck

Not international awards, where they actually matter.

Based toddlerpopbro

Attached: Toddler pop f.webm (960x540, 1.96M)

it's shark day post shark feet

Awards that really matters? No.

what is love wa okay but already a decline. dance the night away, yes or yes and fancy are just trash

im a once but drake does she on twice

>international awards counts more than koreanfor a KPOP GROUP

Finally someone said it.

Based retard

Yes, local is small time

>winning an international award is more important than winning awards from your home country

>>bp for jamming
>You're either a roastie or a faggot
Not me, but why though? I enjoy their songs much more. They're kind of more relatable for someone my age (early 20s) and they have nice trap beats and some EDM. Twice is more kiddie pop for 10 year olds .


Alphamerica is what matters. No one gives a shit about your crappy and irrelevant little country, bong

Which ones?